[Veltzeh]'s diary

289930  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2004-07-17
Written: (7417 days ago)
Next in thread: 289987

18:09 — Well, I got my grades.
Physics HL 6
Mathematics HL 5
Biology HL 4
Finnish SL 6
English SL 5
Economics SL 5
(Chemistry SL 5)
31 whooping points. Yay.

288287  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-07-16
Written: (7419 days ago)

05:33 -- OMG I've been chewing this same gum for THREE HOURS ow ow ow.

286874  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-07-15
Written: (7420 days ago)

03:42 — OK. My parents' friend and two of his kids came over today to sleep. The kids are in [Gastogh]'s room but the dad is sleeping in the living room. Stars, WHAT A SNORING! I'm not really sure if I should laugh or cry. I've still got to hear whether it penetrates a closed door without computer noise. We'll see.
I'm darn tired. I don't know why. And I ate darn too many cookies today. Sugar.
I saw the tiniest boobs of movie history on TV today. A woman's boobs, that is. I'm actually wishing I could see them again. They looked a LOT better than the general bigger-than-my head movie boobs.
Do I sound weird yet? Good. I played too much Ninja Gaiden today too. And beat that darned big-boobed Fiend.
See how I've talked about today? Change that to yesterday. It's quarter to 4 in the midday.

284234  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-07-13
Written: (7422 days ago)

04:23 — I had fun tonight. I played Ninja Gaiden for about three hours, worked on two drawings and talked to one mod a LOT about stories and stuff. It's really late now though...

282749  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-07-12
Written: (7423 days ago)

00:05 — Found out there's another tiny wart on my sole, but this one actually hurt. I tried to kill it, and by the weird feeling down there I think it worked this time. The first one I tried to kill is still there. Scary...
I passed a police car yesterday when I was driving. XD

281629  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2004-07-10
Written: (7424 days ago)

22:54 — I was at Finncon today. The trip there took exactly two hours and two minutes. I passed a police car. XD I went there because fellow Finnish mods asked me to, and I had a pretty good time in there. The trip back took exactly two hours and it was raining rather hard... especially when observed from a car going 110 km/h. Now my feet hurt and I'm really tired. Well, it was worth it. =)

280183  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-07-09
Written: (7426 days ago)

13:15 — I'm going to Finncon tomorrow. My first trip alone. I have to leave at 7 and drive two hours to Jyväskylä. Jolly good.
Spiderman 2 was pretty good.

13:27 — Yay, they lost my tax card in Helsinki and taxed me 220 €. Now I got a new tax card to be sent and the employer thing will pay the lost 200 € to me with the next pay. Whee. Hopefully they don't lose it this time. >_<

15:28 — Last 30 minutes of the last day of work. I've done all my work, drawn a picture, an animation and checked all the websites I regularly check. And now I'm bored. So I thought I'd list a few names I could sometimes use.
Kaine (I wonder if there's a difference)
Hm... that only took six minutes. Now what? Maybe I'll sit here and just listen to music.

279046  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-07-08
Written: (7427 days ago)

15:41 — Yay, I'm going to go see Spiderman 2 today. I reserved tickets, need to go get the after I get out of work, go pick up my little sister from home, drive back to the city, see the movie and go back home. Whee. XD

278095  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-07-07
Written: (7427 days ago)

17:44 — Biology grade... 4. >_< Darnit. I thought it would go better than that...

277118  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-07-06
Written: (7428 days ago)
Next in thread: 277144

20:45 — Yay! Almost all my results are here! Let's see...
(7–1, 7 is best; A–E, A is best)
Mathematics 5
Physics 6
English 5
Economics 5
Biology and Finnish still pending

YAY, I PASSED! Well, still have to see those biology and Finnish results, but they didn't go that bad... at least I think so...

275660  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-07-05
Written: (7430 days ago)

09:49 -- Me and my parents went to the store yesterday to buy mattresses. Well, that store was closed, so we went to another store to buy pillows instead. I got caught in the DVD aisle and bought four under 10 € movies and a game. XD
I'm not sure whether or not I should've bought the game. I pretty much suck at playing... Both my little siblings are better than me. Then again, I function rather well as a playing guide, that is, I'm good at playing if I don't have to actually use the controller. Yeah, that's really nice.
Well, the game I bought was Ninja Gaiden. I've heard that it's really hard even on normal mode. Too bad it doesn't have an easy mode... I died on the first boss over ten times. XD Oh well, at least I won eventually... This game will keep me entertained for a looong time, if one of my siblings doesn't start playing it. Metroid Prime got spoiled that way... My little sister had the time to play it to the end and beat Metroid Prime. Well, I had the patience to kick Meta Ridley, but Metroid Prime is too hard, and I know what will happen. Then again, my scan percent is higher than my little sister's, so maybe I'd have an alternative ending or something... Recently my little sister has been trying to beat Metroid Prime on hard mode. Last time I checked, she hadn't succeeded. Maybe I should ask again. Then again, our GameCube got taken to Joensuu by my little brother.
I just babbled about video games for ten minutes.

15:43 -- I am bored. And I want the new mattress. Let's see if I'm allowed to use these characters: ° – —
15:49 — Boo.

18:54 — Yay, I got into the Tampere University of Technology! And I didn't even get my grades before that. XD (I'm getting to see them tomorrow.)

22:50 — Oooh... Tetris for SNES. The music is just awesome. I just sat there for almost 45 minutes watching my little sister play. XD After having died at least four times in Ninja Gaiden. Gee that game's hard. Oh well. =)

271163  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-07-01
Written: (7434 days ago)

00:49 -- Holy crapmonkeys. I stayed up this late again. Duh. The lightbulb in the shower popped, so no light in the shower. I tried to take the lamp cover thing off, but it wouldn't come. I figured it'd be better to not have any shards on the floor even if I did get the bulb changed. Well, I didn't find one single working flashlight either, so heloo, candles. It just SUCKS to take a shower in candlelight. *shiver* >_< Ewww. I'm going to be scarred for life. My first tiny wart looks like it did before I killed it. Or tried to, how do I know if it worked?

14:08 -- Holy carp. I find this highly amusing.

Vasemmassa kuvassa (a) on esimerkki suhteellisen lämpimän ilmamassan (monotoninen viiva 123) jäähtymisestä sen saapuessa keskitalvella sulalta mereltä lumen peittämään sisämaahan siten, että ilmamassassa oleva pilvisyys haihtuu. Lämpöä siirtyy ilmasta maahan säteilemällä sekä rajapinnassa (< 1 mm) johtumalla ja molekyläärisen diffuusion vaikutuksesta. Näin muodostuu aluksi hyvin ohut, mutta voimakas pintainversio (1). Tällainen lämpötilajakauman stabiloituminen vaimentaa tehokkaasti turbulenttista sekoittumista varsinkin, jos on tyyntä. Maanpinnan yläpuolinen lämpimin ilmakerros jäähtyy lämpösäteilyn vuodivergenssin vaikutuksesta samalla, kun pintainversio tulee yhä kylmemmäksi (2). Prosessin jatkuessa kyllin kauan ilmamassa on muuntunut hyvin kylmäksi arktiseksi ilmaksi (käyrä 3 sekä todellinen luotaus 28.12.1932). Suomessa lämpimän ilmamassan jäähtyminen on hyvin tehokasta lumipeitteisen maan yllä keväällä ja alkukesällä merellä.

Meteorology. Synoptiikkamoniste. Synoptics? I have no idea whatsoever, and I feel like I need to swear uncontrollably. I can see Näsinneula from where I sit!

270486  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-06-30
Written: (7435 days ago)

15:40 -- Z. Boring boring boring. And my whole body hurts. Except for my stomach that hurt two days ago and my head that never hurts anyway. Argh! Arm! Leg! Hand! Back! Knee! Lung!

17:45 -- Finally got out of work... but, after 15 km, my mom (whose workplace I work at) noticed that she had left her blood glucose level meter there. Well, let's turn around... 30 extra km of driving. When we were getting back the second time, the rain got so hard it was seriously difficult to see. O_O I drove mostly 70 km/h in the 80 km/h area. Didn't help that much, but I felt better.
Yesterday, I took a photo of my toe. I'm just asking, how cool it is to take a photo of your first wart before killing it? XD It's teeeeeny tiny.

268849  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-06-29
Written: (7436 days ago)

11:24 -- Hm. I finished the fourth chapter of that Synoptiikkamoniste I'm doing. Lalala. Maybe I'll draw starfields for the rest of the day.

267404  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-06-28
Written: (7437 days ago)

12:14 -- Mööö. I think I forgot to set the alarm on my clock, so I overslept. It was supposed to go off at 6. I woke up at 5:45, looked at the clock and thought "Goodie, 15 more minutes." I wasn't going to fall asleep again, but I did... and the next time I woke up was at 10. Great. XD I get to stay here until 18:30. Whoopee. Well, for once, I'm not overly tired at work.

16:51 -- Holy crap, it's BORING. 1,5 more hours and I'm so finished. Argh.

264975  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-06-24
Written: (7441 days ago)

07:53 -- It just hit me while modding tours... People put my drawings in their tours. ^_^ So it's not just all self-plugging with my eight tours... then again, only three of them are published now. And my tours are utterly boring.... oh well.

08:57 -- Holy crapmonkies, this STENCH! Fumes! Ô_Ô

264328  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-06-23
Written: (7441 days ago)

21:04 -- Major MÖÖÖ. I crashed into another car today. I was taking a left from a yard, and looked to the right. Yes, space. Though my mom, a bar of the car, another car and an ad were blocking most of the view. No cars there. I then looked to the left. Vans and a tree bloccking the distant view. I saw another car just coming, so I thought: "Jolly, there's a space and I get out after two minutes of waiting. Then turned my head in case there were some bicyclists. No bicyclists. Good. Well, I stepped on it, looking mostly to the left, seeing as the car was approaching rather fast. Well, my mom yelped and I bumped slightly into a car that was coming from the right. I wonder if it's legal to block the view with ads. Ah well. -_-
Our car suffered one deteached piece and paint loss, mostly. I didn't look at it so closely. The other car's left back door got a little crumbled, but that was all. Möh. 2,5 months of having a licence and I already fucked up. It's not that big a thing and the guy who I bumped into was being really nice and stuff, but thinking of it makes me want to cry. As if that helped. >_<

263774  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-06-22
Written: (7443 days ago)

09:33 -- Squee! I'm on a better computer at work now. ^_^

262738  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-06-21
Written: (7444 days ago)

13:32 -- Sigh. I looked at the FARP tutorials today, and some links posted in a specific article and got a really bad inferiority complex. >_<
I suck at drawing. I'm worse at writing. And I call myself a comic artist. I must be out of my mind.
Maybe I should just leave art and writing altogether and just strive for a career as a scientist. Though I'm probably not creative enough for that work either. And I can't be a teacher, since I suck at it.
Hm. It seems like the only thing I'm good at is making myself feel better by wandering among people who aren't as good artists, writers or scientists. Which of course makes them feel worse. At least I can take revenge for being mediocre, and it works!

13:48 -- A few random members and my inferiority complex was cured. Thank you, people! XD
Or, not. I wouldn't like you to think I like you, now would I?

258228  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-06-17
Written: (7448 days ago)

13:59 -- Sigh. I get off from work in half an hour. And then I'll go buy that devil's communication device. >_<
Oh well... it's always nice to get new technological things, even if it is a cell phone. Gnnn... I can't say that with a straight face. I hate them all.

17:51 -- I'm infested! Aaargh! *dies*

 The logged in version 

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