[choke_on_dreams]'s diary

541728  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-04-04
Written: (7049 days ago)

Im sorry. I have a 

His name is Nicholas

He is So beautiful

all mine
541369  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-04-04
Written: (7050 days ago)

Yah sure my opinions may have changed.

But not the fact that I am right.

annoying person: malllly why are you being so anti-social
me: i am not antisocial. I just hate you.

me: *mummebling*

[someone tries talking to me]

me:. Hello. Conversation going on here. dont talk to me when im trying to talk to myself


If it doesnt fit, force it, if it breaks.

it needed replacing anyways

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Some poems rhyme
but not mine.


Uggh. History esssay.

going okay thanks for asking.

imma just thinking of when everybody came around, it was so funny.

My moms always wondering why I have to stay up so late to do "homework". When II'm really just talking to nicholas on msn.


Anyways, i got my friends to cover for me when they came over, and just say that they also stay up to the ridicules hours of the mornining.

hatty just takes it a step too far.


mom: So how much sleep do you guys get usually?
izzy: hmm coouple of hours :)
rosie: yah same here
hatty</b: I just dont sleep

([the best part was was how casually she said it....i cant describe it. She just shrugged as was like, yah no biggie..])

: So what time do you go to bed?
izzy: Two or three?
vag: yeah two to three thrity? sometimes four
hatty: *in all seriousness* I go to sleep at seven am.


me: you know hatty, theres over the top, and THEN theres you.

541365  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-04-04
Written: (7050 days ago)

emailing is fun.

541264  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-04-04
Written: (7050 days ago)

I woke up just now.

Its 14:02

540736  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-04-03
Written: (7050 days ago)

homework to do before tuesday(that i can think of right now:

[+] English essay ------------ 30 minutes max if i try really hard. It would help if i had the book or the sheet. Right now i have neither. note to self: this may pose as a problem at a later date.
[+] History essay------------- 10000 hours minimum. This Will pose as a problem
[+] Chemistry coursework---- No fucking idea. blah. ask matt. 10 minutes
[+] Biology revision-----------eww. half an hour i guess
[+] Media evaluation----------An hour? But its in for wednesday anyways.

fuck me
539665  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-04-03
Written: (7051 days ago)

If you wish, you may disguise your hAndwRitiNg.

539642  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-04-02
Written: (7051 days ago)


Why is elftown looking very fucked today?

539372  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-04-02
Written: (7052 days ago)

money cannot buy happiness It can however rent it

time is a great teacher

unfortunatley it sometimes kills its pupils

[You take my breath away]

I was watching the most Retardest programme on tv. Ever. Just made me realise that Television has raised writing on to a NEW LOW

know thyself? Man. If I knew myself i'de run away

Im feeling really bruised today. I dont know why. Its like, everything just hurts and what doesnt hurt just doesnt work.

I like children

properly cooked

uggg. School starts on umm tuesday. Not looking forward to it.

You can lead mally to the school. But you cannot make her think.

You know guys, the truth is not always the same as the majorities decision. majority can just mean all the fools are on the same side.

dont give up

538904  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-04-02
Written: (7052 days ago)


mally: MATT. YOU CAME (he wasnt going to come but he was here so i was happeh)
matt: yah i know, no need to rub it in
phil: no matt, if you rub it in, you'll NEVER get the stain off

izzy: mally. are you a sperm whale?

omg guys it was so much fun.

We watched ten minutes of porn.

SO not worth it

We danced around in underwear.

SO worth it

Listened to britney spears.

So worth it

Wrestled Matt and Phill to the ground until they almost cried.

So definatly worth it.

Taught Phil to dance.

now that was just Funny

Filled vag's top full of sooo much shit.



hatty is awake at like SO EARLY IN THE MORNING...

hatty: the best things happen in the day. the early bird catches the worm


537100  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-03-31
Written: (7054 days ago)


Its 10:59.am.

I just woke up. People coming over in um...half an hour.

i cant be bothered moving.


536493  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-03-30
Written: (7054 days ago)

Now here's a song everybody knows


Even if they hate it.

At first i was Afraid.

I was petrified.

Kept thinking I could never live without you by my side.

But I spent so many nights

thinking how you did me wrong

I grew s t r o n g

I learned how to carry on

and so you're back

from outer s p a c e

I just walked in to find you here

with that sad look upon your face

I should have changed my stupid lock

I should have made you leave your key

If I had known for just one second

you'd be back to bother me

Go on now go walk out the door

just turn around now

'cause you're not welcome anymore

weren't you the one who tried to hurt me with goodbye

you think I'd crumble

you think I'd lay down and die

Oh no, not I

I will survive

as long as i know how to love

I know I will stay alive

I've got all my life to live

I've got all my love to give

and I'll survive

I will survive


 the bohemian Rhapsody
is an incredibly weird song.

But then again so are most of the beautiful things in life.
536486  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-03-30
Written: (7054 days ago)

 people I need to talk to:






[+]Chris (ask chris to talk to scott. blah)


[+]Nick ([just because....no particular reason. I love him? yewp. thats good enough
for me skippy. hehehe])

OKay. how am I going to do This?

536480  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-03-30
Written: (7054 days ago)

May your Smile shine on

Get out
536479  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-03-30
Written: (7054 days ago)

hold on

dont be scared

536078  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-03-30
Written: (7055 days ago)

Feeling kinda italic today.

Went to bed at 4:30 last night.

woke up one an a half hours ago.

1:15 pm.

I feel proud.

its been a productive day.

I think so.


had pancakes for breakfast. Harriet called me so we talked for some time....

Forgot to call vag back last night :O *uh oh*

But i just cant be bothered lol.

ew james asked me to sleep over.

I said:


I dont think so buddy.

Friends coming over tomorow and sleeping!

yay. I really need to tell them details though.

mabe like 50 percent of them know that its at my place tomorow.

the others have no fucking clue.

I should really think about telling them.


<i>...after this song...<

Ew. james is consistantly asking me what im doing every day of the week.

I need more excuses.

ew. help. ew.

YES PHIL IS ONLINE. okay. need to talk to him about tomorow.

hmm okay.

Im so not good at planning shit.

</i> okay enough italicness.

you know I love you really.

But I'm sorry....

Im moving on...


Im carrying this giant bag of shit. And it totally breaks and Falls all over the motherfucking floor. (i feel like swearing okay?),

Anyway. this guys like.

["Are you okay"]

and Im like:

"oh yes im GREAT. im over the bloody moon"



["Would you like some help?"]

Oh no. please just stand there motionless, fixated by my retardness.

once again



life is beautiful
535792  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-03-30
Written: (7055 days ago)

Ok. Just relax. Be calm.

Think of happy thoughts.
Ok, happy, happy, happy, I can sooooo do happy thoughts, what about that large easter egg I saw (ate) yesterday.hmmmm
All that chocolate


Ok, so maybe I did eat it. I didn’t even have a lot of it, just maybe half, and it wasn’t even

that big

And I totally remember resisting the t e m p t a t i o n last night, when there was no other scrap of food available for a quick midnight snack.


I remember. Chewing on that
tasteless celery stick. 
Hmmm healthy.

No, wait, I might have dreamt that.
Yep, dream confirmed,
I mean I wouldn’t have been eating a celery stick when Brad Pitt strutted up to me, followed by a menacingly large easter egg forcing me to
e a t  h i m 


all a figment of my imagination which flashed past me in a matter of minutes, and straight after I went back to sleep.

Or did I?

[(Although, why on earth wouldn’t Brad Pitt want me?) ]

This is kinda worrying now. Not a happy thought at all. Who on earth invented this stupid
happy thought syndrome? 

Peter Pan? Oh yes that shit head who dressed in tights and waltzed around thinking he was a child when all he was was a Michael Jackson in leggings after a dose of
e  c s t a s y

Although no offence to either Michael or Peter who were my childhood heroes.
‘Think happy thoughts to fly’ 
– yeah, right. But I don’t care about flying. Flying can wait.
It really can. 

535786  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-03-30
Written: (7055 days ago)

Please may I have a one way ticket to Nicholas please?
535511  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-03-29
Written: (7055 days ago)

I tripped over the cordless phone

Dont ask me why or how. I just did okay?
534648  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-03-28
Written: (7056 days ago)

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z 

heard it?

It reminds me when i first learnt how to spell my name. After all my peices of work, i would always have to ask the teacher to write my name on because i couldnt do it myself. So one day she gave me the a peice of paper folded up with my name written on it about 5 times in green pen. I took it home , feeling really great because it was like "homework". Only the big people did homework.

Anyway i got home and spent so long doing it in my neatest handwriting. And finally, the next day, i could spell my name. I went to school the next day and managed to write my name like 50 times on one worksheet. I was so proud.

I was always a good reader when i was small :) I was on orange books when i was in year two :O hahaha. I hated my year two teacher. she was so scary. But i loved reading.

I was an angel in the school play.

my mom took pictures of me looking pretty.

We read a story once about teh princess and the pea. I loved it so much. The teacher gave us just one pea each, to go home, place under our beds and see if we could feel it. If we could, we were princessess. I wanted to be a princess so bad.

so I got home, and all this time i had kept this ONE pea so safe in my hand. I got home and straight away went for the bedroom. I lifted the matress as high as i could (lol) but the boarding thing underneath it was like in stips. i couldnt find a place to balance it. so i spend like 1 hour doing that, until finally i got it into place. I quickly jumped into bed, waiting for the moment when i could finally say i was a princess. BUT....

I Couldnt feel it.

I cried so much that day. I STILL remember the pain of knowing that i wasnt a princess at all.

The next day my mom had to "explain" to my teacher (I insisted) that i couldnt feel the pea, but i was still a princess, and it was the beds fault.

I made her do it.

I stood beside her, crying, making sure she explained the WHOLE story.

Everybody else could feel the pea :(

Why couldnt I?

My mom and dad used to take me to the park all the time. And ide pick daisies:) We'de stay till sun set. it was SO beautiful.
When my brother was born, he never talked. ovbiously :P lol. I used to wish so hard that he would just magically grow big feet,climb up the stairs one day and start talking to me. Now its getting him to shut up that’s the trick.

I met my best friend Alice in year 4 I think. I loved her so much. I was so jealous of her. she was so beautiful. We used to fight ALL the time. but she was so cool. I wanted to be just like her.

But then we lost touch.

I miss her :(

She once wrote me a note saying . Malavika I lik you alot. you are my best friend..

I pointed out she spelled "like" wrong.

Then i hugged her told her i loved her too.

She taught me naughty words *Gasp* which ide go home and ask my mom about. haha.

534544  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-03-28
Written: (7056 days ago)

I feel like being descriptive


As I stand here before you, in this most perfect moment. Heart in my hands and my hands at my side. I look gently into your eyes. We both are a mere breath apart from each other, I can smell your light musky scent as it gracefully wafts up to my senses. Closing my eyes just for the barest of minutes, I can feel your body and soul wrap around me, caressing each part of me, without even a single touch.

Slowly, I reach my hands up to your shoulders and slide it down carefully over your muscular yet gentle arms. I feel the hairs on my back race up and down my spine at our first touch. My stomach flutters delicately and I can taste the sweetest sent on my lips. The breeze swirling around us is placidly warm, but it has nothing to do with the heat that blazes a trail beneath the touch of my hands. I reach up to your shoulders climbing my fingers up the strong peaks.
I open my eyes quickly to find your eyes caressing mine, looking into me tenderly and eternally. You smile at me, as your eyes twinkle in the light. It was a smile treasured with promises to be kept. I felt my heart melt in the heat. I find myself smiling back despite any lingering nervousness that had melted into the breeze. My hand reaches out ward to touch your jaw line. Cupping it softly I feel an increase in pressure as you lean into my hand. I can feel the strength that belies your tender smile. Charily I lead your face down closer to mine. You lean in almost eagerly, yet leisurely. Your fingers slide onto the base of my hips and grip them towards you. My other hand joins your jaw and holds it affectionately. Eyes still open, I watch as your mouth descends towards mine. My heart catches on a breath as I realise what is about to ensue. I dab my lips with the pad of my tongue. Briefly, our lips brush, a whispered hint of a touch like a butterfly’s fluttering caress. I draw back slightly looking into your deep eyes spiralling away into oblivion. I smile secretly and lean back towards your lips. Then I softly trace your upper lip with the warm wet tip of my tongue. You’re not expecting this and I hear your breath catch as your chest stills. I run my tongue, just the tip, dappling it around the fullness of your upper lip, carving it around the corner and tracing along your lower lip. You taste wonderful; a hint of a musky sent as it slithers along my lips.

I hear a subtle groan as my tongue delves a little deeper and runs its soft touch across the pearl smoothness of your teeth. And there, between my teeth, I affectionately nip down on your lower lip. Instantly, I release it and suckle it between my lips, softly kissing away any traces of sharpness from my biting. I stroke the silky inner lining of the lower lip then slither it towards your upper lip.

You still seem content to play the part of the willing victim, held savagely in hostage, allowing me to explore the warm wet recess of your mouth to all my hearts content. My tongue presses deeper, intertwining with your, dipping it down to glide between your bottom teeth and lip and back to the inner reaches of heaven. Our lips brush against each other as my hands pull your head closer and I press my body tightly to yours. Our hips merge into one set, our hearts beat in one rhythm, our tongues twirl and side step each other like graceful ballroom dancers. I open my eyes and find you looking into mine once more. My heart skips a beat as I see joy and passion in a powerful fusion flare from your eyes. I know what your body desires and I know it is I. I no longer hear the birds flitting from tree to tree; I no longer hear any sounds of nature, save for the quickening of our breath in search for air. Slowly my eyes close again, savouring and devouring your taste savagely like a fine wine, sweeter, richer and deeper in taste. 
My hands sashay down your face, over your shoulders and around the hard smoothness of your back. Tight and muscular, you hold a strength that may frighten some, but for me, I know of your gentleness and I am not afraid. Hungrily, I dance my tongue against yours. I accept your passions just as willingly. Your hands slip around my waist and I feel you tug at me, pulling me closer, pressing your hips firmly into mine. My hand moves quickly to the back of your head and pull your mouth close as I can get you. You respond by deepening your tongue to mine and I am lost in you.

Slowly, ever so slowly, the kiss softens, our breathing deeps and our gasps subdue. I pull back and looking into your eyes once again. I see a reflection, tinted in passion that my heart recognises. Never have I heard the stars above me explode; never have I heard the storm less thunder, but with you, with this kiss, I have. I feel the electricity rushing through my veins, bleeding out my lips into yours. I see in your eyes the wonder I feel, the fear of losing myself totally to somebody I barely know, to someone I’ve known all my life.
Together we share a small breathless laugh. You run your fingers through your hair and I look away, confused, joyful, touched, full of passion and doubt. You hold your arms out to me, I move into your gentle embrace and slowly our lips move towards each other once more.
You take me away…

534362  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-03-28
Written: (7057 days ago)

Vag gotta hickey on her head

oh wait. she got hit on the head

BUT its still a hickey
 The logged in version 

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