[Dark Oleander]'s diary

376073  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-10-10
Written: (7293 days ago)


well this weekend was great, peaceman was there friday night and saturday night this is the second time that ive met him cuz the first time that i met him i was kinda drunk and didnt remember him yea it was funny.

what do you do when you are around 3 people that like you, and you dont wanna hurt any of them?

372863  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-10-06
Written: (7297 days ago)


yeah so i did my quotation presentation today in english 2 and surprisingly a bunch of people liked it which i thought it would suck so yea go figure.

I was so afraid of max findin out that i like him but now i want him to know i guess cuz i found out that a guy (which is super hot) likes me and i dont know which one that i like more cuz i really like max and this other person ive only know for a little while but were still cool, but uh yeah i dont think i was supposed to find out that he liked me though but ah i know and there is nothin ya can do about it well there is always brainwash me but then i wouldnt remember anything and we all know that i cant do that cuz ive had some really good memories in waco and i want to remember most of them especially the ones where i kissed max and made out with brendan. which that whole thing with brendan is kinda gettin old, yes i made out with him 4 times but that doesnt mean anything and i think that brooke (i love ya and dont let any of this tell u other wise) is tryin to make me jealous cuz she tried so hard to tell me that they made out this weekend, i could really care less me and brendan are cool and were just friends but we do stuff together, its kinda weird but its fun just to talk about it and the only person that i really talk about it to is sam and that is it cuz everyone knows that brendan is really really hot and i can talk about it cuz he knows that i think that hes hot cuz i told him and he also said some stuff to me but i wont repeat it to ya,its not bad its just really funny well i have to go and read a stupid outline for history so i can go and retake my test which i made a 25 on

oh yea i dont hate brooke its just not fair but i kinda knew that he would find a girl but i didnt think so soon but its kinda for the best cuz i like max and so i dont need to worry about brendan and his life which i never pay attention to cuz i never get to talk to him usually so uh yea laters (why do i have to write alot?)

360438  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-09-23
Written: (7310 days ago)

hey hey. whats up the play is tonight its gonna be so awesome its called Arsnic and old lace and i have to go cuz im in tech theatre its so awesome well anyways i havent talked to Arlen in awhile well i have but not much and i dont know why, i think i just wanna be friends with him cuz we dont have too much in common at all but were still cool. but anyways

does anyone have the new green day cd or the new the used cd if you do and go to waco high can i borrow it and burn them and i promise to bring them back the next day if any of you have them.

357679  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-09-21
Written: (7312 days ago)

well hey everyone guess what, nothing cuz im boring i still havent done my chemistry homework and i have a test tomorrow eeww im gonna fail that class im really sure about that one. oh i talked to this guy named jonathan earlier hes really cool and funny and i dont know him really cuz hes one of my brothers friends and he likes me i think that he does a least well anyways i got to drive today it was so much fun,well not really but you know how it is. if anyone knows drew (sorry dont know his last name but hes really hot and outta school) tell him that i wanna see him again cuz hes really cool, i should have given him my phone number but i wasnt thinkin about it at the time cuz hes really awesome to talk to. how is it that i talk to mostly guys on the phone i only talk to 3 girls on the phone and like several guys kinda wierd but guys are awesome. well ttyl and bye bye

356503  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-09-20
Written: (7313 days ago)

well poo my mom actually did my hair i finally have cool hair its still blondish but it has black highlights in it and i have blond highlights in it too. yippie we got out phone back so if you know me you can ask for my number if you want it that is. but anyways i saw brendan at the skatepark i didnt get to stop and say hi or anything but oh well i can talk to him at school, even though we dont talk much anymore (that sucks cuz hes really awesome and really hot, funny thing is, is that he knows i think that) but its cool. oh i have to burn brendan underground network and blackout oh i almost forgot.

you know i havent been the same after my accident, i cant remember things like i used to and i space out really bad and i have to ask what someone said like my mom told me to go get 3 posterboards and a package of posterboard and a box of markers well usually i will remember that kind of stuff but not any more i had to ask her 2 times what i needed to get its sucks

356270  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-09-19
Written: (7314 days ago)

well well well guess what everyone my weekend sucked but only because i (for some reason) went to the homecomming at my old school, big mistake as soon as i got there i wanted to go home. but anyways let me tell u what happened.

I was being nice to everyone just because i thought that if i was that i wouldnt get into an argument or a fight, well i went to what they call 5th quarter and me and this girl named cyndi and i hate each other always have always will well i was trying to be nice to her and she comes up with this shit that i was "flirting" with her "boyfriend" (which i had no idea she was going out with him and i wasnt flirting with him cuz i dont like him, at all) i was looking for her(she went and hid from me cuz she knew if i found her i would have kicked her ass) well my brothers friend was trying to keep me from goin after her and i got pissed off and yelled WHERE THE FUCK IS SHE!!! and kicked a chair and this teachers aid came up to me and said that i needed to go find my mom and i needed to leave and i told her ok fine ill go, its not like i wanna be here anyways then i walked out and said this is fuckin bullshit, i hate this fuckin school and this fuckin town and i never wanna see this fuckin place again (i said it really loud to where everyone could hear it, it was funny cuz everyone was clapping for me it was hillarious.) i went to piss everyone of them fuckers off and as soon as i see cyndi im gonna kick her ass just because she doenst need to get away with treating me like shit all the time and she done it 1 to many times.

my grandpas birthday was saturday hes 75. my cousins were there and of course i dont get along with them as soon as i got to my grandmas house i wanted to leave so my cousin joey was being nice and asked me if i would take him to his house to get some pills and then later we went to sonic to get a coke even though we had cokes at my grandmas house. i love him to death hes so sweet.

353672  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-09-16
Written: (7317 days ago)

hey everyone whats up. i so fuckin bored and its sucks i have homework and i dont wanna do it. being mean to people just sucks but everyone does it but they dont know they do it until afterwards but oh well not my problem. i was so sleepy today i dont know why though, i went to sleep early too. bla bla bla.

arlen is so awesome i didnt get to talk to him today well i talked to him for like 3 minute before 7th period but i was gonna stay for awhile and talk more but i just couldnt do that cuz i cant be late for chemistry, why cant we be tardy anyways. but we talked about his schuedule and how easy this year for him is. kinda stupid i know. but anyways i found out that one of my friends is gay i didnt know that, but its cool cuz this person is really awesome. WHY are some guys so stupid cuz my friend thinks that this guy likes her, he acts like it but then he doesnt and he is so cute but i still think hes kinda DORKY but hes cool all at the same time. RAP SUCKS ASS, ITS THE WORST THING IN THE ENTIRE WORLD THERE IS NO POINT FOR RAP AT ALL. (NELLY IS ON dAiLyDoWnLoAd, right now thats why i said that)

Do u know that u can think a guy is cute or hot but still be friends with them, i find that really helpful to be able to do that. I also usually dont like or go out with anyone that im friends with but sometimes thats not the case cuz i do go out with or like someone that im friends with,but thats only sometimes. hehehehe ive talked too much so im gonna go. 

OH MY GOD AVRIL IS INFACT ENGAGED TO DERICK WHIBLEY FROM SUM 41, THATS NOT GONNA WORK AND YOU KNOW IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

353035  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-09-16
Written: (7317 days ago)

well guess what i had another shitty day, well it wasnt completely shitty but it still sucked. in first period i found out that, that the cops were called to go to the restaraunt that arlen works at, this guy had just gotten fired and he left with like 300 dollars and they told him if he didnt give the money back then he would get arrested, it was crazy. but i was told this so dont go repeating it to anyone, even though it is right and true. OMG arlen is so cute, i swear. I have the felling that i actually do like him, alot. but i just realized it, kinda weird.(i hope he doesnt have elf town or any of his friends have elf town cuz it would just suck if he found out that i like him and hes just now getting to know me, it would kinda weird me out) Well i was supposed to highlight my hair tonight but noo even though my mom knows that shes gotta do 2 different colors shes gonna do both of them tomorrow night. im actually done with my homework well most of it anyways, yea. i fell asleep in french today, yeppie actually it sucked cuz i like french its awesome. (i love you cort, you are awesome, your the little brother ive always wanted, but never got. sorry i had to say that ive been wanting to forever i just havent done it, until now)

352146  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-09-15
Written: (7318 days ago)

hey everyone well today was ok i guess, i was really tired from last night and i fell asleep in pe and in chemistry, which falling asleep in chemistry isnt a good thing especially when we have a quiz thursday over the stuff we learned today.
I hope arlen but any ways hes a senior at waco high and he fractured his foot, poor thing.it was as stupid reason to fracture a foot, it was something to do with jumping into his truck or something like that. But anyways i think im starting to like him, i think but im not sure yet. hes so cute though and hes really cool too.
Well i have a mild concussion and i have no emotion and no feelings and im not thinking right, well im thinking just fine but i think only when i have to and thats not good cuz of my stupid homework. grr. well id better go and actually do my homework so i dont have to stay up really late tonight, well i do have to stay up really late tonight anyways.

351334  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-09-14
Written: (7319 days ago)

well today pretty much sucked. In first period we were moving stuff for tech theatre and a door fell on my head, well i went all day thinking i was ok, then i go to last period to mrs robinsons class and she tells me i need to call my moms room and tell her what happened to me. I do and well mrs rob tells my mom that she thinks that i should go to the doctor so my mom takes me and we sit in the waiting room for like almost 3 hours then we finally go to a room and we wait there for about an hour and a half, i go get my cat scan and then go back to the room and wait there for them to tell me if i cant actually go to sleep or not. we were in that stupid hospital for 5 hours and 45 minutes, it sucked ass. and i have to go to fuckin school tomorrow.
My friend sam i think took some kind of pill this morining and it made her all loopy and shit it was funny as hell though, well if any of you read this that are from waco high dont ask if im ok cuz i am and i dont wanna talk about it at school, i dont wanna draw attention to my self at all. well bye bye im gonna go get some sleep now,yea.

349898  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-09-12
Written: (7321 days ago)

hey i found a friend to talk to from another country, yea. its so cool. hahahahahahaha whats wrong with me? idk i have yet to figure it out. oh hey i think i have some kind of phobia, it freaks me out when people scare me i dont know why. well im out aint got much to say today, suprisingly.

349624  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-09-12
Written: (7321 days ago)

hahaha well today sucks ass! its only 10:43 am and im already bored as hell. my little brother just ran into our back door, what an idiot. but anyways, i got to talk to matt last night, hes so cute, but hes still my friend.(please dont take that the wrong way, matt) well i wonder how many people know that i am now on elf town lets see matt, jared, brittney, jackie, robbie those are the only ones i know of, as of right now. any ways u need to read the poem thing my brother wrote, its so sweet. well im out of things to say for now but i may put something else on later, maybe.

349098  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-09-12
Written: (7321 days ago)

oh hey guys guess what i found just a few seconds ago. its a poem my brother wrote to his girlfriend its so awesome it almost made me cry and for those of u who know me i dont cry, ever.

Your my sunshine you guide me through the park
Even when all i wanted to do was bark
I owe yo my life and so much more and when were married ill never walk out that door
I cant wait for us to walk down that isle and then to see your beautiful smile
Ill kiss you softly like i always do, look in your eyes and say i do then walk to my bright future with you.
All i want is your love which is so true and baby i will always love you til the day i die and even when were up in heaven your still my sunshine
Your my sunshine you led me though the dark your the only one who holds my heart
I know you love me with everybreath you would rather suffer than see me in distress
I know i hold your heart as you do mine we breathe the same breath til the end of time.

So tell me what u think of it, i think its so awesome but dont tell my bro that i put it on here cuz he'll kill me.

348606  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2004-09-11
Written: (7322 days ago)

hey well today is really boring its almost 1 pm and i have nothing to do. I have homework to do but who wants to do homework on the weekends. Well i have to cuz i have a test to take monday for AP World History eeewww i hate that class. well i wonder if my mom will let a friend come over but i dont know how my friend could come over cuz i have no way of getting a hold of this person, its sucks not having a phone!
People are weird, i mean every person has weirdness in them. have you ever noticed that? like me i say things i dont mean to and if youve ever heard me talk ill ask you what i just said cuz i wont remember if i thought it or said it. ok well theres a concert comming up and i really wanna go but i cant cuz i got grounded, i wonder if i can talk my mom into letting me go. i hope so cuz everyone i know is going and i wanna be with my friends. and i wanna see lent and axis and garage 34 all awesome. hey its septemeber 11 happy birthday APRIL. and hey brendan your birthday was yesterday hope u had fun (why dont u talk to me any more, huh) well im outie i think.

348035  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-09-10
Written: (7322 days ago)

So what is this Elf Town thing i dont get it but everyone talks about it from Waco and i want to see what the big deal about this place is. Well anyways so whats up. me nothin really im talkin to a "friend" and writing in my diary.What exactly is the point of a diary anyway, they make no sense to me at all but yet im writing in one but oh well, who cares not me.

Oh my mom just bought my some blue jeans i dont know if i like them or not yet but hey they're clothes. Most of my pants have holes in them, which is kinda cool too i guess. anyways
Life sucks then you die sorry my friend wrote it on a notebook of mine and now its stuck in my head. Evil person, Sabrina. so who ever you are send me a message ill answer when i can alrighty lots of love

 The logged in version 

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