right, so i should fill this out then. WELL...summers here, kids. time for kj to sit around the house, moping around the internet and trying to be a better guitar player than joe satriani while simultaniously trying to be about as evil as voltaire. good luck.
im working for this nutty old guy up my street, cutting shit down. he reminds me very much of ed gien. how sweet. but he doesnt have people-skin furnature...so works not as exiting as it could be. I may become employed at our local hick-town marketplace. how fun. minimum wage for life. great. if there are any openings at the pizza place, im goona be all up in that shit. i would make an exellent pizza dude. i just have to ease off the godamn mufukin profanity. fuck.
today, i made a cake. its my little half-brothers birthday. the cake is blue, and has fishes on it. not my idea. fuckit, he likes cake, and i made him one. not bad for a broke ass.