^^ Well, today's the day. [~Legato~] and I are leaving for a month long (or so) trip to her Grandparents farm in Georgia. 0_o;; We should be able to get online at night and stuff, but don't everyone freak out if we don't. X3
I'm comming back the 18th of June, and [~Legato~]'s comming back the 1st of July. =_=;; Appearantly I'm not welcome after 2 weeks. ((The 3'rd week, we'll spend at camp. THERE we won't be able to have internet access for sure. >.<))
:3 So anyway, yeap. That's about it. Pray that we don't get eaten alive by rabid aligators or wildcats. ^-^ If anyone desperately desperately needs to contact me, (ex: my character in the rp is in a fatal situation..) my cell phone number is:
[~Legato~]'s cell # is:
;) Allrighty. Well. As far as I can see, we'll see everyone here once we get up there. (We'll be gone today, though. Don't teleports yet.) :P
If there's one thing I've learned these past few months, it's that Shallowness is mankind's worst epidemic, and Ego is it's overlord. It is a virus. You cannot break it. No matter how hard you may try. It just festers there, like a fungus, and won't let go. It is soley up to you wether or not you want to devote enough strength to casting it out. Sadly, most of those people are too weak.
I've learned that not everyone knows what it's like to fight for your sanity. Some people have just grown up with their perfected lives gifted to them on a silver platter, all neatly layed out like a dinner table. Of course they wouldn't understand. You have to weather the storm to know it. However unfortunate it may be, many of them will not be dignified enough to admit it.
Then there are those who have weathered the storm; who know they don't know everything. These are the people who have a mind of thier own, and use it. Not to thier benefit, but to the benefit of everyone. These are your true friends. The ones you can always count on to be there next to you. These are the ones that will weather the storm with you.
Birds of a feather flock together..
....if I make enough money....I CAN PAY OFF VASH'S BOUNTY!! And TAKE HIM HOOOOMMME!!!! ^^