00:49 — "Fly" by Blind Guardian (in A Twist in the Myth) is an awesome song. That's all.
Actually, it's not. I got my transgender "condition" officially diagnosed yesterday. Now I can start doing things...
22:09 — I finished my final programming assignment and returned it. I feel ridiculously good. Also, my music player stumbled on a song that's one of my favorites, and surprisingly enough, I think it affected my mental state. I feel "normally good" instead of being "hyperactively good" or "euphoric". :D Also, looking at my grade 5 from that programming course made me squee. And, it's Shadowrun time tomorrow!
01:36 — At some point this night I started hearing a weird mechanic sound. I heard it in my room and pretty much everywhere in the house. It was very creepy. I thought it was in my head until I remembered that the freezer had been plugged in after I had went to school. Also, the freezer seemed to be the source since I heard it loudest (but most unclearly) near it. Well, I moved the freezer a bit and the problem was solved! It was strange that I could hear the sound everywhere in the house, though.
05:04 — Today (or yesterday, and the day before that) was a good day. On Sunday, there was a surprise game. My character lacked equipment, so I went to the RPG club and did it with a little help. Then there was playing until about midnight. When I left the university campus, at the first crossroad, there were groups of students having a snowball fight.
On Monday, we finished that game. It's kind of embarrassing to fall into traps when you're a rogue, but dang, it was nice. We got to slay a demon (who still did trick us posthumously)!
00:05 — My parents told me that the winter I was born was the coldest they had experienced. And the "summer" as well. They said it was actual summer for a whole week! Best year of my life, apparently. I don't remember what year it was, but some time in the place my parents lived in, the temperature couldn't get decent even inside a house. The warmest place was the kitchen with a whooping 14°C!
13:07 — In addition to what I wrote above, the "winter" this year has been quite ridiculous, to say the least. We got a whole bunch of snow on the first of November last year, then it melted and it's been snowless. Not nice. They said it's going to snow tomorrow, though.
15:50 — Yay, I got a 5 out of Programming 2. Gleeful. Only got a 4 of Programming 1, and that was even with the raise I got for getting points from the assignments. Did them perfectly, too. On the second course I screwed up on one assignment because I failed to read it properly. The program still worked like it should have. Oh well, only three points lost. Didn't affect my grade! Now I just need to make the final assignment.
21:33 — Hey, I haven't written a diary entry this year! About time. I decided I won't go to probability lectures anymore. The lecturer sucks. Assembly programming has been pretty neat this far. I wasted my vacation but got some little schoolwork done. Last Friday, I had a Shadowrun game. We had an elevator chase sequence and I laughed a lot at that. Also, my little hacker was booted out of the network. That wasn't nice.
21:44 — Also, I got 24 D6's for present. As for Nanowrimo... I wrote about 25000 words in November and got the full 50000 words in December. Whee!
00:24 — Damn, I forgot to tell that I finished reading Watchmen today. I started a few days ago and read most of it today because I didn't want to interrupt my reading. Serious superhero business! Seriously.
12:56 — Whee, everyone else is in Joensuu now.
19:56 — I'm too lazy to say anything about my courses and studies. So you get this instead: http://www.wri
15:38 — Shadowrun is awesome, even though we botched our last run. The target's head exploded...
In other news, it's funny to lie in bed and when I'm hot, move aside the quilt. The warmth floats off me to the ceiling and then I listen how the ceiling makes a little rustling noise. The few first times I didn't figure out why it happened and was a bit freaked out, but after I did, it's damn fun. Physics is awesome too.
14:25 — So, I'm ridiculously busy and crap. Yet, I've just spent a few hours reading a webcomic. http://www.gha
This made me lol: http://www.gha
14:48 — This, however, is just brilliant: http://www.gha
03:09 — At long last, I got to play Shadowrun. I'm happy now. It was slightly embarrassing that I forgot most of my dice home, and then I only had two D6's. At one point I needed to roll 15 of them. Oh well. I ransacked our boardgame boxes today. I didn't see any extra dice, until I remembered that Monopoly could have several. So I looked for the monopoly game and found close to ten dice there. I took them all except for two and now I have enough dice to throw Electronic warfare and Scan. Excuse me while I squee.
School is kind of hectic. Nevertheless, I spent today drawing and writing. I've written 11451 words of my NaNoWriMo story since November ended.
02:31 — I was in my first beer-fest of sorts. Of course I didn't drink, but well. At one point, there was a group of people close to me and they suddenly went about introducing themselves. Finnish names are delighting sometimes. Jouni, Janne, Jenni, Janne, Joni. Seriously. I think there were a Jani and a third Janne, too. It was damn funny.
22:06 — I was sitting there, writing to a person, following several channels, had a bunch of terminals open to do my programming assignment, bunch of other programs for my Shadowrun character, and who knows what else. Then, all of a sudden my dad comes in and yells at me, insisting that I shut down my programs and computer RIGHT NOW. He didn't offer much of an explanation and I was already panicking because I had like 20 or more programs to be closed. He explained something about how mom's computer was locked up, it was an emergency and how he needed to black out the whole house to fix it. Now, this is just plain ridiculous, but I had already started closing programs and was still in panic. By the time I had closed all the stuff down, I had told him that I would come take a look at it first.
Now, blacking out the whole house for this is ridiculous because you can just pull the plug. It's exactly the same effect for the computer, and the cords are ridiculously easy to access and don't affect anything else than the computer itself. However, since this is indeed a laptop, pulling the plug doesn't help, because it's charged. I had realized that by the time I was done.
When I got to the comp, I saw that it was far from urgent. It was just locked up and my dad said nothing worked. So I pressed the fucking power button and the "problem" was solved in four seconds.
I haven't been that angry in a long, long time. At least I could monitor myself while being angry, so now I know more about myself. I can't speak when I'm angry and if others speak, I feel more anger or then it makes me want to cry.
Maybe I should go explain my dad about pressing the power button for four seconds and explain to him that if pulling the plug doesn't help, then neither does blacking out the house. Of course, he should know this because he's graduated from a fucking university of technology.
01:36 — My exams for this period are over. Circuit analysis went okay, I suppose, and I think I wrote a lot of nice things on the Programming 2 exam, but I ran out of time! Three-hour exam, damnit, and about half the people were still writing when the time ended. Fourier methods exam was bad, and I didn't know how to answer to some questions. I wrote stuff that I thought would make sense, though, so I'll hope I'll at least pass.
My little Shadowrunner is coming along quite nice, actually I think it's almost finished. Whee!
Also, NaNoWriMo has ended. I got past my personal goal of 10000 words and instead crossed 25000 words. I feel accomplished. Now please read what I wrote! http://www.wri
14:45 — Today I finally sold my old TV that had been gathering dust under my lighttable shelf. I took it to Tampere and then thought that while I'm there, I might just as well buy stuff I needed. So I went to buy gloves and a network switch hub. I also was at the dentist today, but nothing happened there. My teeth are almost perfect. I only have that one cavity I got when I was in USA.
I spent about three hours on designing my little Shadowrunner on Monday, and I was kind of hyper after that. I went to sleep and rolled around for at least two hours, coming up with a great background story for my character. I can totally explain why ey's gotten all that nifty equipment and knowledge and stuff and still needs to be a Shadowrunner. It's probably not all that brilliant though, taking into account that I did whip it up while I was trying to sleep. Nevertheless, I got up in the night and WROTE that damn piece of text because I gleed at it about every minute and that was the primary reason I couldn't sleep. I was hungry too, though, since I had forgotten to eat anything. Well, I slept under 4 hours, still got up at 6 and went to lectures. I felt kind of dead in the evening, though.
Excuse me while I bounce.
09:43 — I bet all you stalkers are delighted in the amount of spam I've produced lately. Still, in case you didn't know, it's Transgender day of remembrance today! http://www.gen
21:53 — Well, I spent the best part of the day reading the Shadowrun 4th edition core book. This thing is addictive. Besides that, I'll be damned if this will be the first human I'll play! Intersexed, of course. GM-approved!
21:44 — Oh gee, I redid the drawing style rant. I felt it was a bit incomplete yesterday too, but well, too late.
Hm. More and more people have told me that my style looks like anime/manga style. At first I refused to show my drawings to anyone, so no one could really tell me what it looked like. Therefore, my skills and style "developed" in peace. I didn't try to imitate any other styles or drawings either, because I thought it was cheating, wrong and bad. At 16, when I first publicly showed off my drawings in Elfwood, almost no one called my style anime-like. And now that's changing...
I first drew rabbits in a realistic/comi
I first saw anime when I joined Elfwood. I felt pretty indifferent to it, I think. I didn't want to draw it, I rather had my own style. I could tell by then that my style didn't really look like comic book style, but I didn't know why. Probably because I didn't ink much. I still say my style isn't even near anime.
So why are people calling my style anime or anime-like? Tell me!
After too many people (yeah, most would say it's just very few people) said that my style looks like anime, I decided to take out some of my X-Men comics and absorb the art.
It feels a bit wrong and like giving up to start changing my style just because other people say it looks like anime. Heck, I'd feel dirty either way. Don't know if that's good or bad.
So, maybe you should expect a bit of a change in my style. But no, I will NOT start drawing huge breasts unless some poor unfortunate character really has some.
22:42 — I started creating a Shadowrun character today. Couldn't get it done, though (huge surprise), but at least I absorbed a lot of info. For the first time in my tiny RPGing history, I'm actually thinking of making a human character! Apocalypse!
And whee, GM doesn't seem to mind my androgynes either.
00:00 — Leeeeeeroooyy! http://en.wiki