[Sweet 6 6 6--H.I.M.]'s diary

296465  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-07-23
Written: (7253 days ago)
Next in thread: 331704

Grow Up
this goes out to my sister who inspired this one.

You don't like them,
Grow up.
Give them a chance,
Get to know them.

Just because they don't look like you,
Doesn't mean they are different,
They are strange,
Grow up.

She smokes and he drinks,
I think they do drugs,
Is all you say about them,
Grow up.

So she is a goth,
So he is a skater,
So you think they are losers,
Grow up.

They are my friends,
And they are better than that.

296450  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-07-23
Written: (7253 days ago)


I walk down this alley,
Night after night,
Not knowing why.

Looking for someone,
who I can't find,
Where is he tonight.

If I knew him,
I could love him,
God, let me see him.

He lives in the shadows,
Following her,
As she looks for him.

He has watched her,
For so long,
Tonight he says is the night.

The night he will show himself,
The night she will find him,
No more hiding.

I look up and he's there,
In the shadows hiding,
My heart leaps for joy cuz I found him.

He comes to me,
Without words,
We tell each other what we feel.

He is my lifemate,
Though different we are,
We have always searched for each other.

He leans toward me,
I melt into him,
As he bits me.

Tis night we join,
As one we will live,
Me and him.

Life on Blood,
Life on Death,
Life on each other.

As I love him,
He loves me,
We are one.

I am his,
He is mine,
We are one.

Thats our story,
Our story of love,
Me and my vampire.

294238  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-07-21
Written: (7255 days ago)
Next in thread: 294797

Our Blood

Lying next to him,
In a pool of Blood.
Not my own lifeblood,
But His.

How did this happen,
Why am I still here?
We were to go together,
We were each others forever.

My parents question me,
They ask 'Why'.
All I can say is what he said,
He said 'Why not'.

'Why Not' hurt us,
Took you from me.
'Why Not' left me here,
Without you.

Two months,
Thats all it took them.
To claim,
They cured me.

Cured me,
Of what I would of asked.
If you were here,
With me.

Back at school,
People talking about us.
Srew them you would say,
So what.

So what is not an answer,
they will always question.
The love we had,
The love of the cheerleader and the school loser.

I stand here,
In the room we were.
To be together,
Together forever.

The Blood is still there,
The stain that wont come out.
I remember the promise,
That we had made.

To be together forever,
If not in life than in death.
I see you there,
Waiting there for me.

I put the blade,
To my wrists.
I cut and as I watch the blood flow from me,
He beckons to me.

As the last drop,
Leaves my body.
I thought about what they had siad,
About our blood.

I tell them,
The Blood you said.
Would keep us apart,
Has now united me.

With my loser,
My love,
My soulmate.

I go with him,
I will never look back.
I said to them as I went with,
My lover,
My life,

My death.

291705  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-07-19
Written: (7257 days ago)

Eyes half slit

Blood pouring from my veins,
Distracting me,
So red and sticky.
There is so much of it,
In a pool at my feet.

Why are you doing this to me?
You were my friend,
My only friend in this place.

Another cut,
More blood leaves me.
What did you say?
I asked for it.
How did I?

More blood coming from,
This last cut you gave me.
He was not yours,
You know that as well as I.

You slice my skin,
And more of that,
Beautiful blood appears.
He had chosen me,
And not you,
What did you say?

Losing it all,
All of the sweet blood.
No promises had been made,
None to you or him,
No I wished to see what would happen.

More blood,
Another cut deeper this time.
The life is draining away.
Why are you punishing me?
Is it because I thought,
He and I could have been somthing,
Something better than we were?

Another cut to my body,
And this one will kill.
My blood is no longer my own,
It is now yours.
You were my friend,
And he was not yours.

(if you have a name for my poen please send it to me.)

 The logged in version 

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