Ok everyody. I'm terribly sorry for being gone for so long. But tonight, New Years' eve, I'm revamping everything. I won't let anything get in my way to neglect Elftown anymore.
In a word, I'm back.
I'm horribly, horribly sorry and must apologize to all of my roleplay comapnions. I just kind of let you suffer and rot, didn't I? Well I intend to fix that. If any of you would like to start a new roleplay with me, please don't hesitate to messege me. Once we get together a plot and storyline, I'll make another banner for it.
And to [Lerune] and the other mods; I'm really sorry I haven't been here to offer you any tips on un-origional artwork in peoples' houses. But as stated earlier, I'm back now.
So to sum it up, I really hope I haven't hurt my little neck of the community by my absence. u.u I've noticed all of the Trigun wikis haven't been getting much attention. They sort of became ghost towns. But I'll be revamping them. Hopefully, that will spark some old interest back into them. And maybe some new. ^_~
My Apologies To All
Some of you may have noticed that I'm not on here as frequently as I used to be. u.u And for that, I must say I am sorry. I feel terrible for leaving all my friends here hanging. I really must be more loyal to Elftown, as it will always be my first home on the net.
As to the reason why; well I'm not entirely sure exactly. I wouldn't say lack of interest. Not by any means. It's just that other things (Computer and real life) have been holding my attention lately. Some of those are simply hobbies and others are obligations. (School, etc.)
One of them is AngelsofGunsmo
But as I said, I will make it a point to get on Elftown more often. I'm afraid I just can't be on it constantly anymore.
If anyone would like to contact me, my AIM is DesolateOutlaw
Missing: </b>
Damnit! I swear to God, I have the worst time and luck with anti-anime artists. Anime is an art. It's a very beautiful, intracate form of art. WHY THE HELL CAN'T THEY RIP THEIR FUCKING EYES OPEN AND SEE THAT!? All of the 'prestegious' art colleges are full of snotty assinine art 'teachers' who would probably deny Piccasso if he applied.
Anime is not a simple form of art by any means. It is extreamly prescise and takes talent to accomplish. People just seem to automatically assume that it is an extreamly simple and easy form of art. So kids and non-artists, being mislead by this commonplace false belief, often times try to draw in this style. But let me make something clear: Triagnle heads, carrot noses, and upside-down U-shaped oversized eyes are not anime.
I'd like to see some of those ignorant idiots just TRY to turn out an actual, accurate anime piece. They'd be 20 billion leagues under the sea!
And anyway, all that to say: I might be kicked out of my art class.
Yes, that's right. You heard me. I might be kicked out. My new art teacher just happens to be one of those ignorant assholes that dislikes anime as an art with the utmost passion. Which is ok. My art teacher last year did too. Everyone has thier own opinions.
However, my art teacher last year, despite his distaste for it, let me follow my own goals and draw in my own style.
But Mrs. Brinkerhoff is different. She's extreamly set in her own ways and refuses to see any other ways. She will not accept ANY anime art turned in to her. At all. None. Zero. Ka-poof! NOTHING!
Now I'll level with her; if I'm asked to do, say a still life. Or perhaps an abstract peice; I'll gladly do them in that style.
But God damnit, when it comes to things like value and colour and different mediums, I want to do it in my own style. She can't just simply FORCE me to change my own style just because she doesn't like it! I couldn't care less whether she likes it or not. Hell! She's one of those snobby ignoramouses! The point is that I like it. It's my own style and it reflects my own feelings and persona. Not hers.
Anyway, when she was lecturing some students on how they themselves could not turn in any anime art because "anime is just copying someone else's style," it absolutely infuriated me, because she KNOWS that I draw in that style and how I feel about it. So of course, I ABRUPTLY called her down upon it and we debated a little.
Of course, she, like most other ignorant art teachers, pulled the old, "College Art Teachers will not accept anime as art" crap. But it was not only that that upset me, it was the way she put it: "College art teachers will IMMEDIATELY" (BIIIG emphasis on the "immediately") "FAIL you."
So I said, "Well you know what? THEY CAN KISS MY ASS!" Yes, I know I'm FAR too outwardly assertive. And as any respectable teacher would do, she said that she was going to send me to the Vice Principal's office. (Which she never did...go figure..)
After she was done with her little lecture on anti-anime-ism
Basically, she said: "I don't accept that kind of thing, blah blah...it's copying someone else's style, blah blah."
And so I implied: "....so you're not going to accept any of my work?"
There was a long pause and finally: "....yes. And if you have a problem with that, then we'll just have to talk to the Vice Principal about it."
Then the bell rang, after which I spent Spanish class in the bathroom trying to block my tears and calm myself.
So that's it. I have two choices:
1.) Either lay down like a dog, never draw anime in her classroom again, and accept that kind of disrespect to my art and culture.
Or 2.) Stand up for myself and get booted out of the class -a class in which I really need a credit for.
I'll admit, I have it pretty good. But sometimes, I hate my life.
The President just said 60 billion dollars!! XD
=D I'm sooo excited!! ^-------------
=3 Well...I haven't written a diary in forever, so I figured I'd write one.
I'm going for the Elftown Crew. (AKA, I'm trying to become a guard.=P) Please support me at Vash for Outlaw Guard! X3 if you feel...>3 I won't be too harsh on you if I make the position..
XD Anywho..I need lots of support. So if you believe I'm capable, please list your name on the supporters page. T.T
So...what's the news on this end of the line?
What the hell!?
It's the beggining of JULY!
The damn thing is miles out in the Gulf, and it's already a category four. Hurrican Ivan, which destroyed my house and devistated our area last September was a string cat three.
So what else?
Our area...ONCE AGAIN....is -SMACK- in the middle of the damn storm's projected path. You wanna see where I live? Flip on the Weather Channel and look in the dead middle of the projected path. Yeah. That's us.
So....needless to say, I'm probably not going to be able to get on in a while. Because, damnit if that storm is hitting home, I am -NOT- sticking around for it. X(
Phoenix, you'll be happy to know we're evacuating to Atlanta. XD
I have ONE word of advice for everyone that's in my area, or any of the areas potentially threatened by Dennis the Mennis; do NOT under-prepare for a hurricane. I learned my lesson last year with Ivan. It may not -look- like it's going to hurt you, but mother nature can always turn her knife on you. It's always better safe than sorry.
Well that's all I've got to say here. Blunt, and to-the-point. Wish me luck in trying to cram all of my life's possesions into a Nissan Maxima tomarrow.
I have a problem, some of you I'm sure have noticed. I am extreamly insecure sensitive. u.u Extreamly insecure. That's just how life taught me to be.
Are my worries real? Or are they just brought on and blown out of proportion by some phychological glitch? I worry that my over-sensitivi
I may seem brave,
I may seem strong,
But in truth I do in destiny belong
To my fears,
My tears,
The stream of lonely forgotten years,
That have replaced my dignity;
A dagger so jagged,
The fragments left behind,
Only cling at my soul to remind
Me of my shortcommings and imperfections
And tell me I'm negotiable;
That things will never stay the same;
The world changes,
The tides turn.
Black and white,
Grow easier to discern.
So life goes on.
Friendships grow,
in Destiny's bond.
Hopes and dreams tarry along.
And somewhere,
In the depths of my mind,
Sparks that little ping of horror
That I'll be left
>_O Allright, I figured I'd give everyone a "heads-up."
God has frowned on my evil ways and stricken me with Bronchitis and a Sinus infection. T.T So needless to say, I should be on - a lot. X3
o.o So um...just wanted to say that. X3 ^^;
*Sigh*...well. I'm back. Back from camp and [~Legato~]'s grandparents' house. We had a lot of fun. A lot of...."interes
-.- However, Kaylin's staying there another two weeks as her cousins visit. X{ And I'm stuck alone at home all day, 24/7 until she gets back. *Sob* I have MAJOR seperation anxiety right now. >.< I'm used to being with her every winking moment of my being. This is gonna be tough.
I miss my friend..
Here, I'm just banking on the hope that everyone will read my diary. So please read ahead, it's very important.
Ok. For the next week, [~Legato~] and I will be at Summer camp, so we won't be able to get on Elftown for that time.
We should be back Saturday night or Sunday morning.
For those of you in theRolePlay, please don't go too far without us!XD
We'll miss you guys. See ye in a week! ^.~
^^ Well, today's the day. [~Legato~] and I are leaving for a month long (or so) trip to her Grandparents farm in Georgia. 0_o;; We should be able to get online at night and stuff, but don't everyone freak out if we don't. X3
I'm comming back the 18th of June, and [~Legato~]'s comming back the 1st of July. =_=;; Appearantly I'm not welcome after 2 weeks. ((The 3'rd week, we'll spend at camp. THERE we won't be able to have internet access for sure. >.<))
:3 So anyway, yeap. That's about it. Pray that we don't get eaten alive by rabid aligators or wildcats. ^-^ If anyone desperately desperately needs to contact me, (ex: my character in the rp is in a fatal situation..) my cell phone number is:
[~Legato~]'s cell # is:
;) Allrighty. Well. As far as I can see, we'll see everyone here once we get up there. (We'll be gone today, though. Don't teleports yet.) :P
If there's one thing I've learned these past few months, it's that Shallowness is mankind's worst epidemic, and Ego is it's overlord. It is a virus. You cannot break it. No matter how hard you may try. It just festers there, like a fungus, and won't let go. It is soley up to you wether or not you want to devote enough strength to casting it out. Sadly, most of those people are too weak.
I've learned that not everyone knows what it's like to fight for your sanity. Some people have just grown up with their perfected lives gifted to them on a silver platter, all neatly layed out like a dinner table. Of course they wouldn't understand. You have to weather the storm to know it. However unfortunate it may be, many of them will not be dignified enough to admit it.
Then there are those who have weathered the storm; who know they don't know everything. These are the people who have a mind of thier own, and use it. Not to thier benefit, but to the benefit of everyone. These are your true friends. The ones you can always count on to be there next to you. These are the ones that will weather the storm with you.
Birds of a feather flock together..
....if I make enough money....I CAN PAY OFF VASH'S BOUNTY!! And TAKE HIM HOOOOMMME!!!! ^^