[Mixa C]'s diary

492584  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-02-10
Written: (7051 days ago)

The Rich Wish

Guess what?Yesterday me and my friends were talkin about the rich folk and wishing we were rich, im like if we were back in time we would be rich,right? i should of kept my mouth shut! they were like "oooo,let's try it!" we tried it by my geeking friend doing the wires and stuff and when he explained wwe would be like who cares and we went in and we got a shock and we thought we were really traveling until a bigger electric shock hit us and we were electricuted!the ambulance was called, my parents now wish theye were rich when theyy saw the life insurance bill and we were rated the dumbest kids in school!how's that for a rep?

486311  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-02-02
Written: (7059 days ago)

Last Sunday I went to Church and Sunday School for older kids and well in the beginning of the class he, the teacher usually calm and nice, was checking off names when all of a sudden giraffe gigrl ticked him off by asking this smart question"wouldn't be easier if you used a graph?" "WHAT?YOU THINK YOU CAN DO BETTER!YOU TRY TO TEACH THIS CLASS FULL OF SLEEPERS AND LA LA LAND VISITORS,I DON''T BLAME 'EM ACTUALLY,ILL BY TALKING TO YOU'LL AND I SEE YUR BROTHER GOING TO SLEEP!"Then giraffe girl's brother suddenly wake ups.O great. "YOU KNOW WHAT YOU TRY,NOW!" but," was all she could say. She got up there, and all she did was start laughing and smiling at the guys. Oh yeah what a good Sunday School.

486303  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-02-02
Written: (7059 days ago)

This idea i got from [jaderii]
Well yesterday in the mail i got this computer.My dad was like what the heck?but it was cool since we were getting it for free. Anyway we hooked itt up in the living room and we were all smiles.I hopped on the computer already clicking with my mouse then my dad said "Don't you think it's better if we get a technician to check it out,you know?" I didn't and then it didnt matter.Suddenly though when i was connecting with the internet something wierd was happening, the dail up sounded like mowing from a cow and then a horse sound, what kind of dail up is this?cheap animal dail-up? then the computer was acting wierd and then im like Call the technian! then my dad said "To late now!" "You dumb son!"
The computer exploded twice knocking me to the cabinets by the force andmy family jumped out the way leaving me as the target for the next big explosion. Guess what the ambulance came for again.

482720  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-01-28
Written: (7064 days ago)

(laughing real hard) I got to tell youll this story. It was in the dark caves of Blanchard Springs in northwest Arkansas the state in which i live(yea!) and anyway the tour guide said don't touch the ralings becuz they were slippery and guess what I did, i accidently touched them! then the railings fell down along with me "Help!" I hollered. I got my graplin hook i always carried in my pocket when we went on field trips(hey you never know) and through it up and a kid caught it. "That's right grab on!" i hollered, he thought I was being sarcastic so he let go and i fell but the tour guide started laughing"I told you to not touch the railings," he laughed, a big giant kind of laugh. But then I tried another time and this time the hook flew up and caught on the ceiling! I swung up and flew past the tour guide laughing at him not looking where i was headed and then i flew into the wall but then tour guide was worried. Not becuz of me becuz of him, the cave was falling in becuz of my hook trick, nice going! luckly everyone got out safely except me, they ran off without me and i ran out with poop on my face and they called the ambulance to get me, interesting?

482714  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-01-28
Written: (7064 days ago)

This mornning in school before the bell i went to my locker and put my stuff up and then the first bell rang and even though i had my stuff packed,even though i was ready,i stood there. I was bored and was wondering what would happpen if i stood in the hallway all day so I tried it and it 10:30 A.M when the princeple(who wore glasses) finally caught me and asked what i was donig and i said "I guess you really need those glasses cuz anyone could tell im just standing here," i said quickly. That princeple grabbed by the collar and dragged me in the halls. "What were you doing?!" then i said "I was just wainting for lunchtime!"

479898  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-01-24
Written: (7068 days ago)
Next in thread: 479922

Usually every monday we go to paino lessons and i never study for it. So one time I told the teacher I studyied for it last monday and i really didn't. "I studied for it last Monday, I'll probably be kinda of shabby not to good but I'll play," I said. Then suddenly he hollered "NO YOU DIDN'T!" I was blown away and my mom woke-up from her sleep. Then we started hollering and then his wife came in to see what the problem was and so did my family and we all started hollering and ppl from the neighborhoods started to come in and joined in. Then I hollered "I did study last monday!"

478044  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-01-22
Written: (7071 days ago)

Yesterday night we had a play but I wasn't loud enough so my teacher yelled at me"Be louder" i thougth he said say "I like Spongebob," so I yelled that and ppl were queit and after the play the teacher said "Thanks" like he was annoyed.I said yur welcome, i thought he meant it!

475284  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-01-18
Written: (7074 days ago)

Last Christmas break,(rubbing hands together) I know yall like this. It was a cold chilly night and me and my sister [BaBiiPhAtGrL09] were at my Grandmother's house like usual, my aunt Burny and Aunt Sue were in the house, my parents were away and my cuz Joushie was playin PS2 with me and my sis.Then the doorbell rang followed by a knock my aunt burny opened the door and a drunk man with red eyes with bad breath came in with a smile and husky voice. "Thanks," he said, when you got close to that breath you could faint! "Can I use your phone," he asked. My aunt said "YES" and he used it alright, no porblem eh? my aunt went back to sleep while my aunt sue sang in her room loudly, then we were on our PS2 like nothing happened while he was really calling his friends to come over, his drinking buds! then the door rang followed by a knock,Joushie did the honors as opening the door and then he hollered becuz another drunk man appeared and he quikcly slammed the door. "What you doin you dumb kid!?" the man asked. "let me open it," i said and opened it it was his uncle. "Hey Uncle Nicky," i said nicely. "I'll be right back to get somethin in my car," so he walked off. The doorbell rang followed by a knock and Joush answered ready to hung his Dad, he opened the door and it was the drunk man! he slammed the door. When I opened it it was my uncle and he said he'll be right back. The doorbell rang and the samething happened. Then I yelled "Man I want to play my Playstation!" with my aunt singing louldy and the drunk man hollering into the phone while the door kept knocking and everytime Jous opened it it was the drunk man. I opened it it was his Dad. I had to laugh. Intresting Christmas Break, eh?

475282  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-01-18
Written: (7074 days ago)

Last Christmas break,(rubbing hands together) I know yall like this. It was a cold chilly night and me and my sister [~ChRiS~] were at my Grandmother's house like usual, my aunt Burny and Aunt Sue were in the house, my parents were away and my cuz Joushie was playin PS2 with me and my sis.Then the doorbell rang followed by a knock my aunt burny opened the door and a drunk man with red eyes with bad breath came in with a smile and husky voice. "Thanks," he said, when you got close to that breath you could faint! "Can I use your phone," he asked. My aunt said "YES" and he used it alright, no porblem eh? my aunt went back to sleep while my aunt sue sang in her room loudly, then we were on our PS2 like nothing happened while he was really calling his friends to come over, his drinking buds! then the door rang followed by a knock,Joushie did the honors as opening the door and then he hollered becuz another drunk man appeared and he quikcly slammed the door. "What you doin you dumb kid!?" the man asked. "let me open it," i said and opened it it was his uncle. "Hey Uncle Nicky," i said nicely. "I'll be right back to get somethin in my car," so he walked off. The doorbell rang followed by a knock and Joush answered ready to hung his Dad, he opened the door and it was the drunk man! he slammed the door. When I opened it it was my uncle and he said he'll be right back. The doorbell rang and the samething happened. Then I yelled "Man I want to play my Playstation!" with my aunt singing louldy and the drunk man hollering into the phone while the door kept knocking and everytime Jous opened it it was the drunk man. I opened it it was his Dad. I had to laugh. Intresting Christmas Break, eh?

475272  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-01-18
Written: (7074 days ago)

Tommy's magic carpet

It was a warm dusty sunny day and the city was packed because evry single hour it seemed like this big city was packed.This was in the middle-east, a modern Saudia Arabia city.Modern unique beautiful skyscrapers towered the skyline and in front of the skyline was a river that flowed around downtown.That was nice but the outskirts weren't.

A few miles out of the city was a poor broken-down nieghborhood and beyound that was desert land.Nothing but it.

And in one of the poor houses lived a lazy no-use what so ever boy named,well,Tommy.But that description was going to change.After this adventure.See the king's jewels were stolen along time ago and still hasn't been found.Every male and female tried to find it exception-Tommy.Every knew Tom as a lazy bub,like you know A-B-C.

Not just in that city but all over the Mid-East.

Anyway the controller of these Mid-East cities weree kings and once something was stolen from them it was like toxic in water,it was very important or no telling what the king would do.Once that happened and the former king went mentally-ill.

So one day the kids were playing kickball outside and Tommy was reading a book on the couch,the mom was working in the kitchen.

When a kid knocked on the door,the mom answered it and the mom hollered:"Tommy comeon out!!!":Tommy wasn't fat of skinny as a rail just in the middle,he groaned and got up.He walked to the door.One time he disobeyed his mother and you don't want to know what happened.Okay you do,she got a belt is a hint.

He walked outside and went to play.All afternoon he played until a man in rags came up to Tommy.

"Can I talk to you?"He said.


"In private?"

"O yeah,"Tom hollered to the kids that he would be right back and walked to the alley.

"You know the lost jewels of the king?"

"Yeah,so,"said Tom.He was tired of this issue.

"Well I know where you can find it."

"Why me?"

"I predict good things of you.That's why."Tim now looked confused.What?!


"Yes,do you remember your uncle?"

"Yeah when i was little."

"Yes,I'm him,I went off to Italy to get a job.Now though a partner shall be on their way to help you find it in the desert."

"What are you,a future teller?"

"Yes,while in Italy I learned it,anyway here's a coin and each day starting today I will teah you to trade."

Aw man,thought Tom.He didn't want it.Was this really his uncle,partner,desert,predictions?was this guy that former king?was this really his long lost uncle?

Owell.He would just have to find out.

© Copyright 2003 Matt Curtis (FictionPress ID:376692). All rights reserved. Distribution of any kind is prohibited without the written consent of Matt Curtis.

472999  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-01-17
Written: (7076 days ago)
Next in thread: 473008

Today was adventurouse. It was a nice day so I decided to ride my bike then a limo stopped by me. The doors opened up and it was a secret-agency director!i was signed on as a agent!today a stopped a villian and got in home in time to meet my family, intresting,eh?
Then yesterday the limo come up and out came Jim carry making funny faces!(lol)

469655  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-01-12
Written: (7081 days ago)


464856  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-01-06
Written: (7087 days ago)


461260  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-01-01
Written: (7091 days ago)

here's my new diary entry-HEY

447867  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-12-17
Written: (7106 days ago)

I havent messed with this thing in so long but let me get my pen and write. I went to the CLinton Library and have a new friend named Andeeral89 okay i finished

429175  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-11-29
Written: (7124 days ago)

Well it's been awhile and my home page is growning from noothing to something sort of like cities. Houston grown from a small town to a million ppl. Well I do like this site and it's cool ppl here. Hope yall liked this entry.

349136  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-09-12
Written: (7203 days ago)

my newest friend is Tanto

342797  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-09-05
Written: (7210 days ago)

my friend list is growning and frosted_flakes is the newest coolest friend here

342761  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-09-05
Written: (7210 days ago)

Hello Dairy guess what I'm writing on you

334477  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2004-08-28
Written: (7218 days ago)

My list of friends has grown,so that's good.Hannah is my new friend here,so yeah this city is nice!

323181  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-08-17
Written: (7228 days ago)
Next in thread: 325636

Well I guess my adventure ends here in Elf-town,I've been traveling to different cities and when I came here I was like whoa,I found me a home,you'll know I like adventurres and this was a cool one!

 The logged in version 

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