[idyllicday]'s diary

687192  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-10-25
Written: (6920 days ago)

I really like these rules for some reason. The *'s are my favorite and apply to some friends.

101 Rules of Being Hardcore

1) Be tough at all times.
2) Never cheer after a show, only clap.
3) Be open minded in a "punch people" kind of way
4) Only the good hardcore bands have names that are sentences with bad grammar. Boy Hits Car, Boy Sets Fire, Skycamefalling, Boy Sets Car-fire.
5) Ankles are tough so bring your socks down into your shoes so we can see them.
6) Tattoos are tough especially when they are on your calves. See Rule 5 on how to see said tattoo more clearly.
7) Wear your hoody in the mosh pit because sweating like a wild pig makes you look tough.
8) Don't admit you listen to heavy metal.
9) (Exception to rule 8) Only admit you listen to heavy metal if you think it is ironic and you wear 80's cheese metal shirts.
10) Be a non-conformist, just like all your friends.
11) Practice hardcore dancing in front of your mirror and then try them out the next time Atreyu comes to town.
12) A hardcore band is only original if you call it something-core. Example Screamcore, emocore, Screamocore, mathcore, or Medio-core.
13) Remember, it's fun to punch and kick kung fu style.
14) Keep it in the do-jo.
15) Real hardcore fans are called kids.
16) Complain how hardcore bands are playing with metal bands at all costs!
17) Have your own zine, website, production company or be in a band. Claim you are friends with the singer from Shai Hulud.
18) Tell people you work in the music industry.
19) More Ankles people!
20) Embrace everybody in the scene except for those people who are not you.
21) Refer to bands as old school or new school then act tough again.
22) Pretend that you get Dillinger Escape plan.
23) Shop at second hand stores and then go buy expensive shoes.
24) Beat people up and then go to bible study class.
25) Smoking and drinking and having sex before marriage is too trendy. Real hardcore tough guys abstain.
26) Whatever you do, don't let the singer on stage ever sing in the mic. Make sure you grab it from him and sing in it yourself, after all, you do a better job singing then him. It's a wonder they didn't put you on the album.
27) Start your own hardcore band.
28) Have your logo resemble some random 80's product for nostalgia.
29) Talk about the scene any chance you get. Say as many obscure hardcore bands from NJ as possible.
30) If you are shy start an emo band so you don't have to look at the audience.
31) People who know more bands than you are better than you.
32) Add the Letter X before and after important words. XhardcorekidX XmoshfuckX
33) Never say "Did you hear the new Strung Out?" Unless you are attempting to be funny in which case stop it because hardcore kids are tough not funny.
34) It's merch not Merchandise.
35) Hardcore girls must wear head bands at all times.
36) Stretch your ears out to look more intimidating.
37) The bigger you stretch you ears out the more hardcore you are.
38) Your ear should be stretched out enough to accommodate a block of wood, a hubcap or a penis.
39) People in the front row are best used as a ladder/staircase to reach your goal... steal the mic away from the singer.
40) When people ask you if you like a band always say "I only like the old stuff" or "I haven't really gotten into the new stuff."
41) Buy all of that bands merch.
42) Wear your new merch at the next hardcore show.
43) Repeat steps 41 and 42
44) If you have to wear glasses make sure they are thick, black framed ones.
45) Don't tell anybody but make sure you try on your new vintage clothes and stud belt before heading out to see Poison the well.
46) Never admit you don't like Hatebreed and go see them live 12 times a year.
47) Complain that they are playing with Slayer but don't admit you actually like Slayer.
48) Complain at all costs.
49) Tag team hardcore dancing is cool
50) Real hardcore kids are really struggling photographers.
51) You don't go to hardcore concerts, you go to hardcore shows. BIG difference.
52) Name your hardcore dance moves things like "The mother fuck" or "kick that guys ass move" or better yet... stay home and cry.
53) Protect your body from swinging limbs by sacrificing your two arms.
54) Scream about love.
55) All age venues are important so you are not tempted to drink.
56) Claim you know a guy who knows a guy whose best friend was standing next to the guy who got his ass kicked during Converge. Bash the hardcore scene and then go see The Get Up Kids.
57) Anytime somebody mentions a band always say you know somebody in the band.
58) Wear your pins with honour! Shai Hulud, American Nightmare, Minor Threat and the purple heart of valour.
*59) Velcro shoes are cool.
60) Don't admit that you have a crush on the singer from Walls of Jericho. If somebody asks, say you respect her as a musician only.
61) Your band name should contain one of the following words: Blood, Murder, Kill, Victim and butterfly.
62) Print your band name as if it was on a bad printing press. Actual graphics are for posers.
63) Sleep on a portrait painted prettier then everyone.
64) 100 bands from around the world to play in your city. All of them are the world's best hardcore bands. Every label represented, every hardcore genre present. The venue is the best all-ages venue in the world. Tickets are $1.00. It is your job to go around saying the festival should be free.
65) Record producers must make sure to pump the mid because mid is tough.
66) Re-issue your demos after every album.
67) When the band starts playing everybody join hands and make a big circle so we can watch the big kids play.
68) Crying on stage makes you a professional.
69) Complain some more.
70) Album covers must be made at home on Photoshop by your good friend.
71) If you are from New York NEVER smile in a promo pic. In fact always try to cross your arms and look into the camera as if you are going to beat up whom ever is looking.
72) If you are from New Jersey NEVER smile in a promo pic either. In fact try to look like you just lost your girl friend to the hardcore band from New York.
*73) Never admit that Emo is Country music lyrics mixed with pop rock riffs and marketed by 17 year olds trying to make their friend be the next Dashboard Confessional.
74) American Idol is your worst enemy. (But you voted for Ruben)
75) You can get away with glitter on your face as long as your stretched ear plugs are clear.
76) Fuck beer, Got breast milk?
77) Bandanas are cool.
78) Bandanas with big X on them are cooler.
79) Bandanas with big X on them were cool last week you poser.
80) Your best friend is a guy named XattackX from Jersey who you chat with on MSN everyday. He is coming to see you one day. Really.
81) Chunky breakdowns in your songs are original and you should continue to do them despite every other band doing them which is clearly a rip off of your band.
82) Judge other bands and always compare them to the socio-cultural effects of the band Integrity.
83) Look up Socio-cultural in the dictionary and then get offended.
84) Green Day is the real reason you are still alive.
85) Describe your group of friends as "the scene" and then watch bootlegs of last weeks
86) Obey the laws of the hardcore scene or forever be banished from the circle.
87) When somebody asks you what is hardcore respond with "I am hardcore" then punch somebody in the face for looking at you wrong.
88) Keep punching
89) Kick a little too
90) Punch
91) Add a threat about their mother for good measure.
92) Pretend you are won the fight then pickup your dismembered left arm.
93) You are wearing the same thing as the 40-year old gas pump attendant but for some strange mystical reason you are cooler than he is.
94) Tell everybody that Trustkill Records are too trendy.
*95) Did you stop acting tough? I saw you hug that teddy bear.
96) Pierce you tits and tattoo your body.
97) Straight bangs means straight-edge
*98) Being vegan means you can't swallow sperm.
*99) When in doubt Mock everything
100) Take everything personally.
101) Assume this list is about you

687137  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-10-24
Written: (6920 days ago)
Next in thread: 687160

So...who has a pretty neat school? Me!

So Ste. Gen bitches...you slave away for days on the MAP test, right? Well, guess what? I don't have to take it!!

But I did have to take some sort of test from the army that is comparable to the ACTs. Last night I didn't know about it. I was freaking out about a chemistry brochure I didn't do, I was trying to finish my AM history, and language. I was up until 2 or 3 am.

I got to school and I was feeling all nervous, because I didn't do a lot of my homework. Yay!!
Well, then I'm told we have testing, so I was happy!
"Around 11."-Jack
"Awesome, I don't have to turn in the math or AM history."
"Dude, we don't turn in anything today. We don't have school."-Jack

Oh, how cool is that??? They feel bad for making us take a crappy test, so we take the test in the morning and get to leave at 11am. GO ME!
They gave us scratch paper and I doodled all over mine, unaware that I was supposed to turn it in. I hope they had fun looking at it.
So I went home in a car with the hyperactive me, Alisha (Barbie), and Farra. Screaming and talking quickly...trying to stop Farra from rolling up windows.
Then I got home and I did my homework as I watched video mods on MTV2, I had the door wide open, I danced around like an idiot, I went skateboarding, I cleaned my room and hung lights up everywhere, I painted, I doodled (boobied), and eventually fell asleep.
Day well spent.

686166  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-10-23
Written: (6922 days ago)
Next in thread: 686174

If I was a profession I'd be: A hooker
If I was a body of water I'd be: The Nile
If I was a piece of candy I'd be: shock tarts
If I was a famous building I'd be: house on the rock
If I was a bad habit I'd be: biting my nails
If I was a swear word I'd be: fucking right
If I was a ice cream flavor I'd be: chocolate
If I was a disease I'd be: ADD...wait that's a disorder...
If I was a board game I'd be: chutes and laters
If I was a feeling I'd be: Bliss
If I was a city I'd be: Dublin
If I was a color I'd be: orange
If I was a celebrity I'd be: ellen degenares
If I was a movie I'd be: Dazed and Confused
If I was a business I'd be: A hooker
If I were a month, I'd be: October
If I were a day of the week, I'd be: Friday
If I were a time of day, I'd be: Midnight
If I were a planet, I'd be: Venus
If I were a sea animal, I'd be: a sea horse
If I were a piece of furniture, I'd be: a love seat
If I were a sin, I'd be: lust
If I were a liquid, I'd be: mercury
If I were a tree, I'd be: bonzai
If I were a bird, I'd be: flamingo
If I were a tool, I'd be: hedge trimmer
If I were a plant, I'd be: weed
If I were a kind of weather, I'd be: a thunder storm
If I were a musical instrument, I'd be: a bass guitar
If I were an animal, I'd be: a kitty
If I were a sound, I'd be: music
If I were a material, I'd be: cotton
If I were a taste, I'd be: sour
If I were a word, I'd be: cellar door
If I were a facial expression, I'd be: disbelief
If I were a shape, I'd be a: an octogon
If I were a number, I'd be: 13 or 7
If I were a band, I'd be: The Distillers
If I were a mythical creature, I'd be: a horny unicorn
If I was a country I'd be: Ireland
If I was an emotion I'd be: jealousy
If I was a war I'd be: WWII
If I was a currency I'd be: a dolla bitch
If I were a direction, I'd be: west
If I were a vegetable, I'd be: cucumber
If I were a fruit, I'd be: cherries or strawberries
If I were an element, I'd be: fire
If I were a song, I'd be: band-aid covers the bullet hole
If I were a book, I'd be: She's Come Undone
If I were a food, I'd be: food
If I were a body part, I'd be: a neck
If I were a X-man, then I'd be: storm
If I were a metal, I'd be: mercury
If I were a piece of Jewlery, I'd be: a ring
If I were a alcoholic beverage, I'd be: non-existent because sxe rOOlz
If I were a Greek God/Goddess, I'd be: Circe!
If I were a Shakesperian play, i'd be: i'll tell you once i see them all.
If I were a era, Id's be: the 50's or 60's or 20's

686134  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-10-23
Written: (6922 days ago)

what i do to make myself feel better:

i open my windows and let the october air pour in...i put in music and dance like an idiot.
i've decided i'm going to be like when i was little...when i had no worries. when i'd wear a polkadot skirt and striped socks, not worrying about matching or looking girly. about now i'd be at my grandparent's big yellow house, jumping off the homemade swing into a pile of golden leaves. my cousin would be around...maybe playing with the dogs...maybe waiting to jump off the swing...but we were all there. no adult problems. all kinds of futures awaited us. austin could barely walk. no one could tell jeff and mitchell apart. joe and emma wanted to be married. hannah, chas, lindsay, and i were crammed into photo frames, noses red our eyes smiling. the days had that special brightness that you only see in october, when the weather is getting nippy, leaves are golden, and halloween is right around the corner.
i'm going back to then. i don't need all these worries i have. zits, my boyfriend, cell phones, jobs, money, sex, and whether my friends are mad at me. i'll go back to worrying about whether or not kelsey and i will watch ernest scared stupid or gremlins on halloween night when we have our annual halloween get together. i'll think about ramona quimby, getting a gold fish, and i'll use paper clips as earrings and rubber bands as diamond bracelets. And everything will be better.
Just like that.

686125  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-10-23
Written: (6922 days ago)
Next in thread: 686127

You know what? Average people get crap!
Nerds get to become billionaires or become part of the Geek Squad and use jet packs.
Pretty/Popular people get famous, or get by in life on looks.
Average people have to actually work. That's crap. I hate being average! *rips up 'I Heart Average' shirt* HA! Bet you didn't even know I had that shirt!!!

686121  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-10-23
Written: (6922 days ago)

i had a really long entry of me crying and whining and being nostalgic. but elftown logged me off so it disappeared. so now i'm just pissed.

685174  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-10-21
Written: (6924 days ago)
Next in thread: 685571

Best Quotes from Actual People I Know...Mostly from Notre Dame:

"I used to think swastikas were pretty...I still do, so sometimes I draw them on my notes." -Caroline

"Whoa...so this one time I swear I had crack on my pancakes, I swear to God! Cuz, like, I ate 'em, then, like, I swear I was insane, I swear!" -Jack
"You swear? Up down and all around swear??" -Mr. Koehler
"What? Oh, yeah! All over the place! A swear here, a swear there!"-Jack
"Okay, but do you swur?"-Me
"What? No! I'm not black...but I hope to be one day...did I tell you about the pancakes???" -Jack

"Our father, fat jeans, police cars, popopopopopopoopypants, pledge allegience, blahmasnagamah...." -Me and Jack praying.

"Did you know that if you burn ferns it smells like weed?" -Mr. Koehler

"Guess what!?! Guess what, guess what!??!" *jumping up and down* "I have AADD! Adult...uh..attention..deficit..dis..order! yeah!!! I got that crap!" -Mr. Vollink
"Tuck your shirt in Mr. Vollink!!"-Brother David
"You gotta catch me first!!!"-Vollink as he sprints down the hallway.

*Door to chemistry slams open and Vollink skids in*
"Wait...this isn't my classroom."
"Okay."-Mrs. Schaefer.
"Hey, can I stay awhile?"-Vollink
*After a few minutes of sitting in class*
"OH CRAP! I have a class this hour!" -Vollink as he runs out of the classroom.

"You are all my brothers and sister...just like it is in Kelso." - Brother David making incest jokes at an assembly.

683972  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-10-18
Written: (6926 days ago)

What am I supposed to do? Sit around here, waiting? I can't go unless I get a job, well, I'm trying. I am. And you don't notice it. I starve myself and you don't notice. I come home with ice cream for myself and your bags of white castle and all that you say is "what about us". What about you? You eat all the time, you all have been drinking my diet soda and my water, even though that's all I ever drink! Then, the one thing no one has to get onto me about...college. You yell at me because I want to go to NYU or the west coast...you tell me to look at the midwest...Idaho, Ohio, Iowa, Missouri...who the hell wants to go to these places? Missouri sucks you in! And excuse me for being honest with you! You lived in many other states...and what happened? You came back. If I come back it's to visit and to get my boyfriend. Oh, yeah, by the way...I had no excuse to be upset or crabby? Whatever, you have your zoloft and other various happy pills, take one. You said that Alex could stay another night, and I was so happy! I don't get to see anyone that often, and I finally get to see Alex...then you change your mind at midnight. Nice. So, yeah, I was crabby. I woke up alone, at 2pm, my homework took 10 minutes, you made me go get you all kinds of crap, and then you accused me (again) of stealing your money for gas. I didn't get to wake up anywhere near the person I love. Instead, I'm freezing in a room that's empty. So, please. Stop saying that you're not enjoying this move any better than I am, okay? Because guess what? You didn't leave your best friends, you didn't leave your boyfriend, you didn't leave an awesome new position in your class that's also your dream career. You moved here, where you've wanted to move back to since we moved to Ste. Gen, you now get to see your best friend constantly, and you're happy. I know you are. Don't lie just so that you can boohoo back at me.

680352  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-10-11
Written: (6933 days ago)
Next in thread: 680354

i'm so proud of myself. i'm not sad about what i'm doing. i love this...i only get angry with myself ever so often...but i'm doing well...if you can say that. i'm confused...i'm kind of afraid, but i like every minute of it...the pain, the aches, the moments of triumph, the feeling sick to my stomach, being up at 5am, seeing every sunrise and sunset. and i'm doing it for all of you.

679839  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-10-10
Written: (6934 days ago)

Is this wrong? Everytime I start to feel happy, I think 'Finally! I deserve to be happy!' Is that bad? To have so much pity for one's own self? When I talk on the phone to the 2-3 people that have time for me they're all "oh, i miss you, this sucks, i'm so sad without you..." is it bad that i don't believe them half the time? Granted, I'm not in a pit of loneliness, I've been invited to parties, I have friends, and I have things to keep me busy...but these friends here are so...I don't know how to put it...like hugs to these kids mean pats on the back from arms length away. then all my old friends are going on about what's going on...so I get to miss Rachel and Xavier...I had no idea about Chris and Abby...what's going on with Morgan and Nicole...my Mirandama sounds lonely...I miss seeing Aubrey's figure...I miss Alex. I'm wallowing in self pity. It's not fair!!!!!
I get moved to Cape (again) I have to go to a Catholic school (again) I'm failing French, I need 80 service hours to graduate...I have none. I feel like an outsider. I live in a shit house. I was almost raped and my brother was mugged. Everyone at Notre Dame is small, cutsie, and athletic...who can blame me if I feel like skipping a meal??? You all are accepted for who you are! I'm still me! Everyone at Notre Dame seems to be afraid of me...oh no, i came from a public school, i have a tattoo, i do donuts in a mini van as i listen to (actual) punk music! oh my buddha, i'm such a badass! everyone stare from a distance!!! *sighs* I don't know what put me in such a mood. I always read diaries...so many people had 'boohoo..i only get to see my boyfriend after school and before...i can only stay on the phone till midnight...my internet was gone...i feel fat...BLAH FRICKIN BLAH!!!! i'm not saying that my problems are any worse...but I get to see my boyfriend once or twice every 3 weeks (if I'm lucky) I usually have to get off the phone at 9-9:30, i just got internet and cable, i feel fat all the time so i'm doing something about it (P.S. if you're gonna get mad if I lose weight, screw you! you have the perfect little body, as you always remind me...you don't know what this is like) so whatever!!! my sister is a nazi! my mom is crazy! i have ADD, anxiety disorder, and i rarely get 4 full hours of sleep. i'm going to rant and rave! it's the mood i'm in!

679831  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-10-10
Written: (6934 days ago)

1. Get a few new books...I have been reading the same books for several years.
2. Get new pants...none of mine fit anymore.
3. Get new bra...don't fit. NO MY BOOBS HAVE NOT GOTTEN SMALLER!
4. Teach Asa to play hackey sack.
5. Not be afraid of food.

677008  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-10-05
Written: (6939 days ago)
Next in thread: 677168

hi. i'm alive. it's da coolest. wee mee.
     been up in the morning at 5 to jog...and i jog again around 7 or 8...i'm turning into a weird health freak...but i'm also still the same me! ^_^

675574  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-10-03
Written: (6941 days ago)

I don't need it. I've been saying it all along. I've done just fine without it. I'm not going to die or anything (at least not yet.) It can't control me...I'm stronger. I dare anyone to get in my way. I will kill you. I will kill it. Just let me go without it a while...okay? Stop yelling at me! I know what I'm doing! I'm not stupid! My music is this loud so you don't hear it, which is a stupid thing to say because you don't listen anyway! What are you going to do about it anyway? Nobody else could help, and I've never really listened to you anyway. Why should I? What have you ever done? This...this what I'm doing is almost Holy. It gives me a thrill like I've never had before. I can see better, do more things without it in the way. So stop nagging me. I can control myself, okay?

673342  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-09-28
Written: (6946 days ago)

why do i feel like this? i'll get to see him in at most 2 weeks...but i feel like that's forever.
i can't sleep anymore
i can't eat anymore (which is cool...i've lost weight)
but i'm so distracted...this is worse than ADD...
i told jason all that and he laughed and said "cause you miss your boyfriend?"
i nodded. "a lot."
"well it's not ADD...it's love."
at first i was shocked by what he said because normally he makes fun of ashley's boyfriend's name, or he's shouting random word's, or berating white castle. then he redeemed himself from his moment of honesty and sang whitney houston's "i will always love you."
at SEMSPA today i was so excited! i was looking forward to seeing everyone and getting hugs, etc. but for some reason i found myself searching for alex. why? he's not in journalism.
but i don't know.
i look for him everywhere.
i went to the comic book store here in town and found myself searching through comics looking for ones he'd like, then the door opened and i'd hope to see him. even though i know it's impossible.
i'll be in the hall at school digging in my locker and not paying attention and someone grabs the back of my shirt and pulls me back to them and calls me baby and for one moment i think it's alex. but usually it's jason or zach.
i feel mean. i miss everyone else...but not as much as him. i want to be with him always.
i see curly blonde hair and i think of him.
i hear guitar music and i think of him.
i'm in dance class, i hear zoot suit riot and i think of him.
i found a violent femmes record. i thought of him.
someone hugs me.
someone calls me danielle instead of dani.
i see an add for taco bell.
i see an add for chicken noodle soup.
i watch any movie.
my phone rings.
i have a message on elftown.
i read a book.
i'm in barnes and noble.
i'm eating at the kitchen table.
i scratch anything.
when i'm playing with my tongue.
when i'm listening to music.
when i'm in shivelbines.
when i'm reading chuck palahniuk.
someone asks if i have a boyfriend.
someone asks it i'm a lesbian.
everytime i paint.
everytime i doodle/boobie.
everytime i say "what?" "g-reat" and "funderful".
when someone laughs like a stoneer.
when i see braun.
                     i need to see you
   really bad
everytime i think i could grow to like notre dame i stop and think...i want to graduate with people i love.
  i love you.
i love all of you!
                somebody needs to talk to me
  i'm going crazy
             halloween is too far away
   i can't stop thinking of you!!!!!!!!

673333  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-09-28
Written: (6946 days ago)

i miss you so much...i love you so much...

671226  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-09-25
Written: (6949 days ago)
Next in thread: 671264

Do you know why we clink glasses at toasts? It's because when you drink wine you appeal to 4 senses: Taste-of wine Sight-you see it Smell-you smell the wine Touch-you touch the glass it is in. But there's no sound...so we clink glasses to fill in the fifth missing sense.           

     Tonight I shall toast to myself. Not my
     friends, not these Notre Dame children, not
   my family, but myself. To changes. I need some
 changes. I need to stop trying to impress people. I
need to do what feels right to me, what makes me feel the
most comfortable. If it's going to school without doing my hair...fine. If it's wearing green eyeshadow...fine.If it's
dying my hair...poo on dresscode. I'm dyin' it. If it just
so happens to be ignoring everyone, fine. To not eat at all
one day, fine. But here are a few things I'm changing as of
my last soda...which I began to drink at the beginning of my
              odd rant. 
1.) I'm going to study a lot more. Nothing below a C-.
2.) Who cares what Dana Wozniak thinks? I'm going to laugh when I want, at who/what I want, cuss if I want, and if I want to sneer at her, I will no longer resist it. I'll do it.
3.) I'll stop worrying about the future. Think about now.
4.) HEY!!! KIDS FROM MY OLD CLASS!!! *waves arms* YA! I'M GONNA BECOME MORE ACCQUAINTED WITH GOD, MKAY? Sure...it'll be in conversations whenever, maybe I'll light incense in my backyard and just sit in a chair...but it'll be my prayer, I've been MIA for awhile.
5.) I'll be nicer to my family. Even to Emma.
6.) I'll try to stop saying 'totally' and 'like'.
7.) No more soda. (<---BIG DEAL!)
8.) I won't speed through town just cuz I can.
9.) I'll eat more fruits and veggies...I like fruits and veggies.
10.) I'll bake my chicken instead of fry it.
11.) *sighs* NO MORE FAST FOOD. (pizza doesn't count, I compromised with myself over the soda thing.)
12.) I'm gonna quit smoking.
13.) I'll stop purposely trying to make Alex jealous. (I'm so sorry...I wanted to know if you'd care enough about me to make me stop)
14.) No inappropriate noises on the telephone or into voice mails.
15.) I'll listen to music nonstop. (Ha...already do!)
   So here I go world...you who read this. I'm going.
 You may support me or tell me to stop...but get in my way
and I will be upset. I've said nothing so far about my temper. So here's to sugarless gum, tangerine hair, kisses
 with a bit of nibbling, and to babies named Gwendolyn.

671156  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-09-25
Written: (6949 days ago)

i said something today that i never thought i would say. ever.
i never used to image being like this...i always thought i'd be alone. forever. i never thought i'd be like this. ever.
i love you so much
i won't make you be catholic

669843  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-09-22
Written: (6952 days ago)
Next in thread: 669883

i really can't tell you why, because i'm not sure why. 
i don't feel good. i don't want to be here. but if i was there, soon, i'd be wishing i wasn't there. perfect human nature...unsatisfactory even once we get what we're wanting. like take the fact that i'm at notre dame. wheni went to st. mary's back in 3-5 grade, i wanted nothing more than to attend notre dame and to have a monk as a principal. then i moved to ste. gen and i was angry...i did not want to go to a public school!! no way did i want to be around cursing kids, girls in too much make up and hairspray and really stupid guys. then i moved here. and i wanted to be back in ste. gen. then i liked it. and today at the assembly, surrounded by girls reapplying makeup, the smell of a salon surrounding me, the boys messing with the dwarf in our class, mitchell...and i realized. it's the same. it'll never end. this sucks. all these people are interested in is my tattoo, my boyfriend's hair, my hair, and how many times i've made out with someone. sad. they see me and my old school as really different from them...i see them as the same.

668763  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-09-20
Written: (6954 days ago)


so i'm in a cathoholic school, where surprisingly people aren't very cathoholicy. everyone is in fact very similar to the people at ste. gen except a) they aren't making out everywhere, they're discrete about relationships b) the cursing is more violent and c) everyone is nice to everyone. period. now i have to admit...when i went to the ste. gen football game on friday i had a moment of horror when i saw christine paige and tori sanderson zoomin aboot in their little girly mobile. it pained my heart so much in fact that i had to run away with my dearest rachel and kaitie jo. and we went and drank pie. yes. pie.
 you know on those tv shows or movies about jesus, everyone wore a certain kind of sandal?...well at notre dame, we're not allowed to wear flip flops, so everyone wears jesus sandals...aka birkenstocks. whoa. those flippin shoes are like, $100...i thought jesus was poor!  
   Bro Dave is keeping it real, me and my penguin slices sucking up the muffinage at the dig time....
          -Jack Wedemier about lunch

 The logged in version 

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