[choke_on_dreams]'s diary

514100  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-03-05
Written: (7080 days ago)

scene:[ okay this was in registeration and i was really really tired due to lack of sleep lol. And im like mumbeling something...]
mally: uuugg..uuaah...
hatty: lol
mally: *thinks*whats the time?
hatty: ten to nine
mally: no that wasnt the question *okay <- it sounds weird but its beause like, i was thinking of a question and it didnt come out right so i asked what the time was and um...*
hatty: *doing her 'i-think-your-retarded' face* Yes it was...
mally: *softly* It wasnt in my head...
hatty: well it Was in your voice

scene:[Mally observing rosalinds earings. like DEWD they were this funny coloured and everything....]
mally: OMG is that a picture of Jesus christ in them? *moves head closer before realising*...OH ITS MY REFLECTION. hah.

514097  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-03-05
Written: (7080 days ago)

in response to the previous entry. Im going to kill the bastard

But now that that is over with :) lets continue.
So im at my aunts house. and im so bored.


514094  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-03-05
Written: (7080 days ago)

I know this four year old girl.
shes as cute as a button
I was talking to her.

cried to me
They boy she liked broke her little heart.
She invited him over.
Instead of playing with her he played on the playstation with her brother.
he called her names

and then

ignored her

Isnt it sad. Her first experience with a boy.

</3and he broke her heart </3

513673  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-03-05
Written: (7080 days ago)

Im busy, you're Stupid.

have a nice day
513170  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-03-04
Written: (7081 days ago)

Somebody just sent me a msg saying:

[how original].
You know
[ no i dont, but im sure your going to tell me anyway] you are HATT
[okay. Imma hat.]
im onli messn
[learn to spell you illiterate fool]
[no. nobody is laughing]
im jkin
[is it really THAT difficult to write the word wholly. in its full spelling?]
its mah speshal way
[yes. very special]
of ritin hot but as in hatt
[no its not special. its just extreamly retarded. Hatt just sounds like a headwear, not anything remotley like the word 'hot'].
[its anyway]
i war doin dis tst on da computa wiv me bruvas

[for real nigga...lol 5O CENT YOU GOTTA LOVE UM. joking guys]
. and i got 89% Fuck monsta and 11% lova.
[100% asshole?].
what dya fink
[im just 'finking' about how to tell you how much of an asswipe you really are].
so ya your propa hatt and ide fuck u eny day
[trust me that wont be any time soon if i have anything to do with it].
How bout a lil cyba
[how about NO you crazy turkish bastard]
im prety gud at it.

[I'll bet you are]
*kiss your nec softly and slips fingars in your lil panties*
[*escapes your perverted hands, kicks you in the balls 5 times, and knocks you unconsciece with a slegehammer*]

ya want more?
jst mssg me bck pussy
you is one hatt pussy
[did he just call me a hatt pussy? yes. thought so. 'you is...' lmfao]
dun fink a guy like me wud be able to be anyfing serious wiv ya. i just wnt fun alrigt? how about rite now pussy >
[how about never?]
ide luv somat more to happen but i dun fink it will
[no your right. it wont]
Im into da devil and shit like dat, but ya seem gofick so its alight
nd ude b propa turnd on when i break dance
[yes because SATAN break dances- hatt]
red and blck ar my fave colourss
[whose asking?]
and u luk good in em
[how satanic]
rock on
[fuck off]
im propa horny now. you need to service me girl
[I need to stab you a couple of times]
write back as soon as pos pussy
[as soon as poss pussy>- POSS PUSSY]
or i mite jus cum now
[okay great. goodbye]
fuck me


513064  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-03-04
Written: (7081 days ago)

mally: *Super super concentrating*

*Friend keeps on and on and on coughing CONSTANTLY*

mally: *looks up sternly lol*
friend: im *cough* dying *Cough.....*
mally: Well could you please die silently

513045  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-03-04
Written: (7081 days ago)


its friday.
I had SUCH the amazingest day.


512590  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-03-04
Written: (7082 days ago)

You think you look strong because you are
holding on


Strength lies in
letting go...
512392  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-03-03
Written: (7082 days ago)

I showed my mom my underwear. She didnt actually freak out as much as i expected ([i buy underwear everytime i go out] I think that annoys her. possibly)


Especially if the underwears hawt

which it IS
512386  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-03-03
Written: (7082 days ago)

history presentation was a catastrophy

Its only History.

> . <


512380  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-03-03
Written: (7082 days ago)

today was Cold.


I've come to Realise that The later i sleep the better i feel in the mornings. And the earlier i sleep, the worse i feel in the mornings.

Thata my fucked up

body clock
for you :)


oh well.

On the bus. Usually i cant stand the loooong boringness. But latley ive really really enjoyed it. okay it sounds weird. But like, it gives me time to think and, i dont know - I like thinking :).

HAHAHAHAHA Drama was SO funny. Oh my i LOVE tom! haha. He just makes me laugh so much. And Ryan was just about to perform (well we are in a drama lesson Afterall) and He was like doing blowjob faces and things with his tongue to me: OKAY PEOPLE HE WAS DOING IT AS A JOKE.

We are FRIENDS. I just have lots of SeX-oBsEsSeD -bUt- sTiLl- vIrGiN friends.
so yeah
I was laughing so much.And then the rest of the class goes into Silence and go 'ewwwwwwww'

He was sitting directly opposite to my wonderfull friend matt and omg it was funny.


Maybe you just to be there- sorta thing.


512110  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-03-03
Written: (7082 days ago)

I hugged him.

martyn, i mean

=) <-- see the happyness

It was kinda odd actually. hehehe.

I said to him "Martyn can you come over here?"

And he was like "hmm?".

And i just 
looked at him
and said

"[Um this may seem a little weird but....]"

and i



For a little while until he said.

"yeah this is a little weird lol" and then i just looked at him smiled, and we both walked away.

511485  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-03-02
Written: (7083 days ago)
Next in thread: 516040

science was fun. Well just about as fun as physics can possibly get.

Im sitting with Dec and matt so you know, that makes it soooo much better.

Matt and I were like, going up to people and saying real seriously:

We need to tell you something, we are....





And then it was like

MALLY and I are....

[and theyde be like #what#?]

matt: you'll find out in 9 months time

bah. I Love Matt.
511412  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-03-02
Written: (7083 days ago)

Got the best underwear

511378  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-03-02
Written: (7083 days ago)

you know sometimes Life is FUCKED.

Like, okay lemme explain.

Last night my mom and


got into a fight.
No particular reason. Just
Yes i hate it when she does that. She somehow manages to bring up everything from the past and blaah.

So yeah it was like, somehow I told her that :

"I only do my homework for you so that YOU will be happy for me:"

And she was like:

"OH you do it for ME? Okay fine. I dont want you do homework anymore. Tomorow (which is now today) I want you to chat on Msn ALL evening. I will not Allow you to do any homework At all. "

If i dont do my homework im getting ike 5 detentions lol

So I have NO choice.

Okay MOM im doing it for ME not YOU. You are RIGHT.


So when usually im like, quickly shutting MSN down because my mom has just walked in, and getting a word document up so it looks like im working

Ive somehow im found my self, trying to hide the word doc with my homework in it, and quickly get MSN up.

Something is very Very
511368  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-03-02
Written: (7083 days ago)

Owe I miss martyn. =(

We had this Thing where he knew exactly what i was going to say.

Like...our conversation...:

me: Hey smelly
marty: Hey stinky
both of us: thats just mean. i hate you. whatever. Looser *both turn away at the same time*

It was Amazing lol.

apparantly im very predictable.


Its just the little things I miss.
I miss punching him.
I miss Singing cheesy pop songs to him.
I miss talking about really girly things
I miss telling how retarded he really is.
I miss beating the shit out of him. Because he cant do anything back to me:)
I miss blaah.

Infact Today, I walked passed him. And Hit him really hard.

He sort of turned around and said, in a sort of easy going voice.

"Did you just hit me!?!!"

I just smiled.

I think im going to hug him tomorow.

511364  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-03-02
Written: (7083 days ago)

I could tell you everything thats happened in the past few days.


Im too lazy

something interesting will probably happen while Im doing it anyways.

509540  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-03-01
Written: (7085 days ago)


so much has happened in the past umm i dont even know.


 more about that later

nighty nighty Souriya

may the angels be watching you 
508040  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-02-27
Written: (7086 days ago)



506342  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-02-26
Written: (7088 days ago)


I gotta go.

D a d
i s
b a c k


He wants me to get of the computer so i go to bed early so he can fuck my mom all night.

yet another sleepless night in my house....

He got so mad at me. He was in the toilet and He even GOT OUT of the toilet to shout at me

506271  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-02-25
Written: (7088 days ago)

Well today i slept in till

I am supposed to get up at like 7:32 ([possibly the LATEST hehehe i got a very strict schedual you see].

But meh.

The bus was late. It was SO COLD.

Dont you hate that? Well anyway hmmm the journy to school was fairly uneventfull. *yawn*.

very intersting conversation with james and emma about breasts. Well it kept me awake through chemistry


i actually understand some of this shit! I amd going to be a chemist. I swear. lol :P

I think he may have possibly forgotten about my re-test

 The logged in version 

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