[Dark Oleander]'s diary

351334  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-09-14
Written: (7230 days ago)

well today pretty much sucked. In first period we were moving stuff for tech theatre and a door fell on my head, well i went all day thinking i was ok, then i go to last period to mrs robinsons class and she tells me i need to call my moms room and tell her what happened to me. I do and well mrs rob tells my mom that she thinks that i should go to the doctor so my mom takes me and we sit in the waiting room for like almost 3 hours then we finally go to a room and we wait there for about an hour and a half, i go get my cat scan and then go back to the room and wait there for them to tell me if i cant actually go to sleep or not. we were in that stupid hospital for 5 hours and 45 minutes, it sucked ass. and i have to go to fuckin school tomorrow.
My friend sam i think took some kind of pill this morining and it made her all loopy and shit it was funny as hell though, well if any of you read this that are from waco high dont ask if im ok cuz i am and i dont wanna talk about it at school, i dont wanna draw attention to my self at all. well bye bye im gonna go get some sleep now,yea.

349898  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-09-12
Written: (7231 days ago)

hey i found a friend to talk to from another country, yea. its so cool. hahahahahahaha whats wrong with me? idk i have yet to figure it out. oh hey i think i have some kind of phobia, it freaks me out when people scare me i dont know why. well im out aint got much to say today, suprisingly.

349624  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-09-12
Written: (7231 days ago)

hahaha well today sucks ass! its only 10:43 am and im already bored as hell. my little brother just ran into our back door, what an idiot. but anyways, i got to talk to matt last night, hes so cute, but hes still my friend.(please dont take that the wrong way, matt) well i wonder how many people know that i am now on elf town lets see matt, jared, brittney, jackie, robbie those are the only ones i know of, as of right now. any ways u need to read the poem thing my brother wrote, its so sweet. well im out of things to say for now but i may put something else on later, maybe.

349098  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-09-12
Written: (7232 days ago)

oh hey guys guess what i found just a few seconds ago. its a poem my brother wrote to his girlfriend its so awesome it almost made me cry and for those of u who know me i dont cry, ever.

Your my sunshine you guide me through the park
Even when all i wanted to do was bark
I owe yo my life and so much more and when were married ill never walk out that door
I cant wait for us to walk down that isle and then to see your beautiful smile
Ill kiss you softly like i always do, look in your eyes and say i do then walk to my bright future with you.
All i want is your love which is so true and baby i will always love you til the day i die and even when were up in heaven your still my sunshine
Your my sunshine you led me though the dark your the only one who holds my heart
I know you love me with everybreath you would rather suffer than see me in distress
I know i hold your heart as you do mine we breathe the same breath til the end of time.

So tell me what u think of it, i think its so awesome but dont tell my bro that i put it on here cuz he'll kill me.

348606  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2004-09-11
Written: (7232 days ago)

hey well today is really boring its almost 1 pm and i have nothing to do. I have homework to do but who wants to do homework on the weekends. Well i have to cuz i have a test to take monday for AP World History eeewww i hate that class. well i wonder if my mom will let a friend come over but i dont know how my friend could come over cuz i have no way of getting a hold of this person, its sucks not having a phone!
People are weird, i mean every person has weirdness in them. have you ever noticed that? like me i say things i dont mean to and if youve ever heard me talk ill ask you what i just said cuz i wont remember if i thought it or said it. ok well theres a concert comming up and i really wanna go but i cant cuz i got grounded, i wonder if i can talk my mom into letting me go. i hope so cuz everyone i know is going and i wanna be with my friends. and i wanna see lent and axis and garage 34 all awesome. hey its septemeber 11 happy birthday APRIL. and hey brendan your birthday was yesterday hope u had fun (why dont u talk to me any more, huh) well im outie i think.

348035  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-09-10
Written: (7233 days ago)

So what is this Elf Town thing i dont get it but everyone talks about it from Waco and i want to see what the big deal about this place is. Well anyways so whats up. me nothin really im talkin to a "friend" and writing in my diary.What exactly is the point of a diary anyway, they make no sense to me at all but yet im writing in one but oh well, who cares not me.

Oh my mom just bought my some blue jeans i dont know if i like them or not yet but hey they're clothes. Most of my pants have holes in them, which is kinda cool too i guess. anyways
Life sucks then you die sorry my friend wrote it on a notebook of mine and now its stuck in my head. Evil person, Sabrina. so who ever you are send me a message ill answer when i can alrighty lots of love

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