[Aislin's Aurari]'s diary

409135  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-11-11
Written: (7260 days ago)

I've got messages...from random people! I feel so loved! Now I can truly feel like I exist! Hahahaha, that was a good one.

396781  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-10-31
Written: (7271 days ago)

It's Halloween! I'm going with my little brother. He's batman & I'm a girl dressed in black with cat-ears. yay! I was gonna steal candy from little kids, but i have to go with the runt.
Went to the State Marching Band Competition in Haymarket, Virginia. MVHS got an Excellent rating! We were proud of ourselves, despite the fact that I knew we could have done better. But I did my best, & I'm very happy. bye!

 The logged in version 

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