[Clairey]'s diary

798953  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-05-27
Written: (6608 days ago)

*yawns* i'm so tired! And i have work tomorrow. I've just completed a compilation of all my favourite Freya quotes. They can be viewed at Freya's art. I've spent the last hour looking through the whole role play. Its so good and she is an amazing character. I'm so glad i have her.

Today i went to anime club at uni with Hazel. It was lots of fun. We watched Tenchi, which i haven't seen in ages. Martian Successor Nadeisco and Azu Manga Daiho, which was really funny. Then we watched amvs, all of which were cool. I introduced Cloud's Dream and a gravitation one to the mix.

I drew a picture but i've just looked at it and it has so many faults. It's leaning, for one and the legs are way to short for the body. I might change it, i might not.

Anyways, i hope everyone else had a good saturday. Love you all.


797769  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-05-24
Written: (6611 days ago)

Wow...that was a good trip out. I really enjoyed that anime club...despite not watching any anime. We're going again on Saturday and then next Sunday there's going to be a big party with food and cosplay and stuff. Can't wait ^.^

I think i might have to try on my kimono again and see if it still fits. i hope it does as it is really nice, i like it a lot.

I drew a new picture today after being inspired by [raynesprite], who i have dubbed my new mentor. Please comment, i like it when i get constructive comments, it helps me improve, which i'm hellbent on doing.

I've done some serious revision today and i only have 1 day left of geography revision EEP! But i'm going to do an all day session tomorrow to make sure i know my stuff.

X-Men 3 trip on Tuesday peoples. One and all are invited. Times to come soon. Its the day i'm going to Nikki's so we'll have a fun day. I'm wearing my wings so don't be scared to dress up!


796956  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-05-23
Written: (6612 days ago)

Darn geography teacher. She told me revision class would be on today, but i got there and found that -

1. Mrs.Wright was out on a trip and wasn't going to be in today.
2. Everyone else (other 2 people) in my class was told.

So i just asked for some past papers and left. I couldn't be bothered grappling with AQA today.

I actually did some revision today i found that it is nigh on impossible for me to get below a C on a geography paper, they're just so easy. The 1 i did i missed 12 question out, got 1 question completly wrong and generally did bad and i got a very high C (as it stood that year, they've lowered the boundries since then). So i'm happy. I made notes on all my mistakes, that being 'Claire's Pattented Revision Technique'. That, and Coheed and Cambria and i'm set for learning ^.^ .

I bought some Angel feathered wings for when the collective group and I are going to see X-men. I love Angel, i want everyone to know it. But they need a cheque which i will post tomorrow. I hope they get here soon. I don't know when we are going, what day does it come out again? They took all the bus posters down telling me at the top of my hill.

Tomorrow i will be revising more, then going to Anime Club. I wanted to see the semi-final of countdown as my favourite guy is on but then i realised i'd become an old person and slapped myself to go out.

I watched some Sukisyo in my break from revision. Episode 3 is sooooo cute! I like the bit where Nao-Kun and Mitsuri-chan keep saying "and the time after that..." made me laugh. I really like Sunao, he's cute.

Damn youtube took away all the gravitation episodes and AMVs. Poor [Shitarou] was very upset.


796437  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-05-22
Written: (6613 days ago)

Hehe, got 4 conversations going at once here. I'm so popular!

Today has been boring. I slept in, went to school, did a boring exam came home. Driving lesson, tea and here i am. I'm going to finish that picture today!!

The exam was hard. But it was multiple choice so i'll have got 1/4 right...hopefully. It was one of those exams where you sit around for half an hour at the end, wondering if you've done enough.

Thankies Nikki for my splendiferous demon. She's very cute!

Tomorrow i must do some serious geogaphy revision, or perish. I have a geog revision class P5, but that's still no excuse.

I want to see Nikki's new hair. i might turn up at her house at 3 tomorrow morning and demand to see it ^.^

Nothing much else to report.


795877  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-05-21
Written: (6614 days ago)
Next in thread: 795905

Methinks i'm a little addicted to the internet, well Elftown mostly. The computer broke down completly on Friday. It got taken away...i was sad. And then i was very bored and didn't know what to do with myself on the nights and weekend mornings...BUT NOW ITS BACK! And it has all this new fangled technology installed so it works like a charm.

Yesterday was oodles of fun. Didn't realsie how much i miss Nikki when i don't meet her every week. She's so much fun. And now i know where she lives *shifty eyes*. We watched Battle Royale and Battle Royale 2 (which, for the record, is no where near as good).

Then Hazel took me to her house. I met Faust's bean and kept an eye out for Hercules, as he went missing...EEP! Eddie's house was a bit of a mess. The toilet didn't flush, we needed to do something with a bucket, i don't do other people's toilets, they freak me out. Its a long time phobia thing. Unless i know the person really well or is familly. Anyway, the oven didn't shut, without severe kicking. The couch was broken (but we claimed the good one). Eddie thought his DVD player was broken, untill I located the play button for him (he's a bit dense like that). The Xbox 360- kept skipping (what a FREAKING surprise!) and his car windows wouldn't go back up after being winded down. So overall, a bit of a dump, but a fun one.

Work was ok today, i had fun. We had tables so we got good tips, but it wasn't busy. My favourite kind of shift ^.^ .

Please tell me what you think of the new picture. I want to know whether its good enough (its not finished yet, i'm going to colour the rest tomorrow.)


795015  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-05-19
Written: (6616 days ago)
Next in thread: 795044

Sorry i didn't write yesterday, i got in late and then it was Big Brother (sad i know) but nothing much happened. I did some revision, and then it was windy so i didn't go outside.

Today i went to school after a very lazy morning of watching antiques shows and daytime chat programmes about fat people. I was determind to get those papers of those AQA bastards and i did!! HAHA in your face *points at stupid site* i had to save them to my school area then email them home as they won't run straight of the site here.

OOOOO I forgot to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY ACORNA!!! I drew her a picture. It was rushed but she didn't tell me >.< But i wish her all the best and 17 is an ace age!! ENJOY!! ONE MORE YEAR!!

I spoke with Hazel for 40 mins on the phone beofre my dad came and said i need to get off. I felt like an American stereotype. We are all going to Eddie's tomorrow. HA TAKE THAT TIM YOU KNOBCHEESE! We are going to watch Battle Royale films and eat loads of crap, i hope. I may have to stop on the way and buy the crap but i don't mind. I only he lived in Poundland.

Josh showed me some waffles today, and then denied them to me. I was sad. He gave me a yummy picture to lick though so its not all bad.

I hope you've all read the memo and answered the poll. message me if you haven't!


793819  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-05-17
Written: (6618 days ago)

My day was pretty good. First i got up and drove my mum to the garden center. It was a fun drive, i nearly crashed the car again, into another car, but missed and ran over some traffic cones instead. We bought some plants, went home, and planted them and did some wooden bordering round the edges of the garden.

I then thought i should do some work. Soo i did a river mind map for geography and stuck it above my bed so i can read it every night before i go to sleep. But then i saw the picture i outlined last night. It needed colouring, so i did that and it turned into something beautiful! I put it as my new house guard.

Then Hazel came round. We finished our boy which will be up tomorrow (he looks so cool!) Then we watched My Neighbour Totoro. It was OK i guess but not my best Ghibli by far. The cat bus was so cool, i want one.

I had a driving lesson as well. I had to wear some really awful shoes for driving, they didn't help, they had no backs and my feet kept slipping but me blisters didn't hurt. Anyway, i didn't do all that well but i still passed my mock test. I hope my insturctor's wife gets better soon.

Thank you for all the picture comments.


793308  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-05-16
Written: (6619 days ago)

I feel so happy! I have so many friends. Don't let me ever forget it again. I've had so many thank you's and praise for my friendship and it means so much. [*akuma*] has said she has grown in confidence because of me when its her who has raised my self esteem. [Kitara Softpaw] has thanked me for sticking up for her when she needed it when i was only returning one of the many favours i owed her. I have friends who carry me when i'm hurt and come to my aid when i need them. Friends who understand. Thank you all ^.^

I'm glad i'm happy otherwise i would be so depressed from exams but they aren't really affecting me this time. I'm just getting on with them, looking forward to all the fun coming after them.

Today i did some revision posters and a biology paper which i was going to mark from the AQA website, untill i found they didn't have it ¬.¬ so don't do any from 2001,2002 or 2003 biology peoples, cos the don't have it! Then i went to geography revision.

FMA was good tonight. And Alex came over after school. We watched Battle Royale and then flicked eachother with tea-towels. Then we confessed my sisters undying love to Aaron. Twas very fun.

I got more foot injuries today. I wore my sister's sandals that have no back but went through the gap between my big toe and the rest of my toes. However, when i got to school, i found my left big toe and middle toe were bleeding. The bar that runs between them rubbed off that much skin. So again, i had to walk home like a spaz, only i had shoes, i just forced my whole foot through the gap where only 4 toes were supposed to fit. It made me walk like a spaz XD. I'm going back to converse when my blisters on my heels are gone (any shoes with backs hurt) and i'm never wearing anything else again.

My driving instructors wife is very ill so i have to drive tomorrow night as he can't do any other night so no anime club for me V.V Sorry Hazel again.

Anyways, its lost tonight so i have to get ready, and i'm hungry...


792764  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-05-15
Written: (6620 days ago)

Owchies!! I have 2 blisters. 1's bigger than the other. The one on my left is starting to look like a golf ball XD All because i decided i was going to break in my new shoes, even if they killed me. Which they almost did. I walked to school for my G.S exam and they weren't too bad. I got there and took them off and then 10 mins later when i came to put them back on, i couldn't because the blisters had swelled up and hurt...a lot. I sat through the exam wondering how i was going to get home. I got a piggy back ride to 6th form from Alex and i called Mike to bring me more shoes. (I'm so lucky to have all these people at my beck and call XD) However, these were also painful as they touched my heels. So i walked home with nothing on my feet. It hurt. So i had a foot spa when i got back. Twas lovely. But now they are huge (the blisters.)

The exam was easy though. It was on climate change and i know enough about that to fill a swimming pool. I did very little this morning, got up, went on computer and found some new songs. I got the opening to Onegai Twins and Gundam Destiny Seed (The third one).

Now i'm going to watch some Generator Gawl. Byeeee


792164  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-05-14
Written: (6621 days ago)

Work = Boring
My Sundays are always so boring...apart from the weekly film festival that me and mike have. work was a little busier than last week, more than 2 tables today.

Gonna watch Truely Madly Deeply. And eat sorbet. WOOOO! Tomorrow i can have a lie in because my G.S exam doesn't start till 1.

I'm wearing my new outfit, it looks mighty cool if i do say so myself. I'll wear it for the exam tomorrow as its ever so comfy.

Apart from that nothing else to report...Sorry for the boringness ^.^


791755  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-05-13
Written: (6622 days ago)
Next in thread:

I've had such a good time today. Its fun when i have money to spend on the things i want, not the things i have to. I got -

A new Skirt
A green and black stripey top (Not the same as yours Nikki)
2 New black vests
1 Black and White Vest
A Furuba Notebook
Bobbles and shit

And all because Alex, my trusty shop-o-bot was there to help me. He has built in sat nav, radar, homing signals and makes a great pack mule and makes for fun conversation. We went to the All you can eat chinease, after walking for 90 mins to find it! It had crispy duck and cake!!!

I bought Mike a new bag because his old one was bothering me. Welsh bag for life is not as cool as blue cobat murse! (man purse).

And i would like to thank [SpiralDragon] for his maturity and also thank you all to the people who have commented on my new house. I'm so glad you like it!


791161  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-05-12
Written: (6623 days ago)

Today [Twilit Wanderer] has returned and the rp is getting ressurected. But i'm gonna have to lay the smackdown on a certain Shadow, he's been very horrible, and needs telling.

Finished school for exams now. No more chemistry, no more homework!! WOOOOOOO!! And it was pleasantly warm today. I had to put a fan together for my tutor XD.

I have improved my house. I've added pictures! I think it looks quite good. I've already had one comment so i'm thinking its a success.

I can't wait for tomorrow! I get to go out! And there will be more clothes! I need some more jeans desperatly, i think people have become to notice how much of a hobo i am!

Me and Hazel are going to join forces (again) but this time TO DRAW! I'm drawing the body without hands or eyes and then she's going to draw the rest and colour it. Hopefully we will win the DVD player. I can have it as well as Hazel already has one.

Right, i'm off to lay the smack down. I love you all!!


790590  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-05-11
Written: (6624 days ago)

NYARRRRRRRRRGGGAHAHAHAHAHA!!! DSA YOU MAKE ME SO MAD!!! (DSA= Driving Standards Assosiation) They adressed my test details to my Dad and they also gave him the test! My dad doesn't need the test! My dad's driving number is different to mine! STUPID BAKAS!!!!

Why is it always so hot when i have to stay behind and do geography revision???? Grrrr! On the plus side, we might be going to Barcelona with the geog class next year, which would rock.

I've decided i need more summer clothes so, as i'm going to Machester on Saturday, i can go to Primark, buy some cheap black vests and get some more jeans. (I wear jeans in summer, like in winter, only i wear vests). That'll be my last £30 gone V.V .

I've drawn some character designs for the art competion, tell me what you think. (On house and Claire's Originals


790256  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-05-10
Written: (6625 days ago)

Ended up not going to that lecture thing. Never mind. We didn't know much about it anyways. We went home and watched a final fantasy VII anime (Last Order) instead. It was very good, apart from Cloud only kicked ass once, the rest was Zack.

Anyway, school was boring...and hot. I wish i could have gone to that gig tonight, i want to go out V.V I think i'll start on my art competion entries for the Anime Club art competion, if i win, i get a DVD player. I don't think i will though.

No more key skills!! YEYYYYYYYY!! OOOH and i got LRC co-ordinator on the 6th form council. That's what i wanted. I beat off some pretty fierce competion as well. I worked out that i can't go to that steering council meeting as i have a Geography exam that day (how ironic) but i'm gonna say i'll go to anything else that comes up.

Going to a pre release on Saturday. I can't enter even though i want to (£15!! I don't have that!) But if Nikki, Jess and Claire come, maybe we could go shopping (message me if you want to).

Anyways, i'm quite tired, Laters


789694  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-05-09
Written: (6626 days ago)

Well, i've sorted out my week, my finances, my ICT and my Geography. Needless to say, i'm much happier.

My week is no looking like this -
Tonight - Hazels (Cost £0)
Tomorrow - Anime Club and Marine Conservation Talk (Cost £5)
Thursday - Talent Show (Cost £2.50)
Friday - Nothing, probably revision (Cost £0)
Saturday - Manchester Tournament , Not entering (Cost £10)
Sunday - Full Days work (+ £21)

I've paid for my biology trip and my driving test and i still have a little bit in my bank that will stop my Mum making me overdrawn with shopping on ebay and taking it out of my account instead of her own.

ICT was done this afternoon. 2.5 hours of solid ICTness, i quite enjoyed it. Then i came home and sat outside while did some geography past papers, very refreshing.

I got invited to the Fylde Lo-Gas steering group!! YEY GO ME! (The steering group is the key number of people who lead the county) I can't wait! (I'm so sad, i get excited about this kind of thing but it feels like i'm trying to make a difference)

I'm going to Hazel's now. Hmm...Deck, DVDs, Trades...that'll do, OH MANGA!! *puts in bag* well i'm off now. I might not get on tomorrow night with all the conservationy fun i'm going to have.


789257  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-05-08
Written: (6627 days ago)

Today i had 3 lessons (I know i said 2 yesterday but i got the weeks mixed up) Chemistry first, i didn't listen at all, i've given up the will to learn in that lesson, i drew something crap then threw it awy at the end of the lesson. No work from there, apart from a book of practice exam papers that i can use to cram the night before.

Then i had 2 frees where i did nothing because i had no work at that point. Then it was geography. I usually really enjoy those lessons but as i have missed so much, and its so hard to get a answer out of the other 2 people in my class, i had to try and pick it up. It was hard and boring. We then got a load of questions to do for Thursday as we don't have a teacher because, apparently, G.C.S.E students are more important than the A-level people!!! How stupid!

Then it was ICT. I was happy, i had completed my coursework. I got it handed back, it was shit. So much work to do on it for Thursday again!! She spent half the leson explaining what she had put on it, even though i am perfectly capable of reading the comments myself!! GRRRRRRRRR!! AND I HAVE TO START REVISION!

And then, to put the cherry on the icing on the cake, i got told that i had to carry on with Chemistry after the exams untill we got our results...i told them to shove it. There really is no point in me enduring that when it will be of no use as i know i'm going to drop it. I'd rather be a binwoman than do another year of that. I'm just going to refuse to go to the lessons, they can't make me learn!!!!!!!

Driving lesson now, another £18 gone. I'm getting worried about this now, this week i have -

£18 for driving lesson

£100 for biology trip

£10 for Wednesday night (gig)

£5 for Thursday night (Talent Show)

£10 for Saturday activities

-£6.50 for working a shorter shift on Sunday

£15 for Sunday afternoon tournament

Total - £154.50

I don't think that's going to be possible. I might not be able to get out on Wednesday night as i won't be able to afford the Taxi. Might not be able to manage Sunday either, even though i really want to go, i don't want to let Hazel down again.

I'm so poor...V.V

Anyways, i better get going, i'm off driving.


Update -

I have made a decision, i can't afford to go out on wednesday as i've just had to pay £58 for my driving test. And i need some credit for my phone. Also, i'm not going to that thing on Sunday, i'm working instead. And i'm going to spectate at a tournament in Manchester on Saturday, all are welcome to come.

I'm sorry to everyone who was expecting me to go out, but i just don't have the money, as is demonstrated.
788971  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-05-07
Written: (6628 days ago)

I've changed my house layout. I think it needs something, i'm tempter to donate to elftown to ge the limitations taken off but i have no money V.V . If you really like it, maybe you could nominate me for featured member ^.^

Today i've been at work and the weather godess must be aiding me this week. It was sunny yesterday, and then it rained today. It was DEAD! 2 tables in 6 hours! We cleaned everything. Every surface, plate and glass in sight. Twas fun! (i like to clean and ge paid for it, it makes for easy money)

Krakatoa is on tonight! WOOOO i love watching things with geography in it, i can sit and pick fault. "That would never happen, nope" or "Actually, it would happen like this" YEY!! Mike can sit through my ramblings.

I watched Battle Royale movie with my Dad last night. I know the ending but i think the book is waaaaaay more detailed, and the film changed some of the characters, Kazuzo had a different name and was a transfer student, as was Shogo. ¬.¬ weird! Twas ace anyway. I'll have to show it to Hazel.

School tomorrow, last week of chemistry!!!!!!! Only have 2 lessons as well. Geography and ICT, my 2 faves WEEEEEEE!!

Anyways, i still have no burns so i'm a happy girl! BuBye!

788593  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-05-06
Written: (6629 days ago)
Next in thread: 788892

Another fun day at Avenham. I was hoping for some Eddie and Jimmy Y-M-C-A action but alas, we had to settle for a half-hearted oakiecoakie. I, naturally, danced to the whole CD. We have decided it needs the conga so that's a task for me.

I bought Battle Royale on DVD today, and although i don't want to watch it before i finish the book, i know i'll will watch it tonight or i will have to watch 'How To Loose A Guy in 10 Days' which i don't want to do.

I'm listening to Silverstine at the moment, i think i need more than this song as they freaking rock!! I can go on Wednesday and i'm looking forward to it. I have nothing to wear though XD. Work tomorrow, i hope it rains so that people won't eat outside.

Didn't get sunburt today, even though Eddie did. Thanks to Mike's sunscreen i'm OK!! WEEEEEE! I hope Hazel had a good day.

And Nikki, i won the wrestling match, you were on the floor before me XD!!!

788154  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-05-05
Written: (6630 days ago)

I'm off to work at 5.30 and i need to eat so i'm not going to be on tonight. So i'll tell you about my day now.

Today i have mostly read Battle Royale (the book, not the manga or anime) and oh dear god!! IT'S IMMENSE!! I love it. In tutor (lasts 15 mins) 3 people died!! 3!!!! I loved the sickle death, it made me smile ^.^ That's the way i would do it i think.

Its been antoher sunny day today, i really hope its like this tomorrow. I sat outside again at lunch and read. Today's been a full day of classes but i finished my IT project and got worried in chem. We have to cover another module in 2 lessons!!! ONLY 2!!!!!!!! OMG!! Not that i really care, because anything i get it that exam is a bonus, i'm not really gonna try like i am with my other subjects.

Yeah, people going tomorrow, same time same place (Avenham 10.30 where we danced) And invite anyone and everyone!!

Oh, and finally. Hazel good luck at the nationals! I hope you do well and have a good time. If you win an SP give it to me!!

787786  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-05-04
Written: (6631 days ago)

Jebus Lordy arm warmers really weren't nessesary today XD. I know why its hot, i've been traking the depression all day, its gonna rain alot later due to the cold front coming in and pushing the Pm air above...you really don't care do you? Never mind. Just trust me, its going to rain.

We sat outside for lunch today, it was very pleasant. I was the first one to do it as well, then everyone did it, i set a trend! GO ME!! Any ways, i had to sit through geography revision after school in a very hot room, i wasn't happy as we were doing stuff i already knew about.

I got a letter from the House Of Commons today!!! (for those who don't know, the House of commons in where parliment gather...i think), it was because i went to a meeting for my school. I was so proud. It has the mp's signature and everything, he's even written a personal note saying my contribution was helpful!! It was about global warming and cutting CO2 emissions for all those who care about the planet. Start switching off your lights!!!

Anyways, Staurday plans must be made! I think its gonna be same again but who ever's coming, bring CDs, i'm not dancing all day, and lets bring suncream this time ^.^

Later XxX

787318  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-05-03
Written: (6632 days ago)

Today was good. ICT was a practical in which i did rping for an hour XD. Then we had Chem, well, the day wasn't perfect. Then Key Skills where i drew. Biology was good and i'm gonna try to get on this field trip becuase i do want to go. I'll just have to dig out £100 from my none existant savings.

P.E was good to. We didn't do P.E, me Alex, Dave, Rob, Ste, Caraloooooon and Becky sat on the grass and catapaulted stuff off a rubber bike tyre tied to a tree (we only found it, we didn't set it up). And now i'm here, rping some more.

Laters XxX

 The logged in version 

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