[Clairey]'s diary

781910  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-04-22
Written: (6645 days ago)

I couldn't go out today. I want to but i promised my school band conductor i would go to a 6 hour rehersal today. So i cancled all my plans, could have gone to manchester or gone to see my friends at dynamite but no, i was going to be a dedicated member...too bad no one else did...

As usual only a few of us turned up. Not a full orchestra by any means but we usually manage at these kind of things. But our conductor is a lazy wench who decided we were only going to play for 2 hours, have lunch and then go home. Harly worth even getting up for. This was because "we can't practice the pieces fully with only half a band." Why the hell not?!? Why couldn't we reherse our own parts. It doesn't have to sound good because its practice!

Anyway, we were sent away at 2 as she arranged the caretaker to come and put the school alarm back on. So i left and when i got home...my parents had gone out, expecting me back at 4.00pm. I had no key, all doors were locked so i sat in the garage for half an hour. There was no sign so i rang my Dad. He said 40 mins and he would be back. I waited another 10. I was cold, hungry and bored so i went down to the shop and bought a crappy sketch pad with the money i brought for my lunch. I felt that the bordem came before the hunger. I sat and drew really crappy pictures on really crappy paper untill my Dad came home. Now i'm here, thinking about what i could have done with my day apart from this.

I don't even like going to band. But i make an effort and they do this. Well i'm getting really sick of it. Now i'm going to eat something before i die.

Toodley Pip Chaps!

Update!!! Urgent for all Dynamite Goers!!


But we'll be damned if that stops us meeting!! 10.30...next week we're meeting up. That's for Hazel, Nikki, Aaron, Ste (if he wants), Mike and anyone else who wants. We're going to Avanham. I don't think i will be able to go a week without seeing you all...SO THERE!! GET THERE OR FACE MY WRATH!!!
781318  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-04-21
Written: (6646 days ago)

Right...a fresh start is needed. All previous entries have been deleted as they now mean very little to me.

Anyways, last night. It was sooooo ace! We went to Eddie's gig (we being me, Mike, Hazel, Nikki, Claire, Jess and Jimmy etc who we met there.) Me and Mike being the original groupies had to guide the mob to the bar that they were in.

OO...we eventually got there after i first told Mike the wrong time for the bus, then forgetting a load off important stuff so me and Hazel ended up getting the later bus as well, but it all worked out in the end despite my blondness.

Anyways, at the gig it was good, they sang (as is what happens at gigs) and then played like a million encores untill Eddie nearly died. Then they put on...the mix tape! Oh yeah, they were all there, the Macarana, Saturday night, The Superman Song, Las Ketchup and Agadododo. So i danced...widly and got Nikki, Jess and Claire to dance with me...also Mike learned the steps as we were going along being the sheltered soul that he is.

Hazel sat in the corner and took pictures and had to explain to people that no i hadn't been drinking...i was just being normal. And then the taxi got to the pub...or rather didn't. I thought they were supposed to know the area...but no. We had to meet him half way...stoooopid taxi man.

And then something happened with Nikki and Eddie. Not certain what but something did. We shall have to wait and see ^.-

Toodley pip chaps! We should do this again sometime.

 The logged in version 

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