[The Chronicles of Faelan]'s diary

810994  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-06-20
Written: (6557 days ago)

Just a trial of a blurb to a story I wanna write
So, you want to hear a story, the story of my life, I will tell you such a story, a tale like none before, about elves, dragons, fairies and mythical beasts.
Where the living fought to save themselves from an army of unmatchable power, the seven ages that passed before the troubles ended. The re-shaping of man kind. I'll tell you a tale of the last elf....

It has been seven hundred thousand years since the end of war between the living and the dead, and a familiar character known as Faelan Arim'Yanath still walks the earth. Life has taken a strange turn, swords and sheilds are no longer used by men, nowadays it is guns, and bullit-proof armor that men use, and now, it is not just men who join the army. It is now men, women, and some teenagers as well.
As technology has upgraded severely since the sword and shield, Faelan has come to understand the way of life these humans live.
Life begins to change and I knew plague spreads across the land, killing all, like it did before, and bringing the victims of this disease back to life.
The dead gods of old are re-awakened, and have spoken to Faelan. He see's this plague, and the memories of his past are awakened before him.

799451  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-05-29
Written: (6579 days ago)
Next in thread:

Silent and empty,
Cold, dark and still,
Burning with envy,
"Oh what a thrill",
Tired and lonely,
Alone in the cold,
Hearing the lies,
The ones that she told,
Not worth the effort,
Burdened with sin,
Stupid mistakes,
The knife was thrust in,
Broken heart,
Bound and detained,
Cobble stone floors,
Blood red and stained,
Dreaming of life,
where wishes come true,
Sighing with envy,
"If only you knew"

786239  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-05-01
Written: (6607 days ago)

Ok, I have a story coming together with [The real life Bella Swan], and am going to pout the basic srtory line on here.

Rhianna meets Dianass for the first time at the Black scar rogues guild and duels him, thinking she is a better fighter. Dianass finds her to be beautiful and sort of falls for her. They fight and Rhianna and Dianass Draw, both wearing eachother out before either of them can lose.
later Rhianna meets Dianass son, (without knowing the relation) and teaches him how to fire a bow.
later Dahaerik, (Dianass' son) tells himn about Rhianna teaching him archery.
Dianass thanks her and she starts falling (without realising at first).
She starts having frequent conversations with Dianass, and one day challenges him again to a duel.
In the second duel it is yet another duel, though Dianass suffers broken bones. Rhianna fixes them and takes him up to his bedroom.

783760  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-04-26
Written: (6612 days ago)

Its like the weight of the world on my shoulder,
Yet as light as a feather in the wind,
Floating like a ship on the ocean,
As alive as the flames of the fire,

775243  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-04-10
Written: (6628 days ago)

Take away the madness,
Take away the fear,
Take away these whispers,
That echoe in my ear,
Take me from the darkness,
Take me to the light,
Frighten off the monsters,
That only come at night,
Take away the pain I feel,
Replace the blood I've lost,
Take me from the darkness,
And melt all of the frost,
Kill the sorrow in my mind,
Fill me up with thoughts of truth,
Dream of me when you sleep,
And I'll be thinking of you...

Kiss these lips,
Hold me tight,
Don't let me go,
Until the end of night,
Think of me,
When I'm gone,
Dream of me,
All night long...

Not finished yet, need suggestions to continue this poem...

756768  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-03-01
Written: (6667 days ago)

The Burden of my regrets...
Don't tell me you love me,
I've lost faith in those words,
Mostly when they are used,
Its only to hurt me

In god I am faithless,
To people I'm useless,
To her I am pledged and falling apart,
To you I am but a thorn in your side

I'm tired of being faithless,
I'm tired of being afraid,
I'm tired of when I turn to them,
they just turn away,
I'm tired of all their lies,
and the way they say they care,

I wish that I could smile,
Turn the corners of my lips to reach the sky,
Though after being stabbed in the back,
I can only ask them why,

Why were you there,
if not to catch me when I fall?
Why did you say you care,
When you never returned my calls?

All I did was let you in,
And open up to you,
When all you did was thrust your blade,
And to my heart it went through,

You drag me down,
Drown me in a Stream of sorrows,
You hold my mouth shut so I cannot scream,
And hold me under so I cannot breath,

You drowned my soul ina sea of fears,
And left me on the shore to suffer,
From my wrists, the blood flows,
Open your eyes to the pain you wrought...

Every time you close your eyes,
See my dying sillowet,
And when you try to sleep at night,
I hope you see my face,

Feel the guilt of your crime,
As it bares down upon you,
Curse my sould to wander these plains,
And I'll come back to haunt you,

See my face lined with tears,
Feel the burden of all my fears,
Sleep at night a wrestless sleep,
Try to escape through a forest of razor blades,

And on the hills,
I'll watch you from up high,
Watch as you carry my burden,
Cry dear lover, cry dear sinner,
Feel my pain tonight...

Haunting whispers as you lay on the floor,
They are calling out to you,
The ones you hurt want you to join them,
And in your heart thats what you want too,

Slice your wrists, and let the blood flow,
Here me whisper words of regret,
And when you close your eyes, one last time,
You see my face, before all is lost.

Condemned and chained,
To rot in hell,
Your apology and my forgiveness the only key,
You will suffer for all time,
Becasue I am tired of forgiving...

Feel the burden of every sin,
Feel the pain that I too felt,
Unscathed outside, but scared within,
This is your punishment, and I won't help,
These burdens shall be yours,
The burden of my regrets...

748247  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-02-14
Written: (6683 days ago)

I shall be your guardian angel
looking down from above
its your side I will stand by when life is at its worst
it your hand that I will hold when I've lost all my strength
and its you that I will lift up when you're feeling down
I'll be the one to catch all of your tears
I'll be the one to ward off your fears,
to hold you tight til you fall asleep
when I shall return to my place in the sky,
to forever remain your guardian angel

733804  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-01-17
Written: (6710 days ago)

Un finished but I will fix it when I can.
Dedicated to Melissa, please baby, remember that I love you
Verse 1

Talk to me baby,
Tell me your feelin's,
Don't leave it too late,
Don't let them fade away,

Hold onto me tight,
Don't let me go now,
Hold me through the night,
I need to be held now,

I just want you to know that I love you,
I need you to know that I care,
I need you to know that I need you,
And when you need me I will be there,

I just need to know this...
If I die...will you be there to hold me when I close my eyes?
And if I fall...will you be waiting there to catch me?
When I'm caged...will you be there to set me free?
And let me live on in your heart?
(verse 2)

706555  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-11-28
Written: (6760 days ago)

Watch as the soul of your loved one is spilled out before you,
and remember the love that you two once shared,
Remember the pain that you once inflicted, and remember the words he accepted,
remember the way you once were, a pair of friends, that friendship would never die,
Remember the heart that you helped to mend,
and the one you helped to break, so that he may start again
Remember he loves you more than life itself, and remember that it wont end...

690281  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-10-31
Written: (6789 days ago)

Somewhere I can be free
Male singing:If you need a hug, I'll give you ten,
If you need to give a hug, I'm willing to recieve,
if you need to cry my shoulder is free,
for you my darling, I shall percieve.

Female singing: What if I fall?
Will you be there to catch me, and brace my landing?
Would you hold me in your arms and never let me go?
Would you lift me up into the night, and take me somewhere I can be free?

Male singing: When life holds you down, I'll be there to comfort you,
If your wings break, I'll give you mine,
I love you too much to see you ground down,
I'd never leave you for dead.

Female singing: What if you left?
What if you left me here, all alone to fight through my own fears,
How long would it be before you returned?
And when you return, will I be the first to be held in your arms,
So once again you can lift me up into the night, and take me to a place I can be free...

Male singing: For life eternal, I shall be yours,
I will not fail to be here ffor you,
When life is hard any you feel drained,
I am willing to share my strength for you,
If you fall I will be there to brace your landing,
I would hold you tight in my arms, and never let you go,
I would never leave you here alone,
If I had too I;d take you with me,
I would never leave you to fight your fears,
I will lift from this dusty prison, and fly away into the night,
To take you to a place you can be free...
To take you to a place that we are free...

Female singing: I see it now, I'll never fall,
Because you will be there to catch me,
You'd never leave me here alone to fight my own fears,
You'd hold me in your arms, and fly away with me,
Fly away into the night, and take me to a place I can be free,
Take me to a place I can be me,
Take me to a place that we are free...

687617  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-10-26
Written: (6794 days ago)

[About Jamie-lee ((My ex))
Destrotying myself with Knives and needles,
She said she loved me, despite what she did,
She told me lies, to cover the truth,
my Heart never broke, it shattered inside.
Jamie-lee, I hate you.
<About Melissa>
Love has been given in my pointless life,
Killing all those that kill me inside.
She gave me love when the opther wouldn't,
she said she loved me, and meant every word,
she never lied, to cover the truth,
Melissa, I love you.

603109  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-06-19
Written: (6922 days ago)

On my path to sanity and normallity I hope tofind her waiting,
Waiting at the cross roads and continue the journey with me.
To choose the path that I may walk
and the ones that I may not
To wait for me when I fall behind,
and lift me up when I fall on my face
To listen when I need to talk, and talk when I need to listen
To hold me when my strength is sapped
to kiss me when my wounds won't mend
But most of all, to remember that I always love her, and will never stop crying if she walks away

557071  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-04-20
Written: (6982 days ago)
Next in thread: 558772, 563446

An angel that once new how to fly,
up above the world so high,
One of many for all would sing,
Now glides down on broken wings,
Show me your heart and I'll take it away,
Fearing the darkness and lonely by day,
Memories, of a love so true,
My head is now filled with the vision of you,
Green emerald eyes, and golden brown hair,
Your caring touch, and loving stare.
Green emerald eyes, and golden brown hair,
Your caring touch, and loving stare.
Memories of you, that will never fade,
Sleeping beneath stars and true love that we made,

Sorrow desire,
A world filled of fire,
Like wood to a fire my heart ignites,
Together we would lay, in a blanket at night,

Another half finished song, tell me what you think.

547470  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-04-10
Written: (6992 days ago)

Yes to all those who care, my heart aches, and I do know why, I am in love, and the person I speak of knows who she is. Bloody hell it hit me like a ton of bricks, though I only felt heart ache and the longing to be with her. Why do I love her you ask, my answer is simple.
She is caring, beautiful, nice, always there when I need her, charming, sexy, lovable, not just beautiful on the outside, but I see beauty on the inside too.
She is everything to me, the same sort of person I would love to marry when I get older. She is my love, my life, the air I breath, and the only one I could ever want. I hope she isn't afraid of love.

521274  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-03-13
Written: (7020 days ago)

The darkest of shaddows, looms over me,
Still I sit and wait,
The demon of love, haunts my every step,
And still I sit and wait for you,
Love is a toy, not to be played with,
I wait and I wait,
I don't eat, or drink or sleep,
I only sit and I wait,
The shaddows form the shape of your face,
I know its not, I continue to wait,
Your face it haunts me, your touch taunts my heart,
But still I wait,
I am trying to find an answer for my heart,
But I refuse to move until you return,
I wonder if your ever coming back to me,
That is why I sit and wait,
I am hoping that you love me, same as I love you,
And so I continue to wait,
I am desperate to see you, desperate to touch you,
That is why wait for you,
My first words when we meet, I haven't yet desided,
I wait for the oportune moment...

Another of the poems I have writen, I think the person that this iss directed to knows who she is, and knows how I feel, constantly waiting, seeing shaddows of her face, dreaming of her, wanting to hold her, to kiss her, and for the waiting to cease, I don't want to have to wait, but I do it anyway...I love her, and refuse to fight it, and refuse to deny it. I love you, and I hope you realise it is you and no other that I love, please try and figure it out if you read this...

520339  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-03-12
Written: (7021 days ago)

Sleeping silently,
waiting for them to come,
waiting to be taken away,
I fall from great hights,
and the demons cry my name,
darkness closes around me,
and I try to escape,
the terror of the blinding darkness, I fall beyond all reach.
Many sleepless nights,
I lie awake and think of you,
The last of my memories spill before me,
and the blood from my throat forms a puddle on the floor,
I wish I could help you,
and those that I lost,
but my end has come,
and I will not fight...

Just a poem I wrote, I hope you like it...

501000  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-02-20
Written: (7042 days ago)
Next in thread: 502878

I cry in pain, as my sins spread round me like fire,
I am a victum of my own selfish desire,
Falling too far, calling for help,
My selfish desires, make me a whelp,
The burning pain, I endured for years,
The pain I am feeling, brings forth the tears,
I sit alone, and for the pain I weap,

I can't think of anything to rhym with weap, if anyone who reads this can find saomething to go with weap, please tell me.

 The logged in version 

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