[Sashu]'s diary

649285  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-08-19
Written: (6861 days ago)
Next in thread: 653357

oh! wait! i found something to write about! even though it was 5 seconds after the last post. I REALLY wanna see what that manga "gravitation" is all about. i here its yaoi, so it caught my interest =P anyone else heard of it? or how about an easier question, anyone of you peoples acually READ manga? tell me if ya do ^^

649284  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-08-19
Written: (6861 days ago)

I haven't used this diary for ages ya know... then again who'll read it? here's you routine:

Me: *writes diary*
You: *recieves notice of diary* "Look, he wrote something thing... ... ..." *deletes notice*
Me: *ignored*

It goes somewhat like that, right? lol

619669  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-07-10
Written: (6901 days ago)
Next in thread: 619686, 620042

dodged the bullet!

We, me n my parents, ha the "talk" and i was placed as innocent! but i'm not limited to two hours a day... like they'll keep track when they're not home! HA! well i'm just happy my parents arn't murdering me...before the "talk" my friend offered me a knife for protection! A KNIFE!!! he thought it was gonna go that badly...

618524  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-07-08
Written: (6903 days ago)
Next in thread: 618528

I might be done for soon! my dad found me on this wiki, GKG, and well... it stands for guys kissing guys. so now me n my parents are going 'to talk' and discus it. i'll just say i clicked on the wrong thing and left. but my friend, Josh, was laughing about my parents reaction. He said my dad will walk out with a rocket launcher in one hand and a shot gun in the other. he wears a red head band and army clothes. and a shirt that says "I hate homos". with 6 knives in each boot... sadly if he knew... i think he would 0_o

554647  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-04-18
Written: (6984 days ago)

whoa, i just realized i made 1065 meassages! THATS ALOT ...i don't mean to be so social either...lol

518478  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-03-10
Written: (7023 days ago)

It's kinda sad...I feel so alone at times, i just want to run away and be forgotten, forget about all my worries and problems...But i know its just too good to happen, it just feels like my life is useless, no one cares if im gone tomorrow, I just want to be forgotten

458526  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-12-29
Written: (7094 days ago)

=P i just found out I have ADHD! it means attention deficate hyperactive disorder. no worries, it just explains why i never pay attention, fidgit with things, have suddon bursts of energy, stay up all night, and maybe even the mood swings. maybe thats why my parents gave me those pills wen i was lil...wow lol

404978  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-11-07
Written: (7146 days ago)
Next in thread: 405081


my friend asked me out again, and yet she doesn't have a clue that I'm gay! and she had a crush on me for three years, so i didn't want to hurt her by saying no, but i know i'll hurt her in the long run, so yeah...back in the closet for me=( o well, maybe i'll find that someone soon.

282534  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-07-11
Written: (7265 days ago)

I don't get it, people would reather give up hope n commit suicide, why? I guess some people can't see the optmistic side on things, well, except when people die. But really, they should cherish what they have, not what they want. I just wish people would realize that theres more to life than hoping that death will sweep them away someday. Friends are what really changes the world, I just hope people discover that thier friends are helping them. "I have no friends" you say? what about your family, theres always someone out there loving you, maybe you didn't find that person yet, but soon. So come on, go up to your friends and say thank you, they've been by your side all along, maybe they should say thanx to you too.

 The logged in version 

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