[short-t]'s diary

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Written about Sunday 2006-06-11
Written: (6566 days ago)

The beast

She was about 3 when my sister first saw it. there was a full moon out, you could here the pack howling. She was to young to turn but she could howl. She was so cute when she tried to imitate them. I needed to get out of there soon before the sun went down.
My sister was full werewolf. Which means her mom was full werewolf and so was our dad. I wasn’t. I was the big mistake. my dads high school loves daughter. After I was born the pack decided that it was best if they kill my mom. she wasn’t human she was the opposite. She was dead she had been dead for years. She was a vampire. Just incase you dint know vampire and werewolves hate each other they have been a war for the top of the food chain. My dad could avoid trying to kill me when he was in full form but when he changed his eager to kill me was to strong, so I had to leave the house. I always ran to this old abounded house down the road. There had not been people living in it since a child died in a fire there over 4 years ago. The girls presents still lingers there but it doesn’t bother me. She is friendly we can relate we both feel abounded and alone. Her soul is lost because she thinks her parents just up and left her. I don’t blame her for not wanting to pass on with out talking to her parents and going some were by herself. When I was her age I hated having to leave by myself but I was old enough to remember when my mom use to take me here it was her friends house they weren’t vampires but they were the only humans my mom trusted with her secret.
It was about nine when I decided to leave. I laid there on the burnt coach. I dint mean to but fell asleep, when I woke up it was already noon. I jumped off the coach I wouldn’t be in such a rush if my little sister wasn’t let there by herself. I could feel in my gut something was wrong. So I ran home as soon as I could, but when I got there everything was trashed the TV was through the wall. I looked ever where for my family my dad was cleaning. He looked like he was out drinking all night but I knew what the truth was. He was out all night but that is not what he was doing. At the time we lived in a country house because we lived with more then one werewolf and when they turned they could get kinda wild. The house was surrounded by forest so they could be covered from the road so if any one did ever decide to drive by, but no one ever did the road was a dead end and no one lived on the road but us. The pack had houses all along the road.
I went up to my dad. “where is the baby?” she did not have a name yet because my mom died before she could.
“I don’t know, I think she is with your aunt.” he answered I ran out the door. When I found her she was in the garden crying. She walked up to me. “I am so sorry.” she said “I am so sorry.” she kept crying.
“what what is it where is the baby?” I asked with anger in my voice.
“your grandmother took her you’re your mothers mom took her.” she said.
“why did she do that?” I asked   
“she said if she did not get to raise you she was going to raise your sister.” she said and started to cry harder.
“it will be ok me and dad will find her I promise.” it did not bother me for some resin I felt like she was safer with them. Then she was with me. But I did make a promise to my aunt so felt a little bit responsible to her.
       Chapter 1
I woke up to the sound of my dad moving in the kitchen. He most of just got home. He goes out to the country side at night so he can hang out with his friends. So I can finally sleep safely. We moved to the city after the day my sister was taken. My dad let me decide if we should move I guess he felt bad for what he did. So I decided we should move to an apartment in the city with normal people. We did move to an apartment in the city but where we moved was the bases of the war between vampires and werewolves. I think he did it just to prove a point that I don’t belong.
My dad came in to see if I was awake. It was my first day of a real school. My dad said that if we were going to fit in I had to go to school. “hey are you up you’re school starts at 8.”
“ya dad I am awake.” I answered. I don’t think he really cared if I was awake or not he had met a new werewolf lady so he was doing anything possible to show off to her. I did not want to go to school and mingle with humans I didn’t even want to leave the apartment.
It was 10 minutes to 8 when I left the house if I was late to school hopefully people won’t want to talk to me. When I got there the 5 minute bell had rang. I walked slowly to my locker. There were so many different type of people. But yet every one was staring at me. It must be because I was the new girl.
I walked into the principle’s office to see what my classes where. When I saw him, he was tall, had short curly hair, and was wearing black paints with chains and a him shirt. He had just walked out of the principles office, I couldn’t help but stare. He was so hot and he was staring back.
“hello how can I help you?” the principle asked.
“ya.” I answered
“are you Jessica?” he asked
“yes.” I answered focusing back on her.
“here Mr. Keen can show you to your classes since he cant seem to attend his own.” she said with discuss in her voice. I hope that is ok with you Mr. Keen?” she asked looking at the guy I saw earlier.
“do I get out of detention for this?” he asked
“fine.” she answered
“ok then lets go.” he answered. He started to walk out the door before I got to say anything to him. “where are you from?” he asked
“from somewhere in the country. Why?” I answered
“damn I cant ask you a question ?” he asked “never mind here is your class.” and he was gone before I could say anything else. Class was horrible ever one wanted to know things about me. I dint want to tell them anything and when I dint they all got mad. So at the end I ended up in the back of the room all by my self. It dint bother me, I even liked it a little bit. I started to think about the kid I had met in the office. Then the bell rang and every one started to file out of the class room as fast as they can like someone had just set off a bomb in the class room. I was the last one to leave the room I took my time getting to my locker. I couldn’t get my bag into my locker no matter how hard I tried. So I started to get mad and started to curse at it. “so you are always rood to every one?” a voice from behind me. “what do you want?” I snapped at him.
“wow she is.” he said sacristy
“sorry just having a bad day.” I said in a calm voice. And kicked my locker shut. 
“o” he said and walked away.
“hey wait up.” I said
“are you sure your not going to cut my head off or something.” he asked
“no sucking blood is more my thing.” I said with a flirty smile.
“what the hell ever, you get freakier by the minute I like it what are you doing to night around 9:00?” he asked as we walked out of school together.
“nothing sure, but stop trying to skip school with me.” I said with a laugh.
“no I m enjoying stalking you.” he said with a laugh
“great a vampire and a stalker together we make super what the hell ever.” I said joking
“I’m sure we will make the best sellers list in no time with a title like that.” he said
“ok hot shot you come up with something better.” he put his finer on his chin.
“nope nothing.”
“alright bye then.” I said turning the corner to my apartment
“hey wait were are you going I thought we were going to skip school together?”
“ no I was going home and you were stalking me.” I said and walked around a corner out of his sight.
“hey can I go with you?” he asked from around the corner.
“fine if that’s what you want but I’m warning you, you may not come out alive or at least in one piece.”
“I’ll take that risk.” he said with a smile on his face. We did not really talk about much until we came to the dark ally way were I lived. “wow scary.” he said as he stopped in his tracks.
“told you so.” I said with a flirty kinda evil giggle.
“please tell me in side is better?”
“I hope so it should be if my dad was able to keep his temper down this morning he just fond him self a new girl.” I said
“you shouldn’t play with your food, that’s how you end up like your mother.” a strange voice said from behind. I turned to look and saw a tall blonde skinny women standing at the ally way entry she looked familiar but I dint want to stay and find out how she was.
“ I don’t know what your talking about.” in a serous voice and started to walk towds my house as fast as I could and he fallowed like a little puppy dog. “so stalker do you like your prays house?”
“of course its dark and scary just the way I like it, so where are your parents not home?” he asked looking around.
“my parents are not exscacally the type of parents you give bumper stickers to there never around. So how about you mom and dad bumper sticker parents?”
“no my dad left when I was 1 and a half and mom is a stoner who is selfish and never does anything with her life or time, well unless you count the different guy she brings home every other night.” he said wit a said look on his face then he started to giggle a little.
“sure we count them if you want.” I said sacristy
“no I try not to thanks. So what about you mom and dad?” he asked
“I don’t know my dad just started to act as if he cares only because he is trying to show off to his girlfriend.” I said
“ya that must suck. So what was up with that girl in the alley way?” he asked
“I have no clue there are a bunch of crazy people how live around here its hard to tell what there talking about anymore.” I answered and he started to giggle a bit. “so stalker what do you want to do?”
“I have no clue pray this is your house.” he said and we both started to giggle. We both just sat there and talked for what seemed for ever. Until I looked up at the clock and realized my dad was going to be home soon. I knew I had get him out of there some how. “I don’t mean to be rood but my dad with be home soon so I am sorry you have to leave.”
“why don’t you just come to my place and hang out for a couple hours?” before I got to answer he reached over and pressed his lips up against mine held them there for a couple of seconds and then pulled away. I reach over and did the same I slowly slipped my tongue into his mouth. It tasted like heaven.
“lets finish it at your house.” I said with a smile on my face. As I pulled away from him. Then I stood up and started to put my shoes on. He stood up rubbed his lips together.
“yum blue berry, right.” he said and started to giggle.
“what ever lets go.” I said and rushed him out the door. And as a good little boy and fallowed. I grabbed his hand a started to skip down the dark alley way and he did the same. “wow you’ll do what ever it takes to get laid.” I said.
“wow you catch on fast don’t you, just joking.” he said and we both started to giggle. “here we are.”
“lets go inside I can hardly wait.” I said as we started to kiss and he threw me up against the wall. I put my leg up and around his back and pulled him in closer to me. “lets do it right here.” I said in a low sexy voice.
“what ever you want and where ever you want it.” he said as he started to kiss my neck, then he made his way down he slowly slipped my nipple into his mouth and bite just a little. I moaned in pleasure and he gave an evil grin. And he started to kiss even lower he made it to my stomie. He started to lick around my belly button as his tongue. Then he took his tongue lower and started to lick a little then he came back up and kissed me “spread your legs a little more” I did as he said and he went back down the faster he moved his tongue the louder I moan the loader I moan the more he tried to laugh. Then he came up he kissed me. I started to kiss his neck. Then his chest. Then I started to lick his happy trail. Then I un button his paints.
“what the hell do you think your doing.” a women’s voice from behind us.
“o shit mom.” he said looking surprised “your home early.”
“no your skipping school again your school called. I’ve been out looking for you.” she said and walked inside “if your going to anything at least go inside.”
“No you kinda messed up the mood.” he said and looked at me. I shook my head no.
“where’s your bed room?” I asked with a flirty smile on my face.
“no you slut. Stay the fuck away from my son. The world does not need another one of him running around.” his mom said and then closed the door.
“it’s called protection now who’s the slut.” I yelled after her. “I should leave before I cause more trouble.”
“ya that would be best we really pissed her off.” he said and we both started to laugh.
“alright by stalker.” I said and kissed him gently on the lips and walked away.
As I walked down my alley way I saw something move out of the corner of my eye I turned my to the right then I saw It out of the left corner of my eye. “I told you not to play with your food.” a women’s voice echoed threw the alley way.
“who the fuck are you?” I screamed at the top of my lounges “show your self or I will kill you. You fucking annoying bitch.” as I screamed the ground started t shake. The sky turned black and there was lighting and thunder.
“wow your more powerful then I thought you were.” she said as she appeared in front of me.
“who the hell are you?” I asked in a demanding voice.
“ I am only here to teach you were you belong in this world and playing with meat boys is not it you are a vampire a very powerful one and if don’t learn how to control your powers and your feeling you will end up like your mother dormant in a cave by your self.” as she said razor sharp claws came out of her finger tips and sliced me across my face. I fell to the ground as I laid there I could feel the torn flesh heal it self.
“you bitch.” I said and got back up on my feet.
She disappeared “now you should start acting like that more often. If you don’t I will kill your ass.” I looked around but there was no one there.
“where the hell have you been?” I herd my dad ask from behind me.
“we need to talk.” said in a demanding voice.

 The logged in version 

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