[Bri-chan]'s diary

682987  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-10-16
Written: (6803 days ago)

Musik: Dragostea Din Tei // O-Zone
Reading: N/A
Watching: N/A
Playing: a VERY irritating RPG... >.<
Current Obsession(s): Pirates, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Halloween, One Piece, Shaman King, writing my stories (woah, that's a lot O.O)

I had so much fun yesterday!!

To start et off, I went and got my haircut at a tiny hair salon in the middle of nowhere (quite litterally). Now my hair is a lot shorter than et already was, but I love et! And, with a little difficulty, I also managed to go to the mall and spend 5 hours with my friend, Aiya-chan. We even got to see "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" (she had already seen et before, but that was the first time I saw et)!! And I also bought a small mood ring (I'm a sucker for those things XD) at a cool store called "Museum Earth". But Aiya-chan and I thought that was a stupid name, so we named et "The Fawsome Store" (the "f*cking awesome" store).

But now about today. Oh my gosh, today is a MAJOR lazy day -_-. I'm extremely tired and I really don't feel like doing my homework, and et's already 6:03 PM! So, nothing more on that.

More on the Halloween thing. I wasn't able to make a Halloween character like last time, but I'm sure I'll probably doodle a character I like in school or something. Though, I have been stressing over a lot of things lately, but I'm too tired (and I guess too lazy) to write et down. Let's just say I've been stressing over everything.

Well, toodles~!



674373  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-10-01
Written: (6819 days ago)

Speise, überfällige Bücher, Präsidenten, und stressvolle Mütter. Wie fremd mein Leben ist...

((Translation of subject: Food, overdue books, Presidents, and stressful mothers. How strange my life is...))

Mood: -_- Don't Ask
Reading: Treasure Island // Robert Louis Stevenson
Watching: Treasure Planet // Disney
Playing: Some 'One Piece' game...
Current obsession: Pirates (Arrr!)

.:sigh:. Talk about a bipolar day. I had a really good day at school, and yet when I came home, I was flooded with the fact that my kaasan had a shitty day, and now I'm extremely uncomfortable. I don't know ef she's PMSing or something, but I hate et when she gets like this. I can't help but feel sorry for her because of all the things that happen to her. For example, some asshole today hit the back of my kaasan's car, and made a little near where the back tire is and she wasn't able to get any work done today and my otoosan is coming back from California tomorrow and the house is a mess (or so she thinks). She always goes into her 'stressful' stage, but I've never known et to last this long. Come to think of et, my kaasan did say that she hadn't had a nap for the entire week, and that's how long she's been stressed lately. But whether et be about my kaasan not getting enough sleep or not (which I highly think that's the case), I just hope she gets happy quick, because when my kaasan get's upset, the entire household stands on its toes. Et's like trying to pull a thorn out of a dinosaur's foot when my kaasan is like this; one wrong move and you get your head bitten off.

But on a different fact (somewhat), I really miss my otoosan. He's been gone for 3 1/2 weeks, and he's only coming to visit this weekend because et's my kaasan's and otoosan's Anniversary. But when Monday comes, he's setting off again for another 3 weeks. That's about two months total for my dad to be gone!! Et's been so weird not having him around. I'm so used to us all sitting around the dinner table, laughing until our sides hurt and then going upstairs to watch a movie or 'Lost' or something. But now that he's not here as often, dinner is mostly quiet and there's more bickering then there is laughing. Et feels like our comic relief is gone, and all we're left with is a logical git (my niisan), a PMSing work-a-holic (my kaasan), and a procrastinating bum (myself). That's not a good combination. I just wish my otoosan could stay home and not have to leave so much. Et's much better when he's home because there isn't so much arguing and everything seems to work out better (that, and we get more meals with more variety at dinner). On the other hand, I'm not exactly looking forward to the big lecture my otoosan is going to give me and my niisan on Sunday. I know. He told me.

A few minutes ago, I just realized that two of my library books are overdue. Not only are they overdue, but they've been overdue for 9 days. That's $4.50!!! My kaasan is going to be furious with me (and most likely chew my head off), and she'll probably end up paying. Oh, the fact of being money-less and guilty consumes me. So yeah, et's just going to be oodles of fun telling my kaasan that I have two books overdue, along with my soon-to-be 4 other overdue books by tomorrow (if I don't renew them today). Because ef I don't, I'll be needing to pay $5.50 then. Let's hope not >.>...

In unrelated news, I have to not only work on my Math, Reading, and Art homework, but I also have to write my speech for (hopefully) becoming 8th Grade President. I'm going to have such a good weekend .:drips w/ sarcasm:.

I have just recently discovered the wonderful world of PIRATES!!! I never realized they were so fascinating!! I absolutely adore pirates now. They're just so lovable <3 <3 .:hugs pirates:. Also, because of my new obsession with these buccaneers, I have decided to research them in hopes of making a successful story about pirates. But because I'm lazy, I won't type the summary of the story. But! I will type out the outline I made of things I need to know:

Things I Need to Know About Pirates and Piracy:

I. Domestic Life
  A. Ships
  C. Food
  D. Tools/Weapons
  E. Life on Board

II. Customs
  A. Language
  B. Preferred Religion
  C. Treasure
  D. Pets
  E. Ranks
  F. Illness and Injury
  G. Ways of Entertainment

III. History
  A. Famous Pirates
  B. Famous Female Pirates

IV. Way of the Pirate
  A. Attack
  B. Pirates Defeated
  C. Pirates on Trial
  D. Pirates' Code

So, yep. That's et. Hopefully it'll give me all the info I need to write my pirate story.

Well that's all I had to say (woah, this was a really long entry o.o...)


600854  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-06-17
Written: (6925 days ago)

Woo-hoo! Yes!! My grandparents are leaving tomorrow (they decided to stay and extra day for some reason)! I will finally be able to wake up and not have to dread to walk downstairs and be face to face with a decaying old fart and a nagging old hag. Ye has no idea how happy I am ^^ to finally see those people leave along with their obnoxiousness and ugly wrinkles~~! Truthfully, I don't really like et when we have relatives over in general, but I always celebrate when they leave! Ha-HA! Hallelujah!!

Anyway, my internet had been out for the past two days from all the storms we've been having and I'm really glad that I have et back again XD Now I'll need to check up on the gazillion sites that I regularly check up on. Oh joy -_-....

I've been having the weirdest dreams lately o_o 3 nights in a row! So yesterday, I decided to put a notebook next to my bed to write down my dreams when I wake up the next day. Who knows! It could be so weird that I might even put some of the stuff in my stories .:shrugs:.

The dream I had last night first began with thousands of people coming to one area to fight and be a champion of...something (and yet they were all gathering in a parking lot O_o). Two of the contestants were one of my brother's friends and myself (I looked much older and really cool XD). I was kicking some major ass because, for some reason, the fighting areas were a gigantic mansion and a sewer. Then there was a point when I had this really cute guy contestant pinned underneath me (I was sitting on him) and I thought to loosen him up, that I'd lick him on the back of his neck and cuddle him. Suddenly it just all cuts out and I see all of these contestants being killed by monsters that are just appearing out of nowhere.

My dream suddenly changes to me, at my normal age and look, sitting in the back of a tiny, little yellow car while my grandpa (my dad's dad; not my decaying grandpa) sits in the front. No one is driving because the car is driving all by itself while it swirves in and out of traffic in the opposite direction (O_o?). As the car is driving, we all seem to be talking about stuff that is going to happen in the future and what happened in the past (--"back in my day..."--). I didn't really see my grandpa's face and he looked a little shorter, but I knew et was still him.

My dream then cuts out AGAIN to show me stupid stuff from the show "Lost." Not really funny stuff, but, just plain stupid stuff; like they were all acting like "surfer dudes" at one point. I was all like, "WTF?!"

...And then I woke up. Please don't ask me what et means 'cuz even I don't know what the hell it was about ><

MY DAD IS COMING BACK TODAY! I'm so happy! Sure, he's only been gone for about 3 days, but I had to deal with my grandparents while he was gone! And the best part is it's kinda a trade; I get my otoosan, and my G.P.s leave! .:squeels:.

Well....that's all I can think of right now o_o till later!

582998  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-05-25
Written: (6947 days ago)

After watching the 2-hour season finale of "Lost" and being some-what satisfied with the results, I flip to FOX to see who one "American Idol," and it's that damn CARRIE!!!

Gah!! I spent a half-n-hour voting a million times for Bo, and yet that stupid bitch wins! "Oh, look at me! I'm a cute little blonde and I'm from Oklahoma and I won American Idol even though I sing horribly!" (Sorry for those of you who are blonde; I'm not trying to offend you, it's just that every blonde I've met has been a prep and/or a slut). I kept saying to myself, "How the hell did she WIN??! She's terrible! She couldn't sing if her life depended on it!" But my brother got all mad at me for yelling in his ear and my dad said that was enough, so I had to stop. But, seriously! Bo should have beaten her like she was dirt beneath his feet. RRrrr--I can't STAND this!

I'm just so MAD!! Why the f*ck does this world need more POP or COUNTRY singers [though I do like counrtry]?! We need originallity, some spice to life! Some personality, people! Not the same damn thing! That's why Rock singers are the best because they're DIFFERENT from everyone else. Pop is just like R&B, Rap, and Hip Hop. Just a bunch of sluts and hoes walking around, talking about sex and cheating on everything. Rock is about the passion of music and about the messed up stuff about our government and having a good time with your friends.

And if it weren't for tommorrow being my last day of school, I'd be REALLY ticked.

*heavily sighs* Okay, so tommorrow is my last day of school, and nothing can't make me unhappy about that. I mean, we have a HUGE award ceramony (and I think I'm getting one award...) and at the end of the day, we have Barter Day where we trade stuff with everybody and yearbook signings. I'm just gonna take pictures of my friends instead of buying a 30$ yearbook. Maybe even make my own yearbook!

But what really scared me earlier was the severe thunderstorm we had. I hate the bus ride home in the first place, with all the sharp turns we make and the fact that we go on a VERY bumby road, but today it was pouring rain. I mean, raining-cats-and-dogs raining. And I am deathly afraid to go on the bus. I called my parents twice, asking them to pick me up, but they said that I would be fine. Ye should have seen the death-grip I had on the seat in front of me and the tears just pouring from my eyes. But I now sit safe and sound in front of my laptop. Let me tell ya, NOTHING has scared me as much as that did. I'm just glad to be home.

I just skimmed over my last journal entries, and I can not BELIEVE that I used to write stuff like that. No wonder I didn't get many hits! I was such a dumb@$$ to even waste my time typing all that crap. I just hope nothing like that will happen again >.>....

Now, if ye will excuse me, but I need to take a shower.



520304  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-03-12
Written: (7021 days ago)

Yes. Thank Amida (another name for Buddah) that my Spring Break has finally begun. I'm so happy!! And with me being in a new school with all new stress, this is very good indeed.

Anyway, I'm pretty much doing nothing all SB but i'll enjoy every minute of et. In fact, all I'm pretty much doing right now is sitting at my laptop, listening to my TwelveGirlsBand CD, and waiting for my parents to come home from the flea market. While as my neko, Sassy, is laying on her back behind me. Ah well.

Yesterday and thursday, my friend Aiyana had gotten ISS (in school suspension) for 2 days because she cheated on her history test. I'm thinking on asking her ef she can stay over on wednsday ef her parents haven't killed her yet. Let's hope not...

I really should be replying in my RPGs again. I'm so bad at that. Mitternacht Route is sinking into the abbis, I'm not sure about Dreams of Chaos, and Misted Williow is pretty much dead. So i'll have'ta revive them....some how.

Sorry, ramen's calling!

Bis bald.


496188  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-02-14
Written: (7047 days ago)

Well, since today is Valentine's Day, ye might be wondering why I'm saying "Happy White Day." Well, it is celebrated in Japan, and it is the day after St. Valentine's Day where on St. V day, girls give boys choco and such but on White Day, boys give girls something in return (et doesn't need to be choco). And i think the Americas should celebrate this holiday so girls can get something in return. So, Happy White Day

419370  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2004-11-20
Written: (7133 days ago)

Woohoo! Just started a new wiki called Mitternacht Route. Awesome, ne? Oh. Et means "Midnight Road" in Duetch (German). Check et out!

417830  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-11-18
Written: (7135 days ago)

OMG! Oi actually DREW something! OO...

amazing, ne? And et's really good too (if Oi do say so, moiself). But et's just a random character. Nothing special. And Oi'm deciding weither to ink or not. Ink? Or not to ink? Zat is ze question XD

Anyhoo, once moi dad comes back from Dallas (w/ moi souvnier(sp?), zank you!) Oi'll ask him ef be can scan ze pic so Oi can post et up on numerous sites zat Oi am a member of. Cuz Oi'm just cool like zat, yo.

Man, "damn" can't even describe how Oi feel. Whenever Oi post a journal "entry" like zis, et always comes out as "blah", not "not blah". Oi'm not even zat funny! And yet, people who are like...3 years younger than me, come up with stuff zat people say zat's "LMAO" material, man! (no offence if ye really is younger than me.)! But Oi guess et comes as no surprise cuz mah dad is ze funny one.

Oi'm damn mad zat Bush won. Yes, Oi know zis is late. And do Oi care? No. As Oi was saying, Oi'm just damn pissed, yo, that Bush won (all pointy objects are to stay more than 15 feet away from Bri-chan). He does look better, Oi'll give 'im zat much. But the guy's a frickin hoe! Kerry even SOUNDED smarter than 'im! And now Oi'm moving to 'is hometown. Yayful-ness.

Yep. You heard me right. Oi'm movin to Dallas, Texas in June. Moi dad's zere right now, but 'e'll be back next Wednsday...and zen 'e'll leave sometime in January ('e'd better send me a present! ><) and 'e'll come back in June to help us pack. Good news: Oi'll be moving away from the rat-hole known as (blank) and will be moving to Texas. Bad news: O have'ta collect some million addresses from all mah peeps at school so Oi can mail 'em and zerefore still know of their exsistence. Oi did spell zat right, didn't Oi?

Anyway, before Oi end zis pretty much useless entry, Oi must say zis: WATCH FULL METAL ALCHEMIST, DAMNIT! et's pretty much one of ze most mo'frackin animes ever! And Ed is hot so ef yer a girl, et gives you twice as many reasons to watch et!!!


This seeminly random post has been brought to you by (c) WEAPONS R' US: The only place where you can get great deals on weapons of mass destruction! Our new special guest: George W. Bush!

P.S. ef ye would like to comment 'bout ziz entry, just PM (private message) me.

396493  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-10-31
Written: (7153 days ago)


'ey, 'ey, 'ey, 'ey!!

'ahppy 'ahlloween! So, w'ot 'choo goys doing on 'ahlloween?(notice the british accent?)

Oi'm not going trick'er'treatin' t'is year. Oi'm 'ahndin out the cahndy (oi'd like to see t'em try to get et XD).

any'oo, oi wos also thinkin of persuadin mah fother into renting "The Nightmare Before Christmas" jost for the fun of et.

Well, once agon, 'appy 'alloween or 'appy 'allow's eve!!
394637  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-10-29
Written: (7155 days ago)

Nida goshujin hyou nazenara orera wa tenkyo auto!

Zat's vight!! ze title zayz et all! and i can't vait! too bad zat i got'z to vait till July or zomevhere avound zere.

...For zhose of ye who can't vead japanese, the title says, "Pack your bags because we are heading out!"

Zat'z vight! I'm moving to Dallas, Texas. And Pennsylvania zuckz anyvay >< (dun dun dun....ye found out vhere Kokuei lives!)

And ze best part iz zat zere's gonna be a lot of japanese people zere (vhere ye can laugh at mah ztories vhen i worship ze ground zey valk on and mercicly[sp?] stalk zem) and it'z got nice flat land like vhen i used to live in Colorado 3 1/2 years ago and i even have 10 japanese steakhouses vithin a 10 mile radius on mah house!! VOO-HOO!

and i thought mah life was going to hell! and ziz iz ze lazt year zat i vill ever zee snow again!!

too bad i'm moving in July ><

vell, if anyvone lives in Dallas, Texas, let ze stalking begin!!


Miki Otaki

390880  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-10-25
Written: (7159 days ago)

Listening: "Welcome to my Life'' - Simple Plan

damn, yo. damn.

i'z 'ave a idiotic Native American vreport. vorth 400 pointz i might add. doez ye 'ate me or somezing?? And ze vorst part iz zat ef i don't pazz ze vreport, i von't be goin' on ze trip to New York and i'll repeat 7th grade @_@

dude, i'z finizhed ze 5th 'arry Potter book!! 'Bout time too, zat book was mo'frackin awesome! (vone of ze great vords of Yami Loni on www.theotaku.com)
but et vas vreally zad vhen SPOILER!! Sirius died ;_; i zeriouzly cried, peoples! hai, et iz quite pozzible for me to cry.


moving on...

i'm quiet zick of ye peoplez not comin to mah viki Fanfic people unite!!! i'z even made a Banner contest! and ye STILL von't come!! all ye vants to do iz sign up on 'The support gay people' viki or zomezing like zat (*ready's a barbecue grill for flames and puts on an aprin and grabs a spatula* I'm cookin chicken tonight!)

JUZT GO TO ZE DAMN ZING ALVREADY!! i don't care if ye flame me, but at leazt i know zat ye VENT zere!

*sigh* zere's mah daily vrant.


Miki Otaki

379762  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-10-14
Written: (7171 days ago)

Listening: "Breakaway" - Kelly Clarkson [- - bite me]

anyone gone to the new www.elfpack.com site yet?? it looks as though elftown....went color blind or somethin oO

here's mah link if anyone cares:


[though i highly doubt that anyone EVER comes here and actually cares about what i say]


moving on.

i get off of school tomorrow (thank god...) and that gives me plenty of time for me to do my homework and mah "Work-out plan". Yay-ness...

but it also gives me more time to continue reading the 5th HP book. man, it's great! but that Umbridge is such a bitch! i can't STAND her!

362689  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-09-26
Written: (7189 days ago)

Listening: "I Disappear" - Metallica

wow, s'been a while since i wrote anything. well, i'm getting 1 more member on mah wiki Fanfic people unite! and that's good.

i'm also teaching one of mah new friends japanese.

i also saw Yu-Gi-Oh! and Shaman King today.

and tomarrow i'm goin to the Art's Across the River @ Portland. I can't wait to see Nata-er-Ouka-san there! it'll be fun, yes, yes. *nods head* well, i'd better go. gotta catch some Zz's.



341140  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-09-03
Written: (7211 days ago)

Listening: "Destiny (Remix)" - Ayumi Hamasaki

yeah! i survived mah first week of 7th grade!

but i hate going from mah science class in 6th period ALL THE WAY to cooking which is at the OTHER END OF THE SCHOOL in 7th period. And whenever i try to go to mah locker, the two girls right next to me are trying to get their lockers open as well, so i'm squished in between them trying to get it open as fast as i can to get to cooking before the second bell rings.

and cooking....don't even get me started. it is, by far, the most BORING class i have ever taken, and that's a lot coming from me. The only thing we've been learning is nutrition and kitchen safety -_- i can't STAND it!

but the worst part of the day has to be the morning on the bus. My parents need to call the school cuz there is WAY to many people on that bus! whenever my bro and i (or any of the other girls at our bus stop) go on that bus, we're lucky to even find a seat with only one person in it! usually, you sit three in a seat or if your desparet[sp?] enough, you kneel IN the hallway!
but i was lucky, cuz on monday i found a seat way in the back w/ no one in it! an entire seat all to myself! and it was infront of two of mah new friends, Taylor and Autum. They're in High-school and there more of goth-heavy metal people but they're really funny and really cool.

But now to the positive side. My science teacher, Mrs. Wilkins, loves Japanese stuff as well!!! she's become mah second fave teacher (Mrs. Mierinicki being mah 1st XD) Mrs. Mierinicki is mah homeroom teacher and she is very funny ^^

I also met two 8th graders by the names of Jess and Megan. Both of the girls love anime and manga! Jess even has the YYH mangas! and we all agree on who is the hottest in Yu-Gi-Oh!: Seto Kaiba, Yami Bakura, Ryou, Marik, and Yami Marik XD

well, before i end this seemingly pointless post, i just wanted to say that, overall, 7th grade is okay ^_^


338801  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-08-31
Written: (7214 days ago)

Listening: "Harmony" - Rhythm

yeah! yesterday was mah first day of 7th grade! i had so much fun, but the bus ride there and back would be a lot more enjoyable if there weren't so many PEOPLE THERE!!!

seriously! everytime i get on that bus, all the seats are taken up. But i met 2 high-schoolers by the names of Taylor and Autum ^^ they were really funny and really cool but this morning i couldn't find them in the front so i guessed that they were at the back of the bus and i didn't wanna go all the way to the end of the bus cuz i'd be holdin the bus up. so i had to sit w/ two other people.

well, g2g

p.s. PLEASE JOIN MAH WIKI Fanfic people unite!!!!! OR AT LEAST READ MAH FIC Echoes in the wind!!!! PLEASE?!?!??!?!?!??!?!?!?!?


296621  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-07-23
Written: (7253 days ago)

yay! ppl are starting to join mah wiki!......well, one person did, but i'm still messaging ppl if they wanna join.
ja ne~

294580  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-07-21
Written: (7255 days ago)

OMG! i just scared myself to death!

when i was makin a poll (please take it!) i was mindin mah own business, when all of a sudden i look to the right and a giant wasp was flying around right next to me! i then immedeatily[sp?] got up and ran out of mah room and slammed the door shut. i'm not kiddin!

you guys should 'of seen the look on mah face when i saw the wasp XD it was quite funny. but mah dad killed it a few minutes ago so now i just need to calm down.

294033  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-07-21
Written: (7256 days ago)

*jumps around frantically* YEEHAA! WOOHOO! YEAH!


Fanfic people unite!


290195  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2004-07-17
Written: (7259 days ago)

well, today is mah bro's b-day *party*. his b-day was a month ago but they had to pospone the party for....some...reason o_o......

anywho, i just bought a new Linkin Park CD! WOOHOO! i LOVE Linkin Park! one of mah fave songs is "Nobody's Listening." It's a fabulous song! and it's on the METEORA CD (incase for some reason someone wanted to know).

oh! also, here's a little list to keep ya busy:

20 ways to maintain a healthy level of insanity

1. At Lunch Time, Sit In Your Parked Car With Sunglasses on and point Hair Dryer At Passing Cars. See If They Slow Down.

2. Page Yourself Over The Intercom. Don't Disguise Your Voice.

3. Every Time Someone Asks You To Do Something, Ask If They Want Fries with That.

4. Put Your Garbage Can On Your Desk And Label It "In."

5. Put Decaf In The Coffee Maker For 3 Weeks. Once everyone has gotten over their caffeine addictions, switch to Espresso.

6. In The Memo Field Of All Your Checks, Write "For Sexual Favors."

7. Finish All Your sentences with "In Accordance With The Prophecy."

8. Don't use any punctuation

9. As Often As Possible, Skip Rather Than Walk.

10. Ask People What Sex They Are. Laugh Hysterically After They Answer.

11. Specify That Your Drive-through Order Is "To Go."

12. Sing Along At The Opera.

13. Go To A Poetry Recital And Ask Why The Poems Don't Rhyme.

14. Put Mosquito Netting Around Your Work Area And Play Tropical Sounds All Day.

15. Five Days In Advance, Tell Your Friends You Can't Attend Their Party Because You're Not In The Mood.

16. Have Your Coworkers Address You By Your Wrestling Name, Rock Hard.

17. When The Money Comes Out Of The ATM, Scream "I Won!, I Won!"

18. When Leaving The Zoo, Start Running Towards The Parking Lot, Yelling "Run For Your Lives, They're Loose!!"

19. Tell Your Children Over Dinner, "Due To The Economy, We Are Going To Have To Let One Of You Go."

And The Final Way To Keep A Healthy Level Of Insanity.......

20. Send This To Someone To Make Them Smile..It's Called Therapy...Get more from the Web. FREE MSN Explorer download :

ja ne~

 The logged in version 

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