[Sebhar]'s diary

279201  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-07-08
Written: (7393 days ago)
Next in thread: 279876, 298925

okay, so i'm working on this piece, right? i suppose it's a potential novel, but who really knows? anyway, i've been working on it for about a week, it's four chapters long thus far, with an introduction and prologue, and i've written up this synopsis...

Kaevan, a young man, was sold by his family to a nation of slavers when he was a child. Now, separated from his homeland of Odlar for twelve years, Kaevan is a bitter, hard-hearted teenager who has no real idea why he was given. 
The first slave ever to escape the Assenav, Kaevan returns across the sea to take revenge on his old life. He meets up with an old cohort in crime and the two plan to team up, though both have grown up in different lifestyles. Cael has lived the sheltered life of an ascetic, Kaevan the harsh life of an emotion-driven slave. 
While visiting Cael at the Wizard’s Hall, Kaevan is discovered by visiting Adepts of the Daear to have the magical ability to travel the Abyss of Time and navigate the River at the bottom. Kaevan is the first being ever to be found that had not possessed the ability at birth, but acquired it during his time of slavery. Unaware that he had this ability; Kaevan is taken in for study. 
Naturally, Kaevan is unwilling to leave his plots for revenge just hanging there. So the Daear kidnap him, enabling them to study him in the privacy of their underground fortress, Raead. The location of Raead is more difficult to discover than the workings of human emotions. However, Cael and S’del, Kaevan’s Assenav princess lover, must set out to find their friend and rescue him. 
Kaevan, in the meantime, acquaints himself with the River of Time and begins intense physical and mental training to become an Adept of the Daear, though this means that he will not be allowed to live a normal life amongst the people of Odlar. His physical instructor, an ex-military woman named Ailcia, takes a liking to Kaevan, working him harder than all the rest during the day and backing him into corners at night. Slowly, steadily, she makes Kaevan forget all about S’del. 
Cael and S’del, meanwhile, draw ever-closer to the Raead, following odd half-clues that come to S’del in dreams. Cael, being a half-trained wizard gone absent without leave from the Hall, is being hunted, traced by his magic. However, he sends out beams of thought in an attempt to find Kaevan. 
S’del discovers that she loves Cael in a way she never loved Kaevan. She begins to doubt that Kaevan ever held anything more than lust toward her. Cael intrigues her, however, and she falls in love with his loyalty, perseverance, cunning, strength, sense of insignificance, and insecurity. Slowly but steadily, she comes to hate Kaevan with a passion, loathing his dark side and his lust for blood. 
On the other hand, Cael, who has been surrounded by nothing but males for the twelve years since he joined the ranks of the Wizards-in-Training in the Hall, finds himself unable to tear his eyes from S’del: her liquid brown eyes, raven black hair, and olive complexion. He finds himself looking at her whenever he thinks she won’t notice. Because of his lack of exposure, and the fact that she has been a willing lover - of his best and only friend - for the last three years, Cael is terrified of approaching her with his feelings. 
Meanwhile, back at the Raead, a sadistic Adept named Nayr Eiriar begins creating problems for Kaevan, who begins to search for Nayr’s motive while becoming more deeply involved with Ailcia. Kaevan discovers Nayr’s “bachelor attraction” when Nayr backs him into a corner. Nayr, perceiving Kaevan’s empiricism, banishes Kaevan to the Dungeons of the Raead to be put through pain until his mind breaks. Kaevan tries to shield himself from the pain with magic and ends up using so much magic and so many curses that he summons the Accursed, entirely by accident. 
The Accursed, thankful for their release from their prison at the bottom of the River of Time, release him, willing to allow him to join their ranks and become immortal, preserved forever outside the River, with his life force bound to it. There is one condition: he must kill his best friend, directly, in an act of first-degree murder. Kaevan sets out to kill Cael. 
S’del and Cael traipse onward, trying to locate the unlocatable Raead. One night, they are sitting by a lake, lost, desperate. Both admit their passion for the other and are indulging it when Kaevan creeps up on them from behind. 
Seeing S’del in Cael’s arms, Kaevan becomes mad with jealousy and uses magic to smother his best friend. Cael, rather than have his blood on his best friend’s hands, takes S’del’s cast-aside dagger and plunges it into his heart. 
Realizing what has happened, yet unsure of Kaevan’s state of mind, S’del removes the dagger from Cael’s heart and throws his body across a log. She stabs herself. With her last moments, she shoves the log into the lake and throws her own body over it. They both drift off, bare, on the log. They plunge out of the lake via a river and over a waterfall. 
Discovering what he has done, Kaevan draws the Mark of the Daear on the beach, enters the River of Time, and tries to bring them back to life. Trying to prevent himself from killing his friends, he kills his future self. Kaevan is annihilated, erased from history, never existed. 

Epilogue: Cael becomes a traveling wizard and goes to Assenav, where he meets and falls in love with S’del. They elope together to the remote woodlands of Odlar, to the very shores of the lake where they once died. 

well, that's sorta how it goes... does it suck?
*~sebhar~* drunken traveling bard of wrath

257840  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-06-17
Written: (7415 days ago)
Next in thread: 260587, 268283

heehee... first diary entry!!! wahoo for me!!! ok, some writing... written when my friends and I were writing poetry back and forth during a fight, as you might gather...

I am sorry, dear friends, but you have changed, too. 
I no longer feel I should hang out with you. 
For one who would take what a friend should recieve
Deserves not that friend, so I've come to believe. 
When friend fears her friend, there is no reply. 
When friend loses friend, she need not ask why,
For the answer is clear. It is plain to see
That you no longer wish to hang around me. 

I won't twist and shout, nor deny what you said. 
I won't cry the tears, but hold them 'til you're dead. 
I just what you to think about what I have written. 
My feelings are no harmless calico kitten,
But a monster, once living under my bed
Now emerged, to bring tidings of that which I dread. 
You were kind once, and I was the same,
But we are caught up in that unending game. 
And I never thought it would happen to us. 
We biked, we swam, had fun on the bus,
Do you remember all the inside jokes? 
We took pictures and had laughs... now I hang by a rope. 
It's a short, clique-y rope that I will not climb,
For the relief at the top is not so sublime
As the friends that will come along down the road. 
There, no one envies, nor does power corrode. 

I could not have said this the right way with prose. 
Our new-shattered friendship quite clearly shows
That if there is nothing here that will make things change
Off of this rope, I may have to hang. 

 The logged in version 

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