[choke_on_dreams]'s diary

542786  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-04-05
Written: (7048 days ago)

*_*Hehe piano went pretty well actually *_*

*_*I played one of my peices really well... *_*

*_* my piano teacher asked me to play at a concert this may*_*

*_* oh my gosh*_*

*_*I am a pianist *_*

*_*Love me *_*

*_* So much*_*

*_* Its cold in this house.*_*

*_* Where is the goddamned heating*_*

*_* This is england you know.*_*

*_* ugg. whats going on with this world. Anyway. Vag called.*_*

*_* Phil picked me up today. He sorta dislocated my ribs. ouch*_*

*_* Matt is so funny. he makes me giggle.*_*

*_* Religious education was so kewl. I poisoned Ians eyes with ink from his fountain pen.*_*

*_*He swore he would NEVER give me a fountain pen again. *_*

*_*Haha. we'll see about that *_*

*_*Exams in two weeks. uh oh speggetio.*_*

*_*How come i dont know these things ever? *_*

*_* EVER?*_*

542584  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-04-05
Written: (7049 days ago)
Next in thread: 542607

Spoke to David today. After a long time.
I simply said to him.

"David I am not going to continue i g n o r i n g you or disliking you, because quite frankly its a waste of my time and my energy. However, I what you did was low, Infact it was past low, but now its in the past. I dont know what you must have possibly got out of it. If it made you feel more important, involved or just good about yourself. It definatly didnt make me feel any of those things. But you know what?I hope that you felt like it was worth it."

He just said : "Im sorry Mally, but you cant go on like this.."

To which I replied.

["Trust me. I can. But I wont because you're right, its not worth it. Especially You. I can forgive you, but i cant forget it. Bye]

*And then i walked away*

I was so proud of myself. I didnt totally loose it. I didnt shout or [s. c . r . e. a. m]. I said eactly what i needed to say, and then left it.

Its just that I realised that theres no use constantly fighting. For what? Anyway? What do I really get out of making ascene? Sure, some attention maybe, and maybe i can realease some anger, but im just releasing it into another form. If i just let it go, accept it, and get on with my life, all the hurt or anger, or whatever i do, or did feel in me, can totally go. Instead of just being transfered or kept inside me.

I dont need attention.

I dont need to make a scene.

Although he pisses the Shit out of me. He was right. What is screaming about it really gonna do anyway? Nothing.

My point exactly

We just talked about it, I dont need to hear his petty excuses. I just told him what i needed to say, and that was the end of that. What else do I need?

I hope things are okay

Oh man. He's actually consuming teh most of my diary entry. fuck him

hmm well. today seemed to go pretty fast. I think. We have a new biology teacher who strangly resembles my uber tall P.E teacher - MR tiffany. who also looks like Buzz lightyear. His height is so amazing.

Ben and Matt are planning to camp out in my back garden soon.

mom might need to be notified about that.

Maths was boring. as usual. paid NO attention.

Matt and I had a conversation about masterbation. O_o. I think I Made MATTHEW BARTON BLUSH.

thats a big thing.

Blah. Izzy's new hair is hawt. Im so jealous.

New hair doesnt make me hawt. ew. But im happy.

Im feeling rather subdued today, as you might have probably noticed. If you know anything about me at all....or if your just a random person reading this right now. ~.HI.~.

But if you know me, and read this on a daily basis (mwhahah, im so kewl) then you might have noticed. heh.

Im not using pretty fonts. I gave up a while ago. heh. Well you can still Read cant you?

Media essay to do tonight. Im making a real effort with homework this half term. This half term is fucking EIGHT WEEKS LONG. dewd. I cant handle that shittttttt.

Last one was only 5. and suddenly they expect me to have another THREE and be totally okay with that? I think Not. Who do you think I am?

I need a shower. Maybe I'll wake up. hmm. after Piano lesson. Shit. I havnt practised. fuck.

542580  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-04-05
Written: (7049 days ago)

[In Religious education today, we were talking about prejudice against gays....because we do that sometimes O_O]

Teacher: Generally Gay men are more prejudiced against that gay women....

me: *super loud* YAH BUT GAY WOMEN ARE HAWT.

*everyone stares at me*

me: Im not a lesbian. Honestly.

[Kay this one we're talking about transvestites...I love R.E]

Teacher: So just imagine if one of your male teachers came to school in a dress...
me: Like you sir?
Teacher: *laughs a little* no not like me, i cant really imagine myself in a dress..
me: *loud* oooh I CAN


Ian:Mally please stop imagining him inna dress
me: *laughs* hahaha but i cant help it

541728  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-04-04
Written: (7049 days ago)

Im sorry. I have a 

His name is Nicholas

He is So beautiful

all mine
541369  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-04-04
Written: (7050 days ago)

Yah sure my opinions may have changed.

But not the fact that I am right.

annoying person: malllly why are you being so anti-social
me: i am not antisocial. I just hate you.

me: *mummebling*

[someone tries talking to me]

me:. Hello. Conversation going on here. dont talk to me when im trying to talk to myself


If it doesnt fit, force it, if it breaks.

it needed replacing anyways

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Some poems rhyme
but not mine.


Uggh. History esssay.

going okay thanks for asking.

imma just thinking of when everybody came around, it was so funny.

My moms always wondering why I have to stay up so late to do "homework". When II'm really just talking to nicholas on msn.


Anyways, i got my friends to cover for me when they came over, and just say that they also stay up to the ridicules hours of the mornining.

hatty just takes it a step too far.


mom: So how much sleep do you guys get usually?
izzy: hmm coouple of hours :)
rosie: yah same here
hatty</b: I just dont sleep

([the best part was was how casually she said it....i cant describe it. She just shrugged as was like, yah no biggie..])

: So what time do you go to bed?
izzy: Two or three?
vag: yeah two to three thrity? sometimes four
hatty: *in all seriousness* I go to sleep at seven am.


me: you know hatty, theres over the top, and THEN theres you.

541365  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-04-04
Written: (7050 days ago)

emailing is fun.

541264  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-04-04
Written: (7050 days ago)

I woke up just now.

Its 14:02

540736  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-04-03
Written: (7050 days ago)

homework to do before tuesday(that i can think of right now:

[+] English essay ------------ 30 minutes max if i try really hard. It would help if i had the book or the sheet. Right now i have neither. note to self: this may pose as a problem at a later date.
[+] History essay------------- 10000 hours minimum. This Will pose as a problem
[+] Chemistry coursework---- No fucking idea. blah. ask matt. 10 minutes
[+] Biology revision-----------eww. half an hour i guess
[+] Media evaluation----------An hour? But its in for wednesday anyways.

fuck me
539665  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-04-03
Written: (7051 days ago)

If you wish, you may disguise your hAndwRitiNg.

539642  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-04-02
Written: (7051 days ago)


Why is elftown looking very fucked today?

539372  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-04-02
Written: (7052 days ago)

money cannot buy happiness It can however rent it

time is a great teacher

unfortunatley it sometimes kills its pupils

[You take my breath away]

I was watching the most Retardest programme on tv. Ever. Just made me realise that Television has raised writing on to a NEW LOW

know thyself? Man. If I knew myself i'de run away

Im feeling really bruised today. I dont know why. Its like, everything just hurts and what doesnt hurt just doesnt work.

I like children

properly cooked

uggg. School starts on umm tuesday. Not looking forward to it.

You can lead mally to the school. But you cannot make her think.

You know guys, the truth is not always the same as the majorities decision. majority can just mean all the fools are on the same side.

dont give up

538904  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-04-02
Written: (7052 days ago)


mally: MATT. YOU CAME (he wasnt going to come but he was here so i was happeh)
matt: yah i know, no need to rub it in
phil: no matt, if you rub it in, you'll NEVER get the stain off

izzy: mally. are you a sperm whale?

omg guys it was so much fun.

We watched ten minutes of porn.

SO not worth it

We danced around in underwear.

SO worth it

Listened to britney spears.

So worth it

Wrestled Matt and Phill to the ground until they almost cried.

So definatly worth it.

Taught Phil to dance.

now that was just Funny

Filled vag's top full of sooo much shit.



hatty is awake at like SO EARLY IN THE MORNING...

hatty: the best things happen in the day. the early bird catches the worm


537100  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-03-31
Written: (7054 days ago)


Its 10:59.am.

I just woke up. People coming over in um...half an hour.

i cant be bothered moving.


536493  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-03-30
Written: (7054 days ago)

Now here's a song everybody knows


Even if they hate it.

At first i was Afraid.

I was petrified.

Kept thinking I could never live without you by my side.

But I spent so many nights

thinking how you did me wrong

I grew s t r o n g

I learned how to carry on

and so you're back

from outer s p a c e

I just walked in to find you here

with that sad look upon your face

I should have changed my stupid lock

I should have made you leave your key

If I had known for just one second

you'd be back to bother me

Go on now go walk out the door

just turn around now

'cause you're not welcome anymore

weren't you the one who tried to hurt me with goodbye

you think I'd crumble

you think I'd lay down and die

Oh no, not I

I will survive

as long as i know how to love

I know I will stay alive

I've got all my life to live

I've got all my love to give

and I'll survive

I will survive


 the bohemian Rhapsody
is an incredibly weird song.

But then again so are most of the beautiful things in life.
536486  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-03-30
Written: (7054 days ago)

 people I need to talk to:






[+]Chris (ask chris to talk to scott. blah)


[+]Nick ([just because....no particular reason. I love him? yewp. thats good enough
for me skippy. hehehe])

OKay. how am I going to do This?

536480  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-03-30
Written: (7054 days ago)

May your Smile shine on

Get out
536479  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-03-30
Written: (7054 days ago)

hold on

dont be scared

536078  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-03-30
Written: (7055 days ago)

Feeling kinda italic today.

Went to bed at 4:30 last night.

woke up one an a half hours ago.

1:15 pm.

I feel proud.

its been a productive day.

I think so.


had pancakes for breakfast. Harriet called me so we talked for some time....

Forgot to call vag back last night :O *uh oh*

But i just cant be bothered lol.

ew james asked me to sleep over.

I said:


I dont think so buddy.

Friends coming over tomorow and sleeping!

yay. I really need to tell them details though.

mabe like 50 percent of them know that its at my place tomorow.

the others have no fucking clue.

I should really think about telling them.


<i>...after this song...<

Ew. james is consistantly asking me what im doing every day of the week.

I need more excuses.

ew. help. ew.

YES PHIL IS ONLINE. okay. need to talk to him about tomorow.

hmm okay.

Im so not good at planning shit.

</i> okay enough italicness.

you know I love you really.

But I'm sorry....

Im moving on...


Im carrying this giant bag of shit. And it totally breaks and Falls all over the motherfucking floor. (i feel like swearing okay?),

Anyway. this guys like.

["Are you okay"]

and Im like:

"oh yes im GREAT. im over the bloody moon"



["Would you like some help?"]

Oh no. please just stand there motionless, fixated by my retardness.

once again



life is beautiful
535792  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-03-30
Written: (7055 days ago)

Ok. Just relax. Be calm.

Think of happy thoughts.
Ok, happy, happy, happy, I can sooooo do happy thoughts, what about that large easter egg I saw (ate) yesterday.hmmmm
All that chocolate


Ok, so maybe I did eat it. I didn’t even have a lot of it, just maybe half, and it wasn’t even

that big

And I totally remember resisting the t e m p t a t i o n last night, when there was no other scrap of food available for a quick midnight snack.


I remember. Chewing on that
tasteless celery stick. 
Hmmm healthy.

No, wait, I might have dreamt that.
Yep, dream confirmed,
I mean I wouldn’t have been eating a celery stick when Brad Pitt strutted up to me, followed by a menacingly large easter egg forcing me to
e a t  h i m 


all a figment of my imagination which flashed past me in a matter of minutes, and straight after I went back to sleep.

Or did I?

[(Although, why on earth wouldn’t Brad Pitt want me?) ]

This is kinda worrying now. Not a happy thought at all. Who on earth invented this stupid
happy thought syndrome? 

Peter Pan? Oh yes that shit head who dressed in tights and waltzed around thinking he was a child when all he was was a Michael Jackson in leggings after a dose of
e  c s t a s y

Although no offence to either Michael or Peter who were my childhood heroes.
‘Think happy thoughts to fly’ 
– yeah, right. But I don’t care about flying. Flying can wait.
It really can. 

535786  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-03-30
Written: (7055 days ago)

Please may I have a one way ticket to Nicholas please?
535511  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-03-29
Written: (7055 days ago)

I tripped over the cordless phone

Dont ask me why or how. I just did okay?
 The logged in version 

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