[Irishpixie]'s diary

239761  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-05-30
Written: (7307 days ago)

01. ( Color ) Dark blue
02. ( Animal ) Koala bear!
03. ( Vehicle ) 1957 Chevy Bel Air
04. ( Flower ) Dafodils!
05. ( Beer ) I hate beer…
06. ( Liquor ) hehe!! Not gonna tell
07. ( Soda ) Dr. Pepper!
08. ( Food ) Meat, Corn And Potatoes!!
09. ( Book ) I have way too many favorites to just name one!
10. ( Author )
11. ( Movie ) Labyrinth, The Goonies, Legend, Sandlot, Full Metal Jacket, LOTR, and way too many more to put down!!
12. ( State ) Arizona
13. ( City ) Flagstaff
14. ( School Subject ) not in school right now! YAY!
15. ( Movie genre ) I like just about everything, but I had to pick one it would probably be fantasy!
16. ( Color your hair? ) ya sometimes
17. ( Have a boyfriend/girlfriend/both? ) Yes
18. ( Floss daily? ) Of course!
19. ( Own a webcam? ) nope
20. (Ever get off the damn computer? ) hehe sometimes!
21. (Gotten a speeding ticket? ) Nope, but that’s only cuz I have never been caught~ (knock on wood!)
22. ( How fast? ) hehe!!
23. ( Been in a wreck? ) yes on Halloween no less!, but it wasn’t my fault!!
24. (Been arrested? ) *grins sheepishly* I plead the fifth!
25. (Stolen a car? ) nope, but I drive mine like I stole it!! LOL
26. ( Stolen anything? ) Chapstick and gum when I was younger!
27. ( Smoke? ) Nope
28. ( Pot? ) Never!
29. ( Crack? ) Again Never!
30. ( Drink? ) Sometimes when I do the whole club scene!
31. ( Been so drunk you couldn't remember your name? ) hehe maybe!
32. ( Been so drunk you didn't care that you couldn't remember your name? ) probably!
33. ( Posed for nude pics? ) lol……. Maybe!!
34. ( Considered a life of crime? ) all the time!! LOL
35. ( Considered being a hooker? ) nope!
36. ( Maybe a pimp? ) hehe no that I have thought of!!!
37. ( Cheated on someone? ) Nope
38. ( Been married? ) Yep
39. ( Been divorced? ) Nope
40. ( Are you psycho? ) *looks around* Maybe, Why? Whos Asking?
41. ( Split personalities? ) Only like 5 so that’s not so bad!!
42. ( Obsessive? ) I don’t think so…
43. ( Panic? ) Why? Why would I panic? I can t breathe! Oh my god!! Panic!!
44. ( Depressed? ) Rarely
45. ( Suicidal? ) Nope!
46. ( Obsessed with hate? ) Nope
47. ( Dream of mutilated bodies, blood, death, and gore? ) Nope48. ( Dream of doing those things instead of just seeing them? ) eh… what things…?
49. ( Had sex outdoors? ) I try to at least one a week!!! LOL

50. ( What are you watching? ) Nothing!
51. ( What time is it? ) 2:34pm
52. ( What are you wearing? ) Oh you would like to know wouldn’t you?
53. ( Wanna cyber? ) Nope
54. ( Hey baby, nice shoes... ) Oh you are so sweet!!!
55. ( What're you drinking? ) Dr. Pepper!
56. ( Eating? ) A cupcake!!Oh so Yummy!!
57. ( Got both hands on the keyboard? ) Ummm… when I am not stuffing my face with this yummy cupcake!
58. ( You sure ‘bout that? ) I think so!
59. ( Who are you talkin to? ) A friend!
60. ( What other windows do you have open? ) umm… word, Prophesy, and Outlook!
61. ( Be anywhere, where would you be? ) Ireland!
62. (Who would you be with? ) Ummm… my lil girl!
63. ( What would you be doing? ) dancing in the rain!!
64. ( How bored are you? ) ummm, I am not bored at all!

65. (Do u like to sing in the shower) All the time!…
66. (Do u like to sing) when no one is around!… I don’t want to offend anyone!! LOL!
67. (Sign) Gemini
68. (Sex) Female!
69. (righty or Lefty) Righty!
70. (Do you have a car?) Yes
71. (What kinda car do you have?) A Ford Explorer
72. (Food) I already answered this one!!
73. (Number) 8
74. (Do you plan on having kids) I have a lil girl~
75. (How old do you wanna be when you are married) I already am!
76. (yes) nope!
77. (no) yes!
78. (Would you have kids before marriage?) hehe!!!
79. (Do you have a crush) Yes!!!
80. (Music/TV) I like almost any kind of Music!!!
81. (Guys/Girls) Guys!
82. (Green/Blue) Blue
83. (Pink/Purple) Purple
84. (Summer/Winter) Summer
85. (Night/Day) Night!
86. (Relaxin/Chillin) Arent they about the same??
87. (Dopey/Funny) Dopey!!!
88. (What school do u go to) I don’t!
89. (What's a major turn on for you) hehe!!! Ummm I like guys hands!!

90. (Believe in life on other planets?) ya
91. (Astrology?) sometimes!
92. (Magic?) *gets wand out* of course!
93. (God?) Yes!
94. (Satan?) yep
95. (Santa?) hehe!! Maybe!!
96. (Ghosts?) yep
97. (Luck?) Always! Although I don’t really have any!!!
98. (Love at first sight?) Yes!
99. (Yin and Yang?)
100. (Witches?) yep
101. (Easter bunny?) For my lil girl, I am the Easter Bunny!!!
102. (Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?) Yes!!
103. (Believe there's a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?) Of Course!!
104. (Do you wish on stars?) Always!! I wish I may, I wish I might!

208402  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-04-28
Written: (7339 days ago)
Next in thread: 215097

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