[Clairey]'s diary

846480  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-08-30
Written: (6506 days ago)

HAHA! All you who didn't want to see Snakes on a Plane missed a darn good film. Best one i've seen in ages actually. You should all go, its fun tastic, pythons have teeth! And they make snakes bite every imaginable body part...that right EVERY body part. Hehe, i really liked it, it was worth it.

Homework is now 75% done, i just have 1 ICT paper to do which i can do tomorrow and friday. Today i have to take a bath, maybe start homework, straghten hair, pack sleeping over stuff, tell Mum i'm sleeping over and go to salsa. OO maybe i should fit some driving in there as well as my test is-HOLY CRAP! It's tomorrow!

Anyways, i'm off now. I might draw something...


845687  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-08-28
Written: (6507 days ago)

Ammount of homework done - 0%
Ammount of money spent - £25

I went shopping for some Autumn clothes today. I just need tops. I bought 2 tops, a bag and purse. I've also bought Vic's new Cd Metafiction but Hazel goes halves with me so that was only £5. I can't wait for that...and our rangers badges. (*is such a fangirl*)

I'm going to start putting away £5 a week for the London trip in May so i have plenty of money to have a good time with! I don't know how much i'll need though.

I had my last driving lesson before my test. I reeaally hope its the last one...ever. I'm sleeping at Alex's on Wednesday so i'll stay up late. His snoring won't bother me because i'll be too nervous XD.

Joel's mad with me. Stupid bugger. I only asked him if he wanted to go to the cinema. I'll ask Alex instead, if not, i'll be going to see Snakes on a Plane on my lonesome...


844832  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-08-26
Written: (6509 days ago)

After a reeeeeeeeeeally crappy day on Wednesday, i've cheered up a bit. Probably because i've not been thinking about the homework i need to do and the driving test that's fast approaching XD

I was at work all day today but it was a good easy (6 hour) shift. I was on my own for most of it so i talked to Jim a lot about driving tests. I want to go out again tomorrow night to Lytham but i want to keep my money in case i fail and need to pay for another. Anywyas, Helen and Anna aren't going to be back so i won't have anyone to talk to or a lift.

I LOVE the risembool rangers. That forum is awsome. I've sent Vic another email to find out what size t-shirt he is so i can start his present which will take me ages. I can't wait for that expo!


842581  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-08-22
Written: (6513 days ago)

I've missed FMA for the second week in a row due to stupid driving...which i hate. I'll catch it on Sunday, but i must remember *writes on calender*.

I suck at driving, i've lost the skill to reverse...GAH! I'm gonna fail for a third time, i just know it!

Today, i did jobs, went out for lunch with my sister, did more jobs, then coloured for 3 HOURS! (I finished my sisters birthday card, i think its quite good but i can't put it up yet.) Then i drove and now i'm here.

Tomorrow i'll be doing more jobs, ICT homework, Make a poster for the mural competition, Dentists, driving and then salsa, even though i don't think Alex is talking to me, i don't know why, he just doesn't reply to me texts.

Thursday, i have to help at GCSE results day (woooo...i don't want to) then i'm going to Hazels, and avoiding driving.

Gah, what a craptastic week...Friday i'll be doing...nothing, Saturday is work, Sunday is work (and FMA) then i begin the whole week thing again...wooo.


842012  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-08-21
Written: (6514 days ago)

I went out last night into Lytham with the guys from work. It was lots of fun. I achieved 'Auntie' status. This means that my name to them is Auntie Claire. Its like their little club thing. I am in the hall of fame as only the third person to achieve it on the first night! GO ME! It wasn't too expensive either, i still came back with £20.

Spent all day today gutting my room. I've got a load of clothes and stuff for charity. My room still looks a mess though. Maybe its all the school work at the side. I have no where but the floor for that though, so i just neatly stacked it. I had fun lookingthrough all my old sketch pads and diaries that i keep in my art draw in my wardrobe.

I've finished all my goegraphy homework now. On with my sister's birthday drawing, then ICT papers.


840332  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-08-18
Written: (6517 days ago)
Next in thread: 840570

WOW! This Fruits Basket card game is freakin awsome! Despite the gay questions on the memory cards, but you don't have to answer them. They are all like 'Tell yopur friends about a bad experience that shaped your life etc etc'...how about no?!

But its really a stratergy game. It also came with a deck of normal playing cards with fruba art on them, even though i already have one, they are much better quality...and are official.

Egad, its the Big Brother final in 1 hour! I guess its pretty lame but y'know, i am lame >.<

Watched some really cute youtube Vic-age of him opening all hjis birthday presents. HE'S SO COOL!!! I WILL MEET HIM! And give him a birthday present 3 months in advance, or 9 months late, which ever.

I hope Nikki got to Tenerife ok...


839962  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-08-17
Written: (6518 days ago)

So i got my results today. My grades are as follows -

Geography - A
Biology - C
Chemistry - U

I was 6 marks off a B in biology so the plan is to retake the genetics module and do better to get a B. I guess they are opk. The phrase 'must do better' comes to mind...however, i shall not dwell on it. I'm moving on, thinking of what to do next year instead of sulking.

I figure, to get into a good uni, i need an AS. As i have dropped chem, i'm thinking of taking up Art as an AS next year to do alongside my 3 A2s. This will get me more points and another grade and it means i will have 4 ASs on my aplication form. Plus, i've wanted to do art since half way through last year and it'll give me a chance to improve.

I got compliments off my parents about my drawing of a griaffe. They never compliment me usually so this gave me a little more confidence to make my decision.

I went to see Nikki today as well. Jess and Claire were there. It was nice to see them. I never thought watching crappy game shows could be so much fun.

I treated myself to a new pack of pencils and a rubber today for passing 3/4 (if i'd done better i would have got myself some watercolours paper). Hazel's also got me some Fruits Basket cards so i owe her £9 and, because i had to text everyone my results, i needed more phone credit. So yeah, then it chucked it down when i went home, i got quite wet.


838439  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-08-14
Written: (6521 days ago)
Next in thread: 838448, 838453

I'M BACK!! *skips* I'm so glad to be in a house that doesn't have a 2 year old running around in it. SO MANY 2 YEAR OLDS THIS WEEK! All of them annoying and loud. I don't do well with kids, as most know. Its not that they don't like me, its that i hate them.

Anyways, my holiday was ostly fun, apart from the kids and some walking which was not good in the footwear i had on. Many blisters were contracted. But that was on the 4th day i think. Anyways, on the first day i slobbed around, went swimming without suncream and got 3rd degree burns on the top of my legs that are still peeling. The pool on the campsite was rank. It stunk, and apparently, i was the only one who could smell it. There was stuff floating in it, but it was hot and i was bored so yeah.

On the second day i think we went to the beach, it was a good beach. Lots of well defined geographical features which i took photos and samples of. I tried skimboarding. I was the only one who could do it. Then i sataround and burned myself some more. I did put suncream on that time though. I just missed some parts of my shoulders.

On the third day we took this long walk (it was supposed to be a bike ride) to this really little village called padstow. It was small and had LOADS of tourists in it, as in you couldn't move or hear anything. I hated it.

On the 4th day i spent the morning reading my relly crappy book (its aimed at 20-30 year olds and full of girls and their relationships) because i had to wait in the caravan for Alex to pick me up. We went to the Eden project. It was lots on fun and really good. It was a 1 visit place though, i wouldn't go again, it may be a bit boring the second time around. Then i went to Alex's tent and stopped there. There were glowstick fights on the dunes.

On the 5th day i tagged along with Alex's familly. We went to St.Ives which was really good, lots of stuff to do there. Then we went to Lands End with the prospect of watching fireworks at dusk. However, it was a bit boring, there wasn't much to do so we went in search of a beach close to it. We couldn't find a good one so we ended up going all the way back to St.Ives and watching the sun set on a really good surfing beach.

On the 6th day we went to a miniture steam railway (this was sooooooooooooo boring) It was exactly what it said on the tin, a miniture steam railway, that was all we did all day.

Then we went to Surrey to see my Mum's brother. Another 2 year old. We went out for dinner on Sunday but while we were there, there were about 5 thunderstorms, resulting in a lot of flash flooding in the area. We almost didn't get home because there were really deep floods in every little dip. I thought it was ace! I thought of Nikki becuase i know she likes thunderstorms.

And now i'm back and glad to be. Its taken me an hour to go through all my messages and wiki changes but now i'm off to go see whats happening on the risembool rangers forums.


834528  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-08-04
Written: (6531 days ago)
Next in thread: 834570

Right guys. I'm on holiday now till the 15th of August and i probably won't get on again untill then unless the campsite we're going to has internet cafe's or general access. I hope you are all good untill then. I will come back with holiday art. Bye Bye Love you all lots


832966  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-08-01
Written: (6535 days ago)
Next in thread: 833475

OMG!! How was that not a final boss!! It was a 10 level dungeon with massess of databugs with cubia at the end. I almost died when Blackrose didn't Pharepth in the gap between huge attatcks but i barely made it, i had to ressurect soooo fast. It took like an HOUR to get down this dungeon and fight cubia. At least i don't have to do it again. I was getting excited as well, i thought i was close to getting Tsukasa! When he did that recovery thing, i almost threw the controller a the TV, but it didn't make me fight again, they used their brains instead. Right, i'm off to play more *is obsessed*


830781  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-07-27
Written: (6539 days ago)

I just gave my Elk a weapon called 'Ha ha ha' and my GOD he kicks so much ass with it! Uber lv.3 summons, the highest repth spell you can get (all members filled hp). He's SO AWSOME!!

Goigng to Manchester on Saurday apparently, even though i need money for my weeks holidays starting on the 5th. But i have got a £15 babysitting job for wednesday morning, then its salsa on the night! We get to do the Cuban Wheel on Lytham front next to the windmill. We're doing a BBQ as well. If anyone wants to come watch you can ^.^ I can't wait! After mastering CAKE last night, i feel really good ^.^


830655  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-07-27
Written: (6540 days ago)


He sent an email to me ME MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! Like he did it, not his manager, he did!!!!!! *dies*

He said that he's going in May 2007, which may get in the way of exams, but i don't care!!!!!!! If its on a weekend i won't have any exams, and i can revise on the train or whatever, anything can and will be done to make sure i'm there to shout REEEDDDD DAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWN!!

830205  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-07-26
Written: (6540 days ago)
Next in thread: 830243

*Has a new obsession* VIC MIGNOGNA! If anyone doesn't know who he is, ask me on a message and you will be educated!

I'm part of the Risembool Rangers (as soon as my bio is accepted) and me and Hazel spent a lot f time last night looking at all of his little videos on youtube. He's amazing and i love him.

We're going to see him at the London expo, whenever it is (I messaged HIM to ask...SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!) But i don't care when it is, i'll be there!

Oh, and on the subject of POTC2, it sucked, i've not seen a bigger piece of crap movie in a long time. I hated it. I shant be seeing the third one.

Anyways, i'm off to do more Vic stalking.


828740  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-07-23
Written: (6543 days ago)

YEY!! What an awsome night! Tired now though. Its going to be an awsome week in general. Tomorrow, Cinema, Tuesday, Hazels and Wednesday is Salsa again.

Speaking of salsa, Alex made me go when i was feeling a bit down and it really cheered me up, its sooo much fun i can't wait for the next one!

Anyways, back to last night. I wore a dress, and got my hair cut. In fact, everyone dressed up...even Hazel! Then we danced to a variety of songs. We were well practiced in the macarana and satuday night due to all the park dancing XD.

Then Nikki slept over in the tent. It rained but we remained dry! We talked a lot, now she's on an undisclosed mission which if i told you, i would have to kill you.

Now i'm going to tidy up and then see where i last saved my game of .//hack as someone turned it off and i don't think they will of saved it. I HATE virus core hunting.


824912  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-07-15
Written: (6551 days ago)
Next in thread: 825666

Today was so awsome. I met the real life Kyo!!! And, dare i say it, he's so much cooler in real life. His name is Joel.

First we went to the Chinese, twas good, i think i freaked him out a lot while i was there. But then we went to get some stuff from the shops and then went to Avenham. There was copious ammounts of tackling here, but it was only because he wouldn't wear the ribbon i bought him. Twas orange. He wore it eventually.

Then we went to Jess' house. We ate pizza and fought some more. I stroked the cow patch. OO speaking of patches i got my Ed patch and put it on one of my t-shirts. I wore it, it looked super cool.

Anyways, i'm talking to Joel with my new webcam. Tis super cool.


822177  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-07-10
Written: (6556 days ago)

I really don't see a point in trying to go to school in the morning. Usually, i love school, but since the exams it has been awful. Lessons have been boring, repetitive, useless and sometimes, quite painful.

Take my Geography class of 3...or 1, plus 2 sacks of vegtables. They might as well be. They don't do homework, they won't have discussions and trying to get them to answer a question takes half a lesson (it really does). We've gone over the same thing 3 times. I love the subject but it's going to slow. I'm beginning to dislike it a lot. I wish i was in a bigger...more intelligent class.

Also, ICT. Last lesson only 4 people decided to turn up. We did some really hard access things with our practical teacher, who knows what he's doing. However, today, most people turned up to the theory lesson. But instead of doing something useful, we did the work again, with a teacher who didn't know how to do it! I ended up playing around all lesson (but i did find out that school has photoshop, which i am quite excited about)

Biology is good but we never seem to be in that lesson for one reason or another and the rest of my time is spent sitting around doing nothing. I don't even have anyone to talk too, which is getting REALLY boring now. I'm sick of not being anyone's person who they sit with all the time. No one will walk with me into Kirkham, even though they'll be off 10 mins later with someone else after i ask them. It's really starting to piss me off.


819533  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-07-05
Written: (6561 days ago)
Next in thread: 823352

i took a walk...i feel a bit better. Taking Back Sunday are singing what i fell...all the time. I really like them, i think i'll listen more later while outlining a picture i did at school. Then i'll decide its crap and throw it away, as has been the custom for some nights now.

I had to get food, as my dad is doing the shopping tomorrow night and i have nothing for lunch tomorrow, well now i have a muffin and a packet of crisps (i ate the starburst while on my walk).

I'm going for a bath now, then picturing, then i'll read as i'm reading this ace book by Malcome Rose. I really like his books. Clone was better though, then i'm going to read the Plague, after Transplant.


Check out my new pencil case - http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=7224093366&amp;rd=1&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWN%3AIT&;rd=1

819472  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-07-05
Written: (6561 days ago)
Next in thread: 823354

What a crappy day. Its too hot, i'm sooo tired, and i've had to endure more than the usual ammount of teasing from the boys today. They defaced my pencil case so i'll have to get a new one. Cheers guys.

It better thunder or something soon or i'll be forced to use my awsome weather powers, which i don't like to do, being God tells me off and stuff.

I'm so tired, i can't write anymore...


819082  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-07-04
Written: (6562 days ago)

Sorry i've not been writing as much as i used to. It's big brother, its taking over my nights! That and .//Hack.

Last night i completed .//hack mutation! GO ME! I can't believe i could'nt defeat that final boss last time i played it. It was so easy. I did it first time. But it ebded on one hell of a cliff hanger! I then proceeded to raise the perfect grunty. But it kept asking for Piney Apples which are hard to find so i gave up, i'll do more tonight.

My mum is also making me drive all the time, which sucks because i hate it and its too hot to be in a car.

I also am looking for a new job as my old one is poo as i can only have 1 shift a week and its not enough. I like working there, the people are nice but i need more to live on than that.

Cinema on Friday, and then swimming on saturday, if i don't have to stay home and construct mum's album. I think i might just send Katie to get the book.

Its my new driving test on the 13th (less than 2 weeks!) if i fail again, i feel i may have to die...

It's too HOT to be in school! I've had a ggod day, even though geography first was PAINFUL! We didn't do anything new. The teacher was just trying to make the other two girls to answer questions all lesson. She knew i was annoyed. There was much sighing and tapping of the pencil.

Anyways, i have quite a lot of work to do. Laters


817316  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-06-30
Written: (6566 days ago)
Next in thread: 817561, 818367, 820035

A little less pissed off today, even though my sister is being a little biatch.

I'm going to work tonight so i'll write now.

Today i went into Preston, i was going alone but then i met Emma on the way, who was meeting James there, so i ended up trailing them around my shopping route. I got some pictures developed for acorna and my Mum's album which i will have to start constructing soon. Then we went to the new Primark. Twas very uninspiring. There were no jeans! All were skinny legged which i HATE! No bootcuts! But i bought a white t-shirt for work and a belt for the large sum of £3.

Then i went to Claire's. I want a new necklace as i only have 2 but intstead, i managed to find some earings with feathers. I was so impressed. They're awsome! I've wanted some for a while.

OOh, i managed to get those photos on to CD. The computer must have sensd my anger and decided to behave.

So here i am, outlining acorna's picture with my new outliner. It won't be sent off till Monday hun, due to Alex's incompetence :b .


816688  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-06-29
Written: (6567 days ago)
Next in thread: 816689, 816824, 816882, 817987

I’m having one of those days where EVERYTHING pisses me off.

I’ve been trying to put 17 pictures on a disk so I can take them into town tomorrow to have them developed. First my camera wouldn’t work, then it ran out of battery so the transfer stopped half way through. Then I deleted them all after sorting them, then I tried to burn them to CD but it wouldn’t let me. So I went through all the files trying to find the pictures I wanted (because Kodak easyshare is too COOL for cut and paste) then after an hour of searching, I tried to do it through my computer directly to the disk, and it wouldn’t let me, so I threw the CD at a wall.

And, it annoys me when I tell my mum to NOT let my guinea pig loose in the garden because it takes me an age to catch, but she does it anyway. Well it can get lost. I’ve tried to catch it once, it can stay out until it goes back in its hutch.

And, she kept nagging me to ring my Granddad for pictures for her birthday present (this is in three weeks but I HAD to do it tonight, even though my sister is off for the whole 3 weeks).

AND! My Dad told me he wanted a bike lock so I was going out to get him one tomorrow, but he’s gone out and bought one and says he can’t think of anything else apart from wine…which I cannot buy.

AND AND AND!! It pisses me off that my sister has way more friends than I ever have. They were all round here before they went to the leaver’s do. Do you know how many people came round to mine? 0. They all went in either a Roles-Royce or a fire engine…both of witch, I was not included in. But that’s old, I’m not going to bring all that up again.

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND! There was no one at school for me to talk to today. Alex, Rob and Caroline were all at the biology quiz (I wasn’t smart enough) so I was pretty bored all day.

AAAAAAND AAAAAAAND! I now have no time to play on .//hack.

And I have work tomorrow.

And I have to spend money on stuff that’s not for me.

And I need some new jeans but I have no way of getting them.

I’m really pissed off.


AND NOW THE FOOKIN INTERNET WON’T WORK!!!! (I’m doing this on word)

 The logged in version 

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