[twinrova]'s diary

787162  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-05-03
Written: (6605 days ago)

so all you know

i never write these....

but today it was nessacry

may 2nd= the worse day ever....(this is a very drery blog, so if your in a good mood, read it later... thanks..)

i can't say there has been a lower day in a very long time. so my life has kinda been going in a tragic nose dive. in the last two weeks ive lost, essentially all my friends, my parents trust, my phone, my grades are kinda shitty. my life is kinda being the run away wheel barrel, i can fucking stop it.

today, i went to go work out at the gym right? (mind you, ive lost all my "privalges", but my parents never set guide lines so i dont really know where my boundries are) so i went out, worked out, i felt amazing. ive been having a really shitty week or well week(s). (finding a whole new group of friends is kinda hard.and its doesn't help im ridicouls over this kid and im 87 ure he isnt ridiclous over me...) and i get home, my mom is pissed i went. and rather then trying to calmly work through it, my mom starts to scream at me. i dont take to being screamed at. so we had this huge explosive fight (i mean explosive, i think mr. davis heard it) and now i feel like a complete dip shit for doing something to make my day even romoatly better.

so instead of telling to feel better, or my moms a bitch.

tell me to stop being an idiot... or shot me in the face. or both. that'd be lovely.

Missing: </center>
663924  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-09-12
Written: (6838 days ago)

hey kids who actauly read this

im not gonna be responding to messages for like a week or so.... im fuckin sick again and my brain uh doesnt feel like working...
when i feel better ill be back on

much love to all of you
have a nice day
or something....


654267  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-08-26
Written: (6854 days ago)

alright so my good friend told me today that yah know how you fall in your dreams? and you snap awake? alright well see he told me that your soul is leaving your body right?okay let me explain a little bit more. see your soul is going up but your mind thinks its falling and its natural to go OH FUCK IM FALLING and wake up right? (hint im gonna rant for a little bit) is what if you were so terribly deppressed and you just like wanted to die and you had a dream like that what if your body didnt say OH FUCK IM FALLING? and just let your soul leave? could your soul find its way back? your would you die? or would you have a beatiful dream and then just wake up?.............(hey at least i have amor for sleep ....XD i love them)........(yes i relize that had nothing to do with anything but hey whatever)

642562  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-08-10
Written: (6871 days ago)

band camp is gonna suck
band camp is gonna suck
band camp is gonna suck
band camp is gonna suck
band camp is gonna suck
band camp is gonna suck
band camp is gonna suck
band camp is gonna suck
band camp is gonna suck
band camp is gonna suck
band camp is gonna suck
band camp is gonna suck
fuck you chad its gonna suck hard fuckin core

641588  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-08-08
Written: (6872 days ago)

alright so i think this is pretty fucked up. nin is coming to denver yah? and so for me to go i have to get a 4.0...........so yeah i think im gonna be fucked,,,,,but damn it trent is fuckin hot it makes me cry

358434  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-12-30
Written: (7193 days ago)

today me birth day

452029  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-12-22
Written: (7102 days ago)

chad your a fucker........damn i miss you...can't wait until the 28.........oh yeah im going to kil anyone who says its a good i dea to watch an xams movie...seriously try me........

401948  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-11-04
Written: (7149 days ago)

yay know what i realized? ya know those cops at high schools? that would propbaly be the worst job ever ...mainly because your pays shitty and your hated by all the studentd for being a cop...wow that really sucks.

399632  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-11-03
Written: (7151 days ago)

yes well i m not really inot the whole blog thing so youll have to excuse me!

358432  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-09-21
Written: (7193 days ago)

i love sesshomaru

305155  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-07-30
Written: (7246 days ago)

hullo if you didn't notice didn't write much in my description so heres some info
name:you muml
hobbies:sleeping, drawing,piss off teachers,chasing boys
likes:stuff games manga anime sesshomaru staying up late "cosmic bowling" shopping chilling books tv orlando bloom

301328  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-07-27
Written: (7249 days ago)

ohh look at my diary shiny.er okay well because ididn't say much in my desprtion i guess isay stuuf here....well for ne thing i can't spelll worth crap. well un ihave glasses. blue eyes wuth yellow in the middle very cool..chin lenth hair.brown problly gonna dye it....im a little overwight but whose cares..um..i have too dog a buldog named orson and a german shepard mix i think i dunno..named fenway..and ill write later but ...well whatever

 The logged in version 

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