[Lord Sephiroth]'s diary

628699  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-07-21
Written: (7009 days ago)

We do not die. As with many folk as strung with magic as we are, our souls neither fall to hell, nor do they rise to heaven. We linger. We watch. Our spirits ne’er move on, as is the mortal way. We do not communicate, nor interfere, but we do see. We do know. And never do we truly die.
In the rough crags and crevasses that pepper the sheer cliffs of Scotland, the winds never fall quiet. Down where the waves kiss the stony rocks like a lost lover, there is a residue of Selkie. Our voices echo like a summer sigh, we tingle against the fingers of human lads and lassies that dare to climb the monoliths that rise from the ocean, our ocean, we play on the current, dance in the salty spray, never gone, never quite there.
There is so much I have seen, both evil and good. Black and white. I’ve seen the rise of empires and the fall of emperors. I’ve watched wolves domesticated into well-loved pets. I’ve watched the world tremble and split, mountains erupt into flame, oceans rise up to swallow the land. From my half-shadowed view of this world, I have seen it all. I’ve seen their white Christ and his miracles, the Nazis and their cruelty. Orphans and noblemen, kings and beggars, rags and riches, all fallen into dust, dead and gone on where I have stayed. Where we have stayed to sing the magic back to the land. To sew the crops that mankind reaps with the rainbows and the wilderness.
I once thought it was a joy to not fear an end, a deep nothingness in which there was no self, or to fear damnation, as is the Christian way, for the numerous sins I committed in a lifetime no human could dare to attain. However, the burden of centuries wears heavy upon my pelt. I take faith that the oldest of us fade, and I eagerly await the time when I will no longer stretch between the living and the dead.
I will not miss this earth. I will not miss the way our closest cousins and greatest enemies have evolved, inventing horrid things that spew poisons into the beauty of this planet. I will not miss the heart-rending cry of the forests I ran through once on my human legs as they are torn up at the roots and butchered. There is no regret in never seeing the sea defaced and perverted again.
But oh how my soul will yearn for the breath of cool water, the colorful dart of fish in every rainbow color. I will long for the tug of the tide, the speed of the wind, the taste of pine in the air and the blazing subsets over waves. I will miss the beauty I have witnessed, and I will miss it fiercely.
If there is consciousness enough left to think, and dream, and miss.
Ah, but the mercy it will be to fade, to not have to watch another lost and confused pup join me in my un-death. To see not only my kind, but all of the Sidhe and Fae float with me in this half-world, faceless, formless clouds that are our selves.
It will be a mercy to not witness the extinction of The Selkie.


624668  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-07-16
Written: (7014 days ago)

big mobscene,
he killed his wife.
she cheated on him,
and so he got his knife.
he ripped her open,
and took her guts out.
she no longer with him,
she she cant really shout.
he takes his daughters toys,
and stuffs them in his wife.
he sews her body up,
and keeps her frozen foe life.
he worships her buaety,
and wont let her cheat.
he best her dead and made her his,
now that shes dead she has no defeat.

-by [†Forgotten Agony†]-

624665  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-07-16
Written: (7014 days ago)

dont let her touch you,
i heard the kids say.
if you let her touch you,
im sure you will pay.
this girl isnt normal,
not normal aat all.
after she touches you,
the virus wont fall.
you are infected,
you become her toy.
you are now her doll,
it brings her much joy.
she has all her dolls,
now she wont be alone.
she has her little friends,
and they will forever be stone.
this little girl,
bleeds not blood.
but the chrome inside her,
still causes a flood.
even though she has her dolls,
she still feels sad.
so she makes her dolls useful,
and turned them all bad.
she makes her dolls kill,
and she sits back and watchs.
its a good thing there dolls,
so they cant see there botchs.
she lets the dolls murder,
and just doesnt care.
she keeps them to herself,
and never ever shares.

-by [†Forgotten Agony†]-

624660  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-07-16
Written: (7014 days ago)

When you lose a best friend,
what do you do?
do you forget about it,
or admit that its true?
a little girl,
lost her best friend.
she found a way,
to make the pain end.
she kills all the people,
the live around her.
the doctors say shes ill,
yet they find no cure.
she kills her parents,
and she goes insane.
she goes to jail,
but still feels the pain.
on night she sees,
her best friend in the cell.
she was found dead the next morning,
she was on her way to hell.
she got to join her friend,
and that was that.
but what would poeple have thought,
if they knew her friend was a black cat?

-by [†Forgotten Agony†]-

624649  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-07-16
Written: (7014 days ago)

he thinks were all crazy,
but what does he know.
hes the crazy one,
but i dont think it shows.
he cant see himself,
so he thinks hes great.
but one day it turns,
and we guess its too late.
he fugures out hes crazy,
and were all sane.
her pulls off his skin,
god he must be in pain.
he rips out his bones,
and gets to the inside.
now without his skin,
he has nothing to hide.
he searched himself,
for answers unknown.
he skinned him self naked,
down to the bone.
he didnt see a problem,
so he just layed there a died.
he knew he had a problem,
but what more was there to try

-by [†Forgotten Agony†]-

618774  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-07-08
Written: (7021 days ago)

So I'm going home today, hell yeah! oh joyous moment. I love Spokane now. I HATE Montana.

I wish you were near so I could hold you again,

606539  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-06-23
Written: (7037 days ago)

Armand was tainted as a young vampire and could have been greater if it were not for his childlike dependency on a stronger being (*hmm, my Amadeo [beloved by the god of love]). Marius simply is. Father and romantic, he is the history of all embodied. Claudia was vindictive, and it lead to her ruin, but she was pretty damn cool. I pitied her. Gabriel is awesome - modern woman. LeStat is LeStat - Brat Prince, James Bond of Vampires, all around bad ass hottie. Louis is a pity headcase but a sweet one. Akasha was simply powerhungry and Enkil was kneedeep and sinking with her. Nicholas was a tragedy. He is the Amadeo to Armand, but the version that has no one to save him.

-from a conversation I liked with, [Lady Amadeo DeRomanus]

 The logged in version 

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