Woooo!! My computer's going to be fixed soon (hopefully) If my mom buys the new hard drive today, I'll finally be able to get on the computer (besides at school)!!!!!
Why do we have the worst holidays. Also why do we make such a big deal out of them. Lets drop the crappy ones and leave the rest. What does Valentines day really have for people, except disappointment and sex. That's all it is now, depression and sex! GAH! I hate it. It's the holiday that succeeds in its mission to make you feel like crap, unwanted. It makes peoples self esteem even lower!!! It really needs to stop. Don't get me wrong I don't want everyone to think that sex is wrong or anything but I don't fucking think we need a holiday of depression!!!!
Screw new friends and fuck the old one may suck but the other blows (casey and I got bored at lunch, don't ask)
if your reading this then you suck and need to get a life