[Clairey]'s diary

790590  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-05-11
Written: (6624 days ago)

NYARRRRRRRRRGGGAHAHAHAHAHA!!! DSA YOU MAKE ME SO MAD!!! (DSA= Driving Standards Assosiation) They adressed my test details to my Dad and they also gave him the test! My dad doesn't need the test! My dad's driving number is different to mine! STUPID BAKAS!!!!

Why is it always so hot when i have to stay behind and do geography revision???? Grrrr! On the plus side, we might be going to Barcelona with the geog class next year, which would rock.

I've decided i need more summer clothes so, as i'm going to Machester on Saturday, i can go to Primark, buy some cheap black vests and get some more jeans. (I wear jeans in summer, like in winter, only i wear vests). That'll be my last £30 gone V.V .

I've drawn some character designs for the art competion, tell me what you think. (On house and Claire's Originals


790256  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-05-10
Written: (6625 days ago)

Ended up not going to that lecture thing. Never mind. We didn't know much about it anyways. We went home and watched a final fantasy VII anime (Last Order) instead. It was very good, apart from Cloud only kicked ass once, the rest was Zack.

Anyway, school was boring...and hot. I wish i could have gone to that gig tonight, i want to go out V.V I think i'll start on my art competion entries for the Anime Club art competion, if i win, i get a DVD player. I don't think i will though.

No more key skills!! YEYYYYYYYY!! OOOH and i got LRC co-ordinator on the 6th form council. That's what i wanted. I beat off some pretty fierce competion as well. I worked out that i can't go to that steering council meeting as i have a Geography exam that day (how ironic) but i'm gonna say i'll go to anything else that comes up.

Going to a pre release on Saturday. I can't enter even though i want to (£15!! I don't have that!) But if Nikki, Jess and Claire come, maybe we could go shopping (message me if you want to).

Anyways, i'm quite tired, Laters


789694  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-05-09
Written: (6626 days ago)

Well, i've sorted out my week, my finances, my ICT and my Geography. Needless to say, i'm much happier.

My week is no looking like this -
Tonight - Hazels (Cost £0)
Tomorrow - Anime Club and Marine Conservation Talk (Cost £5)
Thursday - Talent Show (Cost £2.50)
Friday - Nothing, probably revision (Cost £0)
Saturday - Manchester Tournament , Not entering (Cost £10)
Sunday - Full Days work (+ £21)

I've paid for my biology trip and my driving test and i still have a little bit in my bank that will stop my Mum making me overdrawn with shopping on ebay and taking it out of my account instead of her own.

ICT was done this afternoon. 2.5 hours of solid ICTness, i quite enjoyed it. Then i came home and sat outside while did some geography past papers, very refreshing.

I got invited to the Fylde Lo-Gas steering group!! YEY GO ME! (The steering group is the key number of people who lead the county) I can't wait! (I'm so sad, i get excited about this kind of thing but it feels like i'm trying to make a difference)

I'm going to Hazel's now. Hmm...Deck, DVDs, Trades...that'll do, OH MANGA!! *puts in bag* well i'm off now. I might not get on tomorrow night with all the conservationy fun i'm going to have.


789257  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-05-08
Written: (6627 days ago)

Today i had 3 lessons (I know i said 2 yesterday but i got the weeks mixed up) Chemistry first, i didn't listen at all, i've given up the will to learn in that lesson, i drew something crap then threw it awy at the end of the lesson. No work from there, apart from a book of practice exam papers that i can use to cram the night before.

Then i had 2 frees where i did nothing because i had no work at that point. Then it was geography. I usually really enjoy those lessons but as i have missed so much, and its so hard to get a answer out of the other 2 people in my class, i had to try and pick it up. It was hard and boring. We then got a load of questions to do for Thursday as we don't have a teacher because, apparently, G.C.S.E students are more important than the A-level people!!! How stupid!

Then it was ICT. I was happy, i had completed my coursework. I got it handed back, it was shit. So much work to do on it for Thursday again!! She spent half the leson explaining what she had put on it, even though i am perfectly capable of reading the comments myself!! GRRRRRRRRR!! AND I HAVE TO START REVISION!

And then, to put the cherry on the icing on the cake, i got told that i had to carry on with Chemistry after the exams untill we got our results...i told them to shove it. There really is no point in me enduring that when it will be of no use as i know i'm going to drop it. I'd rather be a binwoman than do another year of that. I'm just going to refuse to go to the lessons, they can't make me learn!!!!!!!

Driving lesson now, another £18 gone. I'm getting worried about this now, this week i have -

£18 for driving lesson

£100 for biology trip

£10 for Wednesday night (gig)

£5 for Thursday night (Talent Show)

£10 for Saturday activities

-£6.50 for working a shorter shift on Sunday

£15 for Sunday afternoon tournament

Total - £154.50

I don't think that's going to be possible. I might not be able to get out on Wednesday night as i won't be able to afford the Taxi. Might not be able to manage Sunday either, even though i really want to go, i don't want to let Hazel down again.

I'm so poor...V.V

Anyways, i better get going, i'm off driving.


Update -

I have made a decision, i can't afford to go out on wednesday as i've just had to pay £58 for my driving test. And i need some credit for my phone. Also, i'm not going to that thing on Sunday, i'm working instead. And i'm going to spectate at a tournament in Manchester on Saturday, all are welcome to come.

I'm sorry to everyone who was expecting me to go out, but i just don't have the money, as is demonstrated.
788971  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-05-07
Written: (6628 days ago)

I've changed my house layout. I think it needs something, i'm tempter to donate to elftown to ge the limitations taken off but i have no money V.V . If you really like it, maybe you could nominate me for featured member ^.^

Today i've been at work and the weather godess must be aiding me this week. It was sunny yesterday, and then it rained today. It was DEAD! 2 tables in 6 hours! We cleaned everything. Every surface, plate and glass in sight. Twas fun! (i like to clean and ge paid for it, it makes for easy money)

Krakatoa is on tonight! WOOOO i love watching things with geography in it, i can sit and pick fault. "That would never happen, nope" or "Actually, it would happen like this" YEY!! Mike can sit through my ramblings.

I watched Battle Royale movie with my Dad last night. I know the ending but i think the book is waaaaaay more detailed, and the film changed some of the characters, Kazuzo had a different name and was a transfer student, as was Shogo. ¬.¬ weird! Twas ace anyway. I'll have to show it to Hazel.

School tomorrow, last week of chemistry!!!!!!! Only have 2 lessons as well. Geography and ICT, my 2 faves WEEEEEEE!!

Anyways, i still have no burns so i'm a happy girl! BuBye!

788593  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-05-06
Written: (6629 days ago)
Next in thread: 788892

Another fun day at Avenham. I was hoping for some Eddie and Jimmy Y-M-C-A action but alas, we had to settle for a half-hearted oakiecoakie. I, naturally, danced to the whole CD. We have decided it needs the conga so that's a task for me.

I bought Battle Royale on DVD today, and although i don't want to watch it before i finish the book, i know i'll will watch it tonight or i will have to watch 'How To Loose A Guy in 10 Days' which i don't want to do.

I'm listening to Silverstine at the moment, i think i need more than this song as they freaking rock!! I can go on Wednesday and i'm looking forward to it. I have nothing to wear though XD. Work tomorrow, i hope it rains so that people won't eat outside.

Didn't get sunburt today, even though Eddie did. Thanks to Mike's sunscreen i'm OK!! WEEEEEE! I hope Hazel had a good day.

And Nikki, i won the wrestling match, you were on the floor before me XD!!!

788154  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-05-05
Written: (6630 days ago)

I'm off to work at 5.30 and i need to eat so i'm not going to be on tonight. So i'll tell you about my day now.

Today i have mostly read Battle Royale (the book, not the manga or anime) and oh dear god!! IT'S IMMENSE!! I love it. In tutor (lasts 15 mins) 3 people died!! 3!!!! I loved the sickle death, it made me smile ^.^ That's the way i would do it i think.

Its been antoher sunny day today, i really hope its like this tomorrow. I sat outside again at lunch and read. Today's been a full day of classes but i finished my IT project and got worried in chem. We have to cover another module in 2 lessons!!! ONLY 2!!!!!!!! OMG!! Not that i really care, because anything i get it that exam is a bonus, i'm not really gonna try like i am with my other subjects.

Yeah, people going tomorrow, same time same place (Avenham 10.30 where we danced) And invite anyone and everyone!!

Oh, and finally. Hazel good luck at the nationals! I hope you do well and have a good time. If you win an SP give it to me!!

787786  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-05-04
Written: (6631 days ago)

Jebus Lordy arm warmers really weren't nessesary today XD. I know why its hot, i've been traking the depression all day, its gonna rain alot later due to the cold front coming in and pushing the Pm air above...you really don't care do you? Never mind. Just trust me, its going to rain.

We sat outside for lunch today, it was very pleasant. I was the first one to do it as well, then everyone did it, i set a trend! GO ME!! Any ways, i had to sit through geography revision after school in a very hot room, i wasn't happy as we were doing stuff i already knew about.

I got a letter from the House Of Commons today!!! (for those who don't know, the House of commons in where parliment gather...i think), it was because i went to a meeting for my school. I was so proud. It has the mp's signature and everything, he's even written a personal note saying my contribution was helpful!! It was about global warming and cutting CO2 emissions for all those who care about the planet. Start switching off your lights!!!

Anyways, Staurday plans must be made! I think its gonna be same again but who ever's coming, bring CDs, i'm not dancing all day, and lets bring suncream this time ^.^

Later XxX

787318  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-05-03
Written: (6632 days ago)

Today was good. ICT was a practical in which i did rping for an hour XD. Then we had Chem, well, the day wasn't perfect. Then Key Skills where i drew. Biology was good and i'm gonna try to get on this field trip becuase i do want to go. I'll just have to dig out £100 from my none existant savings.

P.E was good to. We didn't do P.E, me Alex, Dave, Rob, Ste, Caraloooooon and Becky sat on the grass and catapaulted stuff off a rubber bike tyre tied to a tree (we only found it, we didn't set it up). And now i'm here, rping some more.

Laters XxX

786858  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-05-02
Written: (6633 days ago)

You'll all be happy to know that i passed my theory test! YEY! Not going to have to spend another £21!

I've had one of those days where you forget everything and make frequent and stupid mistakes. First, it was my test, and i kept getting the time wrong so i ended up setting off waaaaaay too early. I also was going to take back a pair of shoes which were too big while i was there, i forgot them XD. Anyways, i got there reeeeeally early did it, passed it and went home, only when i got home it was all locked up, naturally, but i didn't have a key!

This meant i had to trail round Kirkham to get to school, find my sister, get her key, trail round Kirkham again and go home. I got all my stuff (i forgot my MP3 player though so it was a silent day) and went to school. I then decided i would go back into preston to take the shoes back after school.

I got on the bus and as it was driving along, it started to take a different to normal route round Newton and doubled back on itself like it was going back to Kirkham, so me (being the bright spark i am) got off before it made the turning into Kirkham, but then, when i had got off, it turned towards Preston. I swore. I walked to the nearest bus stop and waited there and eventually got into Preston, got some new shoes and here i am, safe and sound.

I'm going to Hazel's after tea and i've spent a while talking to Nikki as well so i'm all socialised up tonight!

So laters peoples! I'm gonna eat some tea.

786379  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-05-01
Written: (6634 days ago)

Wow...what a boooooooooooooooooring bank holiday. I haven't been able to do anything either becuase i had a driving lesson at 12 and then i've got work at 7 so i couldn't go out V.V . Never mind, i finished my Eiri picture. I don't know what to think about it, i might have to do it again.

I did some homework, it was key skills and it was poorley done becuase i don't give a damn. We only have 1 lesson of it left anyways. OOOO and i've had to swat up on my highway code because i have my theory test tomorrow morning. I hope i pass, if i don't, i don't know what i'll do because i haven't got any more money to pay for another one.

I haope Nikki enjoys the gig tonight and i hope Eddie enjoys it too. Gah...i can't wait for these exams to be over, school is so boring and bitty at the moment, only 2 weeks left and then NO MORE CHEMISTRY!! WOOT!! (And don't slap me Hazel, diary woots are allowed).

Laters XxX

785966  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-04-30
Written: (6635 days ago)

Well, now everybodies paying for our grand day out. We all look like lobsters. Yup, thats's probably the only thing we didn't take XD It didn't seem that hot though, that will be why, we just all went in our t-shirts. I've also had muscle pain all day from running and dancing all day.

Work was average, i've got a load of extra shifts in the summer that people have asked me to do which is good. Bank holiday tomorrow, i will be working and trying to draw my RP character, although i may do that before i go to sleep instead of reading.

I read Furuba 13 last night. OMG! It was soooooooooo cute! I LOVE KYO SOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!! And momiji was cute too, but he's always cute. I don't like Yuki's mum, what a biatch! And she's ugly, how she ever gave birth to the beautiful Ayame is beyond me (Aya laying the smack down made me laugh).

Anyways, that was about all today, Later People's.

785623  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-04-29
Written: (6636 days ago)

Good day today, i really enjoyed myself ^.^ All my friends together made me smile. But i'm not sure everyone else is smiling. I'm very sorry to one person, they know who they are but i don't want to discuss it here because its between me and him. He knows how i feel and he's very understanding and for that i'll be grateful to hime forever. I'm just sorry i can't do more.

Anyway, today we went to the park (the park being a big field at the back of the city). We took cd players, balls, bubbles, speakers, mp3 players, manga, blankets and DVDs and we sat in the middle. First we talked, then sent the boys off for food (them being the hunter gatherers and all), grantedly, they only went to Gregs but still. We ate and then i wanted to dance, so i did, in the middle of the park, in front of everyone. At first it was just me, but then Mike joined and then Aaron. Y-M-C-A!! Everyone was watching us. Then came the macarana. Hzel, Nikki, Claire, Ste, Mike, Aaron and me were all doing it WEEEE twas fun. Then we did the okiecoakie which was also cool.

Then we took a break and listened to some normal music from Claire's MP3 player, untill Aaron put busted on, Nikki takled him...quite hard which was mega funny! We then decided on games such as Volley ball...with many different rule variations, all of which sucked. Then british bull dog to the okiecoakie (that was really fun). Then we played musical statues and bumps (yes we are all 17+) and danced some more. We then made a human pyramid with some random goths we found. I was OK because i was only on the middle row and only had Nikki on top of me, but apparently, i hurt when i was on the people lower down's backs.

Then we went home. ooooo I got my shoes, but they don't fit X.X i was wearing socks when i bought them and i can't wear socks with them at work so my sis is getting me these things that you put in the back of them to make them smaller.

I feel much better today (evidently) although, i still don't think i'm completly recovered i'll manage.

Later XxX

785104  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-04-28
Written: (6637 days ago)

Gah X.X ! I'm still ill, but i went to school regardless. I think i'm a little worse today as i overdosed on beachhams Max strength yesterday but as i ate them all, i suffered today. My lungs are hurting...must find something to ease the pain...what's CUPROFEN? Its pink...i shan't eat it.

Anyway, despite being in pain, school was pretty good. I decided to screw chemistry because i missed a lot of complecated stuff so...i don't care ^.^ . *coughs*

I WILL dance tomorrow, even if i die doing it. I nearly keeled over kicking a ball around from lightheadedness (is that a word?). But we need something bigger than 2 little speakers. Suggestions by tomorrow please peoples, in fact, bring anything you think might be of use.

Meeting on the stage at Avanham at 10.30 just so we're all clear...apart from those of us at work ¬.¬ we'll be seeing you at 2.00pm. OO I'm going early because i need a cheap pair of shoes, and those people who have been shoe shopping with me before know, when i say cheap, i mean i won't spend over £10 and i won't buy crap, so it does take me forever. But i usually do get what i set out to find.

I also need some more face paint, which scares me because the ladies in Boots throw all their beauty jargon at me that i don't understand. I'm like a foriegn person. I have a bit of paper with the one i want and i just point to it and i usually am directed to the general area.

Speaking of general, General Studies is such a waste of time X.X . OO i have Advent Children to watch dubbed tonight WOOT! Something i can do while hacking my lungs out.


P.S, Watch this and be amazed -


784462  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-04-27
Written: (6638 days ago)

Not at shool today because i still feel bad. And it's the worst day to be ill because i have a full day. I've missed a very important IT lesson, double chem and double geog so i'll have missed loads that i'll have to catch up on. ARG! I can't even take it easy for a single day! That's probably why i'm ill, because i'm so stressed out. There is so many things going on that i could really do without right now, and its all my own doing with taking on too many responsibilities and activites.

Exams are coming up soon, even if i'm still ill i'm gonna have to go in tomorrow...even if it kills me! And after struggling with that chem homework last night...it wasn't needed. Never mind. Gotta start revising soon as well...

Later Diary Readers.


1. I've joined a new RP. New Haven Its really good so if you're looking i would recommend it. Lots of big mechs and anthro's...in fact, it has everything!

2. If a person is not in school...don't you think it means that they WON'T GET THE WORK UNLESS YOU GET IT FOR THEM?!? Yeah maybe people weren't sure if i was ill or not (even though it would be pretty obvious don't you think) but i will now have to chase Chem teachers round in my frees tomorrow which i could REALLY do without. GRRRR stupid people stressing me out before i even get back to school. And i feel no better still so i'm guessing tomorrow's gonna be terrible. I will have to stay at school till about 5 as well becasue my ICT project needs to be in by Tuesday and its all on the computers at school...Gah...i'm going to draw, relieve some stress.
784120  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-04-26
Written: (6639 days ago)

Today has been horrible...I got up and felt awful. My lungs hurt when i breathe, i have a headache, cramps, tired and hot. Its like when you swallow a crisp and the jagged edges scratch your throat...but all the time. I've been struggling for breath all day. And now its 8.30 and i'm going to bed.

I'm sorry to Mike because i keep putting him off but today, i wouldn't be much fun i'm sorry. And Hazel, thank you for taking me out today and i'm sorry i wasn't very talkative.

On a positive note, i've just slugged away at my chem homework (evil teacher giving us overnight homework) and it is now done so i can retire to my pit. And i got to go to anime club which was fun. But nothing much more to report today.

OOO finaly, Congrats to Eddie and Nikki!

Later! XxX

783422  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-04-25
Written: (6640 days ago)
Next in thread: 783445

And now its all better ^.^ We cleared it up, after 2 months of ignoring and sniping i decided it needed sorting. A lot of people have told me he's not worth it, but he is. I'm so much happier now, he makes me happy so i think he was worth fighting for. I explained everything that had upset me and he hadn't realised how i felt. He told me about everything i did to upset him. We appologised to eachother, cried and gave eachother a hug and now we are back to being best friends! I promised i wouldn't stop talking anymore. I should just tell him if he does something like this again and not bottle it all up like i usually do. So i'm much happier today. Now i should do some work...YEY! Exam papers...rockin XD

782990  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-04-24
Written: (6641 days ago)
Next in thread: 783038, 783088

Well, after all that, now i feel a bit crap. Alex sent me a text last night about how he was going to talk to me today and i thought that it would mean i could explain, but no, he didn;t. Didn't even look at me. So now i feel a bit depressed. Its kind of hit home that i have no best friend (yes i know Hazel but i mean at school). Everyone does things with eachother...and i...well i sit in a corner. Its not who i am even though i try to make it out to be. I want tonnes of friends, i want to go to parties, i want to be able to talk and laugh about stuff. I don't want to be alone for another year and a half. I can never keep friends though, it must be who i am. People get bored with me after about 2 years. It has been 3 with this group though so i knew it was coming. Nevermind.

I know some of you will tell me that you are my friends, but i know that you are. It's just, you can't always be there for me, no matter how much you want to, you have other commitments (be it university, other friends or whatever). Thanks to all those people and i will always be there for you when i can, but right now, i feel quite alone.

782440  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-04-23
Written: (6642 days ago)
Next in thread: 783036

Work all today. I have strengthened my views on how much i hate kids...and parents that can't control them. Anyways...It's back to school tomorrow (Woot!) and i know i should be all depressed and stuff because -

1. I have no friends there.
2. Exams are coming up so loads of work.
3. I have to get up early.

But i'm not. I'm kinda looking forward to it. I guess it means i get to spend more time with my MP3 player and sketch pad (that's what i do because noone talks to me.) Also i get to kick some ass as i think some people might be a little peaved at my last msn blog BUT BRING IT ON!!

And there is Saturday...or should i call it THE NEW AND IMPROVED SATURDAY (how can something be new AND improved...shouldn't it be one or the other?) anyways...Its gonna rock, something to look forward to. Dancing in Avanham OH YEAH!! And now Nikki and Eddie OOO my life is so interesting...even though thats not my life...AH WELL!! I have no life...ergo, other people's lives are mine MWAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAAAAAAAAaaa...a...hmmm...

Anyways (i think i use that word too much) Chem first tomorrow...gah...never mind. Only 3 weeks left of chem and then it's being dropped like a fat man made of lead. WOOT!! OO i get to watch a film with mike now yey! Hope they have Serenity in this time.

Toodly Pip!!

781910  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-04-22
Written: (6643 days ago)

I couldn't go out today. I want to but i promised my school band conductor i would go to a 6 hour rehersal today. So i cancled all my plans, could have gone to manchester or gone to see my friends at dynamite but no, i was going to be a dedicated member...too bad no one else did...

As usual only a few of us turned up. Not a full orchestra by any means but we usually manage at these kind of things. But our conductor is a lazy wench who decided we were only going to play for 2 hours, have lunch and then go home. Harly worth even getting up for. This was because "we can't practice the pieces fully with only half a band." Why the hell not?!? Why couldn't we reherse our own parts. It doesn't have to sound good because its practice!

Anyway, we were sent away at 2 as she arranged the caretaker to come and put the school alarm back on. So i left and when i got home...my parents had gone out, expecting me back at 4.00pm. I had no key, all doors were locked so i sat in the garage for half an hour. There was no sign so i rang my Dad. He said 40 mins and he would be back. I waited another 10. I was cold, hungry and bored so i went down to the shop and bought a crappy sketch pad with the money i brought for my lunch. I felt that the bordem came before the hunger. I sat and drew really crappy pictures on really crappy paper untill my Dad came home. Now i'm here, thinking about what i could have done with my day apart from this.

I don't even like going to band. But i make an effort and they do this. Well i'm getting really sick of it. Now i'm going to eat something before i die.

Toodley Pip Chaps!

Update!!! Urgent for all Dynamite Goers!!


But we'll be damned if that stops us meeting!! 10.30...next week we're meeting up. That's for Hazel, Nikki, Aaron, Ste (if he wants), Mike and anyone else who wants. We're going to Avanham. I don't think i will be able to go a week without seeing you all...SO THERE!! GET THERE OR FACE MY WRATH!!!
781318  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-04-21
Written: (6644 days ago)

Right...a fresh start is needed. All previous entries have been deleted as they now mean very little to me.

Anyways, last night. It was sooooo ace! We went to Eddie's gig (we being me, Mike, Hazel, Nikki, Claire, Jess and Jimmy etc who we met there.) Me and Mike being the original groupies had to guide the mob to the bar that they were in.

OO...we eventually got there after i first told Mike the wrong time for the bus, then forgetting a load off important stuff so me and Hazel ended up getting the later bus as well, but it all worked out in the end despite my blondness.

Anyways, at the gig it was good, they sang (as is what happens at gigs) and then played like a million encores untill Eddie nearly died. Then they put on...the mix tape! Oh yeah, they were all there, the Macarana, Saturday night, The Superman Song, Las Ketchup and Agadododo. So i danced...widly and got Nikki, Jess and Claire to dance with me...also Mike learned the steps as we were going along being the sheltered soul that he is.

Hazel sat in the corner and took pictures and had to explain to people that no i hadn't been drinking...i was just being normal. And then the taxi got to the pub...or rather didn't. I thought they were supposed to know the area...but no. We had to meet him half way...stoooopid taxi man.

And then something happened with Nikki and Eddie. Not certain what but something did. We shall have to wait and see ^.-

Toodley pip chaps! We should do this again sometime.

 The logged in version 

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