[Sebhar]'s diary

1071836  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2009-03-24
Written: (5548 days ago)

I first met Brigette when I was at band camp in high school. My friend Molly and I climbed in a minivan with her two sisters, her mom, and her aunt. We six ladies each packed a week’s worth of luggage. Nutty stuff. Molly’s mom dropped us off at the International Music Camp at Peace Gardens (North Dakota/Manitoba), and there we were, Molly with her trumpet and me with my trombone, for a week of extensive band-geekiness and culture shock (weirdly; Canadians are SO AWESOME).

Brigette had traveled to IMC with her French horn from a little town in North Dakota. While I met lots of people at band camp, Brigette has always stayed in touch with me, and been there for me when I needed her. She’s a few years older than me, but we’ve always been on the same page; there are things I’m comfortable discussing with Brigette, who I knew for a few days and have only really met once in my life, that I don’t really feel right talking about with anyone else. She is so clever, creative and unique. She reminds me of me in many ways – I get the vibe from her that she, like me, is comfortable being herself, she’s just not entirely sure who she is yet.

So that’s the backstory. The frontstory is that today I checked my mail and found a package slip. When I picked my package up from the front desk, I saw that it was from Brigette. I opened it up, and it smelled GOOOOOD. Packed in among some plastic shopping bags used as padding, I found a cozy blanket, a composition notebook with a handmade collage cover, a package of ramen, and a Dig Dug musical greeting card. In with the card was a letter.

This package embodies Brigette, for me. It smells like her. It came with a hug in the form of a blanket. She’s nourishing me with food, expressing her creativity with the collage. It’s incredibly generous – a care package from one college student to another is costly in terms of content, time investment, and shipping. The card made me laugh; the letter is so full of beautiful things, both happy and sad, that it brings tears to my eyes.

I find myself wishing there were more people in the world like Brigette; however, if there were, it would be more difficult to appreciate her for what she is: a sweet, gorgeous, enchanting person who makes my life sweeter.

1068395  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2009-02-27
Written: (5573 days ago)

Well my life is extremely lifey. I've been busy, primarily with homework, volunteering around town at the art house theater, at the natural history museum, and the rape victim advocacy center. But mostly homework.

Been listenin' to plenty of Modest Mouse. I recommend it.

1066307  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2009-02-11
Written: (5589 days ago)

Neil Diamond - "Dry Your Eyes" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0bey2aNhW_c

Dry your eyes and take your song out, it's a newborn afternoon.
And if you can't recall the singer you can still recall the tune.
Dry your eyes and play it slowly like you're marching off to war;
sing it like you know he'd want it, like we sang it once before.
And from the center of the circle to the midst of the waiting crowd,
if it ever be forgotten sing it long and sing it loud and come dry your eyes.

And he taught us more about giving than we ever cared to know,
but we came to find the secret and we never let it go.
And it was more than being holy and it was less than being free,
and if you can't recall the reason can you hear the people sing.
Right through the lightning and the thunder to the dark side of the moon,
to that distant falling angel that descended much too soon
and come dry your eyes.

Come dry your eyes.

1061649  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2009-01-05
Written: (5626 days ago)

Lately I've been a little worried that I'm a hipster; when people say the word, they rarely define it, but it is often used to describe a person or group which I have something in common with [read: cinema major]. So, just to be sure, I consulted the Most Accurate Source Evar, urbandictionary.com . Here's what they had to say: [my notes in brackets]

Listens to bands that you have never heard of. [Yes.]
Has hairstyle that can only be described as "complicated." (Most likely achieved by a minimum of one week not washing it.) [Ew, no. My boyfriend has a more complicated hair style than I do, and if you've seen my boyfriend, you know his hair style is not complicated AT ALL.]
Probably tattooed. [Not.]
Maybe gay. [Not.]
Definitely cooler than you. [Clearly.]
Reads Black Book, Nylon, and the Styles section of the New York Times. [Not even sure what those are.]
Drinks Pabst Blue Ribbon. Often. [...ew. If anyone ever sees me drinking Pabst, sedate me and get me into a mental hospital.]
Complains. [Hellz yeah.]
Always denies being a hipster. Hates the word. [Yes to both.]
Probably living off parents money - and spends a great deal of it to look like they don't have any. [Partly. It's about even actually, my money and theirs. And I really don't spend much at all; what I do spend is mine.]
Has friends and/or self cut hair. [no.longer.here]
Dyes it frequently (black, white-blonde, etc. and until scalp bleeds). [Ouch no.]
Has a closet full of clothing but usually wears same three things OVER AND OVER (most likely very tight black pants, scarf, and ironic tee-shirt). [Yes, but not the very tight black pants. Occasionally the scarf, and my t-shirts are only occasionally ironic.]
Chips off nail polish artfully after $50 manicure. [Do chip nail polish. Do not pay to have them painted.]
Sleeps with everyone and talks about it at great volume in crowded coffee shops. [Too poor for coffee shops. Am not slut.]
Addicted to coffee, cigarettes (Parliaments, Kamel Reds, Lucky Strikes, etc.), and possibly cocaine. [No, sweetie. No coffee, no cigarettes, no coke. ...unless you count Diet.]
Claims to be in a band. [Not currently.]
Rehearsals consist of choosing outfits for next show and drinking PBR. [Ew PBR.]
Always on the list. [Uncertain what this means.]
Majors or majored in art, writing, or queer studies. [...cinema.]
Name-drops. [Not guilty.]
May go by "Penny Lane," "Eleanor Rigby," etc. when drunk. On PBR. Which is usually. [Ew ew. No.]

Final score:
Pro-hipster: 7
Non-hipster: 14

So I'm 1/3 hipster, but I think most people do at least ONE of these things, and probably more.
Official conclusion: I am not a hipster.

1053324  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2008-11-03
Written: (5689 days ago)

I watch myself through external eyes, watch the shots get easier and easier to take, watch the hurt buried deeper and deeper. Take a hit. Take another. Get drunk, get high. Fuck. Rinse. Repeat. And the pain. The pain remains.

I hate that he still hurts me. He cut me out of his life - he's selfish, and I know I know I know I don't want to be there - but he left a scar. Walking a certain block, hearing his name, trying to make small talk with the girl he was fucking before me. Fuck. Fuck. It hurts.

Being with his friend, my boyfriend... that can hurt sometimes. The reminders are constantly there. They shouldn't hurt, but that insecure asshole, he made them hurt. Fuck him, you know?

But it still hurts. Oh god it hurts.

1049405  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2008-10-10
Written: (5713 days ago)

Hallo, lads and lasses.

Spanish quiz in two hours!

I'll be home tonight... well, maybe I'll be in Dubuque. Unexciting, except I'll get to see my uncle who lives in California, so that could be cool.

But, um, yes. Probably no updates until tomorrow afternoon or evening. So there.

1049019  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2008-10-08
Written: (5715 days ago)

Life: nuts, stressful, should hopefully be fun.
I got pretend glasses and I hate midterms.
Ack, meeting with adviser.

All my thoughts and prayers go out to [dreamseeker's child] and her family. I love them all and will miss her father dearly.

Tonight I'm recording sound for my film class. Wish me luck. :/

1045742  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2008-09-16
Written: (5737 days ago)

If you haven't read my blog lately... or at all... you should... self-spam self-spam self-spam!

1044659  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2008-09-08
Written: (5745 days ago)

Sorted out my relationship issues, I think. I rate a 9.5 on a scale I don't understand. We'll disregard that Man #2 looked absolutely adorable Saturday night, and is always there for me when Man #1 is being ridiculous.
Yeah. We'll just disregard that.
OH! And new blog. http://talkingstove.blogspot.com

1043674  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2008-09-01
Written: (5752 days ago)

Thinking of a big-ass house makeover.
Thinking said makeover might just be a subconscious procrastination attempt.
Beware, beware.
Be a very wary bear.

1041747  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2008-08-17
Written: (5767 days ago)

So it goes...

Rest of the summer.

Location: Home. 
Doing: Very little.
Listening to: Coldplay, Viva la Vida. This stuff I like.
Watching: Gladiator. Hadn't seen it before. Thumbs up. A pretty movie. I liked the ending, which is more than most movies can say. 
Eating: Yummy tomato florentine soup that my sister made, with sourdough bread. (She made brownies too :)
Book: Drums, Girls and Dangerous Pie by Jordan Sillylastname. (That is not his real last name. I made that up.)
Other: I bought myself pressies today. New earrings, Modern Guilt by Beck, the Garden State soundtrack, Labyrinth, plus The Sirens of Titan by Kurt Vonnegut. I love that dude.

Probably not doing a single damn thing.

[tomorrows fate13]
Hang with Cassi!

Um... allergy shot in the morning?

Another doctor's appointment in the morning.
Move in sometime in the afternoon.
Meeting at 6:30
After meeting = Justin. :]
1041560  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2008-08-15
Written: (5769 days ago)

I feel a little black and white.

[Meet the new photo, same as the old photo.]

Drawing is my latest photoedit. Took me awhile to decide on which version to use. I'll probably put them all up in a wiki. Sometime. Maybe. Tomorrow?

Friday night, Saturday night, Sunday night, Monday night, Tuesday night. Then I go to the doctor. Then I move in. Then I have a meeting. Then I get to be with him. I'm way more excited for that than I would have expected.

Anyway. It's dinner time. I get delicious soup. Bye!
1040900  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2008-08-11
Written: (5773 days ago)

Alright... so...
+ New House layout! I think it flows better this way... comments and suggestions welcome.
+ New Seb's Song of the Week! I worked a little bit this morning on making an archive. I'm gonna update this weekly. Call it a new school year resolution. :P
+ Sebhar's Forum needs some pretty serious updating. I'll probably be on that later this week.
+ In nine days, I'll be back in IC where I oughtta be! I prefer to think of it as eight nights, because that seems like a smaller chunk of time, somehow. ...that's why my mood is the way it is.

1039196  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2008-07-29
Written: (5786 days ago)

Hm, haven't said anything in awhile, have I? Been busy with work. Came home Sunday afternoon, and today is... Tuesday? Can it really be Tuesday?

Yesterday was a lazy day. Last night was Kam's 14th birthday party... I felt old being there, but Kam is awesome, and Cassi and Keaton were there so I wasn't the only old/oldish person.

Today, doctor's appt in the AM...then Party Monster at Cassi's, trip to the can and bottle redemption center, then off to the pharmacy to nab yet another prescription for my eczema. Damn stuff. Fortunately the pharmacy also contains the ice cream parlor, so I walked out a few bucks lighter and one delicious rhubarb shake heavier. Om nom nom.

Wednesday: Allergy shot. Joy/rapture.

Thursday: cleaning...

Friday: MASSAGE!

Weekend: Dubuque with family.

Monday-Wednesday: Des Moines with Mommy. Never mind that there's a young man I'm rather fond of down there... nope... totally was not a factor in the decision to make that trip. :P

Next weekend: Jeff's wedding. It's always fun when my family gathers - not to mention rather dangerous.

August 20: Move back in to the City! School starts shortly thereafter. I am teh pumped.

1033797  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2008-06-05
Written: (5840 days ago)

On DevArt, two new deviations, three new scraps. The scraps are variations on one of the deviations. The other deviation is love. You should check them all out.

Five new vids on my YouTube channel... http://www.youtube.com/sebhar ...you should check them out, they are goofy.

Fri/Satur/Sunday: Helping out backstage for the local high school's production of GREASE! Pretty fantastic. Only sustained two injuries, one to the knee Friday night and one to the foot as it was smashed between two set pieces Saturday night. Sunday matinee, everything went off without a hitch. Fantastic! Loved it.

Monday: Playing fall marching music with the high school band (aka good friends, mostly), Rocky Horror, dinner with the family in early celebration of Mom's birthday. Rural midwest + lactose intolerant vegetarian = squash and carrots sauteed in olive oil. Boo eating establishments in this town!

Tuesday: Lazed during the day, went to Alexa's going away party all night. Watched several movies, played Catchphrase with fun people, had fondue... good times.

Wednesday: Visited with friends over their lunch break at the school. Chatted about music and saxophones and bass guitars; yet another good time. Home, packed, watched Frasier until youth group at 6:30. Potluck dinner, prayer, balloon volleyball, good friends, pictures, conversation, great people, super time.

The rest of the week: Plans -
Thursday: Attend sister and brother's dance recital, then go see Prince Caspian with fabulous people and a free pass. Also uploading pictures and videos from phone to Facebook/YouTube.
Friday: Attend one or both of two bonfires thrown by friends. Probably just one, but we'll have to see.
Saturday: Mom's birthday, Mom's birthday dinner (traveling to the CITY omgzorz), Ethan's grad party (woo free food and fun people!)... packing. Bonfire at Berry's?
Sunday: Heading back to the IC to WORK! Exciting, exciting stuff.

1032155  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2008-05-28
Written: (5848 days ago)

"She said, 'You don't understand what I said.' I said, 'No, no, no, you're wrong.'"

I'm figuring out, bit by bit, the rumours that were and are being spread about me. The people who matter either a) don't listen to gossip or b) kept faith in me. I thank all those people. What great friends I have.

In the meantime I have to be at rehearsal in... yikes.... 35 minutes. That time needs to include a shower and some food consumption. So I'm-a go.


1029469  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2008-05-15
Written: (5861 days ago)

Interesting dialog between my friend Tyler and me.

You should hook up with my roommate.
Because she likes tall guys.
Also I ran the idea by her, and you are apparently ‘cute’.
Isn’t she really short?
Isn’t everyone compared to you? She’s like 5’6”
Ok… well I don’t really know what I want right now, if anything.
You are a wise man, my friend.
Why is that?
Because girls have cooties.
What do you mean by cooties? lol
Um, not STDs, at least not in her case (or mine). So… maybe I mean that girls are crazy.
Lol… I’m just messin’ with ya. All girls are crazy.
So are boys though so it balances out. Take my boyfriend for example. He does an impression of the Queen.
Oh really? That’s… cool… =P
Also he has two days left of high school and plays the trumpet so he skipped his last band concert tonight.
Wow… just wow.
And he likes me so he must be pretty freaking weird. :P
Lol, I wouldn’t say that much.
Aww. Thanks man, I needed that.
No problem.
Well anyway, yeah, my roomie has been in this relationship for almost a month and they just don’t talk. So she asked me if I had any tall friends who talked.
I honestly don’t talk that much unless I know the person pretty well. I’m shy, you know that. =P
True. But you are also frickin’ awesome which makes up for it.
Yeah… I guess so =P but yeah if they don’t talk at all, that’s just not right.
Yeah, and he lives directly above us.
Ok now that is just dumb if he’s that close and they don’t talk…
I agree. I probably talk to you more than he talks to her. :P
Ok now that’s just really sad.
Pretty pathetic. But yeah, felt like telling you that was why I asked, not just out of the blue.
Okay… well I don’t know.
You have barely met her. Not knowing is understandable.
Yeah. I’m bored right now.
I should go to sleep. I still have four finals this week.

1028519  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2008-05-11
Written: (5865 days ago)

"It's time to prove that you've come back here to rebuild"
back together, working it out...? And for now... it's good.

building a mystery ...new Seb's Song of the Week

Four finals.
Wednesday: Human Origins, Intro to Film Analysis.
Thursday: Interpretation of Literature.
Friday: Classical Mythology.
I am a studybug.

Diet Coke.
Vodka, blueberry pomegranate juice.

The Nineties - Paula Cole, Sarah McLachlan, Jewel, Shawn Colvin, Natalie Imbruglia, several others. Old No Doubt.
"don't let me fall out of love"

Ramen noodles. Too many pennies. See-through shirts with Snoopy on them. Paying five dollars for a sandwich and a loaf of bread while slightly tipsy. Eating on the steps of the Capital at one o'clock in the morning. Singing with drunks. Finding more pennies. Taking sips from cans, sips from bottles, sips from cups. Finding out true love is blind (Louis XIV).

Gay threesomes, two girls and a boy... all of them men in some sense of that arbitrary word.

Study, dusty, tydus.
realism mise-en-scene direction quality diegesis montage plot boom
Agamemnon Medea Jocasta Hylas Polyphemus Laocoon Scylla Ariadne
Sedaris Ginsberg Foer Saunders Chekhov Calvino... Denis Johnson, Baldwin
Paranthropus boisei gracility insular nanism Taung supraorbital torus postcanine megadontia

Pizza parties, ordering out, bottled water, packing up, "for the last time freshman year"

Hobbling through it on crutches.

1028159  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2008-05-09
Written: (5867 days ago)

I think the difference before was that I still loved him. Now that I don't, why stay together?

Also I haven't really cried. I thought I was going to, but I didn't. I got some frustrated tears thinking about the past, but none about the present.

Now I'm just lonely. Crying, not over him, but for myself.

1026334  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2008-04-28
Written: (5878 days ago)

"I need some sleep..." -- eels
"...momentarily out of action..." -- Queen

They say that nobody's perfect until you love them.
I take issue with that.
What if you love them and they're still not perfect?
Some will argue that you don't really love them.
I prefer to think I'm just not oblivious.
But still it aches.

My computer is in Texas again, being fixed... for the same problem. Good job, repair guys.

Losing sleep.
He loves me,
He loves me not?

 The logged in version 

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