[jaybee]'s diary

32586  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2003-05-25
Written: (7797 days ago)

I lied to someone i love(friend love)
and i told her the truth and now i think she hates me
she is the best friend i have ever had
i never ment to hurt her
if she reads this i want her to know how sorry i am ;_;
i don't want to lose her
i have already lost too mant ppl in my life
i don't want to lose another;_;
especially not her
i should never have told her this
now i hate myself even more

30657  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2003-05-19
Written: (7803 days ago)


26468  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2003-05-06
Written: (7816 days ago)

dum di dum di di di do
im drawing at the moment
so far it lookis like shit
but oh well

24812  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2003-05-01
Written: (7821 days ago)

ok i was a bit depressed
but im ok now
i promise
well untill something bad happens again

24357  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2003-04-29
Written: (7823 days ago)

Everytime i cry it seems to bring back memories, memories that i dnt want to remember
a good friend told me that tomorrow is a new day
when i was fighting with my mum i waited a day or two and everything was back to normal
well it doesnt work with friends
i have only known this friend for a short time but i feel i have gotten to know him pretty well
i hate fighting with friends especially friends like this who i care about alot
i think i have found the meaning of life... THERE IS NO MEANING!
life is just a game of poker or something that we all take part in wether we like it or not.
sometimes we hit it big and other times we lose(alot)
most of my friends seem to hit it big and i seem to lose alot but i know from the bottom there is only up
after all y do u think i am still alive?

24058  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2003-04-28
Written: (7824 days ago)

Dear Diary,(yes i know u r probably all reading this too)
mum and i are fighting, again
its so annoying!
My life is a pile of shit!
the internet is the only personal space i get from her
and now shes gettin online ALL the time ( ok maybe not ALL the time, but whenever im talking to someone important)
Its gettin worse!
  from Jax

15340  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2003-03-20
Written: (7863 days ago)
Next in thread: 19645

Fuck when is Jim gonna get online?

 The logged in version 

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