[Balthizar]'s diary

1099077  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2009-10-31
Written: (5356 days ago)

I have had a shitty morning.
And afternoon.
I had to work 10 hours today.
Because Kevin is a jackass.
He gave me extra routes KNOWING
I had a thing to do tonight.
And that I needed time before hand to get ready.
I've got a half hour, to do two hours worth of prep time.
he admitted to giving me extra.
To make me late.
Because he thought it was funny.
I was to get off at 1:30.
I didnt get off till 4.
I am not amused.
I so better win the thousand dollars tonight.
Or atleast have fun.
I could use atleast one good thing in my life right now.

Much love to those who know I love them.
Be safe, be well.
I hope you enjoy your night, and the morning that is coming.
Give me any details
( LIke,w hat you will be up to and all that fun jazz.)

Always there.
Never far away.
Just a wish and thought.
Is all it takes.
And i'll be by your side.

1099026  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2009-10-30
Written: (5357 days ago)

the worth of it.

1098991  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2009-10-29
Written: (5358 days ago)

-Volunteering at a soup kitchen tonight.
-No idea when I'll be home.
-Mood update: I feel like crap, and I'm about to lose someone.
-I've really got to pee.
-I'll talk to you all later.
-Remember, I'll always be there, even after everyone else has gone.

1098957  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2009-10-29
Written: (5358 days ago)

Going to work.
You all have a -great- day.

1098930  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2009-10-29
Written: (5358 days ago)

Forgot I told a coworker I'd put up another short story tonight v.v.
That shall mend my mood.
I hope.
I think.
It should.
We'll see.
Still displeased.
*twiddles thumbs*
I dont want to write this v.v
Its complicaited.

1098927  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2009-10-29
Written: (5358 days ago)

Im pissed.
I'm going to go now.
HOpe you all have a -wonderful- night.
And day tomarrow.

1098926  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2009-10-29
Written: (5358 days ago)

everyday. everyday.

1098862  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2009-10-28
Written: (5359 days ago)

Going to work.

1098836  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2009-10-28
Written: (5359 days ago)

Upon what tower do you stand?
And who guards the gates?
Do you have those who you can trust?
Or are you truly alone in this world.
Wondering who really cares?

1098825  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2009-10-28
Written: (5359 days ago)

I'm going to go dance with the moon.
Who, unlike famaily or friends.
Is always there for me.

1098702  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2009-10-27
Written: (5360 days ago)

I'll have another short story up soon.
Pending I get some comments on my last one.
And a couple other things.

1098689  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2009-10-27
Written: (5360 days ago)

Thunder rolled across the plains. Lightening ripped and bit at the sky. Coal black clouds drenched the earth below. As the rain poured, it beat down upon a nearly lifeless town. Chunks of the houses were missing. As though a hot knife had sliced through butter. Smooth, almost appearing to have been built that way, the houses were broken, and shattered unnaturally. And like the houses, the corpses that littered the town were the same. Whole chunks, or parts sliced off, as smooth as glass could be seen. Some hung out of windows, others were smashed into walls, the ground, or each other. Some, were half sticking out of horses and pigs. At the center of the town rested a massive white church, oddly unharmed. At its steps, sat a little blonde boy, with bright green eyes. In his arms was another boy, large lifeless eyes staring back up into the blonde's own.

" You...are one creepy doll.."

Mutters the small child, tilting his head to the side as he pushes a strand of hair from the "dolls" face.

" Large guilt blaiming eyes..."

The small blonde nearly jumped off the steps upon hearing the words. Looking aorund wildly he looked back to his toy and frowned.

" I dont like you looking at me....I didnt do anything wrong!"

It shrieked, moving his hands to shut the eyelids...but they opened back up. Peering, guilt filled eyes at the blonde.

" Stop it...Damn you, I said stop it!"

The child screamed, throwing the "doll" away from him. He watched it tumbled and roll down the steps, smiling gleefully the head rolled to the side, facing away from him.

" What did you do....why did you break all hte dolls, and their homes?"

"Whos there!?"

The child cried out, spinning about. Hissing, he went into a sprint, moving several yards from the church, all the while screaming out.

" Who are you!? I'll hurt you if you dont tell me! Stop talking to me!"

" You hurt them...you broke them..why did you break the dolls? What did they do to you?"

" Stop it! I didnt do anything! Stop or I'll hurt you like I hurt them!"

The Child froze, leaning forward as if he was going to fall over, before leaning back up slowly. Tears slowly began to leak down his face.

" No..no I didnt break..no..I couldnt have...I didnt hurt them...my dolls.."

" Tears will not earn you the forgiveness of God Demon!"

The child spun at this new, deep and angry voice. Bleary eyed and snifffling, he watched as this tall, darkly dressed man walked towards him. In one hand the man carried a rosery, the other clasped an iron bound bible, a large silver cross upon its front. The man stopped just a foot away, snapping the bible open and glaring at the child.

" You killed them all demon! But not in that form...I know you. As I knew the other demons I have banished..to Hell I will send you.."

" Talk talk talk...doesnt that hurt your head as well?"

The child grabbed his head as an overwhelming pain shot through it. Crying out in despair, guilt and pain he dropped ot his knees, and started to bed.

" Do not beg for mercy or forgiveness Demon. It will do you no good...in Hell you shall burn!"

" Talk..talk..talk..thats all he does...hows your head feeling?"

" Stop it! Shut up! I don't want to listen to you anymore!"

" You stink of fear Demon! is it because you know the divine wrath I am about to bestow upon you? Good. Fear that which is mightier then yourself!"

With that, the man began to recite scriptures and hyms. He began to wave his hands about, clutching that rosery and slashing it before the child like a sword. All the while, the child screamed and yelled at him to shut up, his headache growing worse....

Just outside the town, withiin its shadows stood two figures. One was taller then the other, black curly hair gracing a pale, gaunt face. The shorter was thinner, and had brown wavy hair to his waist.

" How long untill he snaps Wrath?"

" We'll see Pride..we'll see."

Wrath looked away from Pride, moving a black curl from his face, watching his experiment with self pride.

" Stop it! Please just shut up..or I'll hurt you too!"

" God almighty I beseech thee! Smite this wicked creature from the face of your Earth! Send this cretin back to the depths of Hell! Let it torment and torture the Devil! Let it harm and plague your children anymore!"

As the Priest uddered these words, a bright light shot down from the sky, engulfing the child. The Child screamed out in horror, falling onto his back as pain wracked and raved across his body. His head felt as though it was swelling, as white fire began to lick and leap about his flesh.

" Yes! Smite the wicked God! "

Suddenly the light appeared to wax and wane, and then, as if some great force had been building under it, the light was thrown back into the sky.

" Wicked...wicked..wicked..all you say is wicked..and smite. Priestie Priestie...where were you when your flocked cried?"

The voice was eerie, and it rose from the lips of the small child. The child rose up, into the air. His eyes were closed, but his lips moved endlessly. Ever moving. He floated, facing the priest, who now shrunk away in growing fear.

" I...I did not know.."

" You lie! You heard them..do not lie to me priest..Why..let us see.."

The priest convulsed, and shook. His body went rigid, like a marrionette. His mouth slowly opened. He began to gag and choke, as green pus and grime began to seep out of his lips. His chest sunk in, and billowed out, as more of this vile filth continued to weave out, and float into the air.

" Envious you are...you envied your flock..their freedom to sin.. The men for being able to give into lusts...the young men, for looking so much more youthful..And..you envied God. How..ironic.."

The priest watched in horror, and silently screamed as he was bent backwards, his head coming to rest between his ankles.

" Envy is a terrible sin Priest...a terrible, and merciless sin..."

The child raised his hands slowly, and pointed at the Priest. As he opened his mouth to speak though, another beam of light shot down, blinding the boy for a few moments. When he could see once more before him stood a giant of man, one who carried a massive silver shield.

" Jovial! Begone Archangel...the man is mine to judge now..."

" No Sin of Envy...he is under my protection.."

" I can break you Jovial..what sin of Envy have you..commited?"

Jovial went rigged, pain dancing across his face...before a white ball of fire slammed into Envy, sending him into one of th ebuildings. It shattered and broke, collapsing onto the small boy.

" Jovial! Snap out of it, allow none other then our Father himself to judge us."

" Thank you..Gabriel.."

Jovial shook himself, and turned behind himself to look to the priest, who was scampering for the church building.

" Odd..that the Sin of Envy would attack here...do you not agree brother?"

" It is Jovial..it is. But these Sins are vile and disgusting..I don't understand why fa-"

His words were cut off, as green flames burst out around him and his brother. The claymore Gabriel weileded, and the shield Jovial carried were ripped from their bodies and thrown. They both howled out in pain, dropping to their knees and crying out for help.

" Wrath...how long does this go on?"

" He took her from me...so I'm taking her from him..."

" Who..took who Wrath? What is this really about? I thought we were just test-"

" Shut it Pride...just silence yourself for now.."

Envy pulled himself from the wreckage. Paying no mind to the screaming and burning Archangels, the sin began to brush himself off, as hsi body turned darker then black. His eyes grew long and slitted, green fire replacing the once large, liquid looking eyes. From his body tendrils of black mass whipped and slinked about. Spines grew from his back down to his tail bone, as the Demon looked to the Archangels.

" I have no power over those..who have not sinned..and being as I am now binding you two to this Earth...how envious you must be.."

"Envy, stop this!"

Came a high, desperate female voice. Envy turned, his form shrinking back to that of a small child. There, standing now across from him, was a tall female. Her hair was long, and curly. Reaching down to the floor itself. The color of which changed from Spring time blonde, to Autumn red, to winter white at the blink of an eye. Her skin color was every changing, as were her features. They danced from one ethinticity to another. Her eyes were large, and dark. Appearing endless, they spoke of many ages, and many lives. Her clothing was nothing short of impossible. Her garment was a large velvet cloak that hid the body beneath. The designs upon it were ever changing scenery of the Earth. Jumping from one climate zone to another.

" Mmmother?"

The small child asked, taking a step forward, as the Archangels picked themselves up slowly. Reaching for their weapons, they watched.

" Envy...what have you done?"

" I didn't..do anything mother I..I was playing and the dolls, they were bad! So...so I punished them and then this man came out and yelled at me! He yelled at me mother!"

Gabriel let out a soft hiss, gripping his burning claymore angerly. The women shook her head sadly, watching Envy.

" No Envy..you dont..you never hurt others. Thats bad.."

" They are going to take her from you Envy...the Archangels..they dont want you having her.."

Envy clutched at his head in pain, hissing out softly.

" NO..they cant take mother..shes my mother..my own.."

Gabriel took a step forward, and his eyes went wide. Envy's demonic formed returned within a blink of the eye and lept at Gabriel, hundreds of tendrils whipping out and rearing for the stunned Archangel. A screa rang out. Envy's tendrils peirced into the body of the women, Tore through her like she was made of water. The cloak went dark, before breaking into dust. Her hair withered and fell from her head, as she fell dieing to the ground. She choked and gagged, white blood leaping from her lips, and the wounds. Envy tore back, screaming in horror and falling tot he ground. Both Gabriel and Jovial yelled, moving to kneel by the women.

" Mother no..why did..no.."

Gabriel looked up angerly, standing slowly. His wings blazed from his back as he lifted his claymore up and threw it down, towards the now child like Envy. However as the blade came down he shriekd, and was wisked up into Heaven. Jovial watched in confusion, looking to Envy before he too, was ripped up into the heavens. Envy looked down at the dieing women, never noticing the black dome that was forming around them both.

Wrath frowned, watching.

" What..what is this!?"

The man raced forward, drawing a blackened claymore from the shadows and stopped, as he saw a being begin to form inside the dome. Tall, far taller then Jovial, this beaing was wrapped in a blue robe. The robes had stars, planets, the whole cosmos upon it. From its head jutted two large antlers, and upon its face there were no features. In its hands was a long, wooden staff. An hourglass resting upon its top.

" Why...did you kill my daughter Gaia?"

Envy froze at the voice. It held no tone, nothing to define it as male or female.

" I...didnt mean to hurt mother.."

" Shes not your mother Filth. You shouldnt even exist.."

Envy winced, looking down at Gaia. She raised her arms up weakly, towards the new being. Tears streamed down her face, as unimaginable pain wracked her body and soul.

" Mother...I'm sorry...I am so sorry i didn't...I wasn't trying to be bad.."

" But you were bad Envy. You are evil, nothing but evil. You should destroy yourself, should you know how...filth..Do not touch her!"

The being roared, whipping the staff out and slamming it into Envy, who had been trying to reach out and hug Gaia. Flying into the dome wall, Envy curled up in pain.

" Wrath...should we..?"

" No..leave Envy. He can face Time.."

The dome slowly lifted, revealing a barren wasteland.

" Begone Envy...you have no mother. No father. No one who loves you..and a world who wants you dead...begone."

Envy cringed and rose weakly, setting off at a sprint. He ran, and ran. The areas around him blurring. Tears streamed down his face. He suddenly jerked and stopped at the edge of a cliff. He blinked, looking about. It was bright out, the sun billowed out over the land. He looked out, at the ocean below. The ocean that thundered into the cliff, the rocks. slowly eating at, and destroying it.

" I'm..sorry mother.."

Envy whispered, before closing his eyes and falling over. He fell, and fell. It seemed like forever to him. Untill into the water he slammed, sinking into its depths, becoming lost to world for a time.

And upon the winds danced a feebled, weak whisper. Words that no one heard, words that held no meaning to the world.

" Forgive me...mom."

Time turned his attention slowly to his dieing daughter. Raising his staff up, he guided it over the women, watching as her wounds were healed, her cloak and hair returning to that of what they had been. She curled up, whimpering into her clothing, as her father scooped her up.

" I'm taking you home to your husband..you are forbidden to ever be near a Sin again. They are not your children, you are not to care or fear for them. Is that understood?"

Gaia looked up to her father, to Time itself. She lowered her gaze, burring her head into his chest.

" Yes..."

Wrath watched from a distance, a grin crossing his lips.

" How it must pain God to know..that we can kill his wife..He took her from me..I shall take her from him..."

1098588  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2009-10-26
Written: (5361 days ago)

*looks down*

1098549  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2009-10-26
Written: (5361 days ago)
1098548  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2009-10-26
Written: (5361 days ago)
1098544  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2009-10-26
Written: (5361 days ago)

Is now horribley shaken up thanks to a hydroplaning big rig.

1098499  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2009-10-25
Written: (5362 days ago)

Shower done.
Pictures taken.
Church that I really dont feel like going to.
I'll probley skip out early.
Stay long eonugh to be noticed.
This whole getting a cheaper college is a pain in the ass.
Go driving again I guess.
I don't know.

I'm making a choice.
Infact...I've already made it.
You reap what you sow.
I've been a proud follower of that idealogy for a long time.
What you get, is what you deserve.
As well as
Treats others how you want to be treated.
I've always been forgiving, and helpful to everyone.
Even those who wrong me.

I need to change.
I need to force my own hand into my life.
And change it.
I need to stop hoping I'll be treated beter.
And start doing something about it.
Reap what you sow right?
Its about time I start reaping some better treatment.
Because I've done the sowing for it.

1098492  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2009-10-25
Written: (5362 days ago)

Its funny isnt it?
How it just eats you up inside.
Twisting and churning your gut.
Into doing things to try and relieve that pain.
Its what drives this world.
Not love.
Not money.
Guilt and desire.
Which, often times.
Desire spawns guilt.
You'd think Guilt would be one of the 7 deadly sins.
I can so see it replacing Sloth, or Gluttony.

 The logged in version 

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