[BluePixie]'s diary

535520  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-03-29
Written: (7123 days ago)

still suffering an insane writers block. unfotunately, the only thing coming to me is shitty rage induced poetry with sub-par verbage and imagery. i need a new muse.
since my return from Florida, I have been behaving myself to excess, and since doing horribly bad and sinful things has been my only source of inspiration, I'm tapped out.
whats a girl to do?
seduce virgins? make hordes of straight women gay? drug someone and take advantage of them?
not in this lifetime
maybe I should just utilize my exceptionally overactive fantsay life and see what unravels from that.....
and if that doesn't work, it's time to go back to being bad.
I have been a bit bored lately.......maybe the kitten needs his ears scratched a bit? I do love to make him purrrrrr.....

534436  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-03-28
Written: (7124 days ago)

hmmm... need to write. something. anything. need to vent.
to someone who will never read this:
i despise you. i look at you, you snarky cocky son of a bitch, and i want to rip the fucking smirk right off your face.
but is it really you i hate?
ah, sadly, no.
i hate myself for letting you in. i hate that i didn't see your faults, just overlooked them in favor of viewing your hidden self, the sad and vulnerable you.
i hate that in my own way, i let myself love you
i hate that you don't care that i have been so cold to you. it only serves to remind me you never cared for me the way i stupidly let myself care for you.
you are a fucking waste of human life. an unfeeling selfish bastard. i wish i could rip out your black little heart and show it to you, make you realize what you really are, and watch the painful regret of being a waste of life cross your face before you collapse dead before me.
but i cannot make you see yourself for what you really are. and even if i could, i still would not be able to bear the pain that it would cause you.
i love hating you, and i hate loving you.
what the fuck am i to do with my sad self, but continue to ignore you and wish you would go away?
and, sadly enough, plot and pray for your downfall.....

 The logged in version 

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