Today I came to realize that "friends" are nothing but liars. I guess I thought that they would be there when I fell but they weren't. They watched as I fell and just stood there. I am always willing to catch any of them if they ever happen to fall from grace. I am always there for them to cry on my shoulder and I am fucking sick of it. I am sick of people hurting me then me forgiving them. Am I nothing but a door mat? Fuck all of them. I don't need any of those so called "Friends".
Today there is an OTEP concert in toledo!! My friend and I are going!! I am so excited! I get to see yet another kick ass band!
Today I was sitting in my living room when I heard Bush won! WTF is up with that? He wants to quit with the stem cell research and then wants to give tax breaks to the RICH PEOPLE!!! My dad works at a place that relys on the goverment grants! By this time next year my dad will lose his job! I wonder how such a man could win! People like that need to be put to sleep Permanently!!!
My parents left me*cries*. I came home from work and they weren't here! What kind of parents leave their children home alone? So now to keep myself entertained I am on here! How exciting!
Today is the election for the next twisted president! Yeah who really cares who is "running" our country?! It is not like our vote really matters! We could have another recount! I do not like BUSH or KERRY but I would vote for KERRY!