[jennbob.]'s diary

601805  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-06-18
Written: (6946 days ago)

I want to be there, every waking moment, making sure she's alright. I want to be there, at all times, keeping her safe, holding her tight.Is it wrong that I want to protect her ? To make her nightmares go away. To make the bad times seem not so bad. To make the good times seem greater than ever. She's been hurt before, as have we all. I want to make it so she never has to hurt again. Tears will be far from the surface, there will only be laughter and smiles. Tears will be locked away in some magical container, for she will no longer need them. Her screaming will fade away, only laughter and smiles. Blood red vision, turns to bright-ness. Sunny-days; happiness. I am overflowing with love to give her. My only problem is, she doesn't accept. She wishes to stay in her blood-drenched world, darkness overpowering her will to be happy. No laughter, no smiles. Only screaming and crying. I wish to take it all away, but how ? Things aren't as easy as they are in my dreams. I get scared. How do I help when I'm overpowered by fear ? How do I help her when she won't allow it ? How do I transform her blood-stained face back into its once beautiful form ? How can I turn her world back into the land of happiness in which she once lived... I can save myself, by saving her.

601802  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-06-18
Written: (6946 days ago)

You're like fucking poison. When I see you I get sick. I mean this not to be harsh, nor cruel. Simply to be honest. I'm sick because when I see you, my heart drops into my stomach. I get weak in the knees. I'm a nervous wreck. Is it wrong of me to want to impress you ? I can't look you in the eye, because I know you can see my face. Is it wrong of me to want you to love me ? You're like fucking poison. I mean this not to be brutal, nor to bring you down. Simply to be true to you, and myself as well. When I see you, I'm sick. Sick with undying love. Love that will never be broken, nor rendered.
Is it strange that I want to impress you ? Is it wrong that I love you, and wish for love in return ? You're like fucking poison. But, kill me, it will not. This, my beautiful poison, keeps me alive. This, my beautiful poison, keeps me breathing; keeps my hopes high. This...My beautiful poison.

566481  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-05-01
Written: (6993 days ago)

Love me, dear. But kill me on the way.

You never meant to hurt me, I know. So you ripped me apart instead, you tore my very soul to bits. Shattered my heart to pieces. Leaving me aching, and breathless. Is this what it is to love? To give somone so many feelings, feelings you could never give to another, give someone a part of you no one has ever seen, ALL of you - for that matter - , Only for them to rip and shred it from existance ? To tear every bit of you from their heart ? To leave you alone, struggling for something you though you once had. Love is reciprocal. Or is it ? It never seems that way, does it ? You give someone every bit of you -your mind, your body, your spirit, your soul -, but they never return those feelings. You're left alone and cold in the dark. Breaking more by the second, because you know that you're meant to be that way. You never meant to hurt me, I know. So, you shot me down instead. You're love is like a loaded gun to my head. Seeing it, knowing it, feeling it gives me the greatest fear. Yet, I am not afraid. Kill me, dear. Do it. Come on, you know you want to. I am not afraid. Because the feeling I get when I'm near you -be it reciprocal or not- is worth a thousand deaths. Love me, dear. I know it's not easy. Is it easier to kill ? No matter what you say, I know you will. Love me, dear. It's as simple as that. The feeling is like a fucking heart attack. Love me, dear. But kill me on the way. Because this feeling is unbearable - loving you this way.
565826  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-05-01
Written: (6994 days ago)

I hate this feeling. I go back and forth, from room to room. I smoke a million cigarettes, until I fall asleep. I say I'm gonna read a book, but never do. I eat everything. I'm on the internet for hours doing absolutely nothing. [I write things that don't make sense.] I bounce around, jump around, run, hop, skip - WHATEVER ! I make *layouts* like the dork I am. I put on clothes, just to look at them. I click everything on my computer just to see what's inside. I go through about a GA-JILLION channels on the T.V., to find there's absolutely nothing on. I play my keyboard, play with my camera. I talk to myself about nothing, really. I promise myself I'll take a shower, but don't. I walk aimlessly around the house, trying to find SOMETHING to do. I wait in anticipation for the big event tomorrow afternoon. [Band concert]. I can't stand this feeling. -BOREDOME ! 

-Strange ? I think not...

564193  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-04-29
Written: (6996 days ago)

Through The Smiles

I'm trapped in a box with locks and chains. No matter how I try, I can't escape. I've created a tiny torture chamber for myself. I'm being ripped apart, but no one can tell. I hide myself behind a plastic smile. I laugh, pretending everything's alright. But I cry at night, trapped in my little box again. Wondering where I will be when it all ends. The scars can be seen, but no one opens their eyes...They just laugh in my face when they see me cry. So I hide behind my plastic smile, pretending I'm O.K. for a while. I hold my tears, and stifle my screams. Despite my smiles, you'll still forget me. So I hide in my box, and let myself die. So, despite my smiles, you can see me cry.
559369  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-04-23
Written: (7001 days ago)

Stitch up my heart, where it's broken inside. Piece it back together, before my body dies.

I'll die waiting for your gentle touch. I'll hate myself for wanting you so much. I'll fade away, watching the fire in your eyes. Not caring that you did nothing to keep me alive.

Stitch up my heart with your needle and thread. Hello, Mr. Broken Heart. I seem to be dead.

I'll die waiting for your gentle touch. I'll hate myself for wanting you so much. I'll fade away, watching the fire in your eyes. Not caring that you did nothing to keep me alive.

Hurry, doctor. Before I go insane. Before the breaking of my heart incinerates my brain.

-By me !

532204  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-03-26
Written: (7030 days ago)

*Little Sister*  

I didn’t know you long,
But I loved you all the same.
And it broke my little heart
When you left us that day.

I didn’t cry,
For I was too young to understand.
Now I long for the sister I once had.

Everyday I wonder,
How it would be if you were here.
I would love you even more.
Sister, dear.

I’ve dreamed of teaching you
Everything I knew.
How to ride a bike,
And how to tie your shoes.

I wish to tell stories…
“My sister and I did this, that.”
I long for the memories.
We hadn’t the chance to have.

No one knew what was wrong.
Cancer…Is what’s in my mind.
And I’ve been searching all these years,
For something I’ll never find.

Someone to fill the void.
The void you left behind.
A sister whom I will love.
…But never find.

I love you Jainie.
And I miss you more each day.
All I can say is “If only.
If only you could come back to me.”

August 19, 1994-August 25, 1994

491936  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-02-10
Written: (7074 days ago)

It shall .::Never::. end

I fall more and more in love with you each day.
You bring the sun into my world of darkness and rain.
The love I once knew shattered, a disgrace.
But I find it again, in your beautiful face.
It seems a mystery to me, that I could love you so deeply.
This love shall last forever, for all eternity.
I thought my heart too broken, my mind too weak.
But you have brought all my strength and happiness back to me.
I envisioned myself to never love again.
But this love I have for you, it shall never end.

432414  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-12-02
Written: (7143 days ago)
Next in thread: 432577

Well,today was no good.Ashley and Carrie were walking around acting like THEY were going out.They wouldn't even talk to us.Ashley couldn't even look me in the eye.When she first got to school in the morning,she started crying...And Carrie started "Comforting" her.It's like she wanted pity.Why the fuck does SHE need pity.If she didn't want it to happen,she shouldn't have done it.And she was acting like she was pissed off at me the whole day! I didn't do a god damn thing. I sat in my room crying over her.And SHE needs pity! BULLSHIT! I don't know what's up...But I hate it.This is something I wrote yesterday after everything happened:

Something’s wrong with me, isn’t there? I’m impossible to love. I feel as if there is no hope for me. I can never hold on to a relationship, my heart always get broken in the end. I’m so emotional, I just can’t take it. I shouldn’t be complaining. I’m not perfect. I just desperately feel the need to be needed. To be wanted. To be loved. I have a much too fragile heart. The smallest thing can break it. The smallest things make me feel l like putting a bullet through my head. I’m too weak, I can’t take this. It’s just too hard. I want someone to hold me, and tell me everything’s alright. I want someone to tell me they love me, and actually stay by my side. I want to know that I have someone who will always be there to catch me when I fall. To make every waking moment feel like a paradise. Like there is nothing in the world that can faze me. I want to know that the small things I do can make them smile. It’s not only the need to be wanted. It’s the need to know that I can help. I feel as if I can’t do anything for anyone. As if everything I say is nonsense. As if everything I do is an idiocy. I feel completely…Useless.

431542  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-12-02
Written: (7144 days ago)

Well...Ashley broke up with me. I don't know what it is. I guess I'm just not loveable to people. It's probably my looks. I know I'm not pretty,but,I do have a heart,and that's good. I guess I'm just not supposed to be with anyone...I can never keep a relationship.I always think it's gonna go so great,but then it doesn't...I should probably just give up all together,there's no hope for me anyways.

430194  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-11-30
Written: (7145 days ago)

~The only thing worse than dying itself,is living a second of my life without you.The only thing better than immortality,is living a second of my life with you by my side.~

The only thing out there
keeping me alive,
is the sound of your voice,
the twinkle in your eye.

The only thing out there
that could take my life,
is knowing you're gone,
and I held the knife.

~I feel so powerless with this.You go through things people wouldn't even dream of. I want to help you,but I feel like there's nothing I can do to make it alright.~
            I <3 U!

429155  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-11-29
Written: (7146 days ago)

What's up with all the fucking homophobia? I have friends who know I'm a lesbian. They know about me & Ashley. Yet they still make stupid gay comments. They should know that it would piss me off. And it does! WTF does it matter? It's the same fucking thing. Two people...In love...Same sex...BAM! It turns into a huge thing. "It's disgusting. It's wrong." NO IT FUCKING ISN'T. So what if it "Goes against what God intended." I have news for you...Bitches. GOD DOENS'T FUCKING EXIST! Get your heads out of your asses, realize that there are things different than what you think, and fucking accept it. You're not the best thing in the whole god damn world. Just because you think it's wrong, doesn't mean it is. I understand that it's your opinion. But, JEEZ! Just GET OVER IT!

422099  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-11-23
Written: (7153 days ago)

I am at a high.I was talking to one of my old friends.Someone who just happens to be friends with Nikki,and goes to school with her.She was telling me that Nikki loves me to death.That she has my name on her binder,and that she always talks about me.It's really not a big deal,but it made me extremely happy.I told her to tell Nikki that she is the most beautiful person I have ever met in my entire life.I don't know if she is going to,but I hope so.Because she truly is.No one could possibly be as beatiful as she is...I love her soo much!!! And,I know she loves me..So,everything is great!!

399198  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-11-02
Written: (7173 days ago)
Next in thread: 429364

It's been a while.
Since I could
Hold my head up high.
And it's been a while
Since I first saw you.
And it's been a while
Since I could stand
On my own two feet again.
And it's ben a while
Since I could call you.

And everything I can't remember.
As fucked up as it all may seem.
The consequences that I've rendered.
I stretched myself beyond my means.

And it's been a while
Since I can say,
That I wasn't addicted and...
It's been a while
Since I can say,
I love myself as well and...
It's been a while
Since I've gone and fucked things up
Just like I always do.
And it's been a while.
But all that shit seems to disappear when I'm with you.

And everything I can't remember.
As fucked up as it all may seem.
The consequences that I've rendered.
I've gone and fucked things up again.

Why must I feel this way?
Just make this go away.
Just one more peaceful day.

And it's been a while
Since I could
Look at myself straight.
And it's been a while
Since I said I'm sorry.
And it's been a while
Since I've seen the way
The candles light your face.
And it's been a while
But I can still remember just the way you taste.

And everything I can't remember.
As fucked up as it all may seem
To be.
I know it's me.
I cannot blame this on my father.
He did the best he could for me.

And it's been a while.
Since I could
Hold my head up high.
And it's been a while.
Since I said I'm sorry.

**Dedicated to Ashley**

398100  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-11-01
Written: (7174 days ago)

Hola! Sorry you guys..I'll have the rest of my profile up,but right now...My computer is being a poop head.It does that alot. ::Punches computer screen:: Ahh..Much better.Lol.Well,don't think I forgot all about you..Really! That's the only thing it would let me put up.It was being so slow,YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW!! Lol.Well,it really pissed me off,so I'ma try it again later.And maybe it will work.Hopefully..

389996  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-10-25
Written: (7182 days ago)

David is fine!! He called,and he's home.He will most likely have to go to Laurelwood,but we're not sure yet.I found out that Kevin took one more Skittle than David did.So,he was,most likely,worse than David.He didn't have to go to the hospital though.Which is good.I got really happy
when me and Nikki were on the phone.She got her ears pierced a few more times. ..She said she put rainbow earring in one of them.And she was like "This one's for Jennifer." That made me feel good.And when we hung up,she said she loves me.We used to do that everytime we got off the phone,and I missed it.And she did it again.I was so happy! Just the feeling of her saying she loves me without me saying it first.I did say it,but that was earlier in the conversation.But,it made me SOOO happy!!! She knows I love her! I'm starting to realize that she loves me! I'm still having a few doubts,but I feel better about the whole thing.Me and my mom made up,too.We went to see a movie together.Which we don't do.That was the first time I've been to the movies in over two years.So,everything feels good.For now.I know I'll probably get my head all fucked up again.I know I'm probably exaggerating the whole thing..I hate feeling like this about her.I HATE IT!!! But,my head is fucked up.I guess my heart is fucked up too.I feel really bad about saying that about David in the letter I wrote her.Because of what happened.I dunno,I just realized that I was being a bitch about the whole thing.I really hope she doesn't get pissed when she reads is.IF she reads it that is...

389828  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-10-25
Written: (7182 days ago)

Holy shit! I just found out that David overdosed on Skittles...He had to go to the hospital,and they don't know if he is going to live.Yea,I only met him once,and I'm not very fond of him...But I'm still worried.Mostly about Nikki though.I hope she doesn't do anything stupid.Maybe this will make her realize that drugs aren't very good.I know that's a horrible thing to say,but...You know how it is.She is really upset.And her mom was being a bitch.So,yea.But...Yea...

388083  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2004-10-23
Written: (7184 days ago)
Next in thread: 388651

Things are starting to build up on me.We had a football game against Flowery Branch today.I was hoping Nikki would come,but of course,she didn't.So,I was upset the whole game.Afterwards,my mom starts bitching me out because she couldn't find me.She said that I snuck off to do drugs with my friend,Meredith,which isn't true AT ALL.And she starts lecturing me about drugs and shit.She said if I talked to her more,that MAYBE she could start trusting me.Then she gets pissed off at ME for telling her that she never believes me when I say something to her.And,how am I supposed to talk to her,when all she ever does is call me a liar,and we end up fighting? She should've been able to tell by the look on my face,that I was having a bad day.But,does she care? Nope.And when we get home,she threatens to ground me,for who KNOWS what.And I say "Why,because you keep calling me a liar?" And she yells at me some more! GAH! Why now? Why does this have to happen now? I have a best friend that doesn't care,and parents who treat me like a criminal.And stupid assholes at school who spread rumors that aren't true,and call us stupid names like DYKE and GOTHIC..GAH! Everything is just getting worse,and worse.And now,I feel like I'm gonna go insane.I dunno,but this is worse...It's adding on TOP of everything else...I don't know whether to be sad,depressed,pissed off...I always cry when I get like this,it makes me feel better.I guess,it's just a release or something.But now,they won't come out.My heart hurts so bad.It feels like it's gonna pop out of my chest.I wanna cry,I wanna scream...I want to leave,really.Get away from here....I hate it here.I feel so powerless.My parents don't help any.Nikki doesn't help any.The only person that really helps is Bethanie.Because I can talk to her,and she can relate.And I love that.Just now,everything is building up,and I can't stand it...

386224  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-10-21
Written: (7186 days ago)

This is weird.Whenever I think of Nikki,I get so upset.And usually,I end up crying.But I love thinking about her.Not the problems we are facing,but her,in general.I see her face in my mind.And it never goes away.It's stuck there.Reminding me that I can never be with her.It's an image that I can never erase.And I don't plan to any time soon.She is so beautiful.I can't get her out of my head.I have to fight the tears every time I do something for her.The poems,the stories,my diary entries.It's so hard not to cry.I go to bed each night wanting to call her up and tell her that I love her.Though she already knows,I just want to make her FEEL beautiful.Because she is.She is the most beautiful person I've ever seen.Inside and out.Though,with everything I've been saying,she may not seem beautiful,she truly is.She's a WONDERFUL friend,I just don't think she realizes what she's doing to me.

386100  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-10-20
Written: (7186 days ago)

I saw a little girl,
With hair of crimson red.
She began to cry,
And reached her hand out to me.

I asked what was wrong,
She shrugged.
She was blank,

The little girl fell over.
I saw the blood on her face.
Her crimson hair shone bright in the sun.
I knelt down beside her,
And to my surprise,
Her beautiful red hair
Lost all its life.
The crimson color was now black,like her soul.
Her limp,lifeless body
Lie there in the dust.
Who could she be?

I saw a little girl today...
And that little girl was me.

386099  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-10-20
Written: (7186 days ago)

Falling apart.
Drifting away.
Complete strangers
With nothing to say.

All the love for you.
There's nothing left for me.
I need the end
To set me free.

I see the knife
Laying there.
I pick it up.
My flesh,it tears.

The blood comes now.
What a horrid sight.
I fall to the ground
On my silent night.

 The logged in version 

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