[Zombie Suicide]'s diary

840103  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-08-18
Written: (6616 days ago)

Whoa Me and Lewis Talk AGIAN ^^
He's [Ask Me about my weiner] and i am [Uban Ninja Scratch]

Urban Ninja Scratch says:
Haha but i dont wanna ask aboot ur weiner XD
Ask me about my weiner says:
but you just did
Urban Ninja Scratch says:
Urban Ninja Scratch says:
i simply said i didn't wanna ask aboot it
Ask me about my weiner says:
ok well I will tell you, you are a pretty good friend anyway, I trust you
Urban Ninja Scratch says:
Urban Ninja Scratch says:
*feels loved to be told aboot weiners*
Urban Ninja Scratch says:
Ask me about my weiner says:

Ask me about my weiner says:
I seem to be pretty good at making you feel loved and making you have interest in weiners
Urban Ninja Scratch says:
haha Yupp
Ask me about my weiner says:
both of these seem to be good things
Urban Ninja Scratch says:
^^ yeah
Ask me about my weiner says:
maybe stop by sometime and me and my weiner can you feel loved? eh?
Urban Ninja Scratch says:
lmao sure why not lol..what was with the "eh?" are u canadian now?
Ask me about my weiner says:
I live in Northern Michigan
Urban Ninja Scratch says:
and that means what to me hahaha
Ask me about my weiner says:
do you know how close it is to Canada lol? the accents merage
Ask me about my weiner says:
Urban Ninja Scratch says:
oh i didn't know that..i'm "merging" with a canadian HAHA
Ask me about my weiner says:
like Sprint and Nextel
Urban Ninja Scratch says:
Just Like that....
Ask me about my weiner says:
YES, now lets merge, jesus come on
Urban Ninja Scratch says:

836447  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-08-09
Written: (6624 days ago)
833607  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-08-02
Written: (6631 days ago)

Kamelot(i love u Roy Khan)
March Of Mephisto

[with Shagrath from DIMMU BORGIR]


[English translation:]

[The fortune is smiling at our first effort,
let me lead you and you will be safe,
the voice of people, voice of god
for bigger glory of the god
to the infinity.

You know just who I am
Don't be so distant
Cause when you're lost
I am solely there to share your grief

Wailing for your sorrow
Is only my way to comfort you
Reminders of innocent youth
Waiting for morrow you're lonely
I name your solitude
I speaketh the truth

Now tell me all about your pain
Down to the detail
Don't say it's love
Your fragile heart feeds my contempt

Wailing for your sorrow
Is only my way to comfort you
Reminders of innocent youth
Waiting for morrow you're lonely
I name your solitude
I speaketh the truth

Chase the heathen call
We belong... you and I
Unison in all you deny

I am the thorn in your side
That seeks accomplishment
Reminding the mortal of death
I am the spore of your pride
An angel heaven sent
The master of all
I am the urge of the flesh

 The logged in version 

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