i'm okay. not a lot goin' on here in the middle of "canada". i'm kinda tired and lonely but that's because i can't sleep and everyone else is. i like oreos and potato soup, i love emery, and my bestest friends michelle and keely and kiersten. i love my kitty jaz and my other kitty cleo. not all people love me but i'm okay with that now...did i mention i'm tired? am i making any sense?........
Love can be a sweet rose but it can also be a sharp thorn.
(right now it's being a rose)
so what if i'm crazy; i can deal.........
I love:
Emery, Michelle, Kiersten, Keely, and all my other lovers!!!
"I was in love once, but then i ate the pie."
~Leeloo (slightly drunk)
Hey guys, why are you looking in my diary? Do you really want to know my private thoughts? Hmmm..........
I don't think you can handle them.