[choke_on_dreams]'s diary

534544  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-03-28
Written: (7056 days ago)

I feel like being descriptive


As I stand here before you, in this most perfect moment. Heart in my hands and my hands at my side. I look gently into your eyes. We both are a mere breath apart from each other, I can smell your light musky scent as it gracefully wafts up to my senses. Closing my eyes just for the barest of minutes, I can feel your body and soul wrap around me, caressing each part of me, without even a single touch.

Slowly, I reach my hands up to your shoulders and slide it down carefully over your muscular yet gentle arms. I feel the hairs on my back race up and down my spine at our first touch. My stomach flutters delicately and I can taste the sweetest sent on my lips. The breeze swirling around us is placidly warm, but it has nothing to do with the heat that blazes a trail beneath the touch of my hands. I reach up to your shoulders climbing my fingers up the strong peaks.
I open my eyes quickly to find your eyes caressing mine, looking into me tenderly and eternally. You smile at me, as your eyes twinkle in the light. It was a smile treasured with promises to be kept. I felt my heart melt in the heat. I find myself smiling back despite any lingering nervousness that had melted into the breeze. My hand reaches out ward to touch your jaw line. Cupping it softly I feel an increase in pressure as you lean into my hand. I can feel the strength that belies your tender smile. Charily I lead your face down closer to mine. You lean in almost eagerly, yet leisurely. Your fingers slide onto the base of my hips and grip them towards you. My other hand joins your jaw and holds it affectionately. Eyes still open, I watch as your mouth descends towards mine. My heart catches on a breath as I realise what is about to ensue. I dab my lips with the pad of my tongue. Briefly, our lips brush, a whispered hint of a touch like a butterfly’s fluttering caress. I draw back slightly looking into your deep eyes spiralling away into oblivion. I smile secretly and lean back towards your lips. Then I softly trace your upper lip with the warm wet tip of my tongue. You’re not expecting this and I hear your breath catch as your chest stills. I run my tongue, just the tip, dappling it around the fullness of your upper lip, carving it around the corner and tracing along your lower lip. You taste wonderful; a hint of a musky sent as it slithers along my lips.

I hear a subtle groan as my tongue delves a little deeper and runs its soft touch across the pearl smoothness of your teeth. And there, between my teeth, I affectionately nip down on your lower lip. Instantly, I release it and suckle it between my lips, softly kissing away any traces of sharpness from my biting. I stroke the silky inner lining of the lower lip then slither it towards your upper lip.

You still seem content to play the part of the willing victim, held savagely in hostage, allowing me to explore the warm wet recess of your mouth to all my hearts content. My tongue presses deeper, intertwining with your, dipping it down to glide between your bottom teeth and lip and back to the inner reaches of heaven. Our lips brush against each other as my hands pull your head closer and I press my body tightly to yours. Our hips merge into one set, our hearts beat in one rhythm, our tongues twirl and side step each other like graceful ballroom dancers. I open my eyes and find you looking into mine once more. My heart skips a beat as I see joy and passion in a powerful fusion flare from your eyes. I know what your body desires and I know it is I. I no longer hear the birds flitting from tree to tree; I no longer hear any sounds of nature, save for the quickening of our breath in search for air. Slowly my eyes close again, savouring and devouring your taste savagely like a fine wine, sweeter, richer and deeper in taste. 
My hands sashay down your face, over your shoulders and around the hard smoothness of your back. Tight and muscular, you hold a strength that may frighten some, but for me, I know of your gentleness and I am not afraid. Hungrily, I dance my tongue against yours. I accept your passions just as willingly. Your hands slip around my waist and I feel you tug at me, pulling me closer, pressing your hips firmly into mine. My hand moves quickly to the back of your head and pull your mouth close as I can get you. You respond by deepening your tongue to mine and I am lost in you.

Slowly, ever so slowly, the kiss softens, our breathing deeps and our gasps subdue. I pull back and looking into your eyes once again. I see a reflection, tinted in passion that my heart recognises. Never have I heard the stars above me explode; never have I heard the storm less thunder, but with you, with this kiss, I have. I feel the electricity rushing through my veins, bleeding out my lips into yours. I see in your eyes the wonder I feel, the fear of losing myself totally to somebody I barely know, to someone I’ve known all my life.
Together we share a small breathless laugh. You run your fingers through your hair and I look away, confused, joyful, touched, full of passion and doubt. You hold your arms out to me, I move into your gentle embrace and slowly our lips move towards each other once more.
You take me away…

534362  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-03-28
Written: (7057 days ago)

Vag gotta hickey on her head

oh wait. she got hit on the head

BUT its still a hickey
533700  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-03-27
Written: (7057 days ago)

me: uuggghhh. I need to close the door *Silence*
susie: yes that would involve getting off your arse and using your legs to munouver yourself towards the door.

533686  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-03-27
Written: (7057 days ago)

today we went to drayton mannor park.



so little time.

okay you know what? I feel like typing in a big chunk of text. I dont care if its not Artistic (okay i cant stop) or if its not as easy to read. Im onna good keyboard and its fun to type fast and continuously instead of pausing every 2nd word to change the boldness, itallicness and underlineness and um
cool looking textness
of my writing. I mean, yeah it looks hawt (omg i just cant stop) but Its so frustrating.

and I like this keyboard

Maybe tomorow.eh?

Well today Got up and left for the theme parky thing with the whole fam yo ( yo yo yo im a rapper). uh huh. Twas pretty fun actually. ONly the maleeess came, so yeah. Went a lots and lots of rides. :o OMG. stand up rollercoaster (7 times. COME on) and this really high beast of a ride which took you up and dropped you. (which was so not as bad as i thought, compared to how afraid i was of it) (only three times. but still).

hehe. I felt so darish. haha. darish. No actually, im feeling proud of myself because I did something i didnt think i could do, even if it is something as insignificant as a ride or something. it was still a big deal for me you know? lol. hehe.

ew there were these 17 year old chavs ALL over the freaking place. it was like. omg. help. Anyway, all of them with the cigs in their hands smoking. so i was like :
"Exxxuuuuse me, somepeople dont appreaciate being SMOKED upon. some people dont appreciate being ASHED apon".

I think they got the hint. but hey, im just a little girl. they probably carry knives with them. IM still a long way from reaching world peace, but still...me is getting closer everyday.

Okay so we got home. it was FREEZING outside and my the ladieees of the household wernt back with the key so like, we had to die in the car of coldness until they got home from the movies :) Life is peachy. I went to the toilet straight away and tried to un numb my feet. that took some time. Got changed into some warm clothing :P and then I...okay im going into too much detail eh?

uuggg. dad got pissed of at me. again. nothing new there. okay, so we got on this babies ride( and i mean baby ride) and like i got in my seat and bar thing came down to keep me in place. and my brothers like, heey where am i sposed to go. and im like, uh , im not sure now, go to another carraige thing. i mean. its NOT hard.

so he storms off the entire ride.

okay. whatever.

and then my dads like "why didnt you give your seat to him bla bla bla"

and im like. what would you hve liked me to ripepd the belting off of me and pranced of the ride?


not stupid face ^^ angry face ^^

ah well.

Im used to it now.
hes leaving tomorow for london again. (yay). so its just mom, kiran and me. Its okay I guess. moms getting a little worse but its nothing i cant handle you know?


well its 12:06 now.

or 11:06.

I never understood this stupid clocks changing thing.

it just confuses me.

Why must britain be so difficult.

I need to get out of this placehole.
place hole.

reminds me off :

mally: where you going?
izzy: to ilkly moor
mally: whats that?
izzy: its a place
mally: and whats that?
izzy: *silence* did you just ask me what a place was?

> << >> << >> << >> << >> << >> << >> << >>

anyway. im bored now.

smells like teen spirit

is on tv.

I would go look but. That would involve removing my ass from the chair, and using my legs to manouver myself down the huge staircase. open like 2 doors and then sit down.

By which time the song is probably gona be over.

hardly seems worth it.


omFg. i LOVE being lazy sometimes.

friend: life is hard
mally:compared to what exactly.

true though eh?

533679  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-03-27
Written: (7057 days ago)


Because I would die for you

And I like being dramatic
533678  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-03-27
Written: (7057 days ago)

Susie: *Starting to talk about something* My body...

haha. I love her really

531999  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-03-25
Written: (7060 days ago)
531992  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-03-25
Written: (7060 days ago)

Got my eyebrows plucked threaded and waxed

It felt like fucking...


I dont want to talk about it

My face feels like its melting.

oh well. I feel a little prettier.

I came home and Slept And i just woke up some time ago.

muy stomach feels like its going to cannabalise itself.

Listening to jeff bluckley. XDXDXDXDXD.

hmmm eating youghurt. Kinda lumpy though.

Kinda Gross.

FUCK fucking, eew FUCK. im pissed off. OKay chriss KEEPS talking to me and my fucking puter is crashing so i say to him

["I cant talk now im really sorry my puter is crashing ill talk to you when itsokay"]


["Im really really busy !! im sorry ill talk to you some time, byebye xx"]

but he keeps fucking talking to me

and my entire puter is just fucking dying. WHY CANT HE UNDERSTAND.

I KNOW IM BEING A MEAN BITCH but i dont know

what else to do

he just doesnt listen

He keeps sending me pointless msgs like

["hey im back. not tht you noticed. okay let me talk to myself. hi chris, how are you, oh im fine thanks, and you?...."]

and it goes on and on and onnnnnn

you did this to me

haha faker
531986  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-03-25
Written: (7060 days ago)

Got my eyebrows plucked threaded and waxed

It felt like fucking...


I dont want to talk about it

My face feels like its melting.

oh well. I feel a little prettier.

I came home and Slept And i just woke up some time ago.

muy stomach feels like its going to cannabalise itself.

Listening to jeff bluckley. XDXDXDXDXD.

531237  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-03-24
Written: (7060 days ago)

Our cleaners came over today.

anyway i dropped my cheerios all over the mopped floor.


dont worry i cleaned it

Felt kinda bad though.

Mom actually hasnt lectured me today.


okay maybe a little one. But its little [I can so handle that].

bertie called today. izzy called today. vag called today.

im so fucking popular



Im joking.

David keeps asking me to forgive him. to be honest I hate staying mad at people. It takes up too much energy.

I will never understand why he did what he did.

But theres no use hating him for it.

Im not going to get anything out of it.

Maybe the satisfaction of punching his Face in. But thats only a "short term high".

 gotta put things into perspective

I woke up today to the joyous ringing of my phone.

It fucking scared the shit out of me.

I didnt know what was going on.

Reminds me of the time when i slept in for school and i get a phone call from vag.

vag: MALLY
me: um who I..what?
me: I..I..dont know?
vag: you dont know?
me: um I
vag: no listen, why arnt you at school?
me: I..dont..dont know?
vag: are you coming to school?
me: i dont know :S
vag: what are you doing?
me: I I I dont know?
vag: omg youre hopeles...

As you can see it took some time before i gotta hold of things.

531236  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-03-24
Written: (7060 days ago)

bored out of my fucking mind

I spoke to chris today. im trying.

best conversation with nick EVAR

bored out of my fucking mind
531173  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-03-24
Written: (7060 days ago)

I have the right to remain silent

But I choose to speak
531127  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-03-24
Written: (7061 days ago)


I cant be bothered writing in this thing today.


maybe later.

Love from mally


531125  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-03-24
Written: (7061 days ago)

bad day
529980  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-03-23
Written: (7062 days ago)

Im going out soon.

Moms not here to take me!


she was supposed to be here half an hour ago.

oh well.

Punctuality doesnt run in the family.

hmm. I just called james and told him i maybe a little late



529395  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-03-22
Written: (7063 days ago)


Thats just gross

529130  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-03-22
Written: (7063 days ago)

I just realised that exams are sooner than I expected

528395  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-03-21
Written: (7063 days ago)

Nick I love you

I love you
I love you
I love you
I love you
I love you

I love you
I love you
I love you
I love you
I love you

I love you
I love you
I love you
I love you
I love you

I know you're reading this now, smiling to yourself. And that smile just got bigger because I know exactly what you're doing. You're probably moving in closer towards the computer screen, and reading it through again and again, just to savour each word :P
if Im online you're gonna msg me....

and tell me you love me


Youre gonna Sit back in youre chair, and smile that Amazing smile of yours. The smile that you always smile when I tell you I love you. And You'll Sigh softly and look at the computer screen one more time.

Then you'll probably read it through once more...

just because...

Nick I love you
528391  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-03-21
Written: (7064 days ago)

Take me as I am
528102  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-03-21
Written: (7064 days ago)

Brother: Hi
me: *Stares blankly*
brother: you've turned evil again havnt you?


mom: righty mateys....
me: ew mom dont talk like that
mom: whaaat!
me: that is SO not cool
mom: if one of your friends mom's talked like that, you would say they were 'cool'...
mom: you WOULD TOO
me: okay fine, but you sound stoooopid
mom: why!
me: you're trrrrying too hard
mom: sooo...youre saying you like me the way i AM
me: *Stares blankly* no im saying youre weird
mom: hahahaha
me: hahahaha

^_^ one of our conversations todaysees


[we're walking back from david loyds and my moms says:]

mom: I want a thong
me: Whaaaat??!?!?!?!?!??!?!
mom: hmm yeah, im going to buy one., just to see what it feels like
me: mom, please dont.
mom: why not!
me: because, thats morally wrong. you're,my mother. youre OLLLLD
mom: im not THAT old. anyway why cant old people where thongs
me: *Cringes* ewwww *Shudders*
mom: well you always wear them
me: and youre point IS?
mom: I want to try one. buy one for me
me: hahahah there imma buy you the one saying "sexy sixty" on the front.
mom: ewww MALL
me: *laughing* haha mom, please NO
mom: no im being serious
me: I KNOW THAT. that's why its freaking me out
mom: why is it freaking you out so much
me: eeww images
mom: i actually have a small bum
me: mom STOP
mom: no really, Im only a size...
me: MOM
mom: Im going to start wearing really sexy nightwear...like you
me: NOOO
mom: like that little see through pink thing you have
me: mom please no
mom: I like the feel of satan against my skin
me: great but please doooooooont
mom: why NOT
mom: fine ill buy it myself
me: FINE
mom: FINE
me: can i choose the colour pleaseeeeeeee? *Smiles innocently*



528100  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-03-21
Written: (7064 days ago)

I can tell by your eyes that you've probably been crying forever
and the stars in the sky mean nothing to you, they're a mirror

I dont want to talk about it.

 The logged in version 

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