[dfafadsfasdasf]'s diary

307452  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-08-02
Written: (7244 days ago)

I'm Back (Time to put on the red, white and black) By Carl Frantz - Crazy C - This one gos to my first year in hockey since i broke my collar bone

Its been a little while
I'm no longer just a child
I here to play some hockey
I sure hope no one gets cocky
Becuz this is my team
I can do alot more than it seems

Last year I was in states
I was living the dream
Or so it seemed
I thought I finally got a break
And I did flying at those boreds with all that speed
Bye Bye is what my collar bone said to me

With my collar bone broken
It semmed like my team had sunken
Its was hard for my team with their best player on the bench
Why did it have to break
Damn I made a mistake

But guess what I'm back
Time again to put on the red, white and black
This is my time
Its my year to shine
They're gona make me a shrine

Last year I was the one that always scored
But this year gona do it alot more
Becuz I'm ready to go in
I'm ready for some diggin
This year is revenge

I will go back to states this year
And all the fans are gona cheer
And the title will go to me
For tournement MVP
You will all see

But it won't be easy
Becuz of these little sleasy
Players on my team
They fill my head steam
And if they screw up they will answer to me

Hey yo I'm back
Time again to put on the red, white and black
This is my time
This is my year to shine
They're gona maKe me a shrine
You all are blind if you don't see this
I'm back and back with a vengence

Its gona be a wake up call
For all these little punks who think their the best and thats all
If they don't give me no shit
Maybe I'll teach them some little tricks
I'm one of the best
So just do what I do and you will be set

They better be ready be ready
Cuz I'm back and I'm getting the C
Captain is for me
Becuz my speed
And the way that I lead
And I'm ready to breed
The best team
That anyone has ever seen

The Jamestown Lakers
We're no fakers
We're for real
We are the team that always steals
All the wins
And guess what if you blink the puck is in

Guess what I'm back
Time again to put on the red, white and black
This is my time
This is year to shine
They're gona make me a shrine
You must be blind if you don't see this
I'm back and back with vengence

300156  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-07-26
Written: (7250 days ago)




1)"I am me Crazy C"
2)"I will be rich"
3)"I'll be ok"
4)"This girl"
5)"The Party"
6)"Parties should rock"
7)"She won't love me"
9)"Don't fall in love"


300092  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-07-26
Written: (7250 days ago)

"I'll be OK" By Carl Frantz - Crazy C - Deticatec to all those people out there who think they're alone u can make it

In this world you can olny depend
On one
And thats number 1
I stand alone
I'm not some mindless drone

I will be on my own
I will never go home
I am completely alone
But I will fight
And save my soul so it can find the light

Its hard to fight it all alone
The path has been shown
And i must face it on my own
I will not buckle under the presure
No matter what measure
I have to take
It won't be able to break

I can do it
I may not show it
But its clear to me
I will be

I will make it through high school
I will make myself kool
And make the girls drool
I am no fool
I know i have to get through school

Just let me do this
My life is a mess
I've got deal with this stress
I'll get to class on time
I'll ask question not act like a mime

I have so much potencial
But my days are sequencial
I don't make the move
That would get me in the groove
But I will soon

So just trust me
I can do it
I may not show it
But its clear to me
That i will be

I will through
Even my broken heart
It feels like its taken a dart
I just need a jump start
And someone to pull the out the dart

All though i will be famous
I think i'll be happy
Becuz i'll still miss my babi
The one that got away
The one you always wish would have stayed

Why does everyone
Hate me
Or are they just jealous of me
But I know their all soft
Like Jelly

But guess what
I can do it
I may not show it
But its clear to me
That I will be



296310  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-07-23
Written: (7254 days ago)

"I am me Crazy C" By Carl Frantz - Crazy C -

Ok I know that i'm new
You all may think I'm a fool
But its kool
Becuz I'm gona be big
Gain more popularity with every gig

If I'm gona be so good
Then maybe I should
Introduce myself
I am Crazy C
And I can rap like you wouldn't believe

I come from a town called celeron
Most everyone around is a moron
They all smoke dope
And their futures have no hope
But I ain't like that, NOPE not me
I'm gona be the one on tv

I am me
And thats all I'll every be
Just Crazy C
I don't try to be something i'm not
And I don't have to because geuss what I'm hot

I don't have the money
To record my songs
And to me thats wrong
Becuz the music biss is where I belong

I'm not kidding becuz I want to be herd
You can't get famous with just words
And its abserd
Becuz if I was a rapper court would be agerned
Becuz i've learned
When something feels good it probably is

Singing is way for me to be brave
A way for me to say things that I need to say
They may be delayed
Or come out gay
But everyone needs a way to let off steam
And a way to dream

I am me
And thats all I'll every be
Just Crazy C
I don't try to be something i'm not
And I don't have to becuz guess what I'm hot

Some of my songs are funny
Some are serious
Some make people delierious
Some make people wana cry
And some help me say goodbye

In my ryhmes
I never lie
If i said that someone died
They died
And i'll attmit that i am shy
that is probably why
I have to express myself through words
Instead of talkin to someone I write a verse

I don't know how my life is gona be
But I hope I don't have to see
My children grow up the same as me
I won't be like my father
Becuz he won't even bother
To be a man
A 13 year old kid should not have to do what i did
I had to fight my dad
And I'm kind of glad
And so sad But I can't let him beat my mom
With me and him its some times like veiot nom

I am me
And thats all I'll ever be
Just Crazy C
I don't try to be something i'm not
And I don't have to becuz geuss what I'm hot

Well now you a little about me
And maybe you can see
That one day I will be free

292688  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-07-20
Written: (7257 days ago)

"I Will Be Rich" By Carl Frantz - Crazy C - This one is to my future

One Day I will be rich
I will have clicks
People who think i'm a bitch
People who think I should be dead in the ditch
And I'm ready for it

I'm gona be a star
I will be in the NHL
Or maybe the next eminem
Maybe he will be my friend
I'll have tons of money to spend

The rich life style is for me
Thats why I know I'm gona be
No not fake
The compitition will be in my wake

I'm the real deal
I will not steal
I am the shit
I'm not a bitch
Oh and guess what I'm no lieing in a ditch

life will be great
I can't wait
I will have cars with swade
And parades
In my name

If i become a rap star
They probably won't exept me becuz i'm not a gangsta
I don't commit crimes
But I can still ryhme
I do it all time

I don't know if I'm ready for this life style
I've dreamed about it since i was a child
By all means
I'm gona be the king and I'm gona have queen
You might think its abseen

To have a hockey player that is an mc
I tell u what I gona be
The next 50
And i'll be around for at least 20 years
Chillin with my homies drinking some beers

I'm the real deal
I will not steal
Dude I'm for real
I am the shit
I'm not a bitch
And guess what i'm not dead in a ditch

Ya know I don't care what ya'll think
I could put you out before you could blink
Or even wink
After you incounter me you will need a shrink
And dam do u stink

This is the end
No more curves or bends
But before I say goodbye
I have to say that I will be fly
Becuz I will be rich

291853  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-07-19
Written: (7257 days ago)

'This Girl" Carl Frantz - Crazy C -

There is this girl I just met
But I'm willing to bet
That I love her alot
My blood just clots
When I can't talk to her

When I first talked to her
It was all a blurr
But knew that she would be th one
Becuz the vibe I got could not be un done
I will love her even through graduation

This girl is so kool
Shes like a jewl
She sparkles and shines
Just like a new dime
And guess what shes mine

This girl
Is the world
To me
She would be
My queen

Hey this girl is the best
And I will not rest
Becuz she deserves the best
I would give her the sun
Be cuz shes my honey bun

If anyone ever hurts her
There will be trouble
That man will see double
Becuz if u fuck with her u fuck with me
Don't make me have to go on a killing spree

With her I can be free
Like the open sea
I'm so glad that she is with me
She is my babi girl
I would hold her hair back when she hurls

This girl
Is the world
To me
She would be
My queen

This gurl is so fine
But I would careless if she was blind
Because I love her so much I just wana clutch
Her hand
And stand on the beach with her

This is so fly
I just don't know why
She would go out with me
People think i'm hot
But I think I'm not

I know that I look good
And thats good
But Im just so glad
That don't have to be mad
When I'm with you

This girl
Is the world
To me
She would be
My queen

I love this girl in the dark and in the light
I wish i could hold her tight
And kiss her every night
But all we can do is talk
We can not take a walk
But its ok
Becuz are love will not stray
Before I go I got to say
I love this girl beyond believe

ps im gay

i'm not really gay just a joke lol =)

290551  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-07-18
Written: (7259 days ago)
Next in thread: 293724

"Parties Should Rock" Carl Frantz - Crazy C - Dedicted to all u people who have been to a bad party

Yo have u ever had to go
To a party that blows
One that just sucks
One full of stupid fucks
With like a petting zoo full of ducks

Why can't I have a party with some boos
Maybe some good lavante Blues
Maybe we could get a dj
And maybe by the end of night i would get a bj
If we could get some ladies to come that is

I mean I maybe be only 14
But that doesn't mean I'm under qurentine
I mean I can have fun
Just Like everyone

Parties have to be awesome
Like having a threeesome
Parties have to rock
But all my parents do is block
Me from getting some ass
And getting past
First base

You should never be bored at a party
You should be thinking of which hottie
Ur gona hit on next
Or something more complex
Like if she likes to have sex

The worst party there can be is one with just suasage
It just can't work because i mean i like pung tang pie
I mean I'm so fly
I don't even have to get high
To get the gurls
But they can't be got if they're not there

I swear when I have my own place
The girls will come without their mace
There will be people hookin up
And no one whos not drunk
And people gettin beat up becuz they were being a punk

Parties have to be awesome
Like having a threesome
Parties have to rock
But all my parents do is block
Me from getting some ass
And getting past
1st base

Parties can be slow or they can be fast
Parties can be short or they can really last
But ya just got to make some noise
And have both girls and boys
Not just guys eatin fries
Ya need some gurls and maybe some lies

Parties will be great
Even if they come a little late
I just want to see some gurls
I'll tell them I'll buy them perls
While she hurls

But that time in my life wil come
I may be a little dumb
Becuz I can wait
And I don't hate
To be young

Parties should be awesome
Like having a threesome
Parties should rock
but all my parents do is block
Me from getting some ass
And getting past
1st base

But sreiously enjoy ur childhood becuz it only last so long
Before you no it, it will gone
And I hope you understand by the end of this song

288370  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-07-16
Written: (7261 days ago)

"Don't Fall In Love" Carl Frantz - Crazy C

This world i hate
All of it is fake
People always use You
And abuse you
Their are all so gay
Even though they all get laid

Everyone hates me
There is hole gaping
Through my insides
Through me the wind glides
And nobody heres my loud crys
Before I no it i'm gona die

The sad thing is I fell in love
That was the worst and it just hurts becuz
All that I loved came crashing down
And my smile turned into a frown
Becuz of those words she said
i won't go out with u I'd rather be dead

Never fall in love
Becuz all it does
Is make life worse
I hurt more and more with every verse
I can't even describe
The way feel inside

Most of ur life
You try to find someone whos right
For you
Someone who is true and doesn't make u feel blue
Someone who won't shoot
You down

But in this world it is so hard
To find someone who will not make u scarrd
People are so hard to predict
Thats why life can be a dick
I'm sick of this shit
Why can't it all just quit

Life is a son of a bitch
You could find urself lieing in a ditch
Cold and alone
To no one are you known
To the the people in this world
You are invisble

Never fall in love
Becuz all it ever does
Is make life worse
I hurt more and more with every verse
I can not describe
The way I feel inside

Its so weird how can u love someone that u hate
My life would be great
If only she could be with me for awhile
But no she just thinks i'm vile
I maybe a little shy
But thats no reason to make me cry
And wana die

My life is a lie
And I don't know why
I had to fall in love
It only leads to people who push and shove
And I don't want to fight
It could end up with me seeing the light
But I love her with all my might

I just wish the love would go away
So that I would be able to just walk up to her and say hey
But the love will never fade
just make my life delayed
And make me afraid
That the love will always stay

Don't ever fall in love
Becuz all it ever does
Is make life worse
I hurt more and more with every verse
I can't even desribe
The way I feel inside

Let it be a lesson
To all of your progression
Even through all of ur obsession
Even the people u think u love
Will never fit ur glove

286919  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-07-15
Written: (7262 days ago)
Next in thread:

"The Party" By Carl Frantz - Crazy C, This song i dedicate to [Baby_gurl_dani]

Put ur hands up
Put ur hands up
Put ur hands up
Put ur hands up

Lets go
where goin to a party
Gona move are bodies
Gona have some fun
Come on lets jump the gun
gona go all out
Come on everybody shout

go, go, go, go,
Put ur hand up
Lets go
Put ur hands up

This is the place
Here we don't judge by race
We just wana fun
Before the night is done
Look around at all the bitches
Come on lets get some 7 digits

Put ur hands up
Put ur hands up
put um up bro
Lets go

Gotta charm the ladies
The sweet lil babies
So inocent in there short skirts
They're all such flirts
There trying to get with you
Ur tryin to get with them
I wonder what gona happen before the end

Come on people lets go make some noise
Do for all ur boys do it for all your girls
Come on lets get down

I woke up next to her
And I don't know where
She came from or who she is
But I don't care becuz I do remeber the stuff she did
The party was great
But now I'm late for school
Aww well one day won't hurt

280932  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2004-07-10
Written: (7267 days ago)

"Someone" By Carl Frantz - to One of my best friends [Your Dying Dream]

In this world you have to have a friend
Before the end
Ur time must be spent
With someone who cares
Someone who knows ur there

Someone ur not invisible to
Someone who likes you for you
Someone that will understand
And make u glad
Someone who doesn't make u feel bad

Without a person like this
Your whole life could blis
If u don't have someone to make u feel good
You may spill some blood
Most likely ur own
Because you had no one to talk to on the phone

Everybody needs someone to make them feel good
Someone who understood
A person that will be kind
And help you clear your mind
Of all that you hate
Someone who makes you feel great

All this time I've been waiting to meet
A person who's sweet
Someone who will help u get through
Someone who will be there for you
Someone who can relate
Somebody who won't debate

The question is how do you find
A person that is so kind
Someone who can just be a friend
Someone who does not want to spend
The night with you in bed

I'm the kind of guy
Who needs someone to help me when i'm shy
And to help me figure out
What I can and can not live without
There should be no doubt
This person will not shout
At you, They will not make you feel blue

Everyboby needs someone who makes them feel good
Someone who understood
A person that will be kind
And help you clear your mind
Of all the hate
Someone who makes you feel great

This world is full of trouble
Stuff that can make u see double
Thats why you need someone there to help
It can't always be yourself
This person will always be there
Just to help and share
The burdon

To this person you will be fly
They will help u stay alive
This someone could girl or guy
They will not make u cry
Or make u wana die

Someone who can help u with depression
Someone who can teach u a lesson
Someone who won't ignore you
Someone who is perfect for you
Someone who will help you to decide
The way you really feel inside

Everyone needs someone who makes them feel good
Someone who understood
Someone who will be kind
And help you clear your mind
Of all the hate
Someone who makes you feel great

All this time
I've hoped that I would meet mine
A friend who will be kind
Until the end of time

And I finaly did

279850  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-07-09
Written: (7268 days ago)

"You Won't Love Me" By Carl Frantz - Crazy C - To my Love Nicole Pearson

This world is so confusing
I don't know am i abusing the things that i love
And I think its time
I haven't comitted a crime
But I have to say that this rhyme is for you nicole

My love for you will never end
I could hug you again and again
My time could not be better spent
Than with you
And sometimes I just feel like a fool
Because I'm so in love with you

She is the best
Above all the rest
Like a goddess in the sky
Shes just so fly
I think i'm gona cry

Because I don't know why I can't be with her
I can't be with her
With her

All this time
I thought it was because I didn't have a dime
But I must be blind
Because there's no way I'm gona find
A way to be with her

Man this is all a blur
I don't know if its me or her
It makes me feel like dirt
When she walks in in that skirt
And she doesn't say a thing
Cuz I don't have nice cloths or any bling bling

I may not be the bravest
But I just got to say this
You r just so fine
I want you to be mine
But now I'm on a grind
I'm all up in a bind
And I wish that u could find
The love inside
That you hide

I don't know why you won't be with me
Won't be with me
With me

Babi ur just so great
Someone I could never hate
But I got to debate wether
To get you or leave you
I will not decive you
The love I feel for you is nothing but true

But you won't love me
Won't love me
Love me

265335  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2004-06-26
Written: (7281 days ago)

My life is a lie
Why can't I just die
Maybe I should say goodbye

I really don't know
I don't want her to go
I am the audence and she is the show

All I can do is stare
I'm not able to bare
My soul to her

How can I be with her
When I can't even tell her
All that needs to be said
Like the fact that i love her more than me not being dead

She means the world to me
But I think I should let it be
But she is all I need

262015  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-06-20
Written: (7286 days ago)
Next in thread: 279857

I love you Nicole
But I'm like a mole
Because I'm down in hole
Away from you

I love you anyway
All though it probably won't stay
I'll probably turn gay
I just wana say
I will all ways love u

What am I gona do
My heart is like goo
All because its not me and you

257274  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-06-16
Written: (7290 days ago)

I'm just sad
I'm feeling bad
Because will not I see her no more
The summer will be a borr
Without her

She is my pride
That swells up inside
I think I'm gona cry
Or maybe just die
Because I can no longer look her in the eye
And I won't even get say goodbye

It used to be great
But now this world I hate
She never took the bait
Now it is to late
And I don't know what to do

Maybe next year
I will get her
She is the best
Above all the rest
I just want to be with her

251455  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-06-11
Written: (7296 days ago)


The things that I see
Were not ment to be
I wish I could flee
I fear I'll go on a killing spree
I don't want that though
I'm a pretty calm bro
If only there was a way to show
But I don't know
I'm scared to die
But I just wana cry
Because I can't be with you
And I know that it is true
All I want to do is be with you
All of my life
I want you to be my wife
But that can't happen
What do you think i'm an assasin
IThis is just great
Now I'm all full of hate
Why did I wait
Why didn't I take the chance
In advance
I don't know
But I'm pretty sure its over though
I mean now I got a friend that wants you to
What can I do
You love him more
And your willing to bore
A hole through MY HEART

240905  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-06-01
Written: (7306 days ago)

The Warrior

With one strike you will be gone
Just like a queen taking a pon
You won't forget the last thing you see
His face when he is killing you all full of glee
His sword is the greatest one of them all
It just loves to watch them fall
When he comes there's nothing you can do
You see him and your paints fill with poo
He is a killer
And he knows it

He can't be defeated
You must be on crack if you think you can beat him

240883  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-05-31
Written: (7306 days ago)

Your so kool
Like an ice cool pool
Your friends with my gurl
Wow what a small world
I think your great
And I do hate
That I can't have 2 gurlfriends
But my love belongs to smoochie
I don't think shes a hoochie
So I can't be ether
I have to take a breather
But before I say goodbye
I have to look you in the eye
And say I would cry
If anything happened to you

Deticated to **love**

238684  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2004-05-29
Written: (7308 days ago)


They say fire down there is red
But nobody knows because to get down there you have to be dead
I know the truth
Because i killed grandma ruth
If you go down, which this isn't something for your aim
You will be dead and engolfed by the flames
What should you do to stay out of here
Lay off the pot and the beer
Just remeber if you go down there
Make sure you look at the flames
And what you will see
The blackFire sea

Nothing in this poem is true

238443  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2004-05-29
Written: (7309 days ago)

My love

My love is great
I'm full of hate
I debate

Wether to stay or go
I need some help bro
Cause this just blows

This world is dum
I'm like a crum
To you

I love you, you know
You don't though
So how are we suposed to grow

I don't want you gone
Your not just a pon
To me

My love for you doesn't end
I just want to spend
My life with you

238075  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-05-28
Written: (7309 days ago)

The Darkness

Its coming
So you better get going
Whats that I hear
Is it the rising fear
Don't go to bed
Or you will be dead
Don't go in the dark
Because its bite is worse than its bark
Don't go out at night
Or you'll never see the light
Watch out 
Thats what its about
Don't go to sleep
Or you will go deep
Down into the depts
Of hate and dispare
And you won't care
Once you are there
It will be hard to bare
As it comes up with its mighty will
Only to kill

237314  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-05-28
Written: (7310 days ago)


Love is a great thing
It's just as good as bling bling
Love is kool
It just rules
Love is the best
It defeats all the rest
Love kicks ass
Just like catching a big bass
Love is just great
Except when there's hate
Love is in my heart
I hope it don't depart
Before I say goodbye
I have to say why
Aren't you in love

Deticated to Smoochie**

 The logged in version 

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