[Satin in a Coffin]'s diary

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Written about Wednesday 2005-06-15
Written: (7045 days ago)

omg, people are really pissing me off. went to the mall with leah yesterday and everyone was staring at us like we were from a different planet. yea, i know theyre going to be because im wearing black and leah has blue hair but come on people. they are so fucking scared of going against what the big producers are saying teenagers should look like. and its so STUPID!! its like theyre too lazy to be themselves, or they just dont care. grrr!! leah n i were talking to her mom n she was like "well they see you in black hair and black guys pants and theres your gf (idk if she meant like lesbian or just friend) over here with blue hair and guy's shorts and a punisher t-shirt on, and there are gonna be people who will glare at you wether you like it or not" my dad said "honey, your mom and i went through this too and you just need to get used to the fact that youre beautiful." lmao, like thats it. and another thing, even the punk/goth clothing is turning into a pop culture. it wasnt before but now alot of people are doing it and once again big producers are deciding what people who like to wear black should wear, and its pointless. oh well, at least its better than wearing pink, and getting blonde highlites. -sigh- i cant wait til i get outta college, im saying goodbye and good ridence to the USA and all the fucking clones!!

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