[Dark Oleander]'s diary

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Written about Friday 2004-09-10
Written: (7233 days ago)

So what is this Elf Town thing i dont get it but everyone talks about it from Waco and i want to see what the big deal about this place is. Well anyways so whats up. me nothin really im talkin to a "friend" and writing in my diary.What exactly is the point of a diary anyway, they make no sense to me at all but yet im writing in one but oh well, who cares not me.

Oh my mom just bought my some blue jeans i dont know if i like them or not yet but hey they're clothes. Most of my pants have holes in them, which is kinda cool too i guess. anyways
Life sucks then you die sorry my friend wrote it on a notebook of mine and now its stuck in my head. Evil person, Sabrina. so who ever you are send me a message ill answer when i can alrighty lots of love

 The logged in version 

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