[Seductive☆Lies]'s diary

617524  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-07-07
Written: (6920 days ago)

[hahahah yes!!!]

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change
the courage to change the things i cannot accept
and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those people
i had to kill today because they pissed me off
and also help me to be careful of the toes i step on today
as they may be connected to the ass i have to kiss tomorrow
help me to always give 100% at work....12% on monday
23% on tuesday 40% on wednesday
20% on thursday and 5% on friday
and help to remember ......
when im having a really bad day
and it seems that people are trying to piss me off
that it takes 42 muscles to frown
and only 4 to extend my middle finger and tell them to bite me!

616719  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-07-06
Written: (6921 days ago)


29 things Girls want Guys to know

1. We want to be hugged

2. We want you to show us affection even when people you know are around.

3. We have peverted minds SOMETIMES

4. Don't take us for granted.

5. If you like us, make your move before someone else does.

6.If you don't shave, don't expect us too...EVERYDAY!!

7. Even though we're perfectly okay with it, don't tell us to kiss our friends to turn you on unless you're willing to do the same.

8. Don't make bets about us, because one of your friends will tell us, if you don't.

9. We don't care how sexy your ex was.

10. We absolutely do not care about how hot you think other girls are even if were not going out with you!!!

11. Even though you almost never are, we'll pretend that you're right sometimes.

12. Its not our job to make all the plans.

13. We understand that size doesn't matter.

14. We're not as shallow as you think we all are.

15. PMS is ALWAYS an excuse.

16. On that note, anything we say or do during that 4 days to a week each month cannot be held against us.

17. Mike Shinoda, Joel Madden, and Pierre Bouvier ARE hot, so get over it.

18. We like it when you say that you're sorry (even if its not entirely your fault)

19. The excuse "I can't dance" is absolutely unacceptable...we'll appreciate the effort.

20. Make fun of us...prepare to DIE!

21. The "little things" are really the biggest things

22. No girl just wants to be "your friend with benefits".

23. Don't smoke and expect us to kiss you, its gross beyond words.

24. We're sensitive.

25. When we trip and or fall, throw yourself upon the altar of sacrifice and humiliate yourself to make us feel better.

26. Don't lie to us...ever.

27. If we take the time to write you cute notes, write us back, we really
like that.

28. Hold our hand.

29. At least 98% of you guys who are reading this REALLY should take our advise, it'll make your life a lot easier.

613015  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-07-01
Written: (6926 days ago)

When you were 1 year old, she fed you and bathed you. You thanked her by crying all night long.

When you were 2 years old, she taught you to walk. You thanked her by running away when she called.

When you were 3 years old, she made all your meals with love. You thanked her by tossing your plate on the floor.

When you were 4 years old, she gave you some crayons. You thanked her by coloring the dining room table.

When you were 5 years old, she dressed you for the holidays. You thanked her by plopping into the nearest pile of mud.

When you were 6 years old, she walked you to school. You thanked her by screaming, "I'M NOT GOING!"

When you were 7 years old, she bought you a baseball. You thanked her by throwing it through the next-door-neighbor's window.

When you were 8 years old, she handed you an ice cream. You thanked her by dripping it all over your lap.

When you were 9 years old, she paid for piano lessons. You thanked her by never even bothering to practice.

When you were 10 years old she drove you all day, from soccer to gymnastic to one birthday party after another. You thanked her by jumping out of the car and never looking back.

When you were 11 years old, she took you and your friends to the movies. You thanked her by asking to sit in a different row.

When you were 12 years old, she warned you not to watch certain TV shows. You thanked her by waiting until she left the house.

When you were 13, she suggested a haircut that was becoming. You thanked her by telling her she had no taste.

When you were 14, she paid for a month away at summer camp. You thanked her by forgetting to write a single letter.

When you were 15, she came home from work, looking for a hug. You thanked her by having your bedroom door locked.

When you were 16, she taught you how to drive her car. You thanked her by taking it every chance you could.

When you were 17, she was expecting an important call. You thanked her by being on the phone all night.

When you were 18, she cried at your high school graduation. You thanked her by staying out partying until dawn.

When you were 19, she paid for your college tuition, drove you to campus carried your bags. You thanked her by saying good-bye outside the dorm so you wouldn't be embarrassed in front of your friends.

When you were 20, she asked whether you were seeing anyone. You thanked her by saying, "It's none of your business."

When you were 21, she suggested certain careers for your future. You thanked her by saying, "I don't want to be like you."

When you were 22, she hugged you at your college graduation. You thanked her by asking whether she could pay for a trip to Europe.

When you were 23, she gave you furniture for your first apartment. You thanked her by telling your friends it was ugly.

When you were 24, she met your fiance and asked about your plans for the future. You thanked her by glaring and growling, "Muuhh-ther, please!"

When you were 25, she helped to pay for your wedding, and she cried and told you how deeply she loved you. You thanked her by moving halfway across the country.

When you were 30, she called with some advice on the baby. You thanked her by telling her, "Things are different now."

When you were 40, she called to remind you of a relative's birthday. You thanked her by saying you were "really busy right now."

When you were 50, she fell ill and needed you to take care of her. You thanked her by reading about the burden parents become to their children.

And then, one day, she quietly died. And everything you never did came crashing down like thunder on your YOUR HEART.

If you love your mom, repost this bulletin. Don't take advantage of her

606078  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-06-23
Written: (6934 days ago)

*laughs hysterically* now be honest ppl...


605213  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-06-22
Written: (6935 days ago)

Every night, someone thinks about you before they go to sleep. At least 15 people in this world love you in some way. The only reason someone would hate you is because they want to be just like you.There are at least 2 people in this world that would die for you. You mean the world to someone.Someone that you dont even know exists loves you.When you make the biggest mistake ever, something good comes from it. When you think the world has turned its back on you , take a look again. Always remember the compliments you received and forget the rude remarks

597957  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-06-14
Written: (6943 days ago)

hey if you want you can fill this out and send it to me^_^ i like getting messages from ppl

1. Name:

2. Age:

3. Fave Color:

4. Fave Movie:

5. Fave Song:

6. Fave Band:

7. Most Embarassing Moment:

8. Are you a virgin?

HERE COMES THE FUN ... ... ...

1. Are we friends?

2. Do you have a crush on me?

3. Would you kiss me?

4. ...with tongue?

5. Would you enjoy it?

6. Would you ever want me 2 ask you out?

7. Would you make a move on me in a movie theater?

9. How would you rate me on a 1-10 scale?

9. Would you take care of me when I'm sick?

10. Do you want to tell me something that you couldn't before?

11.Would you walk on the beach with me?

12. If you heard a rumor about me, would you defend me?

13. Do you/have you talk shit about me?

14. Do you think I'm a good person?

15. Would you let me sleep with you (in the same bed)?

16. Would u take a shower w/ me?

17.Do you think I'm hot?

18. If you could change anything about me -would you?

19. How far would u go with me on a first date?

20.Would you come over for no reason just to hang out?

21. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you?

22) Do you think im easy?

23) Do you think im smart?

24) Will you repost this to see what others think about u?

597146  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-06-13
Written: (6944 days ago)

Either grab a writing utensil and something to write on, or just remember your anwers.

Apparently this is 99.9% TRUE

Don't peak at the answers, cause it ruins it.

Have fun.

1) Write the name of a person of the opposite

2) Which is your favorite color out of red,
black, blue, green, yellow?

3) Your first initial?

4) Your month of birth?

5) Which color do you like more, black or white?

6) Name of a person of the same sex as yours.

7) Your favorite number?

8) Do you like California or Florida more?

9) Do you like the lake or the ocean more?

10) Write down a wish. (A realistic one).



1. You are completely in love with this person.

2. If you choose:

Red - You are alert and your life is full of

Black - You are conservative and aggressive.

Green - Your soul is relaxed and you are laid

Blue - You are spontaneous and love kisses
and affection from the ones you love.

Yellow- you are a very happy person and give
good advice to those who are down.

3. If your initial is:

A-K You have a lot of love and friendships in
your life.

L-R You try to enjoy your life to the maximum
and your love life is
soon to blossom.

S-Z You like to help others and your future love
life looks very good.

4. If you were born in:

Jan-Mar: The year will go very well for you and
you will discover that you fall in love with
someone totally unexpected.

April-June: You will have a strong love
relationship that will not last long but the
memories will last forever.

July-Sep: You will have a great year and will
experience a major life changing experience for
the good.

Oct-Dec: Your love life will not be too great,
but eventually you will find your soul mate.

5. If you chose...

Black: Your life will take on a different
direction, it will seem hard at the time but
will be the best thing for you, and you will
be glad for the change.

White: You will have a friend who completely
confides in you and would do anything for you,
but you may not realize it.

6. This person is your best friend.

7. This is how many close friends you have in
your lifetime.

8. If you chose:
California: You like adventure.
Florida: You are a laid back person.

9. If you chose:

Lake: You are loyal to your friends and to your
love. And you are very reserved.

Ocean: You are spontaneous and like to please

10. This wish will come true only if you RE-POST THIS BULLETIN
in one hour and it will come true before your next birthday

597099  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-06-13
Written: (6944 days ago)

racist mothers fuckers beware

A black man walks into a cafe one early morning and noticed that
he was the only black man there. As he sat down, he noticed a
white man behind him. The white man said, "Colored people are not allowed here."

The black man turned around and stood up. He then said:

"When I was born I was black,"

"When I grew up I was black,"

"When I'm sick I'm black,"

"When I go in the sun I'm black,"

"When I'm cold I'm black,"

"When I die I'll be black."

"But you sir..."

"When you're born you're pink,"

"When you grow up you're white,"

"When you're sick, you're green,"

"When you go in the sun you turn red,"

"When you're cold you turn blue,"

"And when you die you turn purple."

"And you have the nerve to call me colored?"

The black man then sat back down and the white man walked away...

Pass it on if you dislike racism or any form of ignorance

595507  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-06-11
Written: (6946 days ago)

Babble babble bitch bitch
Rebel rebel party party
Sex sex sex and don't forget the "violence"
Blah blah blah got your lovey-dovey sad-and-lonely

fuck yea ppl guess what song this is and whos it by.................................................................................................................. yes this is how bored i am(-_-)

595406  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-06-11
Written: (6946 days ago)

Ask yourself the question of "would you run" after you read

Would you run?

Imagine this happening to you...

One Sunday morning during service, a 2,000 member congregation was surprised to
see two men enter, both covered from head to toe in black and carrying
submachine guns.

One of the men proclaimed,

"Anyone willing to take a bullet for Christ remain where you are."

Immediately, the choir fled...

the deacons fled...

and most of the congregation fled....

Out of the 2,000 there only

remained around 20.

The man who had spoken took off his hood...

He then looked at the preacher and said "Okay Pastor, I got rid of all the
hypocrites... Now you may begin your service. Have a nice

And the two men turned and walked out.


*Funny how simple it is for people to trash God ...

and then wonder why the world is in the condition it is today....

*Funny how we believe what the newspapers say...

but question what the Bible says...

*Funny how everyone wants to go to heaven...

provided they do not have to believe, think, say, or do anything the Bible

or is it scary?

*Funny how someone can say "I believe in God"...

but still follow Satan (who, by the way, also "believes"in God).

*Funny how you can send a thousand 'jokes' through e-mail and they spread like

but when you start sending messages regarding the Lord, you think twice about

*Funny how the lewd, crude, vulgar and obscene pass freely through

but the public discussion of Jesus is suppressed in the school and work place.

*Funny, isn't it? Funny how someone can be so fired up for Christ on Sunday...

but be an invisible Christian the rest of the week.

Are you laughing?

*Funny how when you go to forward this message...

you will not send it to many on your address list because you're not sure what
they believe...

or what they will think of you for sending it to them.

*Funny how I can be more worried about what other people think of me...

... than what God thinks of me.

Are you thinking?

Will you share this with people you care about?

Or not?

I picked you.

May the Lord bless you and keep you,

May the Lord make His face to shine upon you,

And be gracious to you;

May the Lord lift up His favour upon you

And give you His peace.


588429  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-06-02
Written: (6955 days ago)

beble beble bitch bitch reble reble party party sex sex sex don't forget the voilents blah blah blah get your lovey dovey sad and loney

that song is soooo fucking cool

manson: this is the new shit

462997  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-01-04
Written: (7104 days ago)
 The logged in version 

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