[not quite an angel]'s diary

326574  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-08-20
Written: (7259 days ago)

well today ive decided to give up hope. not hope all together just hope that this certain thing wll happen. ive liked this guy for a while and i thought he liked me too. but lately hes been a really ass and its just not worth putting up w/. like hes not even being friendlt really. i dont think anything is ever gonna happen between us. if it does ill be suprised. happy but suprised. so yeah....maybe he'll come around but i dunno. we'll see.

325796  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-08-20
Written: (7259 days ago)

first entry. im bored. quite bored to be exact. its very nice outside right now (its raining). i love the rain. and i seem to be drawing a blank on things to talk about so yeah......

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