22.31 -- I just moderated one HELLISH Zone ticket... There was absolutely nothing acceptable in it... 12 pictures of modern people and X-Men RPG characters, nothing else. Again, HOW CAN PEOPLE BE SO STUPID?!
23.12 -- Back from Joensuu.
How to spend your time while sitting six hours in a car?
Spot a roadwork and count all the machines. Between Tampere and Jyväskylä I counted about 182 whole machines.
16.59 -- Yesterday I saw a picture with the stupidest reason to put it in Zone 47. I just can't believe how stupid people are. The description goes like this (or a part of it):
"I am putting it in the sci fi section because of what she's saying, I can't picture contimplating suicide as fantasy and she is a modern character and well, I just think it's too dark. and yeah.. I was sad when I made it."
OH PLEASE!!! That's the WORST reasoning EVER I have heard for a pic to be in Zone!
The only freaking thing in the desc that got it allowed in Zone was the part "is a modern character"! It being about suicide and dark have absolutely NOTHING to do with being modern! How can people be THIS STUPID?!? I think I know now why people don't like Zone, since they have this kind of idiotic, prejudiced attitude toward it!
And modern fantasy IS NOT the same as scifi!
15.16 -- Things to do during summer:
- Extended essay (4000 words, about lightnings)
- WLA (1500 words, about language in two books)
- A biology lab
- Plan a biology lab
- Group 4 project
- Finnish assignment about young men in "Crime and punishment"
Books to read:
- Mika Waltari: Suuri illusioni
- Väinö Linna: Täällä Pohjantähden alla
- Laura Esquivel: Pöytään ja vuoteeseen
- Dostojevski: Rikos ja rangaistus
11.12 -- Yes. The report.
Finnish 5 (O_o)
English 6
economics 4
biology 6 (dang!)
chemistry 5
physics 4 (dang...)
math 5 (O_O What did I do?!)
13.45 -- Let's see... I got all my mock exams back (practice final exams). In the worst case, I'll get (scale is 1 to 7, 7 is best)
3 for math
4 for physics
6 for biology
4 for chemistry
3 for economics
5 for English
4 for Finnish.
In the best case, I'll get
4 for math
4 for physics
7 for biology
5 for chemistry
4 for economics
6 for English
5 for Finnish.
Damn I flopped in math and physics! NOOO! My favorites... *sob*
12.44 -- Jus did the chemistry paper one... multiple choice XD Guess-and-win.
9.15 -- Finnish essay. Went ok I think... now three more hours and I'll have a chemistry test. Then, after that, three more hours and I have a Swedish exam! Oh happy joy.
14.36 -- Sweeetjeeezu!.
Finnish commentary ooh yeah... Look at [Ilyah]'s house and see what I looked at before I wrote the commentary XD
12.04 -- Math paper two done... Holy crap, I got about 25 % of the math paper one right! >_< At least the second paper went better... sigh...
10.42 -- Ooh yeah, I blew the other physics test too... Go me! Yeah! Two-hour math test coming...
11.57 -- Damn the economics multiple choice was a guess-and-win.
3 hour 15 minutes physics test coming... then 2,5 hours waiting for the damn Swedish lesson... real nice. Maybe I'll hit home and run to the bus stop again? Sigh.
15.33 -- I remembered NOTHING in the physics test X( I wonder if I'll get even a three out of that -_- I just have to hope the multiple choice and the tomorrow paper will go better... Argegeee...
9.56 -- Muahahahaa! The biology paper three was easy! And I ruined it by bad grammar and incomprehensib
9.59 -- Somehow I feel like I'm sugar high or something. Must get that candy! Mom, come on! School's over soon! XD I'm killing you with this. I shouldn't write this at school waiting for... a... freaking... economics test >_< My good mood is all gone!
10.00 -- OK I admit, I'm insane.
13.38 -- Done with English essay (which went well) and biology papers 1 and 2 (went well too). Then I'll get fours of both >_<
Dang. Oh well. I got a ton of other things done too. I think.
20 minutes until the bus comes.
11.55 -- Holy crap. >_< Never imagined to write English comparative commentary while a bunch of screaming brats is screaming in the hallway outside the classroom? Oh damn my commentary sucks now...
I can't even mod... twenty students are staring at me in the school library.
22.16 -- What really happened on Friday afternoon.
I went to the bus stop near my school and got into the bus. I sat there for 25 minutes and amazingly fell asleep right when we went past my stop. I ended up about five km in the next county, Hämeenkyrö. I started walking back. It was raining, and there was no sidewalk, to I had to walk on the edge of the highway. About five cars passed me every ten seconds. One fifth of them big trucks. Ooh, the sweet border of Ylöjärvi! I walked one more kilometer in the rain and then got to a familiar forest road. No more big loud trucks! Then I walked two km through the village to my home. Took me 1,5 hours.
15.39 -- I'm happily recovering from sars. It wasn't that much of a thing, I've had worse leg-aches. My nose has run out/away though.
12.05 -- Next Monday... Finnish presentation of the language of drama in Hamlet.
Next Tuesday... we'll be given information on the fall matriculation exams.
Next Wednesday... Probably a good time to finish my math portfolio and Finnish presentation about sci-fi.
Next Thursday... The presentation and give back the math portfolio.
Next Friday... Must return CAS diaries, biology labs and economics portfolio.
7.41 -- Chemistry presentation done.
Now only math and economics portfolios, biology labs, two Finnish presentations, WLA, math test, book to read, physics lab...
11.00 -- I'm starting to wonder also... People really don't know my gender and usually can't figure it out XD
Damn I like to confuse you.
10.59 -- In addition to all my freaking schoolwork...
I hate people who compare Elfwood to Epilogue. Epilogue is a market place, for "advanced" artists. Elfwood is a place for constructive criticism. Elfwood's rules are different from Epilogue's. So don't say that Epilogue has a lot "stricter" or "better" rules, because they don't, they are only different! Geeze how some people don't get this...
12.52 -- Let's see... In addition to all my schoolwork (somewhere below), I promised to teach someone how to colour with a computer, draw four pictures of characters, write a science fiction story about a cube planet, join an RPG, plus I should write my own stories (six in process and three translations) and draw some of my characters. And of course I mod too.
Aren't I just nuts or what?!