[satyriasis]'s diary

460224  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-12-31
Written: (7374 days ago)

oh fuck. im such an idiot. why od i have to be paranoid!?!?! again listening to Cradle of Filth in a desperate attempt to raise my spirits. evrythings fucked up because of me yet again. :(

460210  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-12-31
Written: (7374 days ago)

i hate myself...

460201  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-12-31
Written: (7374 days ago)


457894  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-12-28
Written: (7377 days ago)

what a stupid twat i am...i deleted my profile in a state of melancholia and gloominess and now i have to remake the whole thing...grrrr.. :(

457635  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-12-28
Written: (7377 days ago)

:( six feet deep is the incision, in my heart that barless prison, discolours all with tunnel vision, sunsetter... nymphetamine............

457634  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-12-28
Written: (7377 days ago)

i hate myself and everything pertaining to myself...im feeling so shit at the moment and i dont really know why; noone ever is completely satisfied with themselves i guess but i truly loathe myself at the moment. i think its all the time without katherine reasuring me and instead having too much family around picking at every fucking bone they can find. its hardly my fault im not the perfect grandchild, cousin, son or whatever else. they're taking the insults bassed around my dress sense even further now, a nice new nickname...
i so nearly cut myself again today :( i woke up about eight and just laid in bed till twelve debating it and thinking. i didnt in the end though...
im listening to cradle of filth at the moment, (nymphetamine) its the best album i own-and i have a hell of a lot to choose from-it cheers me up immensley, i can really conect to and understand the lyrics i love cradle of filth...amazing band, just wish their tabs werent so complicated then maybe i could play them-mind you i am hopelessly shit at the guitar as well as everything else.........
and to add to everything im a complete burden on katherine, an impossibly heavy one she shouldnt have to put up with.

455826  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-12-26
Written: (7379 days ago)

fuck...i just lost my nicest earing! my grandad came up, took the piss and ruffled my hair and it fell out and i cant find it.... :(

455819  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-12-26
Written: (7379 days ago)

god i havent written for ages.....iv been distracted of late for many reasons, none of which are simple enough to write about now (one is in nymphettes diary though) this is my last day of being banned from seeing katherine. i cant wait to see her again. had a pretty good christmas, got pretty much what i asked for...

444398  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-12-14
Written: (7391 days ago)


443360  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-12-13
Written: (7392 days ago)

well....i had the worst day yesterday. i woke up and was sick a bit (well a lot). then i went to cyfr and cut myself...but it was a hell of a lot deeper than i expected blood was actually everywhere and it was about and inch or two wide! it went through all the skin and top layer of fatty shit and i had to go to hospital...saw two councellor people and finished at half 2!! i didnt sleep at all and i hadnt the night before so im knackered and im a bit light headed...and i have a cold!

442215  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-12-12
Written: (7393 days ago)

my dearest... i love you eternally. you dont fuck up at all and you mean the world to me. i am just a proud fool, who loves you immensly :)

katherine xxx

442121  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-12-12
Written: (7393 days ago)
Next in thread: 442209

i had the best evening on friday i have had for ages...and thn saturday was good too...i almost thought i would have a good weekend for once.

but then mother wanted to check my arms and we had a huge argument, i went to bed but didnt sleep at all. missed rigby because i wasn't feeling up to it (i really wanted to play today and i got up feeling shit and knackered). I hav shitloads of homework still to do im completly knackered and i have thrown up a few times already this morning...i just feel really shit physically and im not great mentally either :(

i think i am possibly the shittest boyfriend katherine could have...i have managed o fuck up more times in one conversation than most people do in one lifetime!

439350  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-12-09
Written: (7396 days ago)

:( had a brilliant day today....

438282  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-12-08
Written: (7397 days ago)

i hate myself...i feel like shit and i dont know why, i have these random things...have for a little while...will be fine then the next second i will just collapse into a void of self hate and depression, i dont understand...

and to make things worse my cd player just died, my cds are often what keeps me hanging on when i feel im losing my grip. :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

437107  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-12-07
Written: (7398 days ago)

got a nightmare before christmas t-shirt today!!! Oliver is being an arsehole...hes acting like yesterday never happened and walking into my room like hes some sort of fucking king! grrrrr...

435915  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-12-06
Written: (7399 days ago)

Firstly, i had two really hard matches this weekend, lost both, and am in lots of pain as a result...i got home and my mother has told me that im going to go back to the councellor wether i like it or not. At the moment im really low, and i dont even know why properly, and to make me feel even more like shit im upsetting other people that i care about and dragging a few precious people down as well...im a complete liability, great fucking friend i am. A while ago my brother was being an arsehole(hardly a rare occurance, he is CONSTANTLY having a go at me, taunting, testing, provoking me) so i closed the door on him (literally), harder than i intended, he fell over and started to cry then began to shout at me and he came out with loads of stuff about how shit a brother, how worthless as a person, how much better the family could have been...and he was completley right; before i started self harming i used to take my anger out on property or him, and have only hit him rarely since i have been self harm. Then he was telling me about i beat him up everyday(and he meant now, not in the past tense...and that it bollocks, the reason i hit in the first place was because i was always beaten b ymy father when i was young and did something wrong and thats just the way i have learnt, and everyoine knows how hard it is to get out of bad habits)! i barely touch him, i do my fucking best to avoid him...he went on to tell me how i had terrified my mother, which i guess i true, and then he told me i needed to get respect for other people...he doesnt understand anything, hes always been popular, hes clever, hes talented, hes good looking, he has always had thousands of friends, before mving to Ripon i think i had two or three, in total...people who were the opposite of friends, lots of those, but no friends...and i despose myself, im the shittest son/brother ANY family could have asked for, as for my friends at ripon they're just unlucky they met me. Maybe it would have been better if we had never moved, then i wouldnt have fucked up everyone elses lives. i AM a liability, despite a few great people trying to persuade me otherwise im not worth anything i dont deserve the support i get from my friends, friends i never deserved in the first place..... AAGH! and now im hearing things!!!! im going insane...I HATE MYSELF, WHY AM I LIKE THIS?!?!

425150  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-11-25
Written: (7410 days ago)

i had the shittest day yesterday (had to see a councellor about self harm) and this morning was just as bad...i felt like shit all morning :(

thankgod for katherine she managed to cheer me up at lunch AND pierced my ear again...its twice now but i want more...my parents are going to kill me when they find out. lol

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