[Baen]'s diary

492209  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-02-10
Written: (7063 days ago)

I had an interesting conversation with [NeverScape] which I figured I'd post here. Some background information: A friend gave me my very first rubber duck for christmas. We've never talked about rubber ducks, but hey, it's a fun presant. The day after, another friend gave me another rubber duck, without knowing of the previous gift. Some days later, my best friend got five glow-in-the-dark...rubber ducks in the mail, from [NeverScape]. My paranoid-gene kicked in...

Don't know if AM told you, but I'm convinced those duckies are evil. I got two duckies myself, from different people, and duckies is not something I usually get. Obviously, it's a conspiracy. They're just waiting for a good moment to do their evil. One of them even had horns. And the other one had cute blue flowers, which is worse. Clear sign of evil.

well, evill duckies they are.. covord in hearts just for disguise... I just thought they were a bit of fun... it's a bit weird to adhere evil properties to some strategically molded plastic..

They do glow in the dark you know... ;)

Yes, I know! Which is good, so you can see them when they come after you. Except that you can't, if you keep them locked down. Arg.

You'd be surprised of the things I can assign evil properties. I've had panick attacks in toy stores. I have witnesses. Anything can be evil, really, and when that many rubber ducks come into my life from different sources, seemingly by "coinsidence", I think it's prudent to be on my guard. Or in Italy.

lill inanimate plastic glow in the dark duck shaped pieces of plastic with hearts imprinted upon them, rarely get up and chase you... unless of course you're mean to them...

evil.. heh.. it's an emotion.. death things are without. But sometimes people enter into a condition where they project a whole variety of stuff onto unknowing victims/objects..

Actually, I don't see why inanimate things can't have feelings. It's thenevr been scientifically proven. And there are heaps of ways rubber ducks can be evil.

I can, by the strength of my fear, force the universe to make them evil, and perhaps also alive, which would be worse.

Or some force external from me and the duck can take posession of it. Of course, then it wouldn't technically be the duck which is evil, but when something is trying to kill you, I don't think you care about the details.

Maybe all rubber ducks are reincarnated people (or ants, whichever) who did wrong in their past life and are forced to be inaninmate, sentient rubber ducks until they are destroyed, at which point they come to haunt me for playing with them.

See? Endless possibilities for evil!

a thing is either on thing or the other, never two things at once.. so the inanimate (which in itself precludes it from doing anything) ducks aren't evil, the crushed souls inhabiting them are.. Furthermore you state they become evil after destroying.. which means... there is no duck...

Death by rubber ducky... basically this statement is teh same as the previous/next one.. reincarnated souls (which in my universe do not exist, but that';s another discussion) ar as external as things get.. And if it's a forceof nature, like a stron gust of wind, hurtling said ducklikepieceofrubber towards you at lethal speed... there's no evilness there...

you can convince yourself that things are evil by shere willpower.. can't argue whith that..

Inanimate at one moment doesn't mean it's inanimate at all times. The evil-duck-spirit within might just wait for a moment to awaken. There can be an ancient curse, bringing the ducks to life whenever someone's mean to it, or even just thinks about hurting it.

True that it's not the duck itself which is evil if it's posessed and then destroyed, but the duck will still be object through which the evil spirit has experienced me, and the prison which has kept it, and so it's the duck which I should fear, for if there was no duck in my posession, the evil probably wouldn't care about me.

And the wind could be evil. Working through the duck. Again, without said duck, I would be in no danger. It's the harm which might come through the duck which is the real essence of the problem.

And anyway, the duck could be just plain evil. Waiting to come alive. Or, a supernatural (evil) being, resting, after a long day of doing harm, in the form of a rubber duck. It's a myth that they're produced, they just appear in the store, longing for some rest and a bath and the soothing company of happy children (for all evil beings have a weakness) playing gently with it. And then, WHAM, along come I!

Or theres above mentioned scenario, except it's not resting, but lurking.

Yup, fear is your friend. It keeps you alive

492199  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-02-10
Written: (7063 days ago)

As good a place for this as any... Lists! Or...a list.

{ } Fallen for your best friend?
{x} Made out with JUST a friend?
{x} Made out with the same sex?
{x} Been rejected?
{x} Been in love?
{x} Been in lust?
{x} Used someone?
{ }Piercings?
{x} Been used?
{ } Been cheated on?
{x} Done something you regret?
{x} Considered a life of crime?
{x} Considered being a hooker?
{ } Considered being a pimp?
{ } Are you psycho?
{ } Split personalities?
{ } Schizophrenic?
{x} Obsessive?
{ } Racist?
{ } Obsessive compulsive?
{x} Dream of dead bodies, blood, death, and gore?
{x} Dream of doing those things instead of just seeing them?
{ } Understanding?
{x} Open-minded?
{x} Arrogant?
{x} Insecure?
{x} Interesting?
{ } Hungry?
{ } Friendly?
{x} Smart?
{x} Moody?
{x} Childish?
{x} Independent?
{ } Hard working?
{ } Organized?
{x} Healthy?
{ } Emotionally stable?
{x} Shy?
{x} Difficult?
{x} Attractive?
{X} Bored easily?
{ } Thirsty?
{ } Responsible?
{ } Sad?
{x} Happy?
{ } Trusting?
{x} Talkative?
{x} Original?
{ } Different?
{ } Unique?
{x} Lonely?
{/} Had a bad life? (Haven't we all, to some extent?)
{ } Have a bad life?
{x} Dye your hair? (Shhh...)
{ } Floss daily?
{ } Own a web cam?
{x} Ever get off the damn computer?
{/} Ever done a drug(s)?
{X} Ever drank alcohol?
{/}Suicidal? (Njeh... Which teen isn't? Eh, wasn't.)

287991  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-07-15
Written: (7273 days ago)
Next in thread: 288176, 316880, 716816

I would be very suprised if anyone ever actually reads this (and would also liked to know, merely out of curiosity). I know I never bother to read the diaries of people here, mainly because large amount of them consists entirely of "Oh, I'm so depressed, and GOTH, I should kill myself to spare those around me (depsite the fact that I'm really terribly cool, on account of being so GOTH, and so is merely misunderstood.). The darkness is my only friend (besides my other misunderstood friends, naturally, who like me are terribly original and special, which we show by dressing exactly the same).

And I'm fat.

I think I'll go hurt myself."     <---- DIE!

Don't think I don't pity those poor creatures. I used to SI. For years. I don't think it's a joking matter. I used to wear all black. For years. Made finding one sweater in the ocean of blackness that was my closet a real pain. I used to be depressed. Yes, you guessed it, for years. Even before the blackness and the cutting. You can actually be depressed without being *shutters* goth. AMAZING, huh?

Though I must say, all my attempts at gothness failed pretty fast, as I don't have that "let me suffer into eternity" spirit. Sad, really, since people seem to find walking around in constant gloom and moaning silently about their terrible fate to be so very rewarding. Am I missing something? Is being voluntarily depressed fun?

I know you will most likely say that people don't choose to be depressed. I'll agree. In some cases. Some people are simply depressed, unable to fight it off. Most people, however, choose to be. Yes, I said choose to be. PEOPLE CAN CHOOSE TO BE DEPRESSED. Like they can choose not to be.
But for some reason, people seem to be either completely unaware of this fact, or completely unwilling to do it.

From my diary: "I end up doing anything and everything EXCEPT studying, thus feeling incredibly guilty and depressed and thus avoiding studying even more. No, it doesn't make any sense, yes it's incredibly stupid, but I can't FUCKING HELP IT!

I realised today that self-destructiveness is like gravity. Once it's got a hold, it's VERY difficult to pull away from it. It just keep sucking you in, the bloody thing.
Of course, I usually tend to think that gravity is not so much a law of nature, as a general (entirely voluntary) good idea, but it is a very forcefull good idea, just like self destructiveness is a very forceful bad idea."

I'm all out of things to say, this was just a pointless rant, I didn't actually have a point to make, though it might have seemed that way. Well, only this. Depressed people should stop believing in gravity. It's a stupid thing, really. Probably some form of propaganda from evil squirrels. I blame Foamy! Go blame Foamy.

18038  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2003-04-01
Written: (7744 days ago)
Next in thread: 249601

I don't want to write in my diary, but I'm trying very hard to find reasons to stay online because I have other important things to do and I'm very very self destructive right now. Make any sence?
I have to study. I have an exam 2 months earlier than I'd thought, in 3 weeks, and I'm so not ready for it. So NOT ready for it! And of course, me being the self-destructive idiot that I am, I end up doing anything and everything EXCEPT studying, thus feeling incredibly guilty and depressed and thus avoiding studying even more. No, it doesn't make any sense, yes it's incredibly stupid, but I can't FUCKING HELP IT!

I realised today that self-destructiveness is like gravity. Once it's got a hold, it's VERY difficult to pull away from it. It just keep sucking you in, the bloody thing.
Of course, I usually tend to think that gravity is not in fact a natural law, just a good idea, but it is a very forcefull good idea, just like self destructiveness is a very forceful bad idea.

And I'm getting sucked in and it's getting harder and harder to pull away and I'm gonna utterly and completely fail my ENTIRELY voluntary exams, and be a complete and utter failure and have a miserable time.


Okay... Now if you're sitting there saying (assuming you're actually reading this) "Why on earth are you still writing? Why don't you just turn off the bloody computer and go study, for fucks sake?", I'll be compelled to punch your nose for telling me the truth.
Which I already know.
And it's not doing any good.
The truth is overrated.
I hate this.
Any good suggestions not involving the truth?

13442  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2003-03-09
Written: (7768 days ago)

I saw the best Formula 1 race ever today! It was so cool! *waves a McLaren Mercedes flag and cheers*

13006  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2003-03-07
Written: (7770 days ago)

Okay... I am a weak person! Weak weak! I'm just too easy to "lead astray". Like now. I'm really supposed to be studying. Even got two whole hours off from normal class every friday to study on my own. And here I am... *bad bad*

It's just that I always have such good reasons to do something else that I just can't argue with myself! And even though I have even better reasons for doing what I should, they just never seem to come up...

12580  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2003-03-04
Written: (7772 days ago)

Everybody hates me. No, of course I don't seriously think that, I'm not stupid. But I am being very paranoid, and at the moment the thought doesn't seem all that crazy. It did at the start of this paranoid period, and I ignored it expecting it to pass as usuall, and it didn't. And now I'm quite ready to believe it. My logic is failing me.

Even if everybody doesn't hate me (I know my mum doesn't, for one), they sure doesn't like me much. And you know what? I don't care if I'm being pathetic right now. I'm depressed, I bloody deserve to be pathetic.

And it seems every girl in school is thinking I'm after her boyfriend. WHY? Stop ruining my life!

I have never in my life been this normal, and never felt this WEIRD! I mean, positively freaky!
I miss my other weird friends.

The glass bubble is back. Haven't seen it since I was 13. Strange, once again I'm the only one who sees it. Well, I think they do, they just don't care enough. Let's just hope it doesn't go black. Depression black.

I'm going deaf. Speak louder.

8013  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2003-01-26
Written: (7809 days ago)

OH! A DIARY! What fun! *happy dance*

But whoever's going to read this? Why are you reading this? Tell me, tell me! *threatens with ... something unpleasant*

Okay, diary... Wanna know everything I did today? I made lots of waffles.

And this morning I woke up after a big party and felt surprisingly well and my first thought was "I want to go to the stable." So I did.
And I tried to lounge Rita the Horse to get her less stressed, but it didn't work. She kept following me like a puppy. Very annoying, but kinda cute. I think I need more practice, though. And I suspect we're getting another horse tomorrow. A small one judging by the bit. (This is the school stable I'm talking about, btw. Yay for living at school!)

But I'm sure you don't care about horses. Even cool ones. How about...well, no. Don't really have anything interresting to say besides horses today. Tomorrow maybe. I gotta go watch a video of the Spanish ridingschool in Wienna. Now that's cool. *poff*

 The logged in version 

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