Alright, so I'm back.. again.. um.. yeah.. I realize I need to change my house.. but Photoshop and all my stuff (mainly photos) are on the other computer. Think it would look nice if I spring decorated it.. we'll see. Its hard to gain access to the other computer now as my mom, who's 40+ years, has become anime obsessed!!!
I have just watched Fruits Basket. It was good. I might have said to some people that I didn't like anime but I guess that the ones I had seen before had been the less good ones. It touched me in a strange way, sickly filled with emotions, I am.
I want to do well in school (stupid typo used to be here before - good). I have never expressed that I would like to be the best, I just want to do well. I have talked with my french teacher and she has said that I can catch up to old presentations and the like by doing a few things, which was very nice of her. Saves me a lot of work, and worries. I feel calmer about french now but still a bit worried about math. At the beginning of this term, I felt that french and math would be my weakest subjects.
After I had watched the series, I got an urge to draw a map over my own imaginary world. Its a very complicated world, and sometimes I fear, even too complicated. I want to draw a map over it but it is hard. I don't know all the names yet for all the countries.. but as someone told me, I don't have to make everything up right now. They might as well pop up during the writing. And oh how I would like to write...
My imagination is very dear to me.
And secretly, I hope to find someone I can hug.
I'd like to wish everyone here on Elftown a Happy New Year!
I'm sorry I haven't been as active... people I know here leave or disappear, or get busy.. so msn is much easier to use to kep in touch with people. However, I do remember Elftown and will never forget the people whom I've met here and I do log on now and then.. so if you'd like to talk, about anything, I'm here.
I'm looking forward to this new year. I will do my best to not let the tiredness take over, I will be strong.. and I hope you will be strong as well.. =)
Hele Kõre & Kristjan Kasearu
Both in Estonian. These songs makes me proud of knowing the language and to be born in Estonia.
The two above ones are other 'interesting' songs in Estonian.