umm today i lounged around doing notta than i slept for about 2 1/2 hours
cleaned, watched late night, now i'm here typing this
lets i deep cleaned the bathroom
stong chemicals :(
than i packed my room up and tore down posters
worn out
well today is the 4th of July. FIREWORKSSSS ALL THE WAY!!!
went to go see new homesick
going to party at Hyums house
well thats it for 2day!!!!!!!!!!
AHHH.... we're moving!!!!!!
It will be cleaning and packing for the next month!
Oh well i'm going to a pretty cool high school
Lets see....hmmm
Its is 3:22 a.m and I am trying to make this diary more full. I don't know what to do. My dog has a sickness that i know not of the name. I have had thoughts of it being West Nile Virus, but that cannot be for certain. I sang to him and waited for about 2 hours, trying to master a way to get him to eat. I guess I'll update later. :(