[Balthizar]'s diary

1097851  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2009-10-20
Written: (5371 days ago)
Next in thread: 1097852

Music I chose to listen to while typing this.

" My love, they are coming!" Came a highly stressed, female voice.

The only other being in the room turns to face the women, and then the stone door. Curly black hair cascaids down a face stricken with fear. His glowing red eyes watch the stone for a moment, before grunting, going back to his task.

" I'm working on it Malie, just a few more minutes.."

Focusing on his task, the man continued to pump more energy into the black orb before him. The pressence of magic was thick in the air, one could even taste it should they open their mouth. The orb pulsaited with a sickly light blue light.

" My dear sweet Wrath...we dont have minutes. We may not ha--"

She was stopped in mid sentance. A loud crash resounded through out the room, forcing her to duck and cover her head. The stone door was shattered effortlessly by a large man, carring a silver shield. Without a word, the man lunged forward, lifting the large shield up and slamming it down towards Wrath. Wrath, eyes going wide ducks and rolls, rising from the floor, a black and red claymore in hand. From the wreckage of the door, another man enters. Unlike the other, this one has long curly fiery red hair, and in his hands is a red and silver claymore. A mirror image of Wraths. Opposing twins one could say.

" You are not welcome here Joviel..or Gabriel. Leave now.."

Joviel frowns, glancing to his brother drawing his shield close to himself and crouching, ready to lunge forward once more.

" We cannot allow you to do what you plan Wrath...God wont allow it."

Gabriel chuckles after his response, glancing to the black orb. He then looks to the human female, frowning lightly.

" Planning on sacrificing her? Disgusting Wrath...truly disgusting.."

" Screw you Gabriel, you and your Hound Master know nothing of what I plan to do.."

With those words, Wrath spun forward, raising his blade and bringing it down hard towards the red haired man. Joviel, fearing for his brother shoved the other aside, lifting his shield and screaming in pain as the two objects collided, sparks of dark magic sprawing out. Gabriel, hissing softly moved to stand infront of the human, pointing his blade at Wrath. White and red fire spiraled out of it towards the man. Wrath roared in pain as the fire slammed into his being, throwing him into a wall filled with shelves. The items upon which fell and broke, filling the air with an acidic poison as the liquids mixed. Malie coughed and gagged, lifting her shirt to cover her mouth. Joviel backed towards the door, trying to give himself more room to work with, as Wrath stood slowly.

" They say you Archangels know no sin....I shall give you that mortal delight!"

From his finger tips sprung black fire, which billowed towards the red haired man. Gabriel yelped and dove away. The Black fire, continued on its path, engulfing the women. Wrath's eyes went wide, dropping his claymore. Both Joviel and Gabriel reached out helplessly as her mortal form was burned beyound ash. Not a trash of her was left behind. Both Archangels looked to Wrath, looks of blaim and judgement upon their faces..which fadded at the sins words.

" I...loved her. I was trying...to give her immortality..and you...took her.."

The room began to quake. Stone began to creak, and groan. More bottles fell from the shelves. Black fire began to grow, and lick the walls. The orb in the middle of the room began to pulsate brighter. Both Joviel and Gabriel gagged and choked, dropping to their knees as the sheer amount of sin began to overwhelm them. Wrath continued to stare at where she had been standing just moments before...

" Gabb...y we need...to get out.."

" Have...to shatter..."

The Orb, as if understanding hte threat, sent a beam of black energy into the chest of the fire haired Archangel. He screamed and howled in pain, arching back as blazing red wings ripped from his back, revealing all his glory. His chest began to wither and burn as the beam fadded, his insides revealed. Blacked and burned to ash, the Archangel began to sufficate, unable to draw a breath, as he succumbed to the evil in the room. Joviel, gathering what strength he could, gathered his brother and ran, leaving the Sin to his own devices.

Wrath stepped forward slowly, wrapping his hands around the orb. Murder was upon his face, revenge danced upon his sneer. He gritted his teeth in pain, as the pure energy of sin began to course through him. His flesh withered and burned, only to be healed seconds later. The building soon became completely engulffed in black fire. Wrath vanished, without a word, lettng the building burn to nothing, leaving only blackned glass in the middle of the desert...

The Gates of Heaven screamed in pain. The sound of a thousand children screaming thundered through out the Heavens. Outside hte pearly gates to paradise stood Wrath. His body mishapened and twisted. A black and burned horn protruded from the right side of his forehead, a seven tattered wings arrose from his back. Black sludge, and tentacles dripped and slithered about his body, as he slammed his claymore into the gates. Once more, the Heavens screamed in pain, the light shinning from the entrance to Heaven dimming ever so slightly.

" You have no place here Sin!"

" Begone filth, lest we end your existence!"

Behind the Sin, Joviel and another Archangel appeared. The new Archangel held a scrolled staff in one hand, eyes white like the hottest fire, daring the sin to threaten the knowledge kept inside. Behind the Archangels appeared four Guardians of Heaven. Taller then even Joviel, these four armed behemoths carried a flamming scimitar in each hand. Sun burned eyes watched the Sin with hatred, awaiting the orders to end it.

Wrath conitued his assault, as if the Archangels and their pets were not there. Growling, Joviel and the other rushed forward. As they grew within a foot of the demon, they howled in pain and threw themselves away. Their skin burned, and withered. Turning black before their eyes, they cried out to their father. Unable to handle the sin themselves, they twisted and convulsed in pain, blood seeping out between their lips.

" Stand still Sin of Wrath!"

Roared a sudden white light. Wrath, leaping back hissed softly. His voice was that of venom, and pure hate. Carring with it the promise of a thousand deaths, and a million tortures.

" Damn...you God. You took her..from me. My only joy...my only..happienessss."

The White light shimmered, before flaring, sending out a wave of holy energy. Both the Archangels, and thier guardians vanished to safety.

" I did no such thing Sin. You deserve no joy. No happieness."

" Why!? I've done nothing! Nothing to you! She was mine! Damn you, she was mine!"

" Why!? You dare to ask me why cretin!? It is merely enough that you exist, to dictate you get to know no joy!"

Wrath convulsed, throwing up black blood onto the steps before Heaven. Growling, he lunged forward, slamming his claymore down into God. For several moments, time stopped. Nothing, not even the two powers moved, or thought anything. And just as suddenly, white fire engulfed the sin. God screamed and howled in pain, retreating back from the claymore, as Wrath was hurtled down to Earth. The light of God dimmed for a moment, before it took ont he form of an old man. A soft smile on his face..


Screamed Wrath, over and over, slamming his fists down into the glass. All that remained of the house he had built for himself, and his loved one.

"We were to be wed! Married! I LOVED HER!"

He howled, throwing himself onto his backa nd arching. His screamed filled hte night, as black tears dripped from his eyes. As night fall shed its curtain, Wrath lay, a whimpering mass upon his lovers tribute.

" I hate him...he took her...I lvoed her..she was mine...he took her...but I loved her..damn him...she was..mine."

Were the last words he said, before his body withered to ash, blowing off into the wind.

From Heaven God watched with self joy at what he had done. Glancing back to his Archangels, he saw that they were healing well. He returned to watching Earth from his pedastel. God, lord of Mercy. Lord of Judgement.

And from his hole, Wratch curled up in a ball, his body bloody and burned from the white fire of Heaven. With a tear stained face, a look of pain, and regret, Wrath cursed himself, his fellow sins, and God. For her the world will burn. For her, Heaven will scream again. For her...even Time will wheep.

For her.

I humbly request comments on this. Its been a long time coming. Envy is almost done.
1097788  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2009-10-19
Written: (5372 days ago)

Frustraition is having a break down.
Change needs a new pair of shoes.
Boredom is bugging Anger.
Happy is dancing in the breeze.
Confusion plays with barbie dolls.
Knowledge is watching the news.
I'm kinda stuck between here and there.
While Gluttony eats a goose.

I need to go to work.

1097787  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2009-10-19
Written: (5372 days ago)

the things you type.
Before you read something.
The things you hear.
Before your know something.
The places you'll go.
Without ever looking.
The friends you'll lose.
Without even trying.

Everyones got a reason.
there will always be another showing.
Concepts and designs look alot better.
When the paper isnt molding.

Thats so much crap xD.
it means nothing.
I do like the last bit...
Just because theres been mold on mah flowers last week.
Well, not mine, other drivers..but yeah.
Later all.
Should be back tonight.
Should be.
Try not to miss me.
*stares at it*

1097784  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2009-10-19
Written: (5372 days ago)

People do stupid things when they are upset.
People say stupid things when they are upset.
Its not the first time.
It wont be the last time.

1097766  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2009-10-19
Written: (5372 days ago)
Next in thread: 1097778, 1097779


That looks so bad.
Like, KH's bad.
okay so, KH's 1 and 2 werent bad
But all the ones after?
And uh..yeah.
So, eviently we dont even get a young link.
We get 15-18 year old link? Who then ages 7 more years.
And uh...no Great Deku tree.
No Navi ( I am actually sad about this.)
Only highlight is I think Gannie is Sean Connery.
Which is freaking sexy as hell.
They need moar trailers.
Before I can accuratly judge this movie.

I may be around less.
i'm havign less and less reason to be online.
What with the whole feeling that I'm nto wanted, nor if its cared if I were to just disapear, or the fact I'm not important.
So yeah...less and less.
Untill someone tells me otherwise.

again..movie looks horrid.
Looks as though it was made to feed into stupid little girl and boy fantasies, like all the KH's games that are out. *shudders* So tired of that series...like Toy Story, it had its Glory days. Now just let it die with honor.
Rather then the true Zelda fans.
Oh Nintendo.
Dont fuck up this movie.
For I will be sad.
And shed many tears.
If this movie blows.

1097672  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2009-10-18
Written: (5373 days ago)

I don't like feeling mellow.
It, for some reason.
Strengthens the feeling of not being important.
And those are two feelings I hate.
One, I fall into from time to time.
usually after a huge high. ( Mellow)
And hte other..I combat all the time.
But seriously.
Feeling mellow.
Just blows.

1097596  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2009-10-17
Written: (5374 days ago)

Great day.
Turned to shit.
Puking up stuff.
i dont..even recongize.
red, green, brown, black..it was...nakhbkajdna,j
I dont feel well.
My head is throbbing,
My eyes feel ready to pop.
And I cant even have my fan on.
the noise is too much..
So I'm dieing in heat.
Going...to o back o bed i gess.
noreason to be online.
never seems to be one anymore.

1097586  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2009-10-17
Written: (5374 days ago)

Anything your sunrise can do mine can do better. Cascaiding purple clouds thundering across a velvet blue sky. A roaring golden sun trumpeting over the mountain tops. A clear, pristine ocean adding its own harmonic value to this medly I call..a typical morning in Hawaii. So yes, anything your sunrise can do, mine can do better.

today as I predicted.
Was eally long.
Really hard.
Really stressful.
I've had a great day.
I'm not sure why though.
I feel like thsi massive weight has been lifted from my shoulders.
I just feel..wonderful.
I don't know why.
I don't care why.
I just know I feel good.
I feel great.
Nothing is wrong right now.
And this sense of peace it brings is...intoxicaiting.
I'm going to go nap.
Then I'm going to shower.
I'm then going to take pictures of me, myself, and my world I live in.
Because I feel fucking fantastic.
And I want to share that with you.

1097536  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2009-10-16
Written: (5375 days ago)

Just trying to save the world.
Not that anybody cares.

I loooooove that song.
And nwo I'm off to work.
To well, work.
Today is Boss' day.
A huge holiday here in Hawaii.
I've got about 9 stores to do.
It usually takes me about an hour or so each store.
And 12 retails.
And it usually takes me about four hours to do abotu that many retails.
Depending on how spread they are.
I've got 7 hours to do it all in.
Cna you say holyshitIhavetoworkreallyfastandhardandstillprobleynotgetitdoneandwillgetyelledatintheendbuti'mgoingtotryreallyhardanywaysandwillendupcominghomeandcrashingonmybedexhausted?
I can.

Oh hey.
Anything your sunrise can do my can do better.
I'll get a picture of one of ours
and you'll see the truth.

1097420  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2009-10-15
Written: (5376 days ago)

Know what I want?
Yeah, isnt it cool?
I thought so too.

1097385  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2009-10-15
Written: (5377 days ago)

No one online.
No posts to update.
I could put in the stories I have written whle at work on break.
They make me cry reading htem.
I'll do that after a nap.
11 hour shift.
Kicked my ass, and had my soul on the side with some Shoyu and rice.

Design got a big ass shipment today.
And I was the dumbass who vaulenteered to help organize, and bring it all in from the trucks v.v.
I did how ever get to see all the pretty asians down in Waikiki...
And got my picture taken with a few! xD.
there is something alluring to the asians about a guy who arranges flowers. ( yes, I got to ARRANGE TODAY! Booyah.)
And they all want mah picture with them in it. ( Could be the blonde hair and big green eyes..)
Either way.
T'was a fun day.
Long, hard, asskicking fun day.

1097331  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2009-10-14
Written: (5377 days ago)
1097330  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2009-10-14
Written: (5377 days ago)

will you walk with me a moment.
Just a single moment.
Out of your busy life.
Only just a moment.

I'm worried for you my friend.
That you are getting caught up in things.
Things that get your attention.
While other things go left unsaid.

So i'm asking for this moment.
Just as single moment.
Where we can both relax.
And remember the good old days.
When we were both happy.

For I'm worried for you my dear friend.
Whom probley cares not for my worry.
But I worry none the less.
For that is what friends do.

1097284  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2009-10-14
Written: (5377 days ago)

I've got hope.
Hell I'm drunk on dreams.
I'm skipping over nightmares.
I'm playing in drains.
I've walked on clouds.
I make out with the moon.

Yeah I've got hope.
Your drunk on dreams.
Living a nightmare.
While playing in drains.
You reach for the clouds.
while thinking of the moon.

I've got time that I play with.
Your buying up all that you can.
I've taken to worshiping my life.
You've gone and given up on yours.

Yeah I've got hope.
Your drunk on dreams.
Living a nightmare.
While playing in drains.
You reach for the clouds.
while thinking of the moon.

I made some choices.
Ones that I can live with.
You've made some mistakes.
And you know your stuck with.
try going back in time.
Only to find you've missed it.
Some things just cant be changed.

Yeah I've got hope.
Your drunk on dreams.
Living a nightmare.
While playing in drains.
You reach for the clouds.
while thinking of the moon.

where will I go now?
I'm thinking on a spot.
Its a cozy little zone.
Center of the universe.
But your place is nice to I guess.
Living the same life everyone else does.
Painted lies and gutter day dreams.

Yeah I've got hope.
Your drunk on dreams.
Living a nightmare.
While playing in drains.
You reach for the clouds.
while thinking of the moon.

But hey you do what you have to.
Live with who and what you can.
Be all that you can be.
I'm being the one we've both come to know.
The best thing to ever happen.
The one thing that remains a dream.

Yeah I've got hope.
Your drunk on dreams.
Living a nightmare.
While playing in drains.
You reach for the clouds.
while thinking of the moon.

I like that.
I sang that today.
While driving down Nimitz Highway.
Seeing all the different kind of people driving to work.
seeing all the kids in cars, waiting turn into Leeward Community College.
And you can just tell which ones.
hate the life they've chosen for themselves.
And which ones are loving every second of it.
I need to find a tune for this song.

1097199  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2009-10-13
Written: (5378 days ago)

Well ladies and germs.
My headache is pounding.
My eyes are drooping.
And its taking more and more effort to move.
Bed time.
I hope.
Night all.
Love to the ones who know i love them.
And uh..yeah.

1097168  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2009-10-13
Written: (5379 days ago)

Current mood.
So reminds of me Advent children.
Still though.
being only a memory.
Would blow.

1097167  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2009-10-13
Written: (5379 days ago)

I want.
To make an arrangement.
With several different kinds of flowers.
Main among them would be protea, Queen Anne's lace, and Fancy mini Carnations.
Well, I'd have teh Queen Anne's lace around the stems of the Mini Carn, and protea. And the Mini carn around hte stem of the Protea. Giving it an otherworld, primordial look.
It looks badass in my head.
And it will only cost me 20 bucks to do.
Yay discounts at job!
plus, if its a hit.
I can charge people fo rit.
And pocket the difference.
Win yes?

Thought I'd get that off my mind before my nap.
Heres to hoping the headache I've had for 5 days now will let me rest. x.X
Headache got so bad early, I lost my vision for a few seconds.
Almost took out a pallet at Costco ><.

1097166  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2009-10-13
Written: (5379 days ago)

*sighs and hangs head*
No one sees a problem with this at all.
Everything is working out just fine.

Long day at work.
Apprently, I have no reason to be online so.
After a ten hour shift.
I'm going to go nap for an hour or so.
You all take care now.
Love yah buh bye.

1097097  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2009-10-12
Written: (5379 days ago)

Was so hoping
For something to do.
before work ><.
Whelp....off I go for a 8-10 hour shift.
So hope someone didnt call in.


Last time.
First time.
Every time.
The last moment I held you.
Was the first time I died.

*stares at*
Needs something....
Fix it when I get back.

 The logged in version 

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