[Khwaish]'s diary

74191  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2003-09-22
Written: (7582 days ago)

Beyond the Veil

1. The Other Side

Strangely enough, the only thing that struck him as odd to start with was that he felt no pain when he hit the ground.

That was after his head had cleared, the world had stopped spinning, and he could hear the sounds around him again. Sirius lay on his back, staring at the blackened ceiling of the Death Chamber, and wondered absently why it hadn't hurt. He'd come down hard.

He couldn't move, of course - a stunner to the chest will do that for you - but since Bellatrix didn't come charging around the archway to finish him off, he had to assume that she had been taken care of. The sounds of battle seemed to have died away, in fact: someone would be over any second to check he was alright. Probably Moony. He'd scold him something awful for letting himself get taken down like that, but damn, it had felt good to taunt Bella. He hadn't felt so alive in months.

He could hear someone yelling. Harry? Then the sound of running footsteps, fading.

It was odd that no-one had come over yet. How much longer did he have to lie here? Maybe Moony was angry with him for risking himself like that, and was going to let the curse wear off on its own. He dismissed the thought immediately. Remus wasn't like that. But still, it was strange.

Sirius tried to move, and found to his surprise that he could. Not only that, but his chest didn't hurt at all. Movement was difficult, though, and not in the way it usually was following a stunning spell or an impediment jinx; it felt like he was trying to move through honey or glue, like the air was a sticky, resistant mass that pushed against him on all sides. He half expected, drawing a deep breath, to feel it sliding down his throat like treacle, and repressed a shudder when he felt - nothing.

Not even the coolness of air in his mouth.

Finding it impossible to sit up, Sirius managed to turn slowly onto his side. He was lying on the stone dais in the centre of the room - but he might as well have been suspended in mid-air, he realised suddenly, because he couldn't feel the stones under his cheek.

The archway was barely two paces away. The curtain hanging in it seemed to flutter slightly in an unfelt breeze, but he couldn't seem to see through it.

He could see beyond it, however; he could see people moving in the dark chamber, slowly, like victims of a sudden shock. Sirius frowned. He could see Remus. The other man was halfway up the rows of tiered seats, as if he'd been following someone but stopped halfway. He had just turned back, moving as if in a dream. He began to walk down the steps, but Sirius saw his gaze turn, as if magnetically drawn, to the stone arch by which he was lying.

Remus sat down very suddenly on one of the stone benches. Sirius couldn't be sure from this distance, but Remus looked even paler than usual - white in the dimness - and his hands, when he raised them mechanically to brush his hair out of his eyes, were shaking.

A coldness began somewhere in the pit of Sirius' stomach. He tried to move again. With a supreme effort, he worked his way into a sitting position. He was beginning to understand why it was so hard to move: he couldn't seem to exert any pressure on the floor beneath him. It was like floating underwater without a solid surface to push against, and the only way he could get anywhere was to try and find purchase on the air itself.

Sitting, now, he could see some of the others. Many Death Eaters, stunned or immobilised; Mad-Eye Moody, stumping around with blood dripping from his head. A boy with a broken nose, who alternated between horrified glances at the door through which they'd entered, and frightened ones at the stone archway.

The archway, Sirius realised belatedly, through which he had fallen.

The Gateway in the Chamber of Death, through which the living could not pass.

"Moony." The word was on his lips without conscious thought. "Moony!" he called louder, looking frantically towards his friend. For a moment, his heart lifted in hope as Remus stood up; a second later it dropped again when he saw the other man was simply making his way to the broken-nosed boy. "Remus!" he shouted desperately. "Remus!"

Remus didn't so much as glance in his direction.

"Moony. Moony! Please, for the love of Merlin, look over here! Just for a second! Remus!"

Remus was silently helping the injured boy to stem the bleeding from his nose. Moody paused momentarily to say something in his gruff way; Remus just nodded once without answering. Moody walked away. Remus glanced up, following him with his eyes, and for a second his gaze flickered over Sirius.

He looked back to the injured boy, and Sirius realised that he couldn't be seen, either.

For the first time, he looked down at himself. He half-expected to see a ghost's body - white and translucent - but he looked utterly solid to his own eyes. Tentatively, he laid a hand flat against his chest and pushed. It definitely felt solid, but there was no warmth under his fingertips and he couldn't feel the fabric of his robes either. He tried grabbing a handful of cloth and tugging: again, he could feel the resistance against his fingers and the tug on his body, but his hand might as well have been dipped in numbing solution. He touched his face: neither his cheek nor the palm of his hand registered warmth or the texture of skin.

Fighting mounting panic, Sirius tried to stand up. It was even more difficult than sitting had been - he was constantly on the point of losing his balance, and he had a feeling that, if he did, he would float downwards like a feather. The people around him took not the slightest notice of his struggles.

Was he dead?

There didn't seem any other explanation. But how had he died? Sirius ran through the last few moments of his memory before he'd hit the veil. Bella had hit him with something painful - more than a simple stunning spell, he suspected, but certainly not the killing curse. The light had been red and tightly focused, not the flaring green brilliance of Avada Kedavra. His chest had burned and his balance had been irretrievably lost; he hadn't even been able to stagger backwards, but had simply fallen in an arc like a tree in a storm. He had felt the veil fly out behind him, letting him through. Then there had been a blank nothing.

He'd fallen through the Gateway - which, according to what little he knew about it, was utterly impossible. Things came out of the Gateway. Spirits returned to it. The living did not pass through. It was impossible for the living to pass through.

Walking was almost impossible, but somehow he managed it, feeling more like he was swimming against the tide. One step. Two. He fixed his gaze on the archway. He had to walk back through the veil. Everything would make sense again if he could just reach it. Another step. Another. He was within an inch of the veil.

Sirius stepped forward. Or rather, tried to. In fact he found himself stopped as effectively as if he'd just walked into a brick wall.


Sirius slammed the palms of his hands against the veil. It didn't move like fabric should; it was as if he'd hit an invisible wall that stood rock-steady behind the curtain. He tried to grab hold of the edge of the veil, pull it aside; his fingers scrabbled across a frictionless surface and slid away as if he'd touched a block of ice.

Moving as quickly as he could, Sirius circled the archway and tried the same thing on the other side, with similar results. The ragged curtain hung serenely before him, mocking his anger.

He began to hammer on the invisible barrier with his fists and kick it as hard as he could, barely aware that he was shouting spell after spell, counter-curse after hex after jinx, spells for breaking, dispelling, opening, tearing...



Sirius sank to his knees, frightened and defeated. His hands didn't even hurt, he realised numbly. The veil would not let him pass. His heart was hammering - except that it couldn't be, he thought hysterically, because he didn't have a heart, but nevertheless he could feel it, and the sick, panicky feeling that he had lost control.

A creeping horror nudged its way through his whirling thoughts. Maybe when they said the living could not pass through the veil, they simply meant that they would cease to be living if they crossed the threshold. Remus, he had always suspected, knew more about the Gateway than he did. Remus had refused to tell him any more than what he already knew.

Remus was only a short distance away, and Sirius realised that he was leading the broken-nosed boy towards the exit.

"Don't go!" Sirius shouted frantically, struggling to his feet again. He tried to run after his friend, but he couldn't move fast enough. "Please! Remus, you have to help me! Remus!"

His voice had trailed off into a painful whisper that was barely audible even to himself.

"Don't go, don't leave me... don't leave me here and forget about me... not again... don't leave me here..."

Remus hesitated by the door and looked back. His wandlight, which he was holding aloft to guide their way, illuminated his white face and caught the grey in his hair. He looked so tired, so shocked, so lost. His eyes were empty. They closed against the sight of the Gateway, and he turned away, and Sirius fell silent, because he knew then that Remus thought he was dead.

And to Sirius' mounting horror, there wasn't a lot of evidence to contradict him.


72865  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2003-09-20
Written: (7585 days ago)

There is a saying in Sanskrit - "Strotram kasya naa tusht-te"
It means that who is there in the world who does not get pleased by a prayer or a salutation.

70094  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2003-09-15
Written: (7590 days ago)

Take some time, get away
Suicide is a shame
Soon you'll find your own way
Hope has come, you are saved
And it makes me cry
Because I'm on my way
On my way
On my way
Hey, it's the sun and it makes me shine (x3)
Hey now it's the sun and it makes me shine
Soon you'll be okay
Soon you'll be okay
And it makes me smile
Because I'm on my way
Hey, it's the sun and it makes me shine (x2)
Hey now it's the sun and it makes me smile
All around
Hey now it's the sun and it makes me smile
All around, all around!
Ba dada ba da (X 8)
Hey now it's the sun and it makes me smile
All around
Hey now it's the sun and it makes me smile
All around, all around!
Ba dada ba da (X 8)

64020  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2003-08-31
Written: (7604 days ago)

Staring into your eyes
Never ending
Always deep always
Never depending
As the enchanting legend
As the warm lover you are
Staring always and forever

craving more and more…

Sometimes I’m at
the ocean floor,
Drowned by the deepness
of your core…

Staring into your eyes
Never ending
Always deep always
Never depending
As the enchanting legend
As the warm lover you are
Staring always and forever

All I want is to explore…

When you close your eyes,
I feel the world
Has ceased existing
In dreams open them,
Open them for me…

62536  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2003-08-28
Written: (7608 days ago)

One day, I realised that I did not need a Personal history. And like some people give up smoking, I gave it up. That, and only that have made every difference...

59681  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2003-08-22
Written: (7614 days ago)

Hangman's Hill

He trudged up the damp dusy road,
This was the end.
Final farewells
to friends, sons and daughters
Final farewells
to his one and only beloved.
May God have mercy on her,
She was drowning in tears
He drowned in her tears
As he kissed her one last time.
As he drowned in his own
The man looked ahead.
The prosecuters were waiting,
Some were laughing
Some were casually chatting.
The man shed a last tear,
As he looked up at the sky,
the early morning mist,
the dew on the green grass of the hilly village
He quietly sang the martyrs ballad
As his heavy feet transported him to the opposition
The led him up the hill.
Within minutes,
The rope burnt his neck
His balled died away
So did he
What remained was a limp body that was his.
Silence screamed and cried through the countryside
As the wind sang a ballad
Of the forgotten story of Séamus Fitzgearód.

59357  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2003-08-21
Written: (7615 days ago)

I just realised what love really feels like. I value this feeling so much. It's not like the others. This isn't lust. It's just love. And it's so sweet. I would rather not lose this. it just seems so perfect...i want it to remain this way, as time flies by we'll get closer and closer. *dreams*

57045  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2003-08-15
Written: (7621 days ago)

I AM A:Chaotic Good Half-Elf Ranger

Chaotic Good characters are independent types with a strong belief in the value of goodness. They have little use for governments and other forces of order, and will generally do their own things, without heed to such groups.

Half-Elves are a cross between a human and an elf. They are smaller, like their elven ancestors, but have a much shorter lifespan. They are sometimes looked down upon as half-breeds, but this is rare. They have both the curious drive of humans and the patience of elves.

Rangers are the defenders of nature and the elements. They are in tune with the Earth, and work to keep it safe and healthy.

55685  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2003-08-12
Written: (7624 days ago)

What's with it with magazines??? I picked up the hello magazine out of work with boredom, and it was full of things like "Prince William makes people laugh" and "A celebrity couple went out for a romantic dinner, OH LOOK! he's wearing a wedding ring.." It's annoying, like WHO CARES??? I was more bored reading that magazine than being bored alone.

I find blood romantic. I don't know why. Maybe it's because of an overdose of Hindi Movies...
53461  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2003-08-05
Written: (7631 days ago)

Look into my eyes,
See the pain,
the hurt
the scars
Do you see the tears?
The burn
I close my eyes
I feel a knife burning,
Burning away my skin.
Are you happy now?
Are you happy at what you've done?
Do you regret it?
Look into my eyes
And see this pain.
Cry like me
Burn like me
Bleed like me
You asked for it.

52755  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2003-08-03
Written: (7633 days ago)

You are most like Leo! Even though you can do anything you put your mind to, you always put yourself down. Don't! Be more confident, there's more to life than appearances.

52754  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2003-08-03
Written: (7633 days ago)
Next in thread: 52805

Hold my hands
I will feel honoured
Give me a hug
I will be hopefull
Stroke my hair
I will begin to feel loved
Kiss my cheek
I shall begin to glow
Kiss my lips
I shall kiss you back
Love me
And I'll be forever yours

52557  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2003-08-02
Written: (7633 days ago)

And it sounds like...armageddon
Sounds like...armageddon
Sounds like...cum and drink with me....
Cum and drink with me

And I remember him fucking me,
And I remember liking it,
I didn't know any better...

And I remember the smell, and the pain, and the shame...
And I remember being afraid and thinking everyday,
Every single day.. that it was my fault...

Oh, but what happened to that little girl?
Who used to dream of one day ruling the world,
Who used to draw pretty pictures in my room---beneath the moon
Destroying to create
Softly praying to "God"

What do I do now?
What do I do now?

As I secretely masturbate...
But then I'd hear his hooves coming down the floor
With a Bible in his hand...

Softly opening my door and he'd say...

DAUGHTER! The day of your attonement is due!
Well there's 3 million sinners out there...
and that includes you!

No daddy, don't... no daddy, don't...

I'm bleeding, it's not fair...

You see, there's this little place I like to go...
I like to run and hide--deep inside,
Where all the nightmares are real, and all the monsters come alive,
Oh, but the things I've seen in soft, soft visions and terrifying prophecies,
Like serpents on the take and gods coming in all sizes and shapes
Nothing seems fulfilling anymore..

Well your temples are swollen in deceit and the body of your missionary,

He's rotting... rotting in defeat mama?

Are the aliens coming to take us away? (mama?)
Is armageddon gonna happen again today?


I will not cry... I will not cry...
I--PREFER--TO--DIE! than live--this life--of LIES!

Vengeance is mine...

Hey, I'm sorry baby...
please come back inside...we can laugh a little... and live and die,
no wait. see, eye got this hot pot of jonestown tea
And it's been brewing for you and me,
Oh, it only takes one sip,
Come one baby,
Surrender your lips,
I can take you someplace nice...
I can take you...someplace NICE!

Breed my disease, be my disease...
Breed my disease, be my disease...
and vengeance will be mine
It's closer than u think...

So I entered his room at 32 past noon
With my little ritual knife...
I cut out his tounge
Liberated his wife
She loved me for it other world woman,

Well, thats what she called me (Destroyer),
the one who sets you free, (cum and drink with me)

We all die like cartoons, surrender your children,
kids who like to kill, lies...

52507  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2003-08-02
Written: (7633 days ago)

killing me
he's killing me
we killing me
me killing me

killing me ......

infectious human waste
prostate gods


a testosterone feeding drone
multiplying, multiplying hungry clones

time to
the HIVE



our time has come!!!

you're just as weak as me
but not as strong!

just as imperfect!
but twice as flawed!

i see your skin
and i hate the way

you look at me!
and softly invade

eye'm afraid!
rage intensified!

i'll feel no fear or hate as i ...
commit ....

girls in the playroom

servants in the workplace
slaves to lies!!


those who refuse to grow
we leave behind

!give death to them!
with an evolved state of mind

no one's listening
save your cries

everything they taught
was a lie

hear me now this battlecry

- what to wear
- what to eat
- what to feel
- what to think
- how to act
- how to speak
- insecure
- incomplete!!


.. apple eater!
.. deceiver!
.. protector of the way!

this is the beginning of my Liberation!


Lillith, Eve, Isis, Kali





no compassion
kill your masters!

kill your masters
kill your masters
kill your masters

52505  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2003-08-02
Written: (7633 days ago)

... my confession

because i'm diluted
perfectly flawed

i shall
live by passion
not by law

and i'm
insecure ...
i need aggression

feed the spiders
of perception

and i'm
supposed to be strong
& have
all the answers

in the
new church of cancer

but i'm
nothing special
i'm not unique

i have
many secrets
& i
eat the weak

and i'm
at an end

i'm at an end .....

and there's ...


i need to find my sanctuary
..... someplace safe
gotta get this outta me
..... this is my escape

and i
think about it
all the time

afraid to cry

but i'm
still not comfortable
in my skin

and the
anesthetics slowly
wearing thin

& i
need to talk to
someone new

i need a different

& i'm
in this void

all alone!
feeling needy

... hungry to grow

but i'm
-- can't come down

and .... no ....


i need to find my sanctuary
.... someplace safe
gotta get this outta me!

--- all i see is sadness
all i see is sadness ....
what's left?

-- this will teach them.
this will teach them,

......you've got to......


........you are not alone

- this is where i hide my power
- this is where i become free
- this is where i take control
- and slowly choke your fantasies

- i want to know my day is coming
- see my enemies be punished
- shed my skin again
- this will be my best revenge!!


52498  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2003-08-02
Written: (7633 days ago)

I remember

I remember
... feeling the sting

of childhood
& injections

holy bruises
sweet infections

like drowning

whose only ..

was the
greed of

you know where
I'm fragile

you know how
to kill


all fall away
all fall today


i can't keep
this rage in me

can't keep

can't be
this empty


i can
it go away

... make it go away

52484  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2003-08-02
Written: (7633 days ago)

okay a proper entry. Haven't written something here in ages. Okay...well..
I decided to take the SATs. I confirmed my decision yesterday and now i've got a month more to study my ass off. I'm going to study hard, I really want to do well. If i don't do well, then i don't get to go to Dublin and spend three weeks there. So...i think it's time to be nocturnal again, like i ever stopped anyway. Ever since the Junior Cert. (O Levels, like GCSEs) which i finished on the 14th of June 2003, i've been staying up until 3am and waking up at 6am. yes, three hours sleep. I've also got a crap job. I babysit kids, their mother wants me to act like a mother. I'M ONLY 15 GODDAMNIT!!! lol...whoever out there is arsed enough to read this...any advice? :P

50771  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2003-07-29
Written: (7638 days ago)

"Oh My Golly!" (Surfer Rosa)

Entro las Pinones y la ola es pequena,
Oh my Golly!

Vamos para la luna caribe,
Oh my golly!
Besando chichando con surfer rosa,
Oh my golly!,
Se fue su madera
Oh my golly!

Rosa oh oh oh Rosa,

Yo soy playero pero no hay playa,
Oh my golly!
Bien perdida la surfer rosa,
Oh my golly!

La vida total es un porqueria porqueria,
Oh my golly!
Esto no es mas, que vida!
Oh my golly!
Rosa oh oh oh Rosa


I enter Pinones and the wave is small,
Oh my golly!

Let's go to the caribbean moon,
Oh my golly!
Kissing and fucking with surfer rosa,
Oh my golly!
His wood is gone,

Oh my golly!
Rosa oh oh oh Rosa
I'm a beach goer but there's no beach,
Oh my golly!
Very lost the surfer rosa,
Oh my golly!

Total life is shitty shitty.
Oh my golly!
This ain't more,what a life!
Oh my golly!
Rosa oh oh oh Rosa

50361  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2003-07-28
Written: (7639 days ago)

1. When asked, on the Arsenio Hall show, about smoking a pipe in 'Forever Young' (I find this very ironic!) he said:
-"They put this stuff in there [the pipe] and, you know, to be totally honest with you, it really tasted gross. And I don't think I'm ever going to be picking up a habit like that."

2.  When asked about what he didn't like about acting (this is from the time of Flipper) he said:
-"Horrible! In Flipper I like this girl, played by Jessica Wesson. There was a kissing scene in the movie, that didn't make it after all. I hated it. It was really embarassing. I hope they don't have any more scenes like that for me in reserve, because I'm much to shy for that."
3. What qualities in a person do you most admire?
-"I like honesty, and people that are real, who don't buy into all the bad stuff [like drugs], but who are really themselves. Its sad because a lot of kids these days feel that they have to be a certain way in order to be popular. I think being different, being against the grain of society, is the greatest thing in the world."

4. Are you an outcast in real life? (this was asked when he was 18)
-After a long Pause "I don't feel at ease when I'm around people my age. Most of the time I can get along with adults a lot better. It figures, because I've been working with adults ever since I was 8 years old. I'm interested in other things than people of my age. If I went to High-School, just like Casey [in 'The Faculty']--I always got tutored on the set--I'd probobly be a loner as well. Or maybe I would have chosen for that. A voluntary outcast."

5. Which character in South Park would you like to be most?
-"Cartmen, Eric Cartmen Rules!"

6. What's the worst movie of all time?
-"Godzilla, Godzilla sucks in every way!"

7. Do you believe in true love?
-"Of course I do! I wouldn't be a hopless romantic if I didn't. I'm a sucker for romantic films. I cry like a child! For people who are hopeless romantics, 'Love Jones' is a wonderful film. Of course, so is 'When Harry met Sally', everyone sheds a tear."

8. What's your worst habit?
-"I bite my fingernails. When you smoke and bite your fingernails at the same time, you know you've got issues."

9. What animal would describe your personality and why?
-"A monkey-I'm pretty active and I like to climb things and I was always called monkey as a kid. I liked to climb in the cupboards. I like hugging.

50360  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2003-07-28
Written: (7639 days ago)

What's true whats not!

Recently asked Q's
-Elijah is not married
-He does not have any kids
-He did not grab a camera out of a guys hand for taking pictures of him
-He does have a girlfriend (franka Potente)
-He did not ask her to be his wife
-He is thinking about being Peter Pan in an upcoming movie
-Elijah does chat at the Doorstep

Asked in e-mails

Elijah was not taken over by aliens, he is not gay, he did not have relations with Sean Astin, he does love music, his mother never abused him, his mother never disowned him, he is not a drunk, he does smoke, he done not do drungd, he is not deathly afraid of airplane, large monkeys, or the ninja tutles.

He did not get sugery to enhance his butt, he did not read LOTR before he made the movies, he did go to the auditions dressed as a Hobbit, yes he has had sex, he was on The Ozbourne Show(cleaning up dog pee), and he and another cast member did pee on a fountain (landmark) in New Zealand.

50359  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2003-07-28
Written: (7639 days ago)

Tidbits about Elijah!

- Sings
-Fences (as a alternative form of excercise!)
- Rollerblades
-Loves to read classics
-Thinks if he didn't become an actor, he would have became a Gourmet Chef 
-Collects 'Star Wars' memorabilia

- Monkey (for being so active as a child)
- Lij

-Wears contacts
-Likes to date girls who are "Real and Honest"
-Admires Tom Hanks and George Lucas
-Admits to talking in "A funny voice a lot"
-Fan of Batman
-Favorite Bands-Smashing Pumpkins and the Beatles (I heard he likes the Beatles more!)
-Favorite song 'Never Let me Down'
-Least Favorite Music- Country

And he says its pronounced 'Elidjah' ??? I can't say that without thinking it is wrong!!

 The logged in version 

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