[Dark Oleander]'s diary

418031  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-11-19
Written: (7253 days ago)

man...never get high and drive it sucks ass (lve never done it but i know people that have).....so i took brendan home earlier and me and him never talk to each other anymore and i took him home...how wierd is that we had little to talk about but it was cool i got to talk to brendan for about 30 minutes in my car but yea luv ya brendan, your so funny....but yea nothin changed since yesterday so laters

416773  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-11-18
Written: (7254 days ago)

so yea....the past 3 days have been really crazy
[MisShapen Chaos] is goin out with Dan and she also got in trouble today for goin off campus with him but it was by our chemistry teacher and lately shes been a bitch (not [MisShapen Chaos] but our chemistry teacher...... and as for me well ive been talkin to the guy that i like which is [human abuse] but i really cant give you any info about it cuz i really have no idea whats goin on with us...but its ok i think but yea i need to stop talkin about it cuz i dont want to freak him out any more than he already is especially about me talkin about liking him to my friend right in front of him....i bet hes weirded out by it (im sorry)
and another thing if anyone knows PEASEMAN can you tell him that just because i go to where hes at doesnt mean that i want to talk to him the only reason i go to where hes at is because of Jonathan not him and the whole fuckin world doesnt revolve around him,(which he seems to think so)

412431  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-11-14
Written: (7258 days ago)

well hey whats up everyone me not much just talkin to the guy that i like on AIM....weird thing is, is that he knows i like him its just weird to talk to him and know that he knows i like him.....well anyways for those who like to keep up with my life (god my life could be as soap opera or something) me and Peaseman broke up well actually he broke up with me for this other chick which by the way is a ho and i really actually liked her too but well never mind im gonna be nice...but yea i really hope that Peaseman didnt think that i would be upset for very long because im not upset i was when i talked to him and that was just because he lied to me about everything he told me and i knew he lied to me and it upset me to actually catch him in a lie and some people know that lying is the only thing that can hurt me really bad if i found out that you lied to me i would end up getting pissed at you and not talkin to you for awhile like 2 or 3 months so yea lying to me isnt a good thing cuz thats the only time i ever cry is if someone lied to me.....and if i cry you know that you did something wrong but yea anyways........ i really dont want to read les miseables its too long and its not really boring or anything but i really dont want to read it.....well sam and DREW finally broke up and thank GOD that they did cuz DREW YOUR A FUCKIN ASSHOLE, "I DONT HAVE THE TIME FOR A GIRLFRIEND RIGHT NOW" yea right whatever you have time you dont have a job and you dont have a house so you dont do a god damn thing all fuckin day but you have to be an asshole to everyone well ive said enough for one day i think im gonna leave before i say something i shouldnt

405513  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-11-08
Written: (7264 days ago)

well i dont really have too much to say at the moment except that i love peaseman to death and he knows it too........laters

ok well considerin i had been talkin about peaseman in my first few diary entries...i figured out where he had been goin..to his girlfriends house..yeah he cheated on me isnt it great? and i was worried that he was gonna get hurt again ok yeah i got hurt instead...so go figure...

403272  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2004-11-06
Written: (7266 days ago)

hey ya...... ok well for the past week i havent seen my boyfriend but twice in five days course im not mad or anything its just odd is all, the only thing that has been gettin to me is where hes goin and what hes doin, hes gonna get hurt again cept probably worse than before....its just scary that i know that there is a possibility that i may 1 never see him again or 2 hes gonna get hurt.....maybe im overreacting but i can still worry about him right?

400157  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-11-03
Written: (7269 days ago)


yea well thats just about it isnt my life so intersting? not really but yea....dude im actually getting along with a person i didnt think i would ever get a long with its scary laterz

hey sami happy 16th birthday!!!! sorry i wasnt at school for it.....

396841  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-10-31
Written: (7272 days ago)

um.....well i didnt go to the concert i dont know why i didnt i should have though....... but yea i have to take my little brother trick or treating tonight wow so much fun not well at least i get to dress up for it im gonna wear what i wore one day to school and i had several guys tell me that i was hot... and thats why i dont wear skirts because of that reason right there.

School sucks and you know it ive got too much homework well not this weekend but i usually do have homework every single fuckin day it sucks ass and you know it....... yea dont ask

and the world said why are our teenagers so angry? hmmm i wonder why?


Dont wait for a knight in shinin armor
your Savorous reflected in the mirror
These flowers have grown from blood stain on the ground
Go rake them leaves off your grass and my grave
The fact is everyone bleeds when they shave
Theres no use, so dont denie there just the same

We'll take it back.....
Voices of violence, voices of violence
We'll take it back.....
Voices of violence, voices of violence

These cowboys will ride off in the sun set
Once there toys have doned another profit
Back fire, these smokin guns will never rest
Unleash the skeletons from the closet
These stragers like friends that you've never meet
They'll send them shipments to hold my gun

We'll take it back.....
Voices of violence, Voices of violence
We'll take it back......
Voices of Violence, Voices of violence

Even after im dead and burried
I'll still remeber, I'll still rememeber
Even after im dead and burried
I'll still remember, I'll still rememeber
Even after im dead and burried
I'll come back for ya, I'll come back for ya

Well take it back....
Voices of violence, Voices of violence
Well take it back....
Voices of violence, Voices of violence

Voices of violence will always be heard
Voices of violence, Voices of violence
Voices of violence will always be heard
Voice of violence, voices of violence

395729  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2004-10-30
Written: (7273 days ago)

so my mom actually let me say the night with my boyfriend last night its kinda creepy that she would let me ahahaha well yea i had fun last night we were at a friends house until early this morning and then we went to his house and we got woken up by his sister and it was 8 and thats what time i had to be home so i got in trouble but not too much. i get my DL monday yea i get to drive people around alot yippie well i dont mind but i will if i dont like you and i have to take you somewhere that i dont wanna go to. ah and i have to get a job somewhere my mom said so poo on her i cant do school and a job at the same time plus have a bf not gonna happen and im deffinitely not gonna give up one for the other two.

dude i dont think im gonna go to the concert tonight but ah well all i wanted to see was lint.... hey jackie do you have a lint cd or do you know anyone that does? love ya's

390448  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-10-25
Written: (7278 days ago)

hey im not to happy right now ive never been so up set in my entire life like i said in my last diary entry my boyfriend got hurt and lucky me got to watch it happen so im all freaked out and upset and ive been cryin for the past hour and i really have no clue why though my boyfriend is alright i have nothing to worry about but then again i do and its all complicated and messed up and all that shit well ive got stuff to do (yea right) well actually i have to try and find my boyfriend so i can talk to him but i cant seem to find him i have 1 more place to call and if hes not there then i know where hes at. well laters

389407  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-10-24
Written: (7279 days ago)

so um my weekend pretty much sucked my boyfriend got hurt but im not sayin how or why so dont talk to me about it unless you were there or have heard about it, ok. but other than that it was alright. well dont have too much to say right now cuz all ive got on my mind is what i cant tell you so its kinda pointless to write anymore than i already have. laterz

385300  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-10-20
Written: (7283 days ago)

well uh today was there ive been spacin out again and thats not good for samantha cuz when she spaces out she doesnt do work or talk to anyone and she has priminisions too and they all come true so the fewer primimicions i have the better off ill be and my boyfriend can tell you that ive had 3 since ive been goin out with him and ive only been goin out with him for a week and i dont do that ever....with anyone. freaky but the wierdest one i think ive had so far has been the one about his phone number i know it and ive only seen it once and not even that and its kinda like the number has been permanently branded in my head and i dont know where it came from well enough about my crazy....stupid....boring life and i will let you get back to yours.

381393  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-10-15
Written: (7288 days ago)

today.......boring........yep thats about it. well except for me gettin a new CD player, 2 new CD's Green Day and Bowling For Soup yea thats it.

380762  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-10-14
Written: (7288 days ago)

well today is my b day and guess what its not that great my mom finally told me happy birthday at like 11 something this morining and yea shes supposed to know when her own daughters bday is but yea anyways Kyndall party is tomorrow and its gonna kick ass and i found out that a shit load of ppl are gonna be there but i dont know who yet but well find out tomorrow when i go right. i finally got all of this straightened out with max and peaseman i think, i actually think max is lyin to me about not wantin a gf right now but what can ya do? but yea sam and drew who would have thought? not me but its cool cuz shes happy and right now thats a good thing, i think but hey jackie baby i love you and thanks for the bday thing it was sweet i still need to hang out with you sometime but when? but yea i am talkin to my cousins for the first time in a long time wow well i think ive said enough for now so im gonna go and talk to you bitches later (just jokin ya know that i love you)

378894  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-10-11
Written: (7290 days ago)

dude today is like 3 days til my b-day hahaha well not too much to look forward to except november the 1st when i get my DL whoppie! (not) well guys are crappy and when your stuck in between 2 guys that both like you but its cool now cuz 1 doesnt want a relationship right now which by the way if ur reading this, i love you to death and you know that (well you should anyway) well i have more to say but i have to be careful what i say so yea laters (i will probably tell my secrets laters but not today, sorry guys)

376073  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-10-10
Written: (7293 days ago)


well this weekend was great, peaceman was there friday night and saturday night this is the second time that ive met him cuz the first time that i met him i was kinda drunk and didnt remember him yea it was funny.

what do you do when you are around 3 people that like you, and you dont wanna hurt any of them?

372863  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-10-06
Written: (7297 days ago)


yeah so i did my quotation presentation today in english 2 and surprisingly a bunch of people liked it which i thought it would suck so yea go figure.

I was so afraid of max findin out that i like him but now i want him to know i guess cuz i found out that a guy (which is super hot) likes me and i dont know which one that i like more cuz i really like max and this other person ive only know for a little while but were still cool, but uh yeah i dont think i was supposed to find out that he liked me though but ah i know and there is nothin ya can do about it well there is always brainwash me but then i wouldnt remember anything and we all know that i cant do that cuz ive had some really good memories in waco and i want to remember most of them especially the ones where i kissed max and made out with brendan. which that whole thing with brendan is kinda gettin old, yes i made out with him 4 times but that doesnt mean anything and i think that brooke (i love ya and dont let any of this tell u other wise) is tryin to make me jealous cuz she tried so hard to tell me that they made out this weekend, i could really care less me and brendan are cool and were just friends but we do stuff together, its kinda weird but its fun just to talk about it and the only person that i really talk about it to is sam and that is it cuz everyone knows that brendan is really really hot and i can talk about it cuz he knows that i think that hes hot cuz i told him and he also said some stuff to me but i wont repeat it to ya,its not bad its just really funny well i have to go and read a stupid outline for history so i can go and retake my test which i made a 25 on

oh yea i dont hate brooke its just not fair but i kinda knew that he would find a girl but i didnt think so soon but its kinda for the best cuz i like max and so i dont need to worry about brendan and his life which i never pay attention to cuz i never get to talk to him usually so uh yea laters (why do i have to write alot?)

360438  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-09-23
Written: (7310 days ago)

hey hey. whats up the play is tonight its gonna be so awesome its called Arsnic and old lace and i have to go cuz im in tech theatre its so awesome well anyways i havent talked to Arlen in awhile well i have but not much and i dont know why, i think i just wanna be friends with him cuz we dont have too much in common at all but were still cool. but anyways

does anyone have the new green day cd or the new the used cd if you do and go to waco high can i borrow it and burn them and i promise to bring them back the next day if any of you have them.

357679  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-09-21
Written: (7312 days ago)

well hey everyone guess what, nothing cuz im boring i still havent done my chemistry homework and i have a test tomorrow eeww im gonna fail that class im really sure about that one. oh i talked to this guy named jonathan earlier hes really cool and funny and i dont know him really cuz hes one of my brothers friends and he likes me i think that he does a least well anyways i got to drive today it was so much fun,well not really but you know how it is. if anyone knows drew (sorry dont know his last name but hes really hot and outta school) tell him that i wanna see him again cuz hes really cool, i should have given him my phone number but i wasnt thinkin about it at the time cuz hes really awesome to talk to. how is it that i talk to mostly guys on the phone i only talk to 3 girls on the phone and like several guys kinda wierd but guys are awesome. well ttyl and bye bye

356503  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-09-20
Written: (7313 days ago)

well poo my mom actually did my hair i finally have cool hair its still blondish but it has black highlights in it and i have blond highlights in it too. yippie we got out phone back so if you know me you can ask for my number if you want it that is. but anyways i saw brendan at the skatepark i didnt get to stop and say hi or anything but oh well i can talk to him at school, even though we dont talk much anymore (that sucks cuz hes really awesome and really hot, funny thing is, is that he knows i think that) but its cool. oh i have to burn brendan underground network and blackout oh i almost forgot.

you know i havent been the same after my accident, i cant remember things like i used to and i space out really bad and i have to ask what someone said like my mom told me to go get 3 posterboards and a package of posterboard and a box of markers well usually i will remember that kind of stuff but not any more i had to ask her 2 times what i needed to get its sucks

356270  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-09-19
Written: (7314 days ago)

well well well guess what everyone my weekend sucked but only because i (for some reason) went to the homecomming at my old school, big mistake as soon as i got there i wanted to go home. but anyways let me tell u what happened.

I was being nice to everyone just because i thought that if i was that i wouldnt get into an argument or a fight, well i went to what they call 5th quarter and me and this girl named cyndi and i hate each other always have always will well i was trying to be nice to her and she comes up with this shit that i was "flirting" with her "boyfriend" (which i had no idea she was going out with him and i wasnt flirting with him cuz i dont like him, at all) i was looking for her(she went and hid from me cuz she knew if i found her i would have kicked her ass) well my brothers friend was trying to keep me from goin after her and i got pissed off and yelled WHERE THE FUCK IS SHE!!! and kicked a chair and this teachers aid came up to me and said that i needed to go find my mom and i needed to leave and i told her ok fine ill go, its not like i wanna be here anyways then i walked out and said this is fuckin bullshit, i hate this fuckin school and this fuckin town and i never wanna see this fuckin place again (i said it really loud to where everyone could hear it, it was funny cuz everyone was clapping for me it was hillarious.) i went to piss everyone of them fuckers off and as soon as i see cyndi im gonna kick her ass just because she doenst need to get away with treating me like shit all the time and she done it 1 to many times.

my grandpas birthday was saturday hes 75. my cousins were there and of course i dont get along with them as soon as i got to my grandmas house i wanted to leave so my cousin joey was being nice and asked me if i would take him to his house to get some pills and then later we went to sonic to get a coke even though we had cokes at my grandmas house. i love him to death hes so sweet.

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