It's holidays and I'm happy happy happy, an emotion that can be very rare to me at times ^_^. I don't even know why I'm glad. I mean, I'm snowed under with holiday work, my piano and violin teacher both want to kill me because I haven't been practicing and I've been exercising like there's no tomorrow which kills me! (Hmmm...why do I exercise? Mental note to self: eat much cake tomorrow). I suppose that it's just one of those sacred moments when I can put everything in perspective. I'm alive, I'm going to buy some new books tomorrow and I finally got to sleep last night after working on my book till 4 am. There are things to be thankful for. And now that I've been totally sappy...GET ME OUT OF THIS PLANET! I WANT TO BE EOWYN!
Aaaaagh! Make it stop! I'm at my mother's work, earning a little cash but the work is so boring and long! I have to read a 200 page bill and I'm going to kill someone! Somebody stop me! X_X
I don't want my diary to be sad and empty like the writing at the bottom is currently telling me it is. Okay, I'll put something in it. Something sad, at least to me. I have this dance coming up and I asked this guy. He said yes and I was all happy and jump-for-joy-d